The S3-bucket-sync backups we have for Fedora Discussion are an exception Discourse's normal process, and as part of renewing our hosting contract this year, we've agreed to no longer require them.
The only thing missing from the regular backups is image and other file uploads. I am working on a script which will archive these via the API. In the meantime, the S3 sync is not happening.
Once this is ready, I'll want somewhere to run that (and to store the results). For now, there is no action needed, but be aware that these buckets are no longer updated.
Metadata Update from @phsmoura: - Issue tagged with: aws, low-gain, low-trouble, ops
Metadata Update from @phsmoura: - Issue priority set to: Waiting on Assignee (was: Needs Review)
Out of curiosity, what is the 'regular backups' ?
Metadata Update from @zlopez: - Issue priority set to: Waiting on Reporter (was: Waiting on Assignee)
There is a timed job on the host itself that makes backup archives, and we can get these with the API.
But, yeah.
When I get a chance I will prototype this in Communishift.
[backlog refinement] Any progress on this @mattdm?
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