== Primary Contact Info == Name: Ian Weller Fedora Account Name: ianweller Group: Ambassadors Infrastructure Sponsor: Nigel Jones
== Secondary Contact info == Name: Clint Savage Fedora Account Name: herlo Group: Ambassadors
== Project Info == Project Name: fedora-event-splash Target Audience: Ambassadors using computers at events for the public to use Expiration/Delivery Date (required): Aug 2009
Description/Summary: fedora-event-splash is a splash page system for Fedora Ambassadors to entice the general public at Fedora events about using and joining Fedora. It will consist of a single page containing information about Fedora, how to get and join fedora, and a peek into the Fedora community, including (but not limited to) Fedora Planet blog posts, Flickr images, and Identi.ca (microblogging) messages. Ambassadors running an event will be allowed to use what "modules" they find of interest for that event, and can allow the modules to encompass the Fedora community as a whole, certain groups in FAS, or attendees of that event.
Project plan (Detailed): * Borrow some TurboGears programmers from the rest of Fedora * Write the framework for "modules" that an event owner can use * Write necessary modules (i.e., planet, flickr, microblog, etc.) * Write integration between database, FAS, and views * Test, test, test, test, test * Potentially use FUDConF12 as a pilot (likely paralleled with RH Summit again, lots of booth visitors, etc.)
Goals: * Allow people to learn more about Fedora and its community by opening a web browser at a Fedora booth at an event * Potentially receive more Fedora users and contributors by showing what the Fedora community is like * Have something to show on a projection screen other than a simple Fedora logo
== Specific resources needed == * Fedora Hosted Trac instance and git repository * Public test server for testing the application * Something that will allow the application to run without issues for production * Runs TurboGears * Has some sort of database * The events.fedoraproject.org subdomain * fas-plugin-show installed in FAS
As said on IRC, I'll sponsor this RFR.
Is this still on the ever-growing TODO list? :-) I'm CCing lmacken and johnp on this, since this could be something of interest for moksha/fedora community.
I was thinking (privately) about just coding the still-needed features of this into Fedora Community, once I figure out how to do Statistics 2.0 :) Clint, what do you think?
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