#7 Introduce the packager_bugzilla_sync toddler
Merged 3 years ago by nphilipp. Opened 3 years ago by pingou.

file modified
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ 




+ python-fedora

+ python-bugzilla>=2.4.0

@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@ 

+ from unittest.mock import patch, Mock


+ import pytest


+ import toddlers.plugins.packager_bugzilla_sync



+ class TestPackagerBugzillaSyncToddler:

+     def test_accepts_topic_invalid(self):

+         assert (

+             toddlers.plugins.packager_bugzilla_sync.PackagerBugzillaSync.accepts_topic(

+                 "foo.bar"

+             )

+             is False

+         )


+     @pytest.mark.parametrize(

+         "topic",

+         [

+             "org.fedoraproject.*.toddlers.trigger.packager_bugzilla_sync",

+             "org.fedoraproject.prod.toddlers.trigger.packager_bugzilla_sync",

+             "org.fedoraproject.stg.toddlers.trigger.packager_bugzilla_sync",

+         ],

+     )

+     def test_accepts_topic_valid(self, topic):

+         assert toddlers.plugins.packager_bugzilla_sync.PackagerBugzillaSync.accepts_topic(

+             topic

+         )


+     def test_process_no_email_override(self, capsys):

+         with pytest.raises(KeyError, match=r"'email_overrides_file'"):

+             toddlers.plugins.packager_bugzilla_sync.PackagerBugzillaSync.process(

+                 config={}, message=None, username=False, dry_run=True

+             )


+         out, err = capsys.readouterr()

+         assert out == "Failed to load the file containing the email-overrides\n"

+         assert err == ""


+     def test_process_no_email_override_file(self, capsys):

+         with pytest.raises(

+             FileNotFoundError, match=r"No such file or directory: 'test'"

+         ):

+             toddlers.plugins.packager_bugzilla_sync.PackagerBugzillaSync.process(

+                 config={"email_overrides_file": "test"},

+                 message=None,

+                 username=False,

+                 dry_run=True,

+             )


+         out, err = capsys.readouterr()

+         assert out == "Failed to load the file containing the email-overrides\n"

+         assert err == ""


+     @patch("toddlers.utils.fedora_account.set_fas", new=Mock(return_value=True))

+     @patch("toddlers.utils.bugzilla_system.set_bz", new=Mock(return_value=True))

+     @patch("toddlers.utils.fedora_account.get_group_member")

+     @patch("toddlers.utils.fedora_account.get_bz_email_user")

+     @patch("toddlers.utils.bugzilla_system.get_group_member")

+     @patch("toddlers.utils.bugzilla_system.add_user_to_group")

+     @patch("toml.load")

+     def test_process(

+         self, toml_load, bz_user_grp, get_bz_grp_mbr, get_bz_email, get_fas_grp_mbr

+     ):

+         toml_load.return_value = {}

+         get_fas_grp_mbr.return_value = ["pingou", "nils"]

+         get_bz_email.side_effect = ["pingou@fp.o", "nils@fp.o"]

+         get_bz_grp_mbr.return_value = ["pingou@fp.o", "nphilipp@fp.o"]


+         toddlers.plugins.packager_bugzilla_sync.PackagerBugzillaSync.process(

+             config={"email_overrides_file": "test", "bugzilla_group": "fedora_contrib"},

+             message=None,

+             username=False,

+             dry_run=False,

+         )


+         toml_load.assert_called_with("test")

+         get_fas_grp_mbr.assert_called_with("packager")

+         get_bz_email.assert_called_with("pingou", {})

+         get_bz_grp_mbr.assert_called_with("fedora_contrib")

+         bz_user_grp.assert_called_with(

+             user_email="nils@fp.o",

+             bz_group="fedora_contrib",

+             no_bz_account=[],

+             dry_run=False,

+         )


+     @patch("toddlers.utils.fedora_account.set_fas", new=Mock(return_value=True))

+     @patch("toddlers.utils.bugzilla_system.set_bz", new=Mock(return_value=True))

+     @patch("toddlers.utils.fedora_account.get_bz_email_user")

+     @patch("toddlers.utils.bugzilla_system.get_group_member")

+     @patch("toddlers.utils.bugzilla_system.add_user_to_group")

+     @patch("toml.load")

+     def test_process_username(

+         self, toml_load, bz_user_grp, get_bz_grp_mbr, get_bz_email

+     ):

+         toml_load.return_value = {}

+         get_bz_email.side_effect = ["nils@fp.o"]

+         get_bz_grp_mbr.return_value = ["pingou@fp.o"]


+         toddlers.plugins.packager_bugzilla_sync.PackagerBugzillaSync.process(

+             config={"email_overrides_file": "test", "bugzilla_group": "fedora_contrib"},

+             message=None,

+             username="nils",

+             dry_run=False,

+         )


+         toml_load.assert_called_with("test")

+         get_bz_email.assert_called_with("nils", {})

+         get_bz_grp_mbr.assert_called_with("fedora_contrib")

+         bz_user_grp.assert_called_with(

+             user_email="nils@fp.o",

+             bz_group="fedora_contrib",

+             no_bz_account=[],

+             dry_run=False,

+         )


+     def test_main_no_args(self, capsys):

+         with pytest.raises(SystemExit):

+             toddlers.plugins.packager_bugzilla_sync.main([])

+         out, err = capsys.readouterr()

+         exp = """usage: pytest [-h] [--dry-run] [-q | --debug] conf [username]

+ pytest: error: the following arguments are required: conf

+ """

+         assert out == ""

+         assert err == exp


+     @patch("toml.load", new=Mock(return_value={}))

+     def test_main_debug(self, capsys):

+         with pytest.raises(KeyError, match=r"'email_overrides_file'"):

+             toddlers.plugins.packager_bugzilla_sync.main(["test.cfg", "--debug"])

+         out, err = capsys.readouterr()

+         assert out == "Failed to load the file containing the email-overrides\n"

+         assert err == ""


+     @patch("toml.load", new=Mock(return_value={}))

+     def test_main(self, capsys):

+         with pytest.raises(KeyError, match=r"'email_overrides_file'"):

+             toddlers.plugins.packager_bugzilla_sync.main(["test.cfg"])

+         out, err = capsys.readouterr()

+         assert out == "Failed to load the file containing the email-overrides\n"

+         assert err == ""

@@ -11,4 +11,5 @@ 




+         "packager_bugzilla_sync",


file modified
+6 -1
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ 




+             "packager_bugzilla_sync",



@@ -30,6 +31,7 @@ 




+                 "packager_bugzilla_sync",


          assert caplog.records[-1].message == "Loaded: []"

@@ -39,7 +41,10 @@ 


      def test___init__blockedlist(self, caplog):

          runner = toddlers.runner.RunningToddler()

-         assert sorted([t.name for t in runner.toddlers]) == ["flag_commit_build"]

+         assert sorted([t.name for t in runner.toddlers]) == [

+             "flag_commit_build",

+             "packager_bugzilla_sync",

+         ]


      def test___call__(self, caplog):


@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@ 

+ import logging

+ import xmlrpc.client

+ from unittest.mock import Mock, patch


+ import pytest


+ import toddlers.utils.bugzilla_system



+ class TestBugzillaSystem:

+     def test_set_bz_no_bugzilla_url(self):

+         with pytest.raises(

+             ValueError, match=r"No bugzilla_url found in the configuration file"

+         ):

+             toddlers.utils.bugzilla_system.set_bz({})


+     def test_set_bz_no_bugzilla_username(self):

+         with pytest.raises(

+             ValueError, match=r"No bugzilla_username found in the configuration file"

+         ):

+             config = {

+                 "bugzilla_url": "https:bz.example.com",

+             }

+             toddlers.utils.bugzilla_system.set_bz(config)


+     def test_set_bz_no_bugzilla_password(self):

+         with pytest.raises(

+             ValueError, match=r"No bugzilla_password found in the configuration file"

+         ):

+             config = {

+                 "bugzilla_url": "https:bz.example.com",

+                 "bugzilla_username": "bz_username",

+             }

+             toddlers.utils.bugzilla_system.set_bz(config)


+     @patch("toddlers.utils.bugzilla_system.Bugzilla")

+     def test_set_bz(self, mock_bz):

+         mock_bz.return_value = "bugzilla_object"

+         config = {

+             "bugzilla_url": "https:bz.example.com",

+             "bugzilla_username": "bz_username",

+             "bugzilla_password": "bz_password",

+         }

+         output = toddlers.utils.bugzilla_system.set_bz(config)

+         mock_bz.assert_called_with(

+             url="https:bz.example.com/xmlrpc.cgi",

+             user="bz_username",

+             password="bz_password",

+             cookiefile=None,

+             tokenfile=None,

+         )

+         assert output == "bugzilla_object"


+     @patch("toddlers.utils.bugzilla_system._BUGZILLA", new=None)

+     def test_get_bz_not_set(self):

+         with pytest.raises(

+             ValueError, match=r"No bugzilla connection set, call set_bz first"

+         ):

+             toddlers.utils.bugzilla_system.get_bz()


+     def test_get_bz(self):

+         output = toddlers.utils.bugzilla_system.get_bz()

+         assert output == "bugzilla_object"


+     @patch("toddlers.utils.bugzilla_system.get_bz")

+     def test_get_group_member(self, mock_bz):

+         groups = Mock()

+         groups.member_emails = ["foo@bar.com", "foo@baz.com"]

+         server = Mock()

+         server.getgroup.return_value = groups

+         mock_bz.return_value = server


+         output = toddlers.utils.bugzilla_system.get_group_member("test")

+         mock_bz.assert_called_with()

+         server.getgroup.assert_called_with("test", membership=True)

+         assert output == ["foo@bar.com", "foo@baz.com"]


+     @patch("toddlers.utils.bugzilla_system.get_bz")

+     def test_remove_user_from_group(self, mock_bz):

+         server = Mock()

+         server.updateperms.return_value = True

+         mock_bz.return_value = server


+         toddlers.utils.bugzilla_system.remove_user_from_group(

+             "test@foo.com", "groupname"

+         )

+         mock_bz.assert_called_with()

+         server.updateperms.assert_called_with("test@foo.com", "rem", "groupname")


+     @patch("toddlers.utils.bugzilla_system.get_bz")

+     def test_remove_user_from_group_failed(self, mock_bz):

+         server = Mock()

+         server.updateperms.side_effect = xmlrpc.client.Fault(55, "error string")

+         mock_bz.return_value = server


+         with pytest.raises(xmlrpc.client.Fault, match=r"<Fault 55: 'error string'>"):

+             toddlers.utils.bugzilla_system.remove_user_from_group(

+                 "test@foo.com", "groupname"

+             )

+         mock_bz.assert_called_with()

+         server.updateperms.assert_called_with("test@foo.com", "rem", "groupname")


+     @patch("toddlers.utils.bugzilla_system.get_bz")

+     def test_remove_user_from_group_no_user(self, mock_bz):

+         server = Mock()

+         server.updateperms.side_effect = xmlrpc.client.Fault(51, "No such user")

+         mock_bz.return_value = server


+         toddlers.utils.bugzilla_system.remove_user_from_group(

+             "test@foo.com", "groupname"

+         )

+         mock_bz.assert_called_with()

+         server.updateperms.assert_called_with("test@foo.com", "rem", "groupname")


+     @patch("toddlers.utils.bugzilla_system.get_bz")

+     def test_user_exists(self, mock_bz):

+         server = Mock()

+         server.getuser.return_value = True

+         mock_bz.return_value = server


+         output = toddlers.utils.bugzilla_system.user_exists("test@foo.com")

+         mock_bz.assert_called_with()

+         server.getuser.assert_called_with("test@foo.com")

+         assert output


+     @patch("toddlers.utils.bugzilla_system.get_bz")

+     def test_user_exists_no_user(self, mock_bz):

+         server = Mock()

+         server.getuser.side_effect = xmlrpc.client.Fault(51, "No such user")

+         mock_bz.return_value = server


+         output = toddlers.utils.bugzilla_system.user_exists("test@foo.com")

+         mock_bz.assert_called_with()

+         server.getuser.assert_called_with("test@foo.com")

+         assert output is False


+     @patch("toddlers.utils.bugzilla_system.get_bz")

+     def test_user_exists_failed(self, mock_bz):

+         server = Mock()

+         server.getuser.side_effect = xmlrpc.client.Fault(55, "error string")

+         mock_bz.return_value = server


+         with pytest.raises(xmlrpc.client.Fault, match=r"<Fault 55: 'error string'>"):

+             toddlers.utils.bugzilla_system.user_exists("test@foo.com")

+         mock_bz.assert_called_with()

+         server.getuser.assert_called_with("test@foo.com")


+     @patch("toddlers.utils.bugzilla_system.user_exists", new=Mock(return_value=False))

+     @patch("toddlers.utils.bugzilla_system.get_bz")

+     def test_add_user_to_group_no_user(self, mock_bz):

+         server = Mock()

+         server.updateperms.return_value = True

+         mock_bz.return_value = server


+         output = toddlers.utils.bugzilla_system.add_user_to_group(

+             user_email="test@foo.com",

+             bz_group="groupname",

+             no_bz_account=[],

+             dry_run=False,

+         )

+         mock_bz.assert_called_with()

+         server.updateperms.assert_not_called()

+         assert output == ["test@foo.com"]


+     @patch("toddlers.utils.bugzilla_system.user_exists", new=Mock(return_value=True))

+     @patch("toddlers.utils.bugzilla_system.get_bz")

+     def test_add_user_to_group_dry_run(self, mock_bz, caplog):

+         caplog.set_level(logging.INFO)

+         server = Mock()

+         server.updateperms.return_value = True

+         mock_bz.return_value = server


+         output = toddlers.utils.bugzilla_system.add_user_to_group(

+             user_email="test@foo.com",

+             bz_group="groupname",

+             no_bz_account=[],

+             dry_run=True,

+         )

+         mock_bz.assert_called_with()

+         server.updateperms.assert_not_called()

+         assert output == []

+         assert (

+             caplog.records[-1].message

+             == "   Would add test@foo.com to the group groupname"

+         )


+     @patch("toddlers.utils.bugzilla_system.user_exists", new=Mock(return_value=True))

+     @patch("toddlers.utils.bugzilla_system.get_bz")

+     def test_add_user_to_group(self, mock_bz, caplog):

+         caplog.set_level(logging.INFO)

+         server = Mock()

+         server.updateperms.return_value = True

+         mock_bz.return_value = server


+         output = toddlers.utils.bugzilla_system.add_user_to_group(

+             user_email="test@foo.com",

+             bz_group="groupname",

+             no_bz_account=[],

+             dry_run=False,

+         )

+         mock_bz.assert_called_with()

+         server.updateperms.assert_called_with("test@foo.com", "add", "groupname")

+         assert output == []

@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@ 

+ from unittest.mock import Mock, patch


+ import pytest


+ import toddlers.utils.fedora_account



+ class TestFedoraAccount:

+     def test_set_fas_no_fas_url(self):

+         with pytest.raises(

+             ValueError, match=r"No fas_url found in the configuration file"

+         ):

+             toddlers.utils.fedora_account.set_fas({})


+     def test_set_fas_no_fas_username(self):

+         with pytest.raises(

+             ValueError, match=r"No fas_username found in the configuration file"

+         ):

+             config = {

+                 "fas_url": "https:fas.example.com",

+             }

+             toddlers.utils.fedora_account.set_fas(config)


+     def test_set_fas_no_fas_password(self):

+         with pytest.raises(

+             ValueError, match=r"No fas_password found in the configuration file"

+         ):

+             config = {

+                 "fas_url": "https:fas.example.com",

+                 "fas_username": "fas_user",

+             }

+             toddlers.utils.fedora_account.set_fas(config)


+     @patch("toddlers.utils.fedora_account.AccountSystem")

+     def test_set_fas(self, mock_fas):

+         mock_fas.return_value = "fas_object"

+         config = {

+             "fas_url": "https:fas.example.com",

+             "fas_username": "fas_user",

+             "fas_password": "fas_password",

+         }

+         output = toddlers.utils.fedora_account.set_fas(config)

+         mock_fas.assert_called_with(

+             "https:fas.example.com",

+             username="fas_user",

+             password="fas_password",

+             cache_session=False,

+         )

+         assert output == "fas_object"


+     @patch("toddlers.utils.fedora_account._FAS", new=None)

+     def test_get_fas_not_set(self):

+         with pytest.raises(

+             ValueError, match=r"No FAS connection set, call set_fas first"

+         ):

+             toddlers.utils.fedora_account.get_fas()


+     def test_get_fas(self):

+         output = toddlers.utils.fedora_account.get_fas()

+         assert output == "fas_object"


+     @patch("toddlers.utils.fedora_account.get_fas")

+     def test_get_group_member(self, mock_fas):

+         members = []

+         for name in ["pingou", "ralph", "kevin", "nils"]:

+             member = Mock()

+             member.role_type = "administrator"

+             member.username = name

+             members.append(member)

+         server = Mock()

+         server.group_members.return_value = members

+         mock_fas.return_value = server


+         output = toddlers.utils.fedora_account.get_group_member("sysadmin")

+         assert output == {"kevin", "nils", "pingou", "ralph"}


+     @patch("toddlers.utils.fedora_account.get_fas")

+     def test_get_group_member_empty(self, mock_fas):

+         members = []

+         server = Mock()

+         server.group_members.return_value = members

+         mock_fas.return_value = server


+         output = toddlers.utils.fedora_account.get_group_member("sysadmin")

+         assert output == set()


+     @patch("toddlers.utils.fedora_account.get_fas")

+     def test_get_bz_email_user_no_bugzilla_email(self, mock_fas):

+         server = Mock()

+         server.person_by_username.return_value = {}

+         mock_fas.return_value = server


+         output = toddlers.utils.fedora_account.get_bz_email_user("pingou", {})

+         assert output is None


+     @patch("toddlers.utils.fedora_account.get_fas")

+     def test_get_bz_email_user(self, mock_fas):

+         server = Mock()

+         server.person_by_username.return_value = {"bugzilla_email": "foo@bar.com"}

+         mock_fas.return_value = server


+         output = toddlers.utils.fedora_account.get_bz_email_user("pingou", {})

+         assert output == "foo@bar.com"


+     @patch("toddlers.utils.fedora_account.get_fas")

+     def test_get_bz_email_user_overriden(self, mock_fas):

+         server = Mock()

+         server.person_by_username.return_value = {"bugzilla_email": "foo@bar.com"}

+         mock_fas.return_value = server


+         output = toddlers.utils.fedora_account.get_bz_email_user(

+             "pingou", {"foo@bar.com": "foo@baz.com"}

+         )

+         assert output == "foo@baz.com"


+     @patch("toddlers.utils.fedora_account.get_fas")

+     def test_get_bz_email_group_no_bugzilla_email(self, mock_fas):

+         server = Mock()

+         server.group_by_name.return_value = {}

+         mock_fas.return_value = server


+         output = toddlers.utils.fedora_account.get_bz_email_group("toddlers-sig", {})

+         assert output is None


+     @patch("toddlers.utils.fedora_account.get_fas")

+     def test_get_bz_email_group(self, mock_fas):

+         server = Mock()

+         server.group_by_name.return_value = {"mailing_list": "foo@lists.bar.com"}

+         mock_fas.return_value = server


+         output = toddlers.utils.fedora_account.get_bz_email_group("toddlers-sig", {})

+         assert output == "foo@lists.bar.com"


+     @patch("toddlers.utils.fedora_account.get_fas")

+     def test_get_bz_email_group_overriden(self, mock_fas):

+         server = Mock()

+         server.group_by_name.return_value = {"mailing_list": "foo@lists.bar.com"}

+         mock_fas.return_value = server


+         output = toddlers.utils.fedora_account.get_bz_email_group(

+             "toddlers-sig", {"foo@lists.bar.com": "foo@baz.com"}

+         )

+         assert output == "foo@baz.com"

@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@ 

+ from unittest.mock import Mock, patch


+ import toddlers.utils.notify



+ class TestNotify:

+     @patch("toddlers.utils.notify.smtplib")

+     def test_notify_packager(self, mock_smtp):

+         smtp_server = Mock()

+         mock_smtp.SMTP.return_value = smtp_server


+         msg = """To: pingou@email

+ From: admin@server

+ Subject: Fedora Account System and Bugzilla Mismatch


+ Hello pingou,


+ We have identified you[1] as either a Fedora packager or someone who has asked to

+ be included in the CC list of tickets created for one or more component on

+ bugzilla. Fedora packagers are granted special permissions on the Fedora bugs in

+ bugzilla.

+ However, to enable these functionalities (granting you these permissions or

+ including you to the CC list of your packages of interest), we need to have your

+ bugzilla email address stored in the Fedora Account System[2].

+ At the moment you have:


+ pingou@email


+ which bugzilla is telling us is not an account in bugzilla.  If you could

+ please set up an account in bugzilla with this address or change your email

+ address on your Fedora Account to match an existing bugzilla account this would

+ let us go forward.


+ Note: this message is being generated by an automated script.  You'll continue

+ getting this message until the problem is resolved.  Sorry for the

+ inconvenience.


+ Thank you,

+ The Fedora Account System

+ admin@server



+ [1] the source of this information is the following JSON file:

+     https://src.fedoraproject.org/extras/pagure_bz.json

+     We are happy to tell you exactly which packages are linked to your account

+     if you wish.

+ [2] https://admin.fedoraproject.org/accounts

+ """


+         toddlers.utils.notify.notify_packager(

+             mail_server="server.mail",

+             admin_email="admin@server",

+             username="pingou",

+             email="pingou@email",

+         )

+         mock_smtp.SMTP.assert_called_with("server.mail")

+         smtp_server.sendmail.assert_called_with("admin@server", ["pingou@email"], msg)


+     @patch("toddlers.utils.notify.smtplib")

+     def test_notify_admins(self, mock_smtp):

+         users = []

+         for name, email in [

+             ("pingou", "pingou@mail"),

+             ("nils", "nils@mail"),

+             ("trasher", "trasher@mail"),

+         ]:

+             user = Mock()

+             if name == "trasher":

+                 user.person.status = "Inactive"

+             else:

+                 user.person.status = "Active"

+             user.person.username = name

+             user.person.human_name = name

+             user.email = email

+             users.append(user)


+         smtp_server = Mock()

+         mock_smtp.SMTP.return_value = smtp_server


+         msg = """To: info_admin@server

+ From: admin@server

+ Subject: Fedora Account System and Bugzilla Mismatch



+ The following people are in the packager group but do not have email addresses

+ that are valid in bugzilla:

+   pingou  --  pingou  --  pingou@mail

+   nils  --  nils  --  nils@mail


+ """


+         toddlers.utils.notify.notify_admins(

+             mail_server="server.mail",

+             admin_email="admin@server",

+             recipients=["info_admin@server"],

+             users=users,

+         )

+         mock_smtp.SMTP.assert_called_with("server.mail")

+         smtp_server.sendmail.assert_called_with(

+             "admin@server", ["info_admin@server"], msg

+         )

@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@ 

+ """

+ This script takes as input the fedmsg messages published under the topic

+ ``toddlers.trigger.packager_bugzilla_sync`` and runs a sync of all packagers

+ found in FAS to bugzilla so that they can do thins like editing flags on Fedora

+ tickets.


+ Authors:    Pierre-Yves Chibon <pingou@pingoured.fr>


+ """


+ import argparse

+ import logging

+ import sys


+ import requests

+ import toml

+ from requests.packages.urllib3.util import retry


+ try:

+     import tqdm

+ except ImportError:

+     tqdm = None


+ from toddlers.base import ToddlerBase

+ import toddlers.utils.fedora_account

+ import toddlers.utils.bugzilla_system


+ _log = logging.getLogger(__name__)


+ timeout = (30, 30)

+ retries = 3

+ requests_session = requests.Session()

+ retry_conf = retry.Retry(total=retries, connect=retries, read=retries, backoff_factor=1)

+ retry_conf.BACKOFF_MAX = 5

+ requests_session.mount("http://", requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retry_conf))

+ requests_session.mount(

+     "https://", requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retry_conf)

+ )



+ class PackagerBugzillaSync(ToddlerBase):

+     """ Listens to messages sent by playtime (which lives in toddlers) to sync

+     all the packagers found in FAS to bugzilla.

+     """


+     name = "packager_bugzilla_sync"


+     amqp_topics = [

+         "org.fedoraproject.*.toddlers.trigger.packager_bugzilla_sync",

+     ]


+     def accepts_topic(topic):

+         """Returns a boolean whether this toddler is interested in messages

+         from this specific topic.

+         """

+         return topic.startswith("org.fedoraproject.") and topic.endswith(

+             "toddlers.trigger.packager_bugzilla_sync"

+         )


+     def process(config, message, username=False, dry_run=False):

+         """Process a given message."""


+         try:

+             email_overrides = toml.load(config["email_overrides_file"])

+         except Exception:

+             print("Failed to load the file containing the email-overrides")

+             raise


+         _log.info("Setting up connection to FAS")

+         toddlers.utils.fedora_account.set_fas(config)


+         if not username:

+             # Retrieve all the packagers in FAS:

+             _log.info("Retrieving the list of packagers in FAS")

+             fas_packagers = sorted(

+                 toddlers.utils.fedora_account.get_group_member("packager")

+             )

+         else:

+             fas_packagers = [username]


+         n_packagers = len(fas_packagers)

+         _log.info(f"{n_packagers} packagers found in FAS")

+         fas_packagers_info = {}

+         _log.info("Retrieving the bugzilla email for each packager")


+         # If the import fails, no progress bar

+         # At DEBUG or below, we're showing things at each iteration so the progress

+         # bar doesn't look good.

+         # At WARNING or above, we do not want to show anything.

+         if (

+             tqdm is not None and _log.getEffectiveLevel() == logging.INFO

+         ):  # pragma no cover

+             fas_packagers = tqdm.tqdm(fas_packagers)


+         for idx, username in enumerate(fas_packagers):

+             _log.debug(

+                 f"   Retrieving bz email of user {username}: {idx}/{n_packagers}"

+             )

+             bz_email = toddlers.utils.fedora_account.get_bz_email_user(

+                 username, email_overrides

+             )

+             fas_packagers_info[bz_email] = username


+         _log.info("Setting up connection to bugzilla")

+         toddlers.utils.bugzilla_system.set_bz(config)


+         # Retrieve all the packagers in bugzilla

+         _log.info("Retrieving the list of packagers in bugzilla")

+         bz_packagers = toddlers.utils.bugzilla_system.get_group_member(

+             config["bugzilla_group"]

+         )

+         n_bz_packagers = len(bz_packagers)

+         _log.info(

+             f"{n_bz_packagers} members of {config['bugzilla_group']} found in bugzilla"

+         )


+         fas_set = set(fas_packagers_info)

+         bz_set = set(bz_packagers)


+         overlap = len(fas_set.intersection(bz_set))

+         fas_only = fas_set - bz_set

+         bz_only = bz_set - fas_set


+         _log.info(f"{overlap} packagers found in both places")

+         _log.info(f"{len(fas_only)} packagers found only in FAS (to be added)")

+         _log.info(f"{len(bz_only)} packagers found only in BZ (to be removed)")


+         # Store a list of user with no bugzilla account

+         no_bz_account = []

+         # Add the packagers found only in FAS to the bugzilla group

+         _log.info(f"Adding to {config['bugzilla_group']} the packagers found in FAS")

+         for user_email in sorted(fas_only):

+             no_bz_account = toddlers.utils.bugzilla_system.add_user_to_group(

+                 user_email=user_email,

+                 bz_group=config["bugzilla_group"],

+                 no_bz_account=no_bz_account,

+                 dry_run=dry_run,

+             )


+         _log.info(f"{len(no_bz_account)} emails had no corresponding bugzilla account")



+ # We have had the situation in the past where we've had to check a specific

+ # account, so the following code allows to run this script stand-alone if

+ # needed.



+ def get_arguments(args):

+     """ Load and parse the CLI arguments."""

+     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(

+         description="Sync packagers access from FAS to bugzilla"

+     )

+     parser.add_argument(

+         "conf", help="Configuration file",

+     )

+     parser.add_argument(

+         "--dry-run",

+         action="store_true",

+         dest="dry_run",

+         default=False,

+         help="Do not change anything on bugzilla",

+     )


+     parser.add_argument(

+         "username",

+         default=None,

+         nargs="?",

+         help="Process a specific user instead of all the packagers",

+     )


+     log_level_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()

+     log_level_group.add_argument(

+         "-q",

+         "--quiet",

+         action="store_const",

+         dest="log_level",

+         const=logging.WARNING,

+         default=logging.INFO,

+         help="Be less talkative",

+     )

+     log_level_group.add_argument(

+         "--debug",

+         action="store_const",

+         dest="log_level",

+         const=logging.DEBUG,

+         help="Enable debugging output",

+     )


+     return parser.parse_args(args)



+ def setup_logging(log_level: int):

+     handlers = []


+     _log.setLevel(log_level)

+     # We want all messages logged at level INFO or lower to be printed to stdout

+     info_handler = logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stdout)

+     handlers.append(info_handler)


+     if log_level == logging.INFO:

+         # In normal operation, don't decorate messages

+         for handler in handlers:

+             handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter("%(message)s"))


+     logging.basicConfig(level=log_level, handlers=handlers)



+ def main(args):

+     """ Schedule the first test and run the scheduler. """

+     args = get_arguments(args)

+     setup_logging(log_level=args.log_level)


+     config = toml.load(args.conf)

+     PackagerBugzillaSync.process(

+         config=config.get("consumer_config", {}).get("packager_bugzilla_sync", {}),

+         message={},

+         username=args.username,

+         dry_run=args.dry_run,

+     )



+ if __name__ == "__main__":  # pragma: no cover

+     try:

+         main(sys.argv[1:])

+     except KeyboardInterrupt:

+         pass

empty or binary file added
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@ 

+ import logging

+ import xmlrpc.client


+ from typing import Mapping


+ from bugzilla import Bugzilla



+ _log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

+ # Have a global connection to _BUGZILLA open.

+ _BUGZILLA = None



+ def set_bz(conf: Mapping[str, str]) -> Bugzilla:

+     """ Set the connection bugzilla.

+     """

+     global _BUGZILLA


+     # Get a connection to bugzilla

+     bz_server = conf.get("bugzilla_url")

+     if not bz_server:

+         raise ValueError("No bugzilla_url found in the configuration file")


+     bz_url = bz_server + "/xmlrpc.cgi"


+     bz_user = conf.get("bugzilla_username")

+     if not bz_user:

+         raise ValueError("No bugzilla_username found in the configuration file")


+     bz_pass = conf.get("bugzilla_password")

+     if not bz_pass:

+         raise ValueError("No bugzilla_password found in the configuration file")


+     _BUGZILLA = Bugzilla(

+         url=bz_url, user=bz_user, password=bz_pass, cookiefile=None, tokenfile=None

+     )

+     return _BUGZILLA



+ def get_bz() -> Bugzilla:

+     """Retrieve a connection to bugzilla


+     :raises xmlrpclib.ProtocolError: If we're unable to contact bugzilla

+     """

+     if _BUGZILLA is None:

+         raise ValueError("No bugzilla connection set, call set_bz first")


+     return _BUGZILLA



+ def get_group_member(group_name: str) -> list:

+     """ Return a list containing the name the members of the given group.


+     :arg group_name: The group name used in bugzilla.

+     :raises XMLRPC Fault: Code 51 if the name does not exist

+     :raises XMLRPC Fault: Code 805 if the user does not have enough

+         permissions to view groups

+     """


+     server = get_bz()


+     group = server.getgroup(group_name, membership=True)


+     return group.member_emails



+ def remove_user_from_group(user_email: str, bz_group: str):

+     """ Remove the specified user from the specified group. """


+     server = get_bz()


+     # Remove the user's bugzilla group

+     try:

+         server.updateperms(user_email, "rem", bz_group)

+     except xmlrpc.client.Fault as e:

+         if e.faultCode == 51:

+             # It's okay, not having this user is equivalent to setting

+             # them to not have this group.

+             pass

+         else:

+             raise



+ def user_exists(user_email: str,):

+     """ Returns a boolean specifying if the given user exists in bugzilla or not. """


+     server = get_bz()


+     # Make sure the user exists

+     try:

+         server.getuser(user_email)

+         output = True

+         # print(user.userid, user.name, user.email, user.groupnames)

+     except xmlrpc.client.Fault as e:

+         if e.faultCode == 51:

+             output = False

+         else:

+             raise

+     return output



+ def add_user_to_group(

+     user_email: str, bz_group: str, no_bz_account: list, dry_run: bool = False

+ ):

+     """ Add the specified user to the specified group. """


+     server = get_bz()


+     # Make sure the user exists

+     if not user_exists(user_email):

+         # This user doesn't have a bugzilla account yet

+         # add them to a list and we'll let them know.

+         no_bz_account.append(user_email)

+         return no_bz_account


+     if not dry_run:

+         # Add the user to the group

+         print(server.updateperms(user_email, "add", bz_group))

+     else:

+         _log.info("   Would add %s to the group %s", user_email, bz_group)


+     return no_bz_account

@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ 

+ from typing import Any

+ from typing import Mapping


+ from fedora.client.fas2 import AccountSystem



+ # Have a global connection to FAS open.

+ _FAS = None



+ def set_fas(conf: Mapping[str, str]) -> AccountSystem:

+     """ Set the connection to the Fedora Account System.

+     """

+     global _FAS


+     # Get a connection to FAS

+     fas_url = conf.get("fas_url")

+     if not fas_url:

+         raise ValueError("No fas_url found in the configuration file")


+     fas_user = conf.get("fas_username")

+     if not fas_user:

+         raise ValueError("No fas_username found in the configuration file")


+     fas_pass = conf.get("fas_password")

+     if not fas_pass:

+         raise ValueError("No fas_password found in the configuration file")


+     _FAS = AccountSystem(

+         fas_url, username=fas_user, password=fas_pass, cache_session=False

+     )


+     return _FAS



+ def get_fas() -> AccountSystem:

+     """ Retrieve a connection to the Fedora Account System.

+     """

+     global _FAS

+     if _FAS is None:

+         raise ValueError("No FAS connection set, call set_fas first")


+     return _FAS



+ def __get_fas_grp_member(group: str = "packager") -> Mapping[str, Mapping[str, Any]]:

+     """ Retrieve from FAS the list of users in the packager group.

+     """

+     fas = get_fas()


+     return fas.group_members(group)



+ def get_group_member(group_name: str) -> set:

+     """ Return a list containing the name the members of the given group. """

+     output = set()

+     for user in __get_fas_grp_member(group_name):

+         if user.role_type in ("user", "sponsor", "administrator"):

+             output.add(user.username)

+     return output



+ def get_bz_email_user(username, email_overrides):

+     """ Retrieve the bugzilla email associated to the provided username.

+     """

+     fas = get_fas()


+     user_info = fas.person_by_username(username)

+     bz_email = user_info.get("bugzilla_email", None)

+     if bz_email is None:

+         return


+     bz_email = bz_email.lower()

+     bz_email = email_overrides.get(bz_email, bz_email)

+     return bz_email



+ def get_bz_email_group(groupname, email_overrides):

+     """ Retrieve the bugzilla email associated to the provided group name.

+     """

+     fas = get_fas()


+     group = fas.group_by_name(groupname)

+     bz_email = group.get("mailing_list")

+     if bz_email is None:

+         return


+     bz_email = bz_email.lower()

+     bz_email = email_overrides.get(bz_email, bz_email)

+     return bz_email

@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ 

+ import smtplib

+ from email.message import EmailMessage



+ def notify_packager(mail_server, admin_email, username, email):


+     msg = EmailMessage()

+     message = f"""Hello {username},


+ We have identified you[1] as either a Fedora packager or someone who has asked to

+ be included in the CC list of tickets created for one or more component on

+ bugzilla. Fedora packagers are granted special permissions on the Fedora bugs in

+ bugzilla.

+ However, to enable these functionalities (granting you these permissions or

+ including you to the CC list of your packages of interest), we need to have your

+ bugzilla email address stored in the Fedora Account System[2].

+ At the moment you have:


+ {email}


+ which bugzilla is telling us is not an account in bugzilla.  If you could

+ please set up an account in bugzilla with this address or change your email

+ address on your Fedora Account to match an existing bugzilla account this would

+ let us go forward.


+ Note: this message is being generated by an automated script.  You'll continue

+ getting this message until the problem is resolved.  Sorry for the

+ inconvenience.


+ Thank you,

+ The Fedora Account System

+ {admin_email}



+ [1] the source of this information is the following JSON file:

+     https://src.fedoraproject.org/extras/pagure_bz.json

+     We are happy to tell you exactly which packages are linked to your account

+     if you wish.

+ [2] https://admin.fedoraproject.org/accounts

+ """


+     msg.add_header("To", email)

+     msg.add_header("From", admin_email)

+     msg.add_header("Subject", "Fedora Account System and Bugzilla Mismatch")

+     msg.set_payload(message)

+     smtp = smtplib.SMTP(mail_server)

+     smtp.sendmail(admin_email, [email], msg.as_string())

+     smtp.quit()



+ def notify_admins(mail_server, admin_email, recipients, users):


+     msg = EmailMessage()

+     people = []

+     for person in users:

+         if person.person.status == "Active":

+             people.append(

+                 "  %(user)s  --  %(name)s  --  %(email)s"

+                 % {

+                     "name": person.person.human_name,

+                     "email": person.email,

+                     "user": person.person.username,

+                 }

+             )

+     if people:

+         people = "\n".join(people)

+         message = (

+             """

+ The following people are in the packager group but do not have email addresses

+ that are valid in bugzilla:

+ %s


+ """

+             % people

+         )


+     msg.add_header("To", ", ".join(recipients))

+     msg.add_header("From", admin_email)

+     msg.add_header("Subject", "Fedora Account System and Bugzilla Mismatch")

+     msg.set_payload(message)

+     smtp = smtplib.SMTP(mail_server)

+     smtp.sendmail(admin_email, recipients, msg.as_string())

+     smtp.quit()

This toddler is meant to be triggered by playtime at regular intervals
and will sync the packager accounts to bugzilla so they can edit flags
on Fedora bugs (for example).

Signed-off-by: Pierre-Yves Chibon pingou@pingoured.fr

This isn't ready to be merged (I want to add some unit-tests) but it'll allow us to check the CI integration.

I think with toddlers we can do away with the progress meter code.

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3 years ago

Build succeeded.

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This is ready for review now (tests have been added :))

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3 years ago

Build succeeded.

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Pull-Request has been merged by nphilipp

3 years ago