#55 Add a way to manually import a compose using the JSON sent on the bus
Merged 3 years ago by pingou. Opened 3 years ago by pingou.

file modified
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ 

+ import json

+ import os

  import sys

  from unittest.mock import MagicMock

@@ -29,3 +31,31 @@ 


      toddler_obj = toddler_cls()

      return toddler_obj



+ @pytest.fixture

+ def msg_file(request, monkeypatch):

+     """Fixture creating a msg.json file containing the data sent by pungi upon

+     successful compose.


+     """

+     data = {

+         "status": "FINISHED",

+         "release_type": "ga",

+         "compose_label": "RC-1.2",

+         "compose_respin": 0,

+         "compose_date": "20201019",

+         "release_short": "Fedora",

+         "release_version": "33",

+         "location": "https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/compose/33/Fedora-33-20201019.0/compose",

+         "compose_type": "production",

+         "release_is_layered": False,

+         "release_name": "Fedora",

+         "compose_path": "/mnt/koji/compose/33/Fedora-33-20201019.0",

+         "compose_id": "Fedora-33-20201019.0",

+     }

+     here = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))

+     msg_file = os.path.join(here, "msg.json")

+     with open(msg_file, "w") as stream:

+         json.dump(data, stream)

+     return msg_file

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ 

  import logging

- from unittest.mock import call, MagicMock, Mock, patch

+ from unittest.mock import ANY, call, MagicMock, Mock, patch


  import beanbag.bbexcept

  import fedora_messaging.api
@@ -929,3 +929,91 @@ 

          pdc["releases"]._.assert_called_once_with({"foo": "bar", "active": True})

          assert caplog.records[-2].message.startswith("Failed to create the release")

          assert caplog.records[-1].message.startswith("html content")



+ class TestPDCImportComposeToddlerCLI:


+     toddler_cls = toddlers.plugins.pdc_import_compose.PDCImportCompose


+     def test_main_no_args(self, capsys):

+         with pytest.raises(SystemExit):

+             toddlers.plugins.pdc_import_compose.main([])


+         out, err = capsys.readouterr()

+         assert out == ""

+         # Expecting something along these lines, but don't make the test too tight:

+         #

+         # usage: pytest [-h] [--dry-run] [-q | --debug] conf [username]

+         # pytest: error: the following arguments are required: conf

+         assert err.startswith("usage:")

+         assert "error: the following arguments are required:" in err


+     @patch(

+         "toddlers.plugins.pdc_import_compose.PDCImportCompose._process_single_compose"

+     )

+     @patch("toddlers.plugins.pdc_import_compose.pdc_client_for_config")

+     @patch("toml.load", new=Mock(return_value={}))

+     def test_main_debug(self, pdc, process_dg, msg_file, capsys):

+         client = Mock()

+         pdc.return_value = client


+         msg = fedora_messaging.api.Message()

+         msg.id = ANY

+         msg.topic = "toddlers.cli.pungi.compose.status.change"

+         msg.body = {

+             "status": "FINISHED",

+             "release_type": "ga",

+             "compose_label": "RC-1.2",

+             "compose_respin": 0,

+             "compose_date": "20201019",

+             "release_short": "Fedora",

+             "release_version": "33",

+             "location": "https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/compose/33/"

+             "Fedora-33-20201019.0/compose",

+             "compose_type": "production",

+             "release_is_layered": False,

+             "release_name": "Fedora",

+             "compose_path": "/mnt/koji/compose/33/Fedora-33-20201019.0",

+             "compose_id": "Fedora-33-20201019.0",

+         }


+         toddlers.plugins.pdc_import_compose.main(["test.cfg", "--debug", msg_file])

+         process_dg.assert_called_once_with({}, client, msg)

+         out, err = capsys.readouterr()

+         assert out == ""

+         assert err == ""


+     @patch(

+         "toddlers.plugins.pdc_import_compose.PDCImportCompose._process_single_compose"

+     )

+     @patch("toddlers.plugins.pdc_import_compose.pdc_client_for_config")

+     @patch("toml.load", new=Mock(return_value={}))

+     def test_main(self, pdc, process_dg, msg_file, capsys):

+         client = Mock()

+         pdc.return_value = client


+         msg = fedora_messaging.api.Message()

+         msg.id = ANY

+         msg.topic = "toddlers.cli.pungi.compose.status.change"

+         msg.body = {

+             "status": "FINISHED",

+             "release_type": "ga",

+             "compose_label": "RC-1.2",

+             "compose_respin": 0,

+             "compose_date": "20201019",

+             "release_short": "Fedora",

+             "release_version": "33",

+             "location": "https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/compose/33/"

+             "Fedora-33-20201019.0/compose",

+             "compose_type": "production",

+             "release_is_layered": False,

+             "release_name": "Fedora",

+             "compose_path": "/mnt/koji/compose/33/Fedora-33-20201019.0",

+             "compose_id": "Fedora-33-20201019.0",

+         }


+         toddlers.plugins.pdc_import_compose.main(["test.cfg", msg_file])

+         process_dg.assert_called_once_with({}, client, msg)

+         out, err = capsys.readouterr()

+         assert out == ""

+         assert err == ""

@@ -8,10 +8,15 @@ 




+ import argparse

+ import json

  import logging

+ import sys


  import beanbag.bbexcept

  import bs4

+ import fedora_messaging.api

+ import toml


  from ..base import ToddlerBase

  from ..utils.pdc import pdc_client_for_config
@@ -184,7 +189,9 @@ 



          except beanbag.bbexcept.BeanBagException as e:

-             _log.exception("Failed to import compose-images (BeenBagException): %s", url)

+             _log.exception(

+                 "Failed to import compose-images (BeenBagException): %s", url

+             )



@@ -201,7 +208,9 @@ 



              except beanbag.bbexcept.BeanBagException as e:

-                 _log.exception("Failed to import compose-images (BeenBagException): %s", url)

+                 _log.exception(

+                     "Failed to import compose-images (BeenBagException): %s", url

+                 )



@@ -310,3 +319,85 @@ 






+ # We have had the situation in the past where we've had to check a specific

+ # account, so the following code allows to run this script stand-alone if

+ # needed.



+ def setup_logging(log_level: int):

+     handlers = []


+     _log.setLevel(log_level)

+     # We want all messages logged at level INFO or lower to be printed to stdout

+     info_handler = logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stdout)

+     handlers.append(info_handler)


+     if log_level == logging.INFO:

+         # In normal operation, don't decorate messages

+         for handler in handlers:

+             handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter("%(message)s"))


+     logging.basicConfig(level=log_level, handlers=handlers)



+ def get_arguments(args):

+     """ Load and parse the CLI arguments."""

+     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(

+         description="Manually import a compose into PDC via a file storing the "

+         "JSON body of the message about the successful compose"

+     )

+     parser.add_argument(

+         "conf",

+         help="Configuration file",

+     )

+     parser.add_argument(

+         "json_message",

+         help="A text file with the body of the message to process in JSON",

+     )


+     log_level_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()

+     log_level_group.add_argument(

+         "-q",

+         "--quiet",

+         action="store_const",

+         dest="log_level",

+         const=logging.WARNING,

+         default=logging.INFO,

+         help="Be less talkative",

+     )

+     log_level_group.add_argument(

+         "--debug",

+         action="store_const",

+         dest="log_level",

+         const=logging.DEBUG,

+         help="Enable debugging output",

+     )


+     return parser.parse_args(args)



+ def main(args):

+     """ Schedule the first test and run the scheduler. """

+     args = get_arguments(args)

+     setup_logging(log_level=args.log_level)


+     config = toml.load(args.conf)


+     with open(args.json_message) as stream:

+         message = fedora_messaging.api.Message(

+             body=json.load(stream), topic="toddlers.cli.pungi.compose.status.change"

+         )


+     PDCImportCompose().process(

+         config=config.get("consumer_config", {}).get("pdc_import_compose", {}),

+         message=message,

+     )



+ if __name__ == "__main__":  # pragma: no cover

+     try:

+         main(sys.argv[1:])

+     except KeyboardInterrupt:

+         pass

no initial comment

Build failed.

  • tox : FAILURE in 6m 34s

rebased onto b7224b4

3 years ago

Build succeeded.

  • tox : SUCCESS in 7m 00s

Pull-Request has been merged by pingou

3 years ago