#245 koji_block_retired: Add kerberos authentication for koji
Closed 2 months ago by lenkaseg. Opened 2 months ago by lenkaseg.
fedora-infra/ lenkaseg/toddlers koji_retired_packages  into  production

file added
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ 



+ APP_SCRIPT=.s2i/run.sh

file added
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ 

+ #!/bin/sh


+ exec fedora-messaging consume

file modified
@@ -11,12 +11,29 @@ 

                  - libmodulemd

                  - python3.12

                  - python3.12-devel

+                 - poetry

          - fi-tox-format:


                tox_envlist: black

+               dependencies:

+                 - cairo-devel

+                 - cairo-gobject-devel

+                 - gobject-introspection-devel

+                 - libmodulemd

+                 - python3.12

+                 - python3.12-devel

+                 - poetry

          - fi-tox-lint:


                tox_envlist: flake8

+               dependencies:

+                 - cairo-devel

+                 - cairo-gobject-devel

+                 - gobject-introspection-devel

+                 - libmodulemd

+                 - python3.12

+                 - python3.12-devel

+                 - poetry

          - fi-tox-python39:


@@ -24,6 +41,7 @@ 

                  - cairo-gobject-devel

                  - gobject-introspection-devel

                  - libmodulemd

+                 - poetry

          - fi-tox-python310:


@@ -37,6 +55,7 @@ 

                  - python3-pluggy

                  - python3-py

                  - python3-toml

+                 - poetry

          - fi-tox-python311:


@@ -49,6 +68,7 @@ 

                  - python3-pluggy

                  - python3-py

                  - python3-toml

+                 - poetry

          - fi-tox-python312:


@@ -62,4 +82,5 @@ 

                  - python3-pluggy

                  - python3-py

                  - python3-toml

+                 - poetry


file modified
+1 -1
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ 



  COPY . /code

- RUN cd /code && pip install -r requirements.txt

+ RUN cd /code && pip install .

  #ENTRYPOINT ["/code/entrypoint.sh"]


  CMD ["fedora-messaging", "consume"]

file added
The added file is too large to be shown here, see it at: poetry.lock
file added
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ 

+ [tool.poetry]

+ name = "toddlers"

+ version = "0.1.0"

+ description = "Small fedora-messaging toddlers that keep running around"

+ authors = ["Pierre-Yves Chibon <pingou@pingoured.fr>"]

+ license = "GPL-2.0-or-later"

+ readme = "README.rst"


+ [tool.poetry.dependencies]

+ python = "^3.9"

+ arrow = "^1.3.0"

+ beanbag = "^1.9.2"

+ bs4 = "^0.0.2"

+ defusedxml = "^0.7.1"

+ fasjson-client = "^1.0.8"

+ fedora-messaging = "^3.6.0"

+ fedora-messaging-git-hook-messages = "^1.0.1"

+ gitpython = "^3.1.43"

+ koji = "^1.34.2"

+ requests = "^2.32.3"

+ noggin-messages = "^1.1.0"

+ pagure-messages = "^1.2.0"

+ pygobject = "^3.48.2"

+ python-fedora = "^1.1.1"

+ python-bugzilla = ">=3.2.0"

+ pdc-client = "^1.8.0"

+ zstandard = "^0.23.0"



+ [tool.poetry.group.dev.dependencies]

+ pytest = "^8.2.2"

+ pytest-cov = "^5.0.0"

+ types-requests = "^"

+ types-toml = "^"

+ mypy = "^1.10.1"

+ flake8 = "^7.1.0"

+ flake8-import-order = "^0.18.2"

+ black = ">=24.4.2"

+ diff-cover = "^9.1.1"


+ [tool.poetry.scripts]

+ toddlers-playtime = "toddlers.playtime:main"


+ [build-system]

+ requires = ["poetry-core"]

+ build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"

file removed
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ 

- arrow

- beanbag

- bs4

- defusedxml

- fasjson-client

- fedora-messaging

- fedora-messaging-git-hook-messages

- GitPython

- koji

- requests

- noggin-messages

- pagure-messages

- pyGObject

- python-fedora

- python-bugzilla>=3.2.0

- pdc-client

- zstandard

file removed
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ 

- pytest

- pytest-cov


- # Typing libraries

- types-requests

- types-toml

@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ 



  import logging

- from unittest.mock import MagicMock

+ from unittest.mock import MagicMock, patch


  import koji

  import pytest
@@ -71,6 +71,8 @@ 

          """Initialize toddler."""

          self.toddler_cls = koji_block_retired.KojiBlockRetired()

          self.toddler_cls.koji_session = MagicMock()

+         self.toddler_cls.get_rawhide_tag = MagicMock()

+         self.toddler_cls.get_rawhide_tag.return_value = "f41"


      def test_no_dead_package_file(self, caplog):

@@ -80,7 +82,11 @@ 

          message = MagicMock()

          message.body = {"commit": {"stats": {"files": {}}}}

          config = MagicMock()

-         config = {"koji_url": "https://example.koji.org"}

+         config = {

+             "koji_url": "https://example.koji.org",

+             "principal": "principal",

+             "keytab": "keytab",

+         }

          self.toddler_cls.process_block_retired(config, message)

          assert caplog.records[-1].message == "No dead.package in the commit, bailing"

@@ -96,7 +102,11 @@ 



          config = MagicMock()

-         config = {"koji_url": "https://example.koji.org"}

+         config = {

+             "koji_url": "https://example.koji.org",

+             "principal": "principal",

+             "keytab": "keytab",

+         }

          self.toddler_cls.process_block_retired(config, message)

          assert caplog.records[-1].message == "dead.package file was not added, bailing"

@@ -116,8 +126,15 @@ 



          config = MagicMock()

-         config = {"koji_url": "https://example.koji.org"}

-         self.toddler_cls.process_block_retired(config, message)

+         config = {

+             "koji_url": "https://example.koji.org",

+             "principal": "principal",

+             "keytab": "keytab",

+         }

+         with patch.object(

+             self.toddler_cls, "get_rawhide_tag", MagicMock(return_value="f41")

+         ):

+             self.toddler_cls.process_block_retired(config, message)



@@ -138,7 +155,11 @@ 



          config = MagicMock()

-         config = {"koji_url": "https://example.koji.org"}

+         config = {

+             "koji_url": "https://example.koji.org",

+             "principal": "principal",

+             "keytab": "keytab",

+         }

          self.toddler_cls.process_block_retired(config, message)


@@ -159,12 +180,15 @@ 



          config = MagicMock()

-         config = {"koji_url": "https://example.koji.org"}

+         config = {

+             "koji_url": "https://example.koji.org",

+             "principal": "principal",

+             "keytab": "keytab",

+         }

          self.toddler_cls.koji_session.packageListBlock.side_effect = koji.GenericError(



-         with pytest.raises(koji.GenericError):

-             self.toddler_cls.process_block_retired(config, message)

+         self.toddler_cls.process_block_retired(config, message)

          assert (


              == "Failed to block retired package example-repo on branch f38: Failed"
@@ -184,12 +208,15 @@ 



          config = MagicMock()

-         config = {"koji_url": "https://example.stg.koji.org"}

+         config = {

+             "koji_url": "https://example.koji.org",

+             "principal": "principal",

+             "keytab": "keytab",

+         }

          self.toddler_cls.koji_session.packageListBlock.side_effect = koji.GenericError(



-         with pytest.raises(koji.GenericError):

-             self.toddler_cls.process_block_retired(config, message)

+         self.toddler_cls.process_block_retired(config, message)

          assert (


              == "Failed to block retired package example-epel-repo on branch f38: Failed"

file modified
+44 -1
@@ -1,8 +1,31 @@ 

+ import logging

+ from unittest import mock


+ import fedora_messaging.api

+ import pytest


  from toddlers.base import ToddlerBase



+ class DummyToddlerBase(ToddlerBase):


+     @property

+     def name(self):

+         return super().name


+     def accepts_topic(self, topic):

+         return super().accepts_topic(topic)


+     @property

+     def amqp_topics(self):

+         return super().amqp_topics


+     def process(self, *args, **kwargs):

+         return super().process(*args, **kwargs)



  class TestToddlerBase:

-     toddler_cls = ToddlerBase

+     toddler_cls = DummyToddlerBase


      def test_name(self, toddler):

          assert toddler.name == "base"
@@ -15,3 +38,23 @@ 


      def test_process(self, toddler):

          assert toddler.process(config={}, message={}) is None


+     @mock.patch.object(

+         DummyToddlerBase,

+         "process",

+         new=mock.Mock(side_effect=Exception("haha")),

+     )

+     def test___call__exception(self, caplog):

+         caplog.set_level(logging.INFO)

+         msg = fedora_messaging.api.Message()

+         msg.id = 123

+         msg.topic = "foo.bar"

+         runner = DummyToddlerBase()

+         with pytest.raises(

+             fedora_messaging.exceptions.Nack, match=r"A toddler tripped"

+         ):

+             runner(msg)

+         assert (

+             caplog.records[-1].message

+             == "Toddler 'base' failed to process message id: 123 -- putting it back in the queue"

+         )

file modified
@@ -85,6 +85,10 @@ 

  # Base URL for the Koji build system

  koji_url = "https://koji.fedoraproject.org"


+ # Credentials for koji session

+ principal = "insert_principal"

+ keytab = "path_to_file"


  # Base URL for the Koji package db

  kojipkgs_url = "https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org"


file modified
+45 -2
@@ -1,8 +1,40 @@ 

  import abc

+ import logging


+ import fedora_messaging.config

+ import fedora_messaging.exceptions


- class ToddlerBase(object):

-     __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta

+ from .utils.misc import merge_dicts



+ _log = logging.getLogger(__name__)



+ def _get_toddler_config(toddler_name: str) -> dict:

+     """Merge default and private configuration for a toddler."""

+     base_config = fedora_messaging.config.conf["consumer_config"]


+     default_config = base_config.get("default", {})

+     private_config = base_config.get(toddler_name, {})


+     return merge_dicts(default_config, private_config)



+ class ToddlerBase(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):


+     def __init__(self):

+         self.reset_routing_keys()

+         self._config = _get_toddler_config(self.name)


+     def reset_routing_keys(self):

+         # Only for dev/debug: in Fedora infra all bindings are set in ansible

+         for binding in fedora_messaging.config.conf["bindings"]:

+             if binding["routing_keys"] == ["#"]:

+                 _log.info(

+                     "Updating the routing_keys of the queue %s to the topics of interest",

+                     binding["queue"],

+                 )

+                 binding["routing_keys"] = self.amqp_topics



@@ -34,3 +66,14 @@ 

      def process(self, config, message):

          """Process a given message."""



+     def __call__(self, message):

+         try:

+             return self.process(self._config, message)

+         except Exception:

+             _log.exception(

+                 "Toddler '%s' failed to process message id: %s -- putting it back in the queue",

+                 self.name,

+                 message.id,

+             )

+             raise fedora_messaging.exceptions.Nack("A toddler tripped")

file modified
+2 -2
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ 

      return parser.parse_args(args)



- def main(args=[]):

+ def main(args=None):

      """Main function of the playtime script"""

      args = get_arguments(args)

@@ -100,4 +100,4 @@ 



  if __name__ == "__main__":  # pragma: no cover

-     sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:]))

+     sys.exit(main())

@@ -35,9 +35,10 @@ 

      def __init__(self):

          self.koji_session = None


-     def _create_session(self, koji_url):

+     def _create_session(self, koji_url, principal, keytab):

          """Makes a koji session, that handles logging in"""

          self.koji_session = koji.ClientSession(koji_url)

+         self.koji_session.gssapi_login(principal=principal, keytab=keytab)


      def get_rawhide_tag(self):

          releases = []
@@ -70,7 +71,9 @@ 


          msg = message.body


-         koji_url = config["koji_url"]

+         koji_url = f"{config['koji_url']}/kojihub"

+         principal = config["principal"]

+         keytab = config["keytab"]


          # If there is no dead.package file in commit, then it can be ignored

          if "dead.package" not in msg["commit"]["stats"]["files"]:
@@ -97,7 +100,7 @@ 

          _log.info("Processing Koji block retired for %s", repo)


          if self.koji_session is None:

-             self._create_session(koji_url)

+             self._create_session(koji_url, principal, keytab)


          # Untag builds first due to koji/mash bug:

          # https://fedorahosted.org/koji/ticket/299
@@ -108,7 +111,6 @@ 

              self.koji_session.untagBuild(tag=branch_name, build=repo)

          except koji.GenericError as e:

              _log.exception(f"Failed to untag build in koji: {e}")

-             raise



              _log.info(f"Blocking package {repo}, tag: {branch_name}")
@@ -117,7 +119,9 @@ 


                  f"Failed to block retired package {repo} on branch {branch_name}: {e}"


-             raise


+         # TODO: In case of exception while blocking a package in koji,

+         # send email with the list of packages that failed to block


          # If a package moves from EPEL to RHEL it can only be built if it is unblocked

          # in the epel build tag. Therefore unblock all retired EPEL packages in the
@@ -134,7 +138,6 @@ 


                  except koji.GenericError as e:

                      _log.exception(f"Failed unblocking epel build tag: {e}")

-                     raise



  def get_arguments(args):

file modified
+13 -25
@@ -3,39 +3,27 @@ 

  # If the user is missing an interpreter, don't fail

  skip_missing_interpreters = True

  skipsdist = True

+ isolated_build = true



- deps =

-     -r requirements.txt

-     -r test-requirements.txt

- sitepackages = True

- setenv =

-     PYTHONPATH={toxinidir}

+ passenv = HOME

+ sitepackages = false

+ skip_install = true

+ allowlist_externals =

+     poetry

+ commands_pre =

+     poetry install --all-extras

  commands =

-     pytest {posargs}

+     poetry run pytest -vv {posargs}

+     poetry run diff-cover --compare-branch origin/main --fail-under 100 coverage.xml



- deps =

-     black

- sitepackages = False

  commands =

-     black --check --diff .

+     poetry run black --check --diff .



  basepython = python3.12

- allowlist_externals =

-     mypy

- deps =

-     {[testenv]deps}

-     mypy

- setenv =

-     {[testenv]setenv}

- commands = mypy --config-file {toxinidir}/mypy.cfg toddlers tests

+ commands = poetry run mypy --config-file {toxinidir}/mypy.cfg toddlers tests



- deps =

-     flake8

-     flake8-import-order

- sitepackages = False

- commands =

-     flake8 --ignore=W503 toddlers/ tests/ {posargs}

+ commands = poetry run flake8 --ignore=W503 toddlers/ tests/ {posargs}

no initial comment

Let's make koji_block_retired run in production (the last 4 commits related to koji_block_retired)
Changes confirmed to work in staging.

Build failed. More information on how to proceed and troubleshoot errors available at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zuul-based-ci

This is probably missing the fix I introduced in #243

one badly written test failing after the mass branching :) fixing

1 new commit added

  • koji_block_retired: Mock get_rawhide_tag
2 months ago

9 new commits added

  • koji_block_retired: Mock get_rawhide_tag
  • Add diff-cover
  • Use Poetry for requirements and project management
  • Make the toddlers more independant (teenagers)
  • Make the `test_dead_package_added_to_main_branch` test more stable
  • koji_block_retired: Add kerberos authentication for koji
  • koji_block_retired: Fix koji_url
  • koji_block_retired: fix tests
  • koji_block_retired: do not raise an error when tag not present in koji
2 months ago

Pull-Request has been closed by lenkaseg

2 months ago

Build succeeded.