#219 Add a convert subcommand
Closed 2 years ago by nphilipp. Opened 2 years ago by qulogic.
fedora-infra/ qulogic/rpmautospec converter  into  main

file modified
+4 -5
@@ -3,9 +3,10 @@ 

  import sys

  import typing


- from .subcommands import changelog, process_distgit, release

+ from .subcommands import changelog, convert, process_distgit, release



+ all_subcmds = (changelog, convert, process_distgit, release)

  subcmd_modules_by_name = {}


@@ -75,12 +76,10 @@ 

      # parsers for sub-commands


      # ArgumentParser.add_subparsers() only accepts the `required` argument from Python 3.7 on.

-     subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(

-         dest="subcommand", metavar="{generate-changelog,calculate-release}"

-     )

+     subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest="subcommand")

      subparsers.required = True


-     for subcmd_module in (changelog, release, process_distgit):

+     for subcmd_module in all_subcmds:

          subcmd_name = subcmd_module.register_subcommand(subparsers)


          if subcmd_name in subcmd_modules_by_name:

@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@ 

+ import logging

+ from pathlib import Path

+ import re


+ import pygit2


+ from ..misc import autochangelog_re, autorelease_re, changelog_re



+ log = logging.getLogger(__name__)



+ class PkgConverter:

+     def __init__(self, spec_or_path: Path):

+         spec_or_path = spec_or_path.absolute()


+         if not spec_or_path.exists():

+             raise RuntimeError(f"Spec file or path {str(spec_or_path)!r} doesn't exist")

+         elif spec_or_path.is_dir():

+             self.path = spec_or_path

+             name = spec_or_path.name

+             self.specfile = spec_or_path / f"{name}.spec"

+         elif spec_or_path.is_file():

+             if spec_or_path.suffix != ".spec":

+                 raise ValueError(

+                     f"Spec file {str(spec_or_path)!r} must have '.spec' as an extension"

+                 )

+             self.path = spec_or_path.parent

+             self.specfile = spec_or_path

+         else:

+             raise RuntimeError(f"Spec file or path {str(spec_or_path)!r} is not a regular file")


+         if not self.specfile.exists():

+             raise RuntimeError(

+                 f"Spec file {str(self.specfile)!r} doesn't exist in {str(self.path)!r}"

+             )


+         log.debug("Working on spec file %s", self.specfile)


+         try:

+             if hasattr(pygit2, "GIT_REPOSITORY_OPEN_NO_SEARCH"):

+                 kwargs = {"flags": pygit2.GIT_REPOSITORY_OPEN_NO_SEARCH}

+             else:

+                 # pygit2 < 1.4.0

+                 kwargs = {}

+             self.repo = pygit2.Repository(self.path, **kwargs)

+             log.debug("Found repository at %s", self.path)

+         except pygit2.GitError:

+             self.repo = None

+             log.debug("Found no repository at %s", self.path)


+         if self.repo is not None:

+             try:

+                 spec_status = self.repo.status_file(self.specfile.relative_to(self.path))

+             except KeyError:

+                 raise RuntimeError(

+                     f"Spec file {str(self.specfile)!r} is in a repository, but isn't tracked"

+                 )

+             # Allow converting unmodified, and saved-to-index files.

+             if spec_status not in (pygit2.GIT_STATUS_CURRENT, pygit2.GIT_STATUS_INDEX_MODIFIED):

+                 raise RuntimeError(f"Spec file {str(self.specfile)!r} is modified")

+             try:

+                 self.repo.status_file("changelog")

+             except KeyError:

+                 pass  # Doesn't exist; good.

+             else:

+                 raise RuntimeError("Changelog file 'changelog' is already in the repository")

+             for filepath, flags in self.repo.status().items():

+                 if flags not in (

+                     pygit2.GIT_STATUS_CURRENT,

+                     pygit2.GIT_STATUS_IGNORED,

+                     pygit2.GIT_STATUS_WT_NEW,

+                 ):

+                     raise RuntimeError(f"Repository '{str(self.path)!r}' is dirty")


+         self.changelog_lines = None

+         self.spec_lines = None


+     def load(self):

+         with self.specfile.open(encoding="utf-8") as f:

+             self.spec_lines = f.readlines()


+     def save(self):

+         with self.specfile.open("w", encoding="utf-8") as f:

+             f.writelines(self.spec_lines)

+         if self.changelog_lines is not None:

+             with (self.path / "changelog").open("w", encoding="utf-8") as f:

+                 f.writelines(self.changelog_lines)


+     def convert_to_autorelease(self):

+         release_re = re.compile(r"^(?P<tag>Release\s*:\s*)", re.IGNORECASE)

+         release_lines = ((i, release_re.match(line)) for i, line in enumerate(self.spec_lines))

+         release_lines = [(i, match) for i, match in release_lines if match]

+         line_numbers = ", ".join(f"{i+1}" for i, _ in release_lines)

+         log.debug("Found Release tag on line(s) %s", line_numbers)


+         if not release_lines:

+             raise RuntimeError(f"Unable to locate Release tag in spec file {str(self.specfile)!r}")

+         elif len(release_lines) > 1:

+             raise RuntimeError(

+                 f"Found multiple Release tags on lines {line_numbers} "

+                 f"in spec file {str(self.specfile)!r}"

+             )


+         # Process the line so the inserted macro is aligned to the previous location of the tag.

+         lineno, match = release_lines[0]

+         if autorelease_re.match(self.spec_lines[lineno]):

+             log.warning(f"{str(self.specfile)!r} is already using %autorelease")

+             return

+         self.spec_lines[lineno] = f"{match.group('tag')}%autorelease\n"


+     def convert_to_autochangelog(self):

+         changelog_lines = [i for i, line in enumerate(self.spec_lines) if changelog_re.match(line)]

+         line_numbers = ", ".join(f"{i+1}" for i in changelog_lines)

+         log.debug("Found %%changelog on line(s) %s", line_numbers)


+         if not changelog_lines:

+             raise RuntimeError(

+                 f"Unable to locate %changelog line in spec file {str(self.specfile)!r}"

+             )

+         elif len(changelog_lines) > 1:

+             raise RuntimeError(

+                 f"Found multiple %changelog on lines {line_numbers} "

+                 f"in spec file {str(self.specfile)!r}"

+             )


+         lineno = changelog_lines[0] + 1

+         if autochangelog_re.match(self.spec_lines[lineno]):

+             log.warning(f"{str(self.specfile)!r} is already using %autochangelog")

+             return

+         self.changelog_lines = self.spec_lines[lineno:]

+         self.spec_lines[lineno:] = ["%autochangelog\n"]

+         log.debug("Split %d lines to 'changelog' file", len(self.changelog_lines))


+     def commit(self, message: str):

+         if self.repo is None:

+             log.debug("Unable to open repository at '%s'", self.path)

+             return


+         index = self.repo.index

+         index.add(self.specfile.relative_to(self.path))

+         if self.changelog_lines is not None:

+             index.add("changelog")

+         index.write()

+         tree = index.write_tree()


+         parent, ref = self.repo.resolve_refish(refish=self.repo.head.name)

+         signature = self.repo.default_signature

+         log.debug(

+             "Committing tree %s with author '%s <%s>' on branch '%s'",

+             tree,

+             signature.name,

+             signature.email,

+             ref.shorthand,

+         )

+         oid = self.repo.create_commit(ref.name, signature, signature, message, tree, [parent.oid])

+         log.debug("Committed %s to repository", oid)



+ def register_subcommand(subparsers):

+     subcmd_name = "convert"


+     convert_parser = subparsers.add_parser(

+         subcmd_name,

+         help="Convert a package repository to use rpmautospec",

+     )


+     convert_parser.add_argument(

+         "spec_or_path",

+         default=".",

+         nargs="?",

+         help="Path to package worktree or spec file",

+     )


+     convert_parser.add_argument(

+         "--message",

+         "-m",

+         default="Convert to rpmautospec",

+         help="Message to use when committing changes",

+     )


+     convert_parser.add_argument(

+         "--no-commit",

+         "-n",

+         action="store_true",

+         help="Don't commit after making changes",

+     )


+     convert_parser.add_argument(

+         "--no-changelog",

+         action="store_true",

+         help="Don't convert the %%changelog",

+     )


+     convert_parser.add_argument(

+         "--no-release",

+         action="store_true",

+         help="Don't convert the Release field",

+     )


+     return subcmd_name



+ def main(args):

+     """Main method."""

+     if not args.no_commit:

+         if not args.message:

+             raise RuntimeError("Commit message cannot be empty")

+     if args.no_changelog and args.no_release:

+         raise RuntimeError("All changes are disabled")


+     pkg = PkgConverter(Path(args.spec_or_path))

+     pkg.load()

+     if not args.no_changelog:

+         pkg.convert_to_autochangelog()

+     if not args.no_release:

+         pkg.convert_to_autorelease()

+     pkg.save()

+     if not args.no_commit:

+         pkg.commit(args.message)

file added
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@ 

+ import pygit2

+ import pytest



+ SPEC_FILE_TEXT = """Summary: Boo

+ Name: boo

+ Version: 1.0

+ {release}

+ License: CC0


+ %description

+ Boo


+ {changelog}

+ """



+ @pytest.fixture

+ def changelog(request):

+     """

+     This fixture exists to be substituted into the *specfile* fixture

+     indirectly, or else provide a default of %autochangelog.

+     """

+     return getattr(request, "param", "%changelog\n%autochangelog")



+ @pytest.fixture

+ def release(request):

+     """

+     This fixture exists to be substituted into the *specfile* fixture

+     indirectly, or else provide a default of %autorelease.

+     """

+     return getattr(request, "param", "Release: %autorelease")



+ @pytest.fixture

+ def repopath(tmp_path):

+     repopath = tmp_path / "test"

+     repopath.mkdir()


+     yield repopath



+ @pytest.fixture

+ def specfile(repopath, release, changelog):

+     """

+     Generate a spec file within *repopath*.


+     The Release tag will be replaced by the *release* fixture, if defined, or

+     else will be filled by %autorelease. The changelog will be replaced by the

+     *changelog* fixture, if defined, or else will be filled by %autochangelog.

+     """


+     specfile = repopath / "test.spec"

+     specfile.write_text(SPEC_FILE_TEXT.format(release=release, changelog=changelog))


+     yield specfile



+ @pytest.fixture

+ def repo(repopath, specfile):

+     pygit2.init_repository(repopath, initial_head="rawhide")

+     if hasattr(pygit2, "GIT_REPOSITORY_OPEN_NO_SEARCH"):

+         repo = pygit2.Repository(repopath, pygit2.GIT_REPOSITORY_OPEN_NO_SEARCH)

+     else:

+         # pygit2 < 1.4.0

+         repo = pygit2.Repository(repopath)


+     repo.config["user.name"] = "Jane Doe"

+     repo.config["user.email"] = "jane.doe@example.com"


+     # create root commit in "rawhide" branch

+     index = repo.index

+     index.add(specfile.name)

+     index.write()


+     tree = index.write_tree()


+     oid = repo.create_commit(

+         None, repo.default_signature, repo.default_signature, "Initial commit", tree, []

+     )

+     repo.branches.local.create("rawhide", repo[oid])


+     # add another commit (empty)

+     parent, ref = repo.resolve_refish(repo.head.name)

+     repo.create_commit(

+         ref.name,

+         repo.default_signature,

+         repo.default_signature,

+         "Did nothing!",

+         tree,

+         [parent.oid],

+     )


+     yield repo

@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@ 

+ """

+ Test the rpmautospec.subcommands.converter module

+ """


+ import logging

+ from types import SimpleNamespace

+ import unittest.mock


+ import pygit2

+ import pytest


+ from rpmautospec.subcommands import convert

+ from rpmautospec.misc import autorelease_re, autochangelog_re



+ def test_init_invalid_path(tmp_path):

+     with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match="doesn't exist"):

+         convert.PkgConverter(tmp_path / "nonexistent.spec")


+     dir_no_spec = tmp_path / "dir_no_spec"

+     dir_no_spec.mkdir()

+     with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match="doesn't exist in "):

+         convert.PkgConverter(dir_no_spec)


+     no_spec_extension = tmp_path / "noext"

+     no_spec_extension.touch()

+     with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="must have '.spec' as an extension"):

+         convert.PkgConverter(no_spec_extension)



+ def test_init_dirty_tree(specfile, repo):

+     # The changelog file has already been added:

+     changelog = specfile.parent / "changelog"

+     changelog.touch()

+     with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match="'changelog' is already in the repository"):

+         convert.PkgConverter(specfile)

+     changelog.unlink()


+     # The spec file has been modified without committing it:

+     specfile.write_text("Modified")

+     with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match="is modified"):

+         convert.PkgConverter(specfile)

+     repo.reset(repo.head.target, pygit2.GIT_RESET_HARD)


+     # Other files have been changed, which may corrupt our commit:

+     dirty = specfile.parent / "dirty"

+     dirty.write_text("")

+     repo.index.add("dirty")

+     repo.index.write()

+     with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match="is dirty"):

+         convert.PkgConverter(specfile)



+ @unittest.mock.patch("rpmautospec.subcommands.convert.PkgConverter")

+ def test_main_invalid_args(specfile):

+     args = SimpleNamespace(

+         spec_or_path=specfile, message="", no_commit=False, no_changelog=False, no_release=False

+     )

+     with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match="Commit message cannot be empty"):

+         convert.main(args)


+     args = SimpleNamespace(

+         spec_or_path=specfile,

+         message="message",

+         no_commit=False,

+         no_changelog=True,

+         no_release=True,

+     )

+     with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match="All changes are disabled"):

+         convert.main(args)



+ @unittest.mock.patch("rpmautospec.subcommands.convert.PkgConverter")

+ def test_main_valid_args(pkg_converter_mock, specfile):

+     pkg_converter = unittest.mock.Mock(spec=convert.PkgConverter)()

+     pkg_converter_mock.return_value = pkg_converter


+     # No Release change.

+     pkg_converter.reset_mock()

+     args = SimpleNamespace(

+         spec_or_path=specfile,

+         message="message",

+         no_commit=False,

+         no_changelog=False,

+         no_release=True,

+     )

+     convert.main(args)

+     pkg_converter.load.assert_called_once()

+     pkg_converter.convert_to_autochangelog.assert_called_once()

+     pkg_converter.convert_to_autorelease.assert_not_called()

+     pkg_converter.save.assert_called()

+     pkg_converter.commit.assert_called_once_with("message")


+     # No %changelog change.

+     pkg_converter.reset_mock()

+     args = SimpleNamespace(

+         spec_or_path=specfile,

+         message="message",

+         no_commit=False,

+         no_changelog=True,

+         no_release=False,

+     )

+     convert.main(args)

+     pkg_converter.load.assert_called_once()

+     pkg_converter.convert_to_autochangelog.assert_not_called()

+     pkg_converter.convert_to_autorelease.assert_called_once()

+     pkg_converter.save.assert_called_once()

+     pkg_converter.commit.assert_called_once_with("message")


+     # No git commit.

+     pkg_converter.reset_mock()

+     args = SimpleNamespace(

+         spec_or_path=specfile,

+         message="message",

+         no_commit=True,

+         no_changelog=False,

+         no_release=False,

+     )

+     convert.main(args)

+     pkg_converter.load.assert_called_once()

+     pkg_converter.convert_to_autochangelog.assert_called_once()

+     pkg_converter.convert_to_autorelease.assert_called_once()

+     pkg_converter.save.assert_called_once()

+     pkg_converter.commit.assert_not_called()



+ @pytest.mark.parametrize(

+     "release, expected",

+     [

+         ("Release: 1%{dist}", "\nRelease: %autorelease\n"),

+         ("Release \t: \t1%{dist}", "\nRelease \t: \t%autorelease\n"),

+         ("ReLeAsE: 1%{dist}", "\nReLeAsE: %autorelease\n"),

+     ],

+     ids=[

+         "regular",

+         "whitespace",

+         "case",

+     ],

+     indirect=["release"],

+ )

+ def test_autorelease(specfile, expected):

+     assert autorelease_re.search(specfile.read_text()) is None


+     converter = convert.PkgConverter(specfile)

+     converter.load()

+     converter.convert_to_autorelease()

+     converter.save()


+     assert autorelease_re.search(specfile.read_text()).group() == expected



+ def test_autorelease_already_converted(specfile, caplog):

+     assert autorelease_re.search(specfile.read_text()) is not None


+     converter = convert.PkgConverter(specfile)

+     converter.load()


+     caplog.clear()

+     converter.convert_to_autorelease()

+     assert len(caplog.records) == 1

+     assert "is already using %autorelease" in caplog.records[0].message



+ @pytest.mark.parametrize(

+     "release, expected",

+     [

+         ("", "Unable to locate Release tag"),

+         ("Release: 1%{dist}\nRelease: 2%{dist}", "Found multiple Release tags"),

+     ],

+     ids=[

+         "missing",

+         "multiple",

+     ],

+     indirect=["release"],

+ )

+ def test_autorelease_invalid(specfile, expected):

+     converter = convert.PkgConverter(specfile)

+     converter.load()

+     with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=expected):

+         converter.convert_to_autorelease()



+ @pytest.mark.parametrize(

+     "changelog",

+     [

+         "%changelog\n- log line",

+         "%ChAnGeLoG\n- log line",

+     ],

+     ids=[

+         "regular",

+         "case",

+     ],

+     indirect=True,

+ )

+ def test_autochangelog(specfile):

+     assert autochangelog_re.search(specfile.read_text()) is None


+     converter = convert.PkgConverter(specfile)

+     converter.load()

+     converter.convert_to_autochangelog()

+     converter.save()


+     assert autochangelog_re.search(specfile.read_text()) is not None

+     changelog = specfile.parent / "changelog"

+     assert changelog.exists()

+     assert changelog.read_text() == "- log line\n"



+ def test_autochangelog_already_converted(specfile, caplog):

+     converter = convert.PkgConverter(specfile)

+     converter.load()


+     caplog.clear()

+     converter.convert_to_autochangelog()

+     assert len(caplog.records) == 1

+     assert "is already using %autochangelog" in caplog.records[0].message



+ @pytest.mark.parametrize(

+     "changelog, expected",

+     [

+         ("", "Unable to locate %changelog line"),

+         ("%changelog\n%changelog", "Found multiple %changelog on lines"),

+     ],

+     ids=[

+         "missing",

+         "multiple",

+     ],

+     indirect=["changelog"],

+ )

+ def test_autochangelog_invalid(specfile, expected):

+     assert autochangelog_re.search(specfile.read_text()) is None


+     converter = convert.PkgConverter(specfile)

+     converter.load()

+     with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=expected):

+         converter.convert_to_autochangelog()



+ def test_commit_no_repo(specfile, caplog):

+     converter = convert.PkgConverter(specfile)

+     with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG):

+         converter.commit("Convert to rpmautospec.")

+     assert len(caplog.records) == 1

+     assert "Unable to open repository" in caplog.records[0].message



+ @pytest.mark.parametrize(

+     "release",

+     ["Release: 1%{dist}", "Release: %{autorelease}"],

+     ids=["release1", "autorelease"],

+     indirect=True,

+ )

+ @pytest.mark.parametrize(

+     "changelog",

+     ["%changelog\n- log line", "%changelog\n%autochangelog"],

+     ids=["changelog", "autochangelog"],

+     indirect=True,

+ )

+ def test_commit(specfile, release, changelog, repo):

+     converter = convert.PkgConverter(specfile)

+     converter.load()

+     converter.convert_to_autochangelog()

+     converter.convert_to_autorelease()

+     converter.save()

+     converter.commit("Convert to rpmautospec.")


+     for filepath, flags in repo.status().items():

+         assert flags == pygit2.GIT_STATUS_CURRENT


+     changelog_should_change = autochangelog_re.search(changelog) is None

+     release_should_change = autorelease_re.search(release) is None

+     head = repo.revparse_single("HEAD")

+     diff = repo.diff("HEAD^", head)

+     fileschanged = {

+         *(patch.delta.new_file.path for patch in diff),

+         *(patch.delta.old_file.path for patch in diff),

+     }


+     assert head.message == "Convert to rpmautospec."

+     assert (specfile.name in fileschanged) == (changelog_should_change or release_should_change)

+     assert ("changelog" in fileschanged) == changelog_should_change

@@ -10,77 +10,6 @@ 

  from rpmautospec.pkg_history import PkgHistoryProcessor



- SPEC_FILE_TEXT = """Summary: Boo

- Name: boo

- Version: 1.0

- Release: %autorelease

- License: CC0


- %description

- Boo


- %changelog

- %autochangelog

- """



- @pytest.fixture

- def repodir(tmp_path):

-     repodir = tmp_path / "test"

-     repodir.mkdir()


-     yield repodir



- @pytest.fixture

- def specfile(repodir):

-     specfile = repodir / "test.spec"

-     specfile.write_text(SPEC_FILE_TEXT)


-     yield specfile



- @pytest.fixture

- def repo(repodir, specfile):

-     # pygit2 < 1.2.0 can't cope with pathlib.Path objects

-     repopath = str(repodir)


-     pygit2.init_repository(repopath, initial_head="rawhide")

-     if hasattr(pygit2, "GIT_REPOSITORY_OPEN_NO_SEARCH"):

-         repo = pygit2.Repository(repopath, pygit2.GIT_REPOSITORY_OPEN_NO_SEARCH)

-     else:

-         # pygit2 < 1.4.0

-         repo = pygit2.Repository(repopath)


-     repo.config["user.name"] = "Jane Doe"

-     repo.config["user.email"] = "jane.doe@example.com"


-     # create root commit in "rawhide" branch

-     index = repo.index

-     index.add(specfile.name)

-     index.write()


-     tree = index.write_tree()


-     oid = repo.create_commit(

-         None, repo.default_signature, repo.default_signature, "Initial commit", tree, []

-     )

-     repo.branches.local.create("rawhide", repo[oid])


-     # add another commit (empty)

-     parent, ref = repo.resolve_refish(repo.head.name)

-     repo.create_commit(

-         ref.name,

-         repo.default_signature,

-         repo.default_signature,

-         "Did nothing!",

-         tree,

-         [parent.oid],

-     )


-     yield repo




  def processor(repo):

      processor = PkgHistoryProcessor(repo.workdir)

This will translate an existing spec to spec+changelog and commit it. Options are available to skip some of these steps.

I have tested this out on a real package, but still need to write actual tests.

Build failed. More information on how to proceed and troubleshoot errors available at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zuul-based-ci

3 new commits added

  • Add a convert command to change a spec to rpmautospec.
  • Sketch out arguments for a convert command.
  • Avoid defining all subcommands far away from definition.
2 years ago

Build succeeded.

  • if spec_or_path.suffix != ".spec":

Maybe relax that to '.spec' in spec_of_path? Sometimes people have .spec.in or similar in upstream projects. It'd still catch most cases where somebody passes a different file by mistake.

  • "File specified as spec_or_path must have '.spec' as an extension."

Here and below: I think it's very useful to specify the actual argument given by the user in the error message.
Users sometimes will pass the file name in the wrong place, and then an error message that doesn't say what
string we're looking at can be confusing.

  • raise RuntimeError(f"Spec file or path '{spec_or_path}' doesn't exist.")

Here and below: RuntimeError is rather unexpected in Python. (I don't know the codebase at all,
so if there's a reason, please ignore this comment.) I would expect FileNotFoundError to be used.

  • raise RuntimeError("File specified as spec_or_path is not a regular file.")

OSError ?

  • with self.specfile.open(encoding="utf-8") as f:
  • self.spec_lines = f.readlines()

with for reading isn't useful. Just self.spec_lines = self.specfile.open(...).readlines() is good enough.

  • release_lines = [i for i, line in enumerate(self.spec_lines) if line.startswith("Release")]

Maybe change line.startswith(...) to re.match(r'^Release\s*:, line)`? This will avoid some false positives.

Or maybe even make that:

matches = ((i, re.match(r'^Release\s*:\s*', line)) for i, line in enumerate(self.spec_lines))
release_lines = [(i, match) for i, match in matches if match]
lineno, match = release_lines[0]
release_tag = f'{match.group(0)}%autorelease\n'


  • raise RuntimeError(f"Found multiple Release tags in spec file '{self.specfile}'.")

This should print the matching lines…

Looks great in general!

The determination of spec_or_path was all copied from pkg_history.py, as was the use of RuntimeError everywhere. I assume there was some project reason to do so, or I would have used clearer exceptions.

The determination of spec_or_path was all copied from pkg_history.py, as was the use of RuntimeError everywhere. I assume there was some project reason to do so, or I would have used clearer exceptions.

Right, that's what I meant by "I don't know the codebase at all". I guess it's a Javaism, where you need to use RuntimeException to avoid enforced exception checking.

3 new commits added

  • Add a convert command to change a spec to rpmautospec.
  • Sketch out arguments for a convert command.
  • Avoid defining all subcommands far away from definition.
2 years ago

Build failed. More information on how to proceed and troubleshoot errors available at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zuul-based-ci

  • if spec_or_path.suffix != ".spec":

Maybe relax that to '.spec' in spec_of_path? Sometimes people have .spec.in or similar in upstream projects. It'd still catch most cases where somebody passes a different file by mistake.

I wouldn't – rpmautospec is tailored to dist-git style package repositories and expects there to be a spec file with that suffix.

  • "File specified as spec_or_path must have '.spec' as an extension."

Here and below: I think it's very useful to specify the actual argument given by the user in the error message.
Users sometimes will pass the file name in the wrong place, and then an error message that doesn't say what
string we're looking at can be confusing.

Yeah, there is bad precedent elsewhere in the code :wink:. Displaying the offending value is a good idea.

  • raise RuntimeError(f"Spec file or path '{spec_or_path}' doesn't exist.")

Here and below: RuntimeError is rather unexpected in Python. (I don't know the codebase at all,
so if there's a reason, please ignore this comment.) I would expect FileNotFoundError to be used.

Meh, RuntimeError is legit but a tad unspecific, what's worse: it isn't caught and processed, i.e. will just display a stack trace to the user. We shouldn't use OSError or FileNotFoundError, though, they're specifically for errors from system calls. An IMO better alternative here and elsewhere would be e.g. a custom UserArgumentError exception inherited from ValueError, which would then be caught and translated into a "nice" error message. Out of scope for this PR, though.

  • with self.specfile.open(encoding="utf-8") as f:
  • self.spec_lines = f.readlines()

with for reading isn't useful. Just self.spec_lines = self.specfile.open(...).readlines() is good enough.

Using the context manager is good practice: it closes the file object when the context is left instead of leaving this implicitly to the garbage collector. Leave it as is.

  • release_lines = [i for i, line in enumerate(self.spec_lines) if line.startswith("Release")]

Maybe change line.startswith(...) to re.match(r'^Release\s*:, line)`? This will avoid some false positives.

Let's catch more (maybe all) valid ways of setting the release, the parser is case-insensitive. Also, I'm not seeing that the code preserves whitespace before and (more importantly) after the colon, so we could reuse the regex for this, à la:

class PkgConverter:
    release_re = re.compile(r"^(?P<rel_prefix>Release\s*:\s*", re.IGNORECASE)
    def convert_to_autorelease(self):
        all_lines_matches = ((i, self.release_re.match(line)) for i, line in enumerate(self.spec_lines))
        release_lines_matches = [(i, match) for i, match in all_lines_matches if match]
        log.debug("Found release tag(s) on lines: %s", ", ".join(str(i + 1) for i, m in release_lines_matches))
        lineidx, match = release_lines_matches[0]
        self.spec_lines[lineidx] = f"{match.group('rel_prefix')}%autorelease\n"

I guess it's a Javaism, where you need to use RuntimeException to avoid enforced exception checking.

Nah, just a lack of time to do it properly when we implemented it. :wink:

Overall, it looks good to me, thanks for contributing! Some more requests:

  • Please move the code from pkg_converter.py into subcommands/convert.py – the reason for pkg_history.py is because it's shared code used in many places, i.e. three subcommands and the Koji plugin.
  • Run black over your changes (this should fix what Zuul flags in the pre-commit job).
  • I'd like to have tests for this, if you need help there, let me know.

Let's catch more (maybe all) valid ways of setting the release, the parser is case-insensitive. Also, I'm not seeing that the code preserves whitespace before and (more importantly) after the colon,

It does preserve whitespace correctly; I did miss the case insensitivity though.

5 new commits added

  • Add tests for converter.
  • Move repo fixture to a common file.
  • Add a convert command to change a spec to rpmautospec.
  • Sketch out arguments for a convert command.
  • Avoid defining all subcommands far away from definition.
2 years ago

Build succeeded.

I added tests and fixed a few bugs.

One question I found when writing tests: both changes and committing are enabled by default, but release/changelog might be skipped (with a log) if one's done already, just in case you've have-completed the change. But that also means you might be totally converted and it'll ignore that and make an empty conversion commit. Should it do that, or skip the commit?

RuntimeError(f"Spec file or path '{spec_or_path}' doesn't exist.")

The error string should be without "." to match the error messages in built-in exceptions. (Here and below.)

raise ValueError(f"Spec file '{spec_or_path}' must have '.spec' as an extension.")

Maybe Spec file {spec_or_path!r} must … ? This will handle the case where the string has a quote more explicitly.

default="Convert to rpmautospec.",

Please drop the dot here. (E.g. https://chris.beams.io/posts/git-commit/#seven-rules documents this very well.)

RuntimeError(f"Spec file or path '{spec_or_path}' doesn't exist.")

The error string should be without "." to match the error messages in built-in exceptions. (Here and below.)

But it would be inconsistent with the rest of the code base.

raise ValueError(f"Spec file '{spec_or_path}' must have '.spec' as an extension.")

Maybe Spec file {spec_or_path!r} must … ? This will handle the case where the string has a quote more explicitly.

That would use the repr of a Path, not a string, but it could be done.

RuntimeError(f"Spec file or path '{spec_or_path}' doesn't exist.")

The error string should be without "." to match the error messages in built-in exceptions. (Here and below.)

But it would be inconsistent with the rest of the code base.

Nah, the surrounding code was already inconsistent. Let's at least do the correct thing in new code.

raise ValueError(f"Spec file '{spec_or_path}' must have '.spec' as an extension.")

Maybe Spec file {spec_or_path!r} must … ? This will handle the case where the string has a quote more explicitly.

That would use the repr of a Path, not a string, but it could be done.

Right, I didn't think about Path. Doesn't seem to be worth the trouble then.

rebased onto a635d5a

2 years ago

Build succeeded.

raise ValueError(f"Spec file '{spec_or_path}' must have '.spec' as an extension.")

Maybe Spec file {spec_or_path!r} must … ? This will handle the case where the string has a quote more explicitly.

That would use the repr of a Path, not a string, but it could be done.

Right, I didn't think about Path. Doesn't seem to be worth the trouble then.

Ah, too late, I've already changed them.

Is anything else needed to get this merged? The command works great in the current form.

Hello? It's been two months without comment, and this has been working fine.

Sorry for not getting back to you earlier… I've been tied up with other projects.

One of your commits wasn't signed that's why I couldn't merge. I took the liberty of fixing this locally as well as touching up commit messages so the subjects fit and the corresponding issue #201 is mentioned to be fixed, and merged that.

Thank you very much for contributing, and sorry again for the delay!

Pull-Request has been closed by nphilipp

2 years ago

Can you please consider creating a new release with this change? Thanks!