#190 Documentation: missing workarounds and updates
Closed 2 years ago by scoady. Opened 2 years ago by nphilipp.

Story Time

  • As a package maintainer,
    I want the rpmautospec documentation to agree with what the command line tool expects,
    so I'm not confused.

  • As a package maintainer,
    I want the various workarounds which are needed until all 3rd party changes are available to be documented,
    so that I know what to do/expect in the relevant situations.

Acceptance Criteria

  • The examples used in documentation invoke rpmautospec process-distgit the right way.
  • The Peculiarities section documents the use of fedpkg build --skip-nvr-check, mentioning that changes have been submitted which make this unnecessary, but aren't available as a Fedora package at the time of writing.
  • The documentation is built locally and uploaded to the docs repository as per: https://docs.pagure.org/pagure/usage/using_doc.html
  • A new ticket is created to remove the previous blurb, once updated rpkg packages are available.


  • rpmautospec process-distgit expects two arguments now, the original spec file (or directory containing it), and a target spec file.
  • fedpkg/rpkg upstream hasn't merged rpkg#557 yet. Until this happens, and an updated version is released and made available as a Fedora package, fedpkg build needs the --skip-nvr-check option because otherwise it would always check if a build with release number 1 exists (which will almost always be the case).

Metadata Update from @nphilipp:
- Issue tagged with: 3rd party, F35 Change

2 years ago

Metadata Update from @scoady:
- Issue assigned to scoady

2 years ago

Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

2 years ago

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