#8 rewrite the sop for archiving a fedora release into markdown for this repo
Merged 3 years ago by smooge. Opened 3 years ago by smooge.
Unknown source master  into  master

@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@

+ # How to archive a Fedora Release

+ .. title: How to Archive Old Fedora Releases.

+ .. slug: archive-old-fedora

+ .. date: 2016-04-08 updated: 2020-09-25

+ .. taxonomy: Releng/Infrastructure



+ ## Document Info


+ The Fedora download servers contain terabytes of data, and to allow

+ for mirrors to not have to take all of that data, infrastructure

+ regularly moves data of end of lifed releases (from /pub/fedora/linux)

+ to the archives section (/pub/archive/fedora/linux)


+ ## Steps Involved


+ 1. log into ```batcave01.iad2.fedoraproject.org```

+ 2. sudo log into a server which has read-write access to the download

+    NFS partition. Then change to the appropriate user.

+    ```

+    $ sudo -i ssh root@bodhi-backend01.iad2.fedoraproject.org

+    # su - ftpsync

+    $

+    ```

+ 3. Then change into the releases directory.

+    ```

+    $ cd /pub/fedora/linux/releases

+    ```


+ 4. Check to see that the target directory doesn't already exist.

+    ```

+    $ ls /pub/archive/fedora/linux/releases/

+    $ ls /pub/archive/fedora-secondary/releases/

+    ```


+ 5. If the target directory does not already exist, do a recursive link

+    copy of the tree you want to the target. This works because

+    currently archives is on the same partition.

+    ```

+    $ cp -lvpnr 21 /pub/archive/fedora/linux/releases/21

+    ```

+    Common errors which might occur at this time is finding that the

+    NFS partition is not mounted read-write. Other errors can occur

+    where the NFS is read-write, but ftpsync does not have rights to

+    copy a file. These need to be dealt with individually.


+    Another error which happens when I script things is that you find

+    out that everything got copied into

+    /pub/archive/fedora/linux/releases/21/21 even though it shouldn't. 


+ 6. If the target directory already exists, then we need to do a

+    recursive rsync to update any changes in the trees since the

+    previous copy. 


+    ```

+    $ rsync -avSAXHP --delete ./21/ /pub/archive/fedora/linux/releases/21/

+    ```


+     Again common errors which need to be dealt with are permission

+     items. Usually it is contacting other people in release

+     engineering to see what is needed.


+ 7. We now do the updates and updates/testing in similar ways.


+    ```	

+    $ cd ../updates/

+    $ cp -lpnr 21 /pub/archive/fedora/linux/updates/21

+    $ cd testing

+    $ cp -lpnr 21 /pub/archive/fedora/linux/updates/testing/21


+    $ cd ../updates/

+    $ rsync -avSAXHP --delete 21/ /pub/archive/fedora/linux/updates/21/

+    $ cd testing

+    $ rsync -avSAXHP --delete 21/ /pub/archive/fedora/linux/updates/testing/21/

+    ```


+ 8. At this point we now do the same with the fedora-secondary trees

+    with similar syntax.

+    ```

+    $ cd /pub/fedora-secondary/releases/

+    $ cp -lpnr 21 /pub/archive/fedora-secondary/releases/21

+    $ cd ../updates/

+    $ cp -lpnr 21 /pub/archive/fedora-secondary/updates/21

+    $ cd testing

+    $ cp -lpnr 21 /pub/archive/fedora-secondary/updates/testing/21


+    $ cd /pub/fedora-secondary/releases/

+    $ rsync -avSAXHP --delete 21/ /pub/archive/fedora-secondary/releases/21/

+    $ cd ../updates/

+    $ rsync -avSAXHP --delete 21/ /pub/archive/fedora-secondary/updates/21/

+    $ cd testing

+    $ rsync -avSAXHP --delete 21/ /pub/archive/fedora-secondary/updates/testing/21/

+    ```


+ 8. Announce to the mirror list this has been done and that in 2 weeks

+    you will move the old trees to archives. 


+ 9. In two weeks, log into mm-backend01 and run the archive script


+    ```

+    $ sudo -i ssh root@mm-backend01.iad2.fedoraproject.org

+    # sudo -u mirrormanager mm2_move-to-archive \

+      --originalCategory="Fedora Linux" \

+ 	 --archiveCategory="Fedora Archive" \

+      --directoryRe='/21/Everything'

+    # sudo -u mirrormanager mm2_move-to-archive \

+      --originalCategory="Fedora Secondary Linux" \

+ 	 --archiveCategory="Fedora Archive" \

+      --directoryRe='/21/Everything'

+ 	```


+ 10. If there are problems, the postgres DB may have issues and so you need to

+     get a DBA to update the backend to fix items.


+ 11. Wait an hour or so then you can remove the files from the main tree. 


+ ```

+     $ sudo -i ssh bodhi-backend01.iad2.fedoraproject.org

+     # su - ftpsync 

+ 	$ cd /pub/fedora/linux/releases

+     $ cd 21

+     $ ls # make sure you have stuff here 

+     $ rm -rf *

+     $ ln ../20/README .

+     $ cd ../../updates/21

+     $ ls # make sure you have stuff here 

+     $ rm -rf *

+     $ ln ../20/README .

+     $ cd ../testing/21

+     $ ls # make sure you have stuff here 

+     $ rm -rf *

+     $ ln ../20/README .


+ 	$ cd /pub/fedora-secondary/releases

+     $ cd 21

+     $ ls # make sure you have stuff here 

+     $ rm -rf *

+     $ ln ../20/README .

+     $ cd ../../updates/21

+     $ ls # make sure you have stuff here 

+     $ rm -rf *

+     $ ln ../20/README .

+     $ cd ../testing/21

+     $ ls # make sure you have stuff here 

+     $ rm -rf *

+     $ ln ../20/README .


+ ```





This covers items @mboddu was wanting on how to archive a release.

Pull-Request has been merged by smooge

3 years ago