#80 nagios: correct path for copying phx2 nagios svcs
Merged 3 years ago by tflink. Opened 3 years ago by tflink.

@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@


  ## Copy over the services

  - name: Copy /etc/nagios/services (PHX2 specific files)

-   copy: src=nagios/services/phx2/{{ item }} dest=/etc/nagios/services/{{ item }}

+   copy: src=nagios/services/phx2_internal/{{ item }} dest=/etc/nagios/services/{{ item }}


      - basset.cfg

      - certgetter.cfg

The nagios playbook is failing because it can't find a bunch of service
files. The playbook refers to a path of 'nagios/services/phx2/' but the
path that exists in git is 'nagios/services/phx2_internal'.

This fixes the path reference so that the playbook should complete.

Build succeeded.

Pull-Request has been merged by tflink

3 years ago