#786 websites: update getfedora.org translation file
Merged 3 years ago by kevin. Opened 3 years ago by darknao.
fedora-infra/ darknao/ansible getfedora  into  main

@@ -15,3 +15,14 @@ 

      ( cd $i ; make pushpot )



+ cd $OLD

+ git clone https://pagure.io/fedora-web/websites.git

+ cd websites


+ for i in getfedora.org; do

+   pushd sites/$i/scripts

+   ./translations-source.sh

+   [ -f $i.pot ] && ./push-pot.sh

+   popd

+ done


Until now, getfedora.org translations source file was manually generated (and not very often), resulting in translations being out of sync with the original content most of the times.
The following patch include getfedora to the translation-update script in order to keep its pot file up to date at any time.

Looks ok to me. Is this worth a freeze break? It would be good to have getfedora.org all translated for beta...

I've manually updated the pot file earlier this week, so I think we are ready for the beta.
I would say it can wait.

rebased onto 25fc76f

3 years ago

rebased onto 25fc76f

3 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by kevin

3 years ago