#49 mirror_pagure_ansible: Add a role for this service
Merged 3 years ago by pingou. Opened 3 years ago by pingou.
fedora-infra/ pingou/ansible mirror_from_pagure  into  master

@@ -30,6 +30,16 @@ 

      certname: "{{wildcard_cert_name}}"

      SSLCertificateChainFile: "{{wildcard_int_file}}"

    - openvpn/client

+   - role: rabbit/user

+     username: "mirror_pagure_ansible{{ env_suffix }}"

+   - role: rabbit/queue

+     username: "mirror_pagure_ansible{{ env_suffix }}"

+     queue_name: "mirror_pagure_ansible{{ env_suffix }}"

+     routing_keys:

+       - "io.pagure.*.pagure.git.receive"

+     thresholds:

+       warning: 10

+       critical: 100

    - batcave

    - { role: nfs/client, when: inventory_hostname.startswith('batcave'), mnt_dir: '/srv/web/pub',  nfs_src_dir: 'fedora_ftp/fedora.redhat.com/pub' }

    - { role: nfs/client, when: inventory_hostname.startswith('batcave01'), mnt_dir: '/mnt/fedora/app',  nfs_src_dir: 'fedora_app/app' }

@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@ 

+ - name: Install packages                  

+   package: state=present name={{ item }}

+   with_items:

+   - fedora-messaging

+   - git

+   tags:

+   - packages

+   - mirror_pagure_ansible



+ # Create the user the service will run under


+ - name: Setup pagure user

+   user:

+      name: mirror_pagure_ansible

+      shell: /sbin/nologin

+      comment: "mirror_pagure_ansible User"

+   tags: 

+   - mirror_pagure_ansible

+   - mirror_pagure_ansible/user


+ # configure all the fedora-messaging files


+ - name: Create /etc/pki/fedora-messaging

+   file:

+     dest: /etc/pki/fedora-messaging

+     mode: 0775

+     owner: root

+     group: root

+     state: directory

+   tags:

+   - config

+   - mirror_pagure_ansible


+ - name: deploy pagure/rabbitmq certificate

+   copy: src={{ item.src }}

+         dest=/etc/pki/fedora-messaging/{{ item.dest }}

+         owner={{ item.owner }} group={{ item.group}} mode={{ item.mode }}

+   with_items:

+     - src: "{{private}}/files/rabbitmq/production/pki/issued/mirror_pagure_ansible{{env_suffix}}.crt"

+       dest: mirror_pagure_ansible.crt

+       owner: mirror_pagure_ansible

+       group: mirror_pagure_ansible

+       mode: "0644"

+     - src: "{{private}}/files/rabbitmq/production/pki/private/mirror_pagure_ansible{{env_suffix}}.key"

+       dest: mirror_pagure_ansible.key

+       owner: mirror_pagure_ansible

+       group: mirror_pagure_ansible

+       mode: "0600"

+     - src: "{{private}}/files/rabbitmq/production/pki/ca.crt"

+       dest: cacert.pem

+       owner: mirror_pagure_ansible

+       group: mirror_pagure_ansible                                          

+       mode: "0644"

+   tags:

+   - pagure

+   - fedora-messaging


+ - name: Setup mirror_pagure_ansible fedora-messaging config

+   template:

+     src: mirror_pagure_ansible.cfg

+     dest: /etc/fedora-messaging/mirror_pagure_ansible.toml

+     owner: mirror_pagure_ansible

+     group: mirror_pagure_ansible

+     mode: 0640

+   tags:

+   - config

+   - mirror_pagure_ansible


+ # Install the script


+ - name: Create /usr/local/libexec/mirror_pagure_ansible

+   file:

+     dest: /usr/local/libexec/mirror_pagure_ansible

+     mode: 0775

+     owner: root

+     group: root

+     state: directory

+   tags:

+   - config

+   - mirror_pagure_ansible


+ - name: Install the consumer

+   template:

+     src: mirror_from_pagure_bus.py

+     dest: /usr/local/libexec/mirror_pagure_ansible/mirror_from_pagure_bus.py

+   tags:

+   - packages

+   - mirror_pagure_ansible



+ # Install and start the service


+ - name: Install the dedicated service file for mirror_pagure_ansible

+   template:

+     src: mirror_pagure_ansible.service

+     dest: /etc/systemd/system/mirror_pagure_ansible.service

+     owner: root

+     group: root

+     mode: 0755

+   notify:

+   - reload systemd

+   tags:

+   - config

+   - mirror_pagure_ansible


+ - name: Enable and started the service

+   service:

+     name: mirror_pagure_ansible.service

+     enabled: yes

+     state: started

+   tags:

+   - config

+   - mirror_pagure_ansible


@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@ 

+ """

+ This script runs in a loop and clone or update the clone of the ansible repo

+ hosted in pagure.io

+ """

+ from __future__ import print_function


+ import datetime

+ import logging

+ import os

+ import sched

+ import subprocess

+ import sys

+ import time


+ from fedora_messaging import api, config



+ _log = logging.getLogger(__name__)




+ def run_command(command, cwd=None):

+     """ Run the specified command in a specific working directory if one

+     is specified.


+     :arg command: the command to run

+     :type command: list

+     :kwarg cwd: the working directory in which to run this command

+     :type cwd: str or None

+     """

+     output = None

+     try:

+         output = subprocess.check_output(command, cwd=cwd, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)

+     except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:

+         _log.error("Command `%s` return code: `%s`", " ".join(command), e.returncode)

+         _log.error("stdout:\n-------\n%s", e.stdout)

+         _log.error("stderr:\n-------\n%s", e.stderr)

+         raise


+     return output



+ class MirrorFromPagure(object):

+     """

+     A fedora-messaging consumer update a local mirror of a repo hosted on

+     pagure.io.


+     Three configuration key is used from fedora-messaging's

+     "consumer_config" key:

+      - "mirror_folder", which indicates where mirrors should be store

+      - "urls", which is a list of mirrors to keep up to date

+      - "triggers_name", the fullname of the project (ie: name or namespace/name)

+        that we want to trigger a refresh of our clone on


+      ::


+         [consumer_config]

+         mirror_folder = "mirrors"

+         trigger_names = ["Fedora-Infra/ansible"]

+         urls = ["https://pagure.io/Fedora-Infra/ansible.git"]

+     """


+     def __init__(self):

+         """Perform some one-time initialization for the consumer."""

+         self.path = config.conf["consumer_config"]["mirror_folder"]

+         self.urls = config.conf["consumer_config"]["urls"]

+         self.trigger_names = config.conf["consumer_config"]["trigger_names"]


+         if not os.path.exists(self.path):

+             raise OSError("No folder %s found on disk" % self.path)


+     def __call__(self, message, cnt=0):

+         """

+         Invoked when a message is received by the consumer.


+         Args:

+             message (fedora_messaging.api.Message): The message from AMQP.

+         """

+         _log.info("Received topic: %s", message.topic)

+         if message.topic == "io.pagure.prod.pagure.git.receive":

+             repo_name = message.body.get("repo", {}).get("fullname")

+             if repo_name not in self.trigger_names:

+                 _log.info("Not the pagure repo of interest, bailing")

+                 return

+         elif message.topic == "org.fedoraproject.prod.infragit.receive":

+             pass

+         else:

+             _log.info("Unexpected topic received: %s", message.topic)

+             return


+         try:

+             for url in self.urls:

+                 _log.info("Syncing %s", url)

+                 name = url.rsplit("/", 1)[-1]


+                 dest_folder = os.path.join(self.path, name)

+                 if not os.path.exists(dest_folder):

+                     _log.info("   Cloning as new %s", url)

+                     cmd = ["git", "clone", "--mirror", url]

+                     run_command(cmd, cwd=self.path)


+                 _log.info(

+                     "   Running git fetch with transfer.fsckObjects=1 in %s", 

+                     dest_folder

+                 )

+                 cmd = ["git", "-c", "transfer.fsckObjects=1", "fetch"]

+                 run_command(cmd, cwd=dest_folder)


+         except Exception:

+             _log.exception("Something happened while calling git")

+             if cnt >= 3:

+                 raise

+             _log.info("  Re-running in 10 seconds")

+             time.sleep(10)

+             self.__call__(message, cnt=cnt+1)

@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ 

+ amqp_url = "amqps://mirror_pagure_ansible{{ env_suffix }}:@rabbitmq{{ env_suffix }}.fedoraproject.org/%2Fpubsub"


+ publish_exchange = "amq.topic"

+ passive_declares = true


+ callback = "mirror_from_pagure_bus:MirrorFromPagure"


+ # Don't use topic_prefix, since outgoing message topics are derived from incoming messages.

+ # topic_prefix = ""


+ # Note the double brackets below.

+ # To add another binding, add another [[bindings]] section.

+ [[bindings]]

+ queue = "mirror_pagure_ansible{{ env_suffix }}"

+ exchange = "amq.topic"

+ routing_keys = [

+     "io.pagure.*.pagure.git.receive",

+ ]


+ [tls]

+ ca_cert = "/etc/pki/fedora-messaging/cacert.pem"

+ keyfile = "/etc/pki/fedora-messaging/mirror_pagure_ansible-key.pem"

+ certfile = "/etc/pki/fedora-messaging/mirror_pagure_ansible-cert.pem"


+ [client_properties]

+ app = "RoboSignatory"

+ app_url = "https://pagure.io/Fedora-Infra/mirror_from_pagure"

+ app_contacts_email = ["pingou@fedoraproject.org"]


+ [queues."mirror_pagure_ansible{{ env_suffix }}"]

+ durable = true

+ auto_delete = false

+ exclusive = false

+ arguments = {}


+ [consumer_config]

+ mirror_folder = "/srv/"

+ trigger_names = ["fedora-infrastructure"]

+ urls = [

+     "https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure.git",

+ ]


+ [qos]

+ prefetch_size = 0

+ prefetch_count = 25


+ [log_config]

+ version = 1

+ disable_existing_loggers = true


+ [log_config.formatters.simple]

+ format = "[%(levelname)s %(name)s] %(message)s"


+ [log_config.handlers.console]

+ class = "logging.StreamHandler"

+ formatter = "simple"

+ stream = "ext://sys.stdout"


+ [log_config.loggers.fedora_messaging]

+ level = "INFO"

+ propagate = false

+ handlers = ["console"]


+ [log_config.loggers.twisted]

+ level = "INFO"

+ propagate = false

+ handlers = ["console"]


+ [log_config.loggers.pika]

+ level = "WARNING"

+ propagate = false

+ handlers = ["console"]


+ # If your consumer sets up a logger, you must add a configuration for it

+ # here in order for the messages to show up. e.g. if it set up a logger

+ # called 'example_printer', you could do:

+ [log_config.loggers.mirror_from_pagure_bus]

+ level = "DEBUG"

+ propagate = false

+ handlers = ["console"]


+ [log_config.root]

+ level = "ERROR"

+ handlers = ["console"]

@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ 

+ [Unit]

+ Description=Fedora Messaging consumer

+ Documentation=http://fedora-messaging.readthedocs.io/


+ [Service]

+ Type=simple

+ Environment="PYTHONPATH=/usr/local/libexec/mirror_pagure_ansible"

+ ExecStart=/usr/bin/fedora-messaging --conf /etc/fedora-messaging/mirror_pagure_ansible.toml consume

+ Restart=on-failure

+ User=mirror_pagure_ansible

+ Group=mirror_pagure_ansible


+ [Install]

+ WantedBy=multi-user.target


Signed-off-by: Pierre-Yves Chibon pingou@pingoured.fr

rebased onto 587c1790714de8771936fd53a98ebd1bf5df1690

3 years ago

rebased onto a0c9088ff016f004890e47f0a76e1baa7823a24d

3 years ago

rebased onto d9c88d50704958b4a0af27ab62951b5322f41fdc

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rebased onto 93cf23a

3 years ago

rebased onto 93cf23a

3 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by pingou

3 years ago