#44 Remove unused files and directives
Merged 3 years ago by kevin. Opened 4 years ago by nphilipp.
fedora-infra/ nphilipp/ansible master--lists-dev-lists01-farewell2  into  master

@@ -1,430 +0,0 @@ 

- # -*- test-case-name: openid.test.test_fetchers -*-

- """

- This module contains the HTTP fetcher interface and several implementations.

- """


- __all__ = ['fetch', 'getDefaultFetcher', 'setDefaultFetcher', 'HTTPResponse',

-            'HTTPFetcher', 'createHTTPFetcher', 'HTTPFetchingError',

-            'HTTPError']


- import urllib2

- import time

- import cStringIO

- import sys


- import openid

- import openid.urinorm


- # Try to import httplib2 for caching support

- # http://bitworking.org/projects/httplib2/

- try:

-     import httplib2

- except ImportError:

-     # httplib2 not available

-     httplib2 = None


- # try to import pycurl, which will let us use CurlHTTPFetcher

- try:

-     import pycurl

- except ImportError:

-     pycurl = None


- USER_AGENT = "python-openid/%s (%s)" % (openid.__version__, sys.platform)



- def fetch(url, body=None, headers=None):

-     """Invoke the fetch method on the default fetcher. Most users

-     should need only this method.


-     @raises Exception: any exceptions that may be raised by the default fetcher

-     """

-     fetcher = getDefaultFetcher()

-     return fetcher.fetch(url, body, headers)


- def createHTTPFetcher():

-     """Create a default HTTP fetcher instance


-     prefers Curl to urllib2."""

-     if pycurl is None:

-         fetcher = Urllib2Fetcher()

-     else:

-         fetcher = CurlHTTPFetcher()


-     return fetcher


- # Contains the currently set HTTP fetcher. If it is set to None, the

- # library will call createHTTPFetcher() to set it. Do not access this

- # variable outside of this module.

- _default_fetcher = None


- def getDefaultFetcher():

-     """Return the default fetcher instance

-     if no fetcher has been set, it will create a default fetcher.


-     @return: the default fetcher

-     @rtype: HTTPFetcher

-     """

-     global _default_fetcher


-     if _default_fetcher is None:

-         setDefaultFetcher(createHTTPFetcher())


-     return _default_fetcher


- def setDefaultFetcher(fetcher, wrap_exceptions=True):

-     """Set the default fetcher


-     @param fetcher: The fetcher to use as the default HTTP fetcher

-     @type fetcher: HTTPFetcher


-     @param wrap_exceptions: Whether to wrap exceptions thrown by the

-         fetcher wil HTTPFetchingError so that they may be caught

-         easier. By default, exceptions will be wrapped. In general,

-         unwrapped fetchers are useful for debugging of fetching errors

-         or if your fetcher raises well-known exceptions that you would

-         like to catch.

-     @type wrap_exceptions: bool

-     """

-     global _default_fetcher

-     if fetcher is None or not wrap_exceptions:

-         _default_fetcher = fetcher

-     else:

-         _default_fetcher = ExceptionWrappingFetcher(fetcher)


- def usingCurl():

-     """Whether the currently set HTTP fetcher is a Curl HTTP fetcher."""

-     fetcher = getDefaultFetcher()

-     if isinstance(fetcher, ExceptionWrappingFetcher):

-         fetcher = fetcher.fetcher

-     return isinstance(fetcher, CurlHTTPFetcher)


- class HTTPResponse(object):

-     """XXX document attributes"""

-     headers = None

-     status = None

-     body = None

-     final_url = None


-     def __init__(self, final_url=None, status=None, headers=None, body=None):

-         self.final_url = final_url

-         self.status = status

-         self.headers = headers

-         self.body = body


-     def __repr__(self):

-         return "<%s status %s for %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__,

-                                           self.status,

-                                           self.final_url)


- class HTTPFetcher(object):

-     """

-     This class is the interface for openid HTTP fetchers.  This

-     interface is only important if you need to write a new fetcher for

-     some reason.

-     """


-     def fetch(self, url, body=None, headers=None):

-         """

-         This performs an HTTP POST or GET, following redirects along

-         the way. If a body is specified, then the request will be a

-         POST. Otherwise, it will be a GET.



-         @param headers: HTTP headers to include with the request

-         @type headers: {str:str}


-         @return: An object representing the server's HTTP response. If

-             there are network or protocol errors, an exception will be

-             raised. HTTP error responses, like 404 or 500, do not

-             cause exceptions.


-         @rtype: L{HTTPResponse}


-         @raise Exception: Different implementations will raise

-             different errors based on the underlying HTTP library.

-         """

-         raise NotImplementedError


- def _allowedURL(url):

-     return url.startswith('http://') or url.startswith('https://')


- class HTTPFetchingError(Exception):

-     """Exception that is wrapped around all exceptions that are raised

-     by the underlying fetcher when using the ExceptionWrappingFetcher


-     @ivar why: The exception that caused this exception

-     """

-     def __init__(self, why=None):

-         Exception.__init__(self, why)

-         self.why = why


- class ExceptionWrappingFetcher(HTTPFetcher):

-     """Fetcher that wraps another fetcher, causing all exceptions


-     @cvar uncaught_exceptions: Exceptions that should be exposed to the

-         user if they are raised by the fetch call

-     """


-     uncaught_exceptions = (SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt, MemoryError)


-     def __init__(self, fetcher):

-         self.fetcher = fetcher


-     def fetch(self, *args, **kwargs):

-         try:

-             return self.fetcher.fetch(*args, **kwargs)

-         except self.uncaught_exceptions:

-             raise

-         except:

-             exc_cls, exc_inst = sys.exc_info()[:2]

-             if exc_inst is None:

-                 # string exceptions

-                 exc_inst = exc_cls


-             raise HTTPFetchingError(why=exc_inst)


- class Urllib2Fetcher(HTTPFetcher):

-     """An C{L{HTTPFetcher}} that uses urllib2.

-     """


-     # Parameterized for the benefit of testing frameworks, see

-     # http://trac.openidenabled.com/trac/ticket/85

-     urlopen = staticmethod(urllib2.urlopen)


-     def fetch(self, url, body=None, headers=None):

-         if not _allowedURL(url):

-             raise ValueError('Bad URL scheme: %r' % (url,))


-         if headers is None:

-             headers = {}


-         headers.setdefault(

-             'User-Agent',

-             "%s Python-urllib/%s" % (USER_AGENT, urllib2.__version__,))


-         req = urllib2.Request(url, data=body, headers=headers)

-         try:

-             f = self.urlopen(req)

-             try:

-                 return self._makeResponse(f)

-             finally:

-                 f.close()

-         except urllib2.HTTPError, why:

-             try:

-                 return self._makeResponse(why)

-             finally:

-                 why.close()


-     def _makeResponse(self, urllib2_response):

-         resp = HTTPResponse()

-         resp.body = urllib2_response.read(MAX_RESPONSE_KB * 1024)

-         resp.final_url = urllib2_response.geturl()

-         resp.headers = dict(urllib2_response.info().items())


-         if hasattr(urllib2_response, 'code'):

-             resp.status = urllib2_response.code

-         else:

-             resp.status = 200


-         return resp


- class HTTPError(HTTPFetchingError):

-     """

-     This exception is raised by the C{L{CurlHTTPFetcher}} when it

-     encounters an exceptional situation fetching a URL.

-     """

-     pass


- # XXX: define what we mean by paranoid, and make sure it is.

- class CurlHTTPFetcher(HTTPFetcher):

-     """

-     An C{L{HTTPFetcher}} that uses pycurl for fetching.

-     See U{http://pycurl.sourceforge.net/}.

-     """

-     ALLOWED_TIME = 20 # seconds


-     def __init__(self):

-         HTTPFetcher.__init__(self)

-         if pycurl is None:

-             raise RuntimeError('Cannot find pycurl library')


-     def _parseHeaders(self, header_file):

-         header_file.seek(0)


-         # Remove the status line from the beginning of the input

-         unused_http_status_line = header_file.readline().lower ()

-         while unused_http_status_line.lower().startswith('http/1.1 1'):

-             unused_http_status_line = header_file.readline()

-             unused_http_status_line = header_file.readline()


-         lines = [line.strip() for line in header_file]


-         # and the blank line from the end

-         empty_line = lines.pop()

-         if empty_line:

-             raise HTTPError("No blank line at end of headers: %r" % (line,))


-         headers = {}

-         for line in lines:

-             try:

-                 name, value = line.split(':', 1)

-             except ValueError:

-                 raise HTTPError(

-                     "Malformed HTTP header line in response: %r" % (line,))


-             value = value.strip()


-             # HTTP headers are case-insensitive

-             name = name.lower()

-             headers[name] = value


-         return headers


-     def _checkURL(self, url):

-         # XXX: document that this can be overridden to match desired policy

-         # XXX: make sure url is well-formed and routeable

-         return _allowedURL(url)


-     def fetch(self, url, body=None, headers=None):

-         stop = int(time.time()) + self.ALLOWED_TIME

-         off = self.ALLOWED_TIME


-         if headers is None:

-             headers = {}


-         headers.setdefault('User-Agent',

-                            "%s %s" % (USER_AGENT, pycurl.version,))


-         header_list = []

-         if headers is not None:

-             for header_name, header_value in headers.iteritems():

-                 header_list.append('%s: %s' % (header_name, header_value))


-         c = pycurl.Curl()

-         try:

-             c.setopt(pycurl.NOSIGNAL, 1)


-             if header_list:

-                 c.setopt(pycurl.HTTPHEADER, header_list)


-             # Presence of a body indicates that we should do a POST

-             if body is not None:

-                 c.setopt(pycurl.POST, 1)

-                 c.setopt(pycurl.POSTFIELDS, body)


-             while off > 0:

-                 if not self._checkURL(url):

-                     raise HTTPError("Fetching URL not allowed: %r" % (url,))


-                 data = cStringIO.StringIO()

-                 def write_data(chunk):

-                     if data.tell() > 1024*MAX_RESPONSE_KB:

-                         return 0

-                     else:

-                         return data.write(chunk)


-                 response_header_data = cStringIO.StringIO()

-                 c.setopt(pycurl.WRITEFUNCTION, write_data)

-                 c.setopt(pycurl.HEADERFUNCTION, response_header_data.write)

-                 c.setopt(pycurl.TIMEOUT, off)

-                 c.setopt(pycurl.URL, openid.urinorm.urinorm(url))


-                 c.perform()


-                 response_headers = self._parseHeaders(response_header_data)

-                 code = c.getinfo(pycurl.RESPONSE_CODE)

-                 if code in [301, 302, 303, 307]:

-                     url = response_headers.get('location')

-                     if url is None:

-                         raise HTTPError(

-                             'Redirect (%s) returned without a location' % code)


-                     # Redirects are always GETs

-                     c.setopt(pycurl.POST, 0)


-                     # There is no way to reset POSTFIELDS to empty and

-                     # reuse the connection, but we only use it once.

-                 else:

-                     resp = HTTPResponse()

-                     resp.headers = response_headers

-                     resp.status = code

-                     resp.final_url = url

-                     resp.body = data.getvalue()

-                     return resp


-                 off = stop - int(time.time())


-             raise HTTPError("Timed out fetching: %r" % (url,))

-         finally:

-             c.close()


- class HTTPLib2Fetcher(HTTPFetcher):

-     """A fetcher that uses C{httplib2} for performing HTTP

-     requests. This implementation supports HTTP caching.


-     @see: http://bitworking.org/projects/httplib2/

-     """


-     def __init__(self, cache=None):

-         """@param cache: An object suitable for use as an C{httplib2}

-             cache. If a string is passed, it is assumed to be a

-             directory name.

-         """

-         if httplib2 is None:

-             raise RuntimeError('Cannot find httplib2 library. '

-                                'See http://bitworking.org/projects/httplib2/')


-         super(HTTPLib2Fetcher, self).__init__()


-         # An instance of the httplib2 object that performs HTTP requests

-         self.httplib2 = httplib2.Http(cache)


-         # We want httplib2 to raise exceptions for errors, just like

-         # the other fetchers.

-         self.httplib2.force_exception_to_status_code = False


-     def fetch(self, url, body=None, headers=None):

-         """Perform an HTTP request


-         @raises Exception: Any exception that can be raised by httplib2


-         @see: C{L{HTTPFetcher.fetch}}

-         """

-         if body:

-             method = 'POST'

-         else:

-             method = 'GET'


-         if headers is None:

-             headers = {}


-         # httplib2 doesn't check to make sure that the URL's scheme is

-         # 'http' so we do it here.

-         if not (url.startswith('http://') or url.startswith('https://')):

-             raise ValueError('URL is not a HTTP URL: %r' % (url,))


-         httplib2_response, content = self.httplib2.request(

-             url, method, body=body, headers=headers)


-         # Translate the httplib2 response to our HTTP response abstraction


-         # When a 400 is returned, there is no "content-location"

-         # header set. This seems like a bug to me. I can't think of a

-         # case where we really care about the final URL when it is an

-         # error response, but being careful about it can't hurt.

-         try:

-             final_url = httplib2_response['content-location']

-         except KeyError:

-             # We're assuming that no redirects occurred

-             assert not httplib2_response.previous


-             # And this should never happen for a successful response

-             assert httplib2_response.status != 200

-             final_url = url


-         return HTTPResponse(

-             body=content,

-             final_url=final_url,

-             headers=dict(httplib2_response.items()),

-             status=httplib2_response.status,

-             )

@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ 

- <VirtualHost *:80>

-     ServerAdmin admin@fedoraproject.org

-     ServerName {{ ansible_hostname }}

- </VirtualHost>

- <VirtualHost *:443>

-     ServerAdmin admin@fedoraproject.org

-     ServerName {{ ansible_hostname }}


-     SSLEngine on

-     SSLCertificateFile    /etc/pki/tls/certs/localhost.crt

-     SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/pki/tls/private/localhost.key

-     #SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/pki/tls/cert.pem

-     SSLHonorCipherOrder On

-     SSLCipherSuite {{ ssl_ciphers }}

-     SSLProtocol {{ ssl_protocols }}

- </VirtualHost>


@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ 

- {{ mailman_webui_basedir }}/var/logs/*.log {

-     missingok

-     sharedscripts

-     su mailman mailman

-     postrotate

-         /bin/kill -HUP `cat {{ mailman_webui_basedir }}/var/master.pid 2>/dev/null` 2>/dev/null || true

-         # Don't run "mailman3 reopen" with SELinux on here in the logrotate

-         # context, it will be blocked

-         #/usr/bin/mailman3 reopen >/dev/null 2>&1 || true

-     endscript

- }

@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ 

- [Unit]

- Description=GNU Mailing List Manager

- After=syslog.target network.target


- [Service]

- Type=forking

- PIDFile={{ mailman_webui_basedir }}/var/master.pid

- User=mailman

- Group=mailman

- ExecStart={{ mailman_webui_basedir }}/venv-3.4/bin/mailman -C /etc/mailman.cfg start

- ExecReload={{ mailman_webui_basedir }}/venv-3.4/bin/mailman -C /etc/mailman.cfg restart

- ExecStop={{ mailman_webui_basedir }}/venv-3.4/bin/mailman -C /etc/mailman.cfg stop


- [Install]

- WantedBy=multi-user.target

@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ 

- local   all         all                               peer

- host    all         all          md5

- host    all         all         ::1/128               md5

@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ 

- *:*:mailman:mailmanadmin:{{ lists_dev_mm_db_pass }}

- *:*:hyperkitty:hyperkittyadmin:{{ lists_dev_hk_db_pass }}

@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ 

- LoadModule ssl_module modules/mod_ssl.so

- Listen 443

@@ -1,1 +0,0 @@ 

- Defaults>postgres !requiretty

file modified
+1 -1
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ 

      - httpd

      - mailman3

      - postfix

-     when: inventory_hostname.startswith('mailman01.phx2') or inventory_hostname.startswith('lists-dev')

+     when: inventory_hostname.startswith('mailman01.phx2')



    - import_tasks: "{{ handlers_path }}/restart_services.yml"

@@ -1,694 +0,0 @@ 

- # "false"

- # Global Postfix configuration file. This file lists only a subset

- # of all parameters. For the syntax, and for a complete parameter

- # list, see the postconf(5) manual page (command: "man 5 postconf").

- #

- # For common configuration examples, see BASIC_CONFIGURATION_README

- # and STANDARD_CONFIGURATION_README. To find these documents, use

- # the command "postconf html_directory readme_directory", or go to

- # http://www.postfix.org/.

- #

- # For best results, change no more than 2-3 parameters at a time,

- # and test if Postfix still works after every change.



- #

- # The soft_bounce parameter provides a limited safety net for

- # testing.  When soft_bounce is enabled, mail will remain queued that

- # would otherwise bounce. This parameter disables locally-generated

- # bounces, and prevents the SMTP server from rejecting mail permanently

- # (by changing 5xx replies into 4xx replies). However, soft_bounce

- # is no cure for address rewriting mistakes or mail routing mistakes.

- #

- #soft_bounce = no



- #

- # The queue_directory specifies the location of the Postfix queue.

- # This is also the root directory of Postfix daemons that run chrooted.

- # See the files in examples/chroot-setup for setting up Postfix chroot

- # environments on different UNIX systems.

- #

- queue_directory = /var/spool/postfix


- # The command_directory parameter specifies the location of all

- # postXXX commands.

- #

- command_directory = /usr/sbin


- # The daemon_directory parameter specifies the location of all Postfix

- # daemon programs (i.e. programs listed in the master.cf file). This

- # directory must be owned by root.

- #

- daemon_directory = /usr/libexec/postfix



- #

- # The mail_owner parameter specifies the owner of the Postfix queue

- # and of most Postfix daemon processes.  Specify the name of a user



- # particular, don't specify nobody or daemon. PLEASE USE A DEDICATED

- # USER.

- #

- mail_owner = postfix


- # The default_privs parameter specifies the default rights used by

- # the local delivery agent for delivery to external file or command.

- # These rights are used in the absence of a recipient user context.


- #

- #default_privs = nobody



- # 

- # The myhostname parameter specifies the internet hostname of this

- # mail system. The default is to use the fully-qualified domain name

- # from gethostname(). $myhostname is used as a default value for many

- # other configuration parameters.

- #

- #myhostname = host.domain.tld

- #myhostname = virtual.domain.tld


- # The mydomain parameter specifies the local internet domain name.

- # The default is to use $myhostname minus the first component.

- # $mydomain is used as a default value for many other configuration

- # parameters.

- #

- #mydomain = domain.tld



- # 

- # The myorigin parameter specifies the domain that locally-posted

- # mail appears to come from. The default is to append $myhostname,

- # which is fine for small sites.  If you run a domain with multiple

- # machines, you should (1) change this to $mydomain and (2) set up

- # a domain-wide alias database that aliases each user to

- # user@that.users.mailhost.

- #

- # For the sake of consistency between sender and recipient addresses,

- # myorigin also specifies the default domain name that is appended

- # to recipient addresses that have no @domain part.

- #

- #myorigin = $myhostname

- #myorigin = $mydomain


- mydomain = fedoraproject.org

- myorigin = fedoraproject.org




- # The inet_interfaces parameter specifies the network interface

- # addresses that this mail system receives mail on.  By default,

- # the software claims all active interfaces on the machine. The

- # parameter also controls delivery of mail to user@[ip.address].

- #

- # See also the proxy_interfaces parameter, for network addresses that

- # are forwarded to us via a proxy or network address translator.

- #

- # Note: you need to stop/start Postfix when this parameter changes.

- #

- #inet_interfaces = all

- #inet_interfaces = $myhostname

- #inet_interfaces = $myhostname, localhost

- inet_interfaces = all


- # The proxy_interfaces parameter specifies the network interface

- # addresses that this mail system receives mail on by way of a

- # proxy or network address translation unit. This setting extends

- # the address list specified with the inet_interfaces parameter.

- #

- # You must specify your proxy/NAT addresses when your system is a

- # backup MX host for other domains, otherwise mail delivery loops

- # will happen when the primary MX host is down.

- #

- #proxy_interfaces =

- #proxy_interfaces =


- # The mydestination parameter specifies the list of domains that this

- # machine considers itself the final destination for.

- #

- # These domains are routed to the delivery agent specified with the

- # local_transport parameter setting. By default, that is the UNIX

- # compatible delivery agent that lookups all recipients in /etc/passwd

- # and /etc/aliases or their equivalent.

- #

- # The default is $myhostname + localhost.$mydomain.  On a mail domain

- # gateway, you should also include $mydomain.

- #

- # Do not specify the names of virtual domains - those domains are

- # specified elsewhere (see VIRTUAL_README).

- #

- # Do not specify the names of domains that this machine is backup MX

- # host for. Specify those names via the relay_domains settings for

- # the SMTP server, or use permit_mx_backup if you are lazy (see


- #

- # The local machine is always the final destination for mail addressed

- # to user@[the.net.work.address] of an interface that the mail system

- # receives mail on (see the inet_interfaces parameter).

- #

- # Specify a list of host or domain names, /file/name or type:table

- # patterns, separated by commas and/or whitespace. A /file/name

- # pattern is replaced by its contents; a type:table is matched when

- # a name matches a lookup key (the right-hand side is ignored).

- # Continue long lines by starting the next line with whitespace.

- #

- # See also below, section "REJECTING MAIL FOR UNKNOWN LOCAL USERS".

- #

- mydestination = $myhostname, localhost.$mydomain, localhost, lists-dev.cloud.fedoraproject.org

- #mydestination = $myhostname, localhost.$mydomain, localhost, $mydomain

- #mydestination = $myhostname, localhost.$mydomain, localhost, $mydomain,

- #	mail.$mydomain, www.$mydomain, ftp.$mydomain



- #

- # The local_recipient_maps parameter specifies optional lookup tables

- # with all names or addresses of users that are local with respect

- # to $mydestination, $inet_interfaces or $proxy_interfaces.

- #

- # If this parameter is defined, then the SMTP server will reject

- # mail for unknown local users. This parameter is defined by default.

- #

- # To turn off local recipient checking in the SMTP server, specify

- # local_recipient_maps = (i.e. empty).

- #

- # The default setting assumes that you use the default Postfix local

- # delivery agent for local delivery. You need to update the

- # local_recipient_maps setting if:

- #

- # - You define $mydestination domain recipients in files other than

- #   /etc/passwd, /etc/aliases, or the $virtual_alias_maps files.

- #   For example, you define $mydestination domain recipients in    

- #   the $virtual_mailbox_maps files.

- #

- # - You redefine the local delivery agent in master.cf.

- #

- # - You redefine the "local_transport" setting in main.cf.

- #

- # - You use the "luser_relay", "mailbox_transport", or "fallback_transport"

- #   feature of the Postfix local delivery agent (see local(8)).

- #

- # Details are described in the LOCAL_RECIPIENT_README file.

- #

- # Beware: if the Postfix SMTP server runs chrooted, you probably have

- # to access the passwd file via the proxymap service, in order to

- # overcome chroot restrictions. The alternative, having a copy of

- # the system passwd file in the chroot jail is just not practical.

- #

- # The right-hand side of the lookup tables is conveniently ignored.

- # In the left-hand side, specify a bare username, an @domain.tld

- # wild-card, or specify a user@domain.tld address.

- # 

- #local_recipient_maps = unix:passwd.byname $alias_maps

- #local_recipient_maps = proxy:unix:passwd.byname $alias_maps

- #local_recipient_maps =


- # The unknown_local_recipient_reject_code specifies the SMTP server

- # response code when a recipient domain matches $mydestination or

- # ${proxy,inet}_interfaces, while $local_recipient_maps is non-empty

- # and the recipient address or address local-part is not found.

- #

- # The default setting is 550 (reject mail) but it is safer to start

- # with 450 (try again later) until you are certain that your

- # local_recipient_maps settings are OK.

- #

- unknown_local_recipient_reject_code = 550




- # The mynetworks parameter specifies the list of "trusted" SMTP

- # clients that have more privileges than "strangers".

- #

- # In particular, "trusted" SMTP clients are allowed to relay mail

- # through Postfix.  See the smtpd_recipient_restrictions parameter

- # in postconf(5).

- #

- # You can specify the list of "trusted" network addresses by hand

- # or you can let Postfix do it for you (which is the default).

- #

- # By default (mynetworks_style = subnet), Postfix "trusts" SMTP

- # clients in the same IP subnetworks as the local machine.

- # On Linux, this does works correctly only with interfaces specified

- # with the "ifconfig" command.

- # 

- # Specify "mynetworks_style = class" when Postfix should "trust" SMTP

- # clients in the same IP class A/B/C networks as the local machine.

- # Don't do this with a dialup site - it would cause Postfix to "trust"

- # your entire provider's network.  Instead, specify an explicit

- # mynetworks list by hand, as described below.

- #  

- # Specify "mynetworks_style = host" when Postfix should "trust"

- # only the local machine.

- # 

- #mynetworks_style = class

- #mynetworks_style = subnet

- #mynetworks_style = host


- # Alternatively, you can specify the mynetworks list by hand, in

- # which case Postfix ignores the mynetworks_style setting.

- #

- # Specify an explicit list of network/netmask patterns, where the

- # mask specifies the number of bits in the network part of a host

- # address.

- #

- # You can also specify the absolute pathname of a pattern file instead

- # of listing the patterns here. Specify type:table for table-based lookups

- # (the value on the table right-hand side is not used).

- #

- #mynetworks =,

- #mynetworks = $config_directory/mynetworks

- #mynetworks = hash:/etc/postfix/network_table



- # The relay_domains parameter restricts what destinations this system will

- # relay mail to.  See the smtpd_recipient_restrictions description in

- # postconf(5) for detailed information.

- #

- # By default, Postfix relays mail

- # - from "trusted" clients (IP address matches $mynetworks) to any destination,

- # - from "untrusted" clients to destinations that match $relay_domains or

- #   subdomains thereof, except addresses with sender-specified routing.

- # The default relay_domains value is $mydestination.

- # 

- # In addition to the above, the Postfix SMTP server by default accepts mail

- # that Postfix is final destination for:

- # - destinations that match $inet_interfaces or $proxy_interfaces,

- # - destinations that match $mydestination

- # - destinations that match $virtual_alias_domains,

- # - destinations that match $virtual_mailbox_domains.

- # These destinations do not need to be listed in $relay_domains.

- # 

- # Specify a list of hosts or domains, /file/name patterns or type:name

- # lookup tables, separated by commas and/or whitespace.  Continue

- # long lines by starting the next line with whitespace. A file name

- # is replaced by its contents; a type:name table is matched when a

- # (parent) domain appears as lookup key.

- #

- # NOTE: Postfix will not automatically forward mail for domains that

- # list this system as their primary or backup MX host. See the

- # permit_mx_backup restriction description in postconf(5).

- #

- #relay_domains = $mydestination






- # The relayhost parameter specifies the default host to send mail to

- # when no entry is matched in the optional transport(5) table. When

- # no relayhost is given, mail is routed directly to the destination.

- #

- # On an intranet, specify the organizational domain name. If your

- # internal DNS uses no MX records, specify the name of the intranet

- # gateway host instead.

- #

- # In the case of SMTP, specify a domain, host, host:port, [host]:port,

- # [address] or [address]:port; the form [host] turns off MX lookups.

- #

- # If you're connected via UUCP, see also the default_transport parameter.

- #

- #relayhost = $mydomain

- #relayhost = [gateway.my.domain]

- #relayhost = [mailserver.isp.tld]

- #relayhost = uucphost

- #relayhost = [an.ip.add.ress]




- #

- # The relay_recipient_maps parameter specifies optional lookup tables

- # with all addresses in the domains that match $relay_domains.

- #

- # If this parameter is defined, then the SMTP server will reject

- # mail for unknown relay users. This feature is off by default.

- #

- # The right-hand side of the lookup tables is conveniently ignored.

- # In the left-hand side, specify an @domain.tld wild-card, or specify

- # a user@domain.tld address.

- # 

- #relay_recipient_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/relay_recipients



- #

- # The in_flow_delay configuration parameter implements mail input

- # flow control. This feature is turned on by default, although it

- # still needs further development (it's disabled on SCO UNIX due

- # to an SCO bug).

- # 

- # A Postfix process will pause for $in_flow_delay seconds before

- # accepting a new message, when the message arrival rate exceeds the

- # message delivery rate. With the default 100 SMTP server process

- # limit, this limits the mail inflow to 100 messages a second more

- # than the number of messages delivered per second.

- # 

- # Specify 0 to disable the feature. Valid delays are 0..10.

- # 

- #in_flow_delay = 1s



- #

- # The ADDRESS_REWRITING_README document gives information about

- # address masquerading or other forms of address rewriting including

- # username->Firstname.Lastname mapping.


- masquerade_domains = redhat.com

- masquerade_exceptions = root apache



- #

- # The VIRTUAL_README document gives information about the many forms

- # of domain hosting that Postfix supports.



- #

- # See the discussion in the ADDRESS_REWRITING_README document.



- #

- # See the discussion in the ADDRESS_REWRITING_README document.



- #

- # The alias_maps parameter specifies the list of alias databases used

- # by the local delivery agent. The default list is system dependent.

- #

- # On systems with NIS, the default is to search the local alias

- # database, then the NIS alias database. See aliases(5) for syntax

- # details.

- # 

- # If you change the alias database, run "postalias /etc/aliases" (or

- # wherever your system stores the mail alias file), or simply run

- # "newaliases" to build the necessary DBM or DB file.

- #

- # It will take a minute or so before changes become visible.  Use

- # "postfix reload" to eliminate the delay.

- #

- #alias_maps = dbm:/etc/aliases

- alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases

- #alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases, nis:mail.aliases

- #alias_maps = netinfo:/aliases


- # The alias_database parameter specifies the alias database(s) that

- # are built with "newaliases" or "sendmail -bi".  This is a separate

- # configuration parameter, because alias_maps (see above) may specify

- # tables that are not necessarily all under control by Postfix.

- #

- #alias_database = dbm:/etc/aliases

- #alias_database = dbm:/etc/mail/aliases

- alias_database = hash:/etc/aliases

- #alias_database = hash:/etc/aliases, hash:/opt/majordomo/aliases


- # ADDRESS EXTENSIONS (e.g., user+foo)

- #

- # The recipient_delimiter parameter specifies the separator between

- # user names and address extensions (user+foo). See canonical(5),

- # local(8), relocated(5) and virtual(5) for the effects this has on

- # aliases, canonical, virtual, relocated and .forward file lookups.

- # Basically, the software tries user+foo and .forward+foo before

- # trying user and .forward.

- #

- recipient_delimiter = +



- #

- # The home_mailbox parameter specifies the optional pathname of a

- # mailbox file relative to a user's home directory. The default

- # mailbox file is /var/spool/mail/user or /var/mail/user.  Specify

- # "Maildir/" for qmail-style delivery (the / is required).

- #

- #home_mailbox = Mailbox

- #home_mailbox = Maildir/


- # The mail_spool_directory parameter specifies the directory where

- # UNIX-style mailboxes are kept. The default setting depends on the

- # system type.

- #

- #mail_spool_directory = /var/mail

- #mail_spool_directory = /var/spool/mail


- # The mailbox_command parameter specifies the optional external

- # command to use instead of mailbox delivery. The command is run as

- # the recipient with proper HOME, SHELL and LOGNAME environment settings.

- # Exception:  delivery for root is done as $default_user.

- #

- # Other environment variables of interest: USER (recipient username),

- # EXTENSION (address extension), DOMAIN (domain part of address),

- # and LOCAL (the address localpart).

- #

- # Unlike other Postfix configuration parameters, the mailbox_command

- # parameter is not subjected to $parameter substitutions. This is to

- # make it easier to specify shell syntax (see example below).

- #

- # Avoid shell meta characters because they will force Postfix to run

- # an expensive shell process. Procmail alone is expensive enough.

- #



- #

- #mailbox_command = /usr/bin/procmail

- #mailbox_command = /some/where/procmail -a "$EXTENSION"


- # The mailbox_transport specifies the optional transport in master.cf

- # to use after processing aliases and .forward files. This parameter

- # has precedence over the mailbox_command, fallback_transport and

- # luser_relay parameters.

- #

- # Specify a string of the form transport:nexthop, where transport is

- # the name of a mail delivery transport defined in master.cf.  The

- # :nexthop part is optional. For more details see the sample transport

- # configuration file.

- #

- # NOTE: if you use this feature for accounts not in the UNIX password

- # file, then you must update the "local_recipient_maps" setting in

- # the main.cf file, otherwise the SMTP server will reject mail for    

- # non-UNIX accounts with "User unknown in local recipient table".

- #

- #mailbox_transport = lmtp:unix:/var/lib/imap/socket/lmtp


- # If using the cyrus-imapd IMAP server deliver local mail to the IMAP

- # server using LMTP (Local Mail Transport Protocol), this is prefered

- # over the older cyrus deliver program by setting the

- # mailbox_transport as below:

- #

- # mailbox_transport = lmtp:unix:/var/lib/imap/socket/lmtp

- #

- # The efficiency of LMTP delivery for cyrus-imapd can be enhanced via

- # these settings.

- #

- # local_destination_recipient_limit = 300

- # local_destination_concurrency_limit = 5

- #

- # Of course you should adjust these settings as appropriate for the

- # capacity of the hardware you are using. The recipient limit setting

- # can be used to take advantage of the single instance message store

- # capability of Cyrus. The concurrency limit can be used to control

- # how many simultaneous LMTP sessions will be permitted to the Cyrus

- # message store. 

- #

- # To use the old cyrus deliver program you have to set:

- #mailbox_transport = cyrus


- # The fallback_transport specifies the optional transport in master.cf

- # to use for recipients that are not found in the UNIX passwd database.

- # This parameter has precedence over the luser_relay parameter.

- #

- # Specify a string of the form transport:nexthop, where transport is

- # the name of a mail delivery transport defined in master.cf.  The

- # :nexthop part is optional. For more details see the sample transport

- # configuration file.

- #

- # NOTE: if you use this feature for accounts not in the UNIX password

- # file, then you must update the "local_recipient_maps" setting in

- # the main.cf file, otherwise the SMTP server will reject mail for    

- # non-UNIX accounts with "User unknown in local recipient table".

- #

- #fallback_transport = lmtp:unix:/var/lib/imap/socket/lmtp

- #fallback_transport =


- #transport_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/transport

- # The luser_relay parameter specifies an optional destination address

- # for unknown recipients.  By default, mail for unknown@$mydestination,

- # unknown@[$inet_interfaces] or unknown@[$proxy_interfaces] is returned

- # as undeliverable.

- #

- # The following expansions are done on luser_relay: $user (recipient

- # username), $shell (recipient shell), $home (recipient home directory),

- # $recipient (full recipient address), $extension (recipient address

- # extension), $domain (recipient domain), $local (entire recipient

- # localpart), $recipient_delimiter. Specify ${name?value} or

- # ${name:value} to expand value only when $name does (does not) exist.

- #

- # luser_relay works only for the default Postfix local delivery agent.

- #

- # NOTE: if you use this feature for accounts not in the UNIX password

- # file, then you must specify "local_recipient_maps =" (i.e. empty) in

- # the main.cf file, otherwise the SMTP server will reject mail for    

- # non-UNIX accounts with "User unknown in local recipient table".

- #

- #luser_relay = $user@other.host

- #luser_relay = $local@other.host

- #luser_relay = admin+$local



- # 

- # The controls listed here are only a very small subset. The file

- # SMTPD_ACCESS_README provides an overview.


- # The header_checks parameter specifies an optional table with patterns

- # that each logical message header is matched against, including

- # headers that span multiple physical lines.

- #

- # By default, these patterns also apply to MIME headers and to the

- # headers of attached messages. With older Postfix versions, MIME and

- # attached message headers were treated as body text.

- #

- # For details, see "man header_checks".

- #

- header_checks = regexp:/etc/postfix/header_checks



- #

- # Postfix maintains per-destination logfiles with information about

- # deferred mail, so that mail can be flushed quickly with the SMTP

- # "ETRN domain.tld" command, or by executing "sendmail -qRdomain.tld".

- # See the ETRN_README document for a detailed description.

- # 

- # The fast_flush_domains parameter controls what destinations are

- # eligible for this service. By default, they are all domains that

- # this server is willing to relay mail to.

- # 

- #fast_flush_domains = $relay_domains



- #

- # The smtpd_banner parameter specifies the text that follows the 220

- # code in the SMTP server's greeting banner. Some people like to see

- # the mail version advertised. By default, Postfix shows no version.

- #

- # You MUST specify $myhostname at the start of the text. That is an

- # RFC requirement. Postfix itself does not care.

- #

- #smtpd_banner = $myhostname ESMTP $mail_name

- #smtpd_banner = $myhostname ESMTP $mail_name ($mail_version)



- #

- # How many parallel deliveries to the same user or domain? With local

- # delivery, it does not make sense to do massively parallel delivery

- # to the same user, because mailbox updates must happen sequentially,

- # and expensive pipelines in .forward files can cause disasters when

- # too many are run at the same time. With SMTP deliveries, 10

- # simultaneous connections to the same domain could be sufficient to

- # raise eyebrows.

- # 

- # Each message delivery transport has its XXX_destination_concurrency_limit

- # parameter.  The default is $default_destination_concurrency_limit for

- # most delivery transports. For the local delivery agent the default is 2.


- #local_destination_concurrency_limit = 2

- #default_destination_concurrency_limit = 20



- #

- # The debug_peer_level parameter specifies the increment in verbose

- # logging level when an SMTP client or server host name or address

- # matches a pattern in the debug_peer_list parameter.

- #

- debug_peer_level = 2


- # The debug_peer_list parameter specifies an optional list of domain

- # or network patterns, /file/name patterns or type:name tables. When

- # an SMTP client or server host name or address matches a pattern,

- # increase the verbose logging level by the amount specified in the

- # debug_peer_level parameter.

- #

- #debug_peer_list =

- #debug_peer_list = some.domain


- # The debugger_command specifies the external command that is executed

- # when a Postfix daemon program is run with the -D option.

- #

- # Use "command .. & sleep 5" so that the debugger can attach before

- # the process marches on. If you use an X-based debugger, be sure to

- # set up your XAUTHORITY environment variable before starting Postfix.

- #

- debugger_command =

- 	 PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin

- 	 xxgdb $daemon_directory/$process_name $process_id & sleep 5


- # If you can't use X, use this to capture the call stack when a

- # daemon crashes. The result is in a file in the configuration

- # directory, and is named after the process name and the process ID.

- #

- # debugger_command =

- #	PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin; export PATH; (echo cont;

- #	echo where) | gdb $daemon_directory/$process_name $process_id 2>&1

- #	>$config_directory/$process_name.$process_id.log & sleep 5

- #

- # Another possibility is to run gdb under a detached screen session.

- # To attach to the screen sesssion, su root and run "screen -r

- # <id_string>" where <id_string> uniquely matches one of the detached

- # sessions (from "screen -list").

- #

- # debugger_command =

- #	PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin; export PATH; screen

- #	-dmS $process_name gdb $daemon_directory/$process_name

- #	$process_id & sleep 1



- #

- # The following parameters are used when installing a new Postfix version.

- # 

- # sendmail_path: The full pathname of the Postfix sendmail command.

- # This is the Sendmail-compatible mail posting interface.

- # 

- sendmail_path = /usr/sbin/sendmail.postfix


- # newaliases_path: The full pathname of the Postfix newaliases command.

- # This is the Sendmail-compatible command to build alias databases.

- #

- newaliases_path = /usr/bin/newaliases.postfix


- # mailq_path: The full pathname of the Postfix mailq command.  This

- # is the Sendmail-compatible mail queue listing command.

- # 

- mailq_path = /usr/bin/mailq.postfix


- # setgid_group: The group for mail submission and queue management

- # commands.  This must be a group name with a numerical group ID that

- # is not shared with other accounts, not even with the Postfix account.

- #

- setgid_group = postdrop


- # html_directory: The location of the Postfix HTML documentation.

- #

- html_directory = no


- # manpage_directory: The location of the Postfix on-line manual pages.

- #

- manpage_directory = /usr/share/man


- # sample_directory: The location of the Postfix sample configuration files.

- # This parameter is obsolete as of Postfix 2.1.

- #

- sample_directory = /usr/share/doc/postfix-2.4.5/samples


- # readme_directory: The location of the Postfix README files.

- #

- readme_directory = /usr/share/doc/postfix-2.4.5/README_FILES


- # add this to new postfix to get it to add proper message-id and other 

- # headers to outgoing emails via the gateway. 



- message_size_limit = 20971520

- #inet_protocols = ipv4



- # Mailman, see MTA.rst

- owner_request_special = no

- # Mailman is installed from source

- transport_maps = hash:/srv/webui/var/data/postfix_lmtp

- local_recipient_maps = hash:/srv/webui/var/data/postfix_lmtp

- relay_domains = hash:/srv/webui/var/data/postfix_domains

@@ -1,693 +0,0 @@ 

- # "false"

- # Global Postfix configuration file. This file lists only a subset

- # of all parameters. For the syntax, and for a complete parameter

- # list, see the postconf(5) manual page (command: "man 5 postconf").

- #

- # For common configuration examples, see BASIC_CONFIGURATION_README

- # and STANDARD_CONFIGURATION_README. To find these documents, use

- # the command "postconf html_directory readme_directory", or go to

- # http://www.postfix.org/.

- #

- # For best results, change no more than 2-3 parameters at a time,

- # and test if Postfix still works after every change.



- #

- # The soft_bounce parameter provides a limited safety net for

- # testing.  When soft_bounce is enabled, mail will remain queued that

- # would otherwise bounce. This parameter disables locally-generated

- # bounces, and prevents the SMTP server from rejecting mail permanently

- # (by changing 5xx replies into 4xx replies). However, soft_bounce

- # is no cure for address rewriting mistakes or mail routing mistakes.

- #

- #soft_bounce = no



- #

- # The queue_directory specifies the location of the Postfix queue.

- # This is also the root directory of Postfix daemons that run chrooted.

- # See the files in examples/chroot-setup for setting up Postfix chroot

- # environments on different UNIX systems.

- #

- queue_directory = /var/spool/postfix


- # The command_directory parameter specifies the location of all

- # postXXX commands.

- #

- command_directory = /usr/sbin


- # The daemon_directory parameter specifies the location of all Postfix

- # daemon programs (i.e. programs listed in the master.cf file). This

- # directory must be owned by root.

- #

- daemon_directory = /usr/libexec/postfix



- #

- # The mail_owner parameter specifies the owner of the Postfix queue

- # and of most Postfix daemon processes.  Specify the name of a user



- # particular, don't specify nobody or daemon. PLEASE USE A DEDICATED

- # USER.

- #

- mail_owner = postfix


- # The default_privs parameter specifies the default rights used by

- # the local delivery agent for delivery to external file or command.

- # These rights are used in the absence of a recipient user context.


- #

- #default_privs = nobody



- # 

- # The myhostname parameter specifies the internet hostname of this

- # mail system. The default is to use the fully-qualified domain name

- # from gethostname(). $myhostname is used as a default value for many

- # other configuration parameters.

- #

- #myhostname = host.domain.tld

- #myhostname = virtual.domain.tld


- # The mydomain parameter specifies the local internet domain name.

- # The default is to use $myhostname minus the first component.

- # $mydomain is used as a default value for many other configuration

- # parameters.

- #

- #mydomain = domain.tld



- # 

- # The myorigin parameter specifies the domain that locally-posted

- # mail appears to come from. The default is to append $myhostname,

- # which is fine for small sites.  If you run a domain with multiple

- # machines, you should (1) change this to $mydomain and (2) set up

- # a domain-wide alias database that aliases each user to

- # user@that.users.mailhost.

- #

- # For the sake of consistency between sender and recipient addresses,

- # myorigin also specifies the default domain name that is appended

- # to recipient addresses that have no @domain part.

- #

- #myorigin = $myhostname

- #myorigin = $mydomain


- mydomain = fedoraproject.org

- myorigin = fedoraproject.org




- # The inet_interfaces parameter specifies the network interface

- # addresses that this mail system receives mail on.  By default,

- # the software claims all active interfaces on the machine. The

- # parameter also controls delivery of mail to user@[ip.address].

- #

- # See also the proxy_interfaces parameter, for network addresses that

- # are forwarded to us via a proxy or network address translator.

- #

- # Note: you need to stop/start Postfix when this parameter changes.

- #

- #inet_interfaces = all

- #inet_interfaces = $myhostname

- #inet_interfaces = $myhostname, localhost

- inet_interfaces = all


- # The proxy_interfaces parameter specifies the network interface

- # addresses that this mail system receives mail on by way of a

- # proxy or network address translation unit. This setting extends

- # the address list specified with the inet_interfaces parameter.

- #

- # You must specify your proxy/NAT addresses when your system is a

- # backup MX host for other domains, otherwise mail delivery loops

- # will happen when the primary MX host is down.

- #

- #proxy_interfaces =

- #proxy_interfaces =


- # The mydestination parameter specifies the list of domains that this

- # machine considers itself the final destination for.

- #

- # These domains are routed to the delivery agent specified with the

- # local_transport parameter setting. By default, that is the UNIX

- # compatible delivery agent that lookups all recipients in /etc/passwd

- # and /etc/aliases or their equivalent.

- #

- # The default is $myhostname + localhost.$mydomain.  On a mail domain

- # gateway, you should also include $mydomain.

- #

- # Do not specify the names of virtual domains - those domains are

- # specified elsewhere (see VIRTUAL_README).

- #

- # Do not specify the names of domains that this machine is backup MX

- # host for. Specify those names via the relay_domains settings for

- # the SMTP server, or use permit_mx_backup if you are lazy (see


- #

- # The local machine is always the final destination for mail addressed

- # to user@[the.net.work.address] of an interface that the mail system

- # receives mail on (see the inet_interfaces parameter).

- #

- # Specify a list of host or domain names, /file/name or type:table

- # patterns, separated by commas and/or whitespace. A /file/name

- # pattern is replaced by its contents; a type:table is matched when

- # a name matches a lookup key (the right-hand side is ignored).

- # Continue long lines by starting the next line with whitespace.

- #

- # See also below, section "REJECTING MAIL FOR UNKNOWN LOCAL USERS".

- #

- mydestination = $myhostname, localhost.$mydomain, localhost

- #mydestination = $myhostname, localhost.$mydomain, localhost, $mydomain

- #mydestination = $myhostname, localhost.$mydomain, localhost, $mydomain,

- #	mail.$mydomain, www.$mydomain, ftp.$mydomain



- #

- # The local_recipient_maps parameter specifies optional lookup tables

- # with all names or addresses of users that are local with respect

- # to $mydestination, $inet_interfaces or $proxy_interfaces.

- #

- # If this parameter is defined, then the SMTP server will reject

- # mail for unknown local users. This parameter is defined by default.

- #

- # To turn off local recipient checking in the SMTP server, specify

- # local_recipient_maps = (i.e. empty).

- #

- # The default setting assumes that you use the default Postfix local

- # delivery agent for local delivery. You need to update the

- # local_recipient_maps setting if:

- #

- # - You define $mydestination domain recipients in files other than

- #   /etc/passwd, /etc/aliases, or the $virtual_alias_maps files.

- #   For example, you define $mydestination domain recipients in    

- #   the $virtual_mailbox_maps files.

- #

- # - You redefine the local delivery agent in master.cf.

- #

- # - You redefine the "local_transport" setting in main.cf.

- #

- # - You use the "luser_relay", "mailbox_transport", or "fallback_transport"

- #   feature of the Postfix local delivery agent (see local(8)).

- #

- # Details are described in the LOCAL_RECIPIENT_README file.

- #

- # Beware: if the Postfix SMTP server runs chrooted, you probably have

- # to access the passwd file via the proxymap service, in order to

- # overcome chroot restrictions. The alternative, having a copy of

- # the system passwd file in the chroot jail is just not practical.

- #

- # The right-hand side of the lookup tables is conveniently ignored.

- # In the left-hand side, specify a bare username, an @domain.tld

- # wild-card, or specify a user@domain.tld address.

- # 

- #local_recipient_maps = unix:passwd.byname $alias_maps

- #local_recipient_maps = proxy:unix:passwd.byname $alias_maps

- #local_recipient_maps =


- # The unknown_local_recipient_reject_code specifies the SMTP server

- # response code when a recipient domain matches $mydestination or

- # ${proxy,inet}_interfaces, while $local_recipient_maps is non-empty

- # and the recipient address or address local-part is not found.

- #

- # The default setting is 550 (reject mail) but it is safer to start

- # with 450 (try again later) until you are certain that your

- # local_recipient_maps settings are OK.

- #

- unknown_local_recipient_reject_code = 550




- # The mynetworks parameter specifies the list of "trusted" SMTP

- # clients that have more privileges than "strangers".

- #

- # In particular, "trusted" SMTP clients are allowed to relay mail

- # through Postfix.  See the smtpd_recipient_restrictions parameter

- # in postconf(5).

- #

- # You can specify the list of "trusted" network addresses by hand

- # or you can let Postfix do it for you (which is the default).

- #

- # By default (mynetworks_style = subnet), Postfix "trusts" SMTP

- # clients in the same IP subnetworks as the local machine.

- # On Linux, this does works correctly only with interfaces specified

- # with the "ifconfig" command.

- # 

- # Specify "mynetworks_style = class" when Postfix should "trust" SMTP

- # clients in the same IP class A/B/C networks as the local machine.

- # Don't do this with a dialup site - it would cause Postfix to "trust"

- # your entire provider's network.  Instead, specify an explicit

- # mynetworks list by hand, as described below.

- #  

- # Specify "mynetworks_style = host" when Postfix should "trust"

- # only the local machine.

- # 

- #mynetworks_style = class

- #mynetworks_style = subnet

- #mynetworks_style = host


- # Alternatively, you can specify the mynetworks list by hand, in

- # which case Postfix ignores the mynetworks_style setting.

- #

- # Specify an explicit list of network/netmask patterns, where the

- # mask specifies the number of bits in the network part of a host

- # address.

- #

- # You can also specify the absolute pathname of a pattern file instead

- # of listing the patterns here. Specify type:table for table-based lookups

- # (the value on the table right-hand side is not used).

- #

- #mynetworks =,

- #mynetworks = $config_directory/mynetworks

- #mynetworks = hash:/etc/postfix/network_table



- # The relay_domains parameter restricts what destinations this system will

- # relay mail to.  See the smtpd_recipient_restrictions description in

- # postconf(5) for detailed information.

- #

- # By default, Postfix relays mail

- # - from "trusted" clients (IP address matches $mynetworks) to any destination,

- # - from "untrusted" clients to destinations that match $relay_domains or

- #   subdomains thereof, except addresses with sender-specified routing.

- # The default relay_domains value is $mydestination.

- # 

- # In addition to the above, the Postfix SMTP server by default accepts mail

- # that Postfix is final destination for:

- # - destinations that match $inet_interfaces or $proxy_interfaces,

- # - destinations that match $mydestination

- # - destinations that match $virtual_alias_domains,

- # - destinations that match $virtual_mailbox_domains.

- # These destinations do not need to be listed in $relay_domains.

- # 

- # Specify a list of hosts or domains, /file/name patterns or type:name

- # lookup tables, separated by commas and/or whitespace.  Continue

- # long lines by starting the next line with whitespace. A file name

- # is replaced by its contents; a type:name table is matched when a

- # (parent) domain appears as lookup key.

- #

- # NOTE: Postfix will not automatically forward mail for domains that

- # list this system as their primary or backup MX host. See the

- # permit_mx_backup restriction description in postconf(5).

- #

- #relay_domains = $mydestination






- # The relayhost parameter specifies the default host to send mail to

- # when no entry is matched in the optional transport(5) table. When

- # no relayhost is given, mail is routed directly to the destination.

- #

- # On an intranet, specify the organizational domain name. If your

- # internal DNS uses no MX records, specify the name of the intranet

- # gateway host instead.

- #

- # In the case of SMTP, specify a domain, host, host:port, [host]:port,

- # [address] or [address]:port; the form [host] turns off MX lookups.

- #

- # If you're connected via UUCP, see also the default_transport parameter.

- #

- #relayhost = $mydomain

- #relayhost = [gateway.my.domain]

- #relayhost = [mailserver.isp.tld]

- #relayhost = uucphost

- #relayhost = [an.ip.add.ress]




- #

- # The relay_recipient_maps parameter specifies optional lookup tables

- # with all addresses in the domains that match $relay_domains.

- #

- # If this parameter is defined, then the SMTP server will reject

- # mail for unknown relay users. This feature is off by default.

- #

- # The right-hand side of the lookup tables is conveniently ignored.

- # In the left-hand side, specify an @domain.tld wild-card, or specify

- # a user@domain.tld address.

- # 

- #relay_recipient_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/relay_recipients



- #

- # The in_flow_delay configuration parameter implements mail input

- # flow control. This feature is turned on by default, although it

- # still needs further development (it's disabled on SCO UNIX due

- # to an SCO bug).

- # 

- # A Postfix process will pause for $in_flow_delay seconds before

- # accepting a new message, when the message arrival rate exceeds the

- # message delivery rate. With the default 100 SMTP server process

- # limit, this limits the mail inflow to 100 messages a second more

- # than the number of messages delivered per second.

- # 

- # Specify 0 to disable the feature. Valid delays are 0..10.

- # 

- #in_flow_delay = 1s



- #

- # The ADDRESS_REWRITING_README document gives information about

- # address masquerading or other forms of address rewriting including

- # username->Firstname.Lastname mapping.


- masquerade_domains = redhat.com

- masquerade_exceptions = root apache



- #

- # The VIRTUAL_README document gives information about the many forms

- # of domain hosting that Postfix supports.



- #

- # See the discussion in the ADDRESS_REWRITING_README document.



- #

- # See the discussion in the ADDRESS_REWRITING_README document.



- #

- # The alias_maps parameter specifies the list of alias databases used

- # by the local delivery agent. The default list is system dependent.

- #

- # On systems with NIS, the default is to search the local alias

- # database, then the NIS alias database. See aliases(5) for syntax

- # details.

- # 

- # If you change the alias database, run "postalias /etc/aliases" (or

- # wherever your system stores the mail alias file), or simply run

- # "newaliases" to build the necessary DBM or DB file.

- #

- # It will take a minute or so before changes become visible.  Use

- # "postfix reload" to eliminate the delay.

- #

- #alias_maps = dbm:/etc/aliases

- alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases

- #alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases, nis:mail.aliases

- #alias_maps = netinfo:/aliases


- # The alias_database parameter specifies the alias database(s) that

- # are built with "newaliases" or "sendmail -bi".  This is a separate

- # configuration parameter, because alias_maps (see above) may specify

- # tables that are not necessarily all under control by Postfix.

- #

- #alias_database = dbm:/etc/aliases

- #alias_database = dbm:/etc/mail/aliases

- alias_database = hash:/etc/aliases

- #alias_database = hash:/etc/aliases, hash:/opt/majordomo/aliases


- # ADDRESS EXTENSIONS (e.g., user+foo)

- #

- # The recipient_delimiter parameter specifies the separator between

- # user names and address extensions (user+foo). See canonical(5),

- # local(8), relocated(5) and virtual(5) for the effects this has on

- # aliases, canonical, virtual, relocated and .forward file lookups.

- # Basically, the software tries user+foo and .forward+foo before

- # trying user and .forward.

- #

- recipient_delimiter = +



- #

- # The home_mailbox parameter specifies the optional pathname of a

- # mailbox file relative to a user's home directory. The default

- # mailbox file is /var/spool/mail/user or /var/mail/user.  Specify

- # "Maildir/" for qmail-style delivery (the / is required).

- #

- #home_mailbox = Mailbox

- #home_mailbox = Maildir/


- # The mail_spool_directory parameter specifies the directory where

- # UNIX-style mailboxes are kept. The default setting depends on the

- # system type.

- #

- #mail_spool_directory = /var/mail

- #mail_spool_directory = /var/spool/mail


- # The mailbox_command parameter specifies the optional external

- # command to use instead of mailbox delivery. The command is run as

- # the recipient with proper HOME, SHELL and LOGNAME environment settings.

- # Exception:  delivery for root is done as $default_user.

- #

- # Other environment variables of interest: USER (recipient username),

- # EXTENSION (address extension), DOMAIN (domain part of address),

- # and LOCAL (the address localpart).

- #

- # Unlike other Postfix configuration parameters, the mailbox_command

- # parameter is not subjected to $parameter substitutions. This is to

- # make it easier to specify shell syntax (see example below).

- #

- # Avoid shell meta characters because they will force Postfix to run

- # an expensive shell process. Procmail alone is expensive enough.

- #



- #

- #mailbox_command = /usr/bin/procmail

- #mailbox_command = /some/where/procmail -a "$EXTENSION"


- # The mailbox_transport specifies the optional transport in master.cf

- # to use after processing aliases and .forward files. This parameter

- # has precedence over the mailbox_command, fallback_transport and

- # luser_relay parameters.

- #

- # Specify a string of the form transport:nexthop, where transport is

- # the name of a mail delivery transport defined in master.cf.  The

- # :nexthop part is optional. For more details see the sample transport

- # configuration file.

- #

- # NOTE: if you use this feature for accounts not in the UNIX password

- # file, then you must update the "local_recipient_maps" setting in

- # the main.cf file, otherwise the SMTP server will reject mail for    

- # non-UNIX accounts with "User unknown in local recipient table".

- #

- #mailbox_transport = lmtp:unix:/var/lib/imap/socket/lmtp


- # If using the cyrus-imapd IMAP server deliver local mail to the IMAP

- # server using LMTP (Local Mail Transport Protocol), this is prefered

- # over the older cyrus deliver program by setting the

- # mailbox_transport as below:

- #

- # mailbox_transport = lmtp:unix:/var/lib/imap/socket/lmtp

- #

- # The efficiency of LMTP delivery for cyrus-imapd can be enhanced via

- # these settings.

- #

- # local_destination_recipient_limit = 300

- # local_destination_concurrency_limit = 5

- #

- # Of course you should adjust these settings as appropriate for the

- # capacity of the hardware you are using. The recipient limit setting

- # can be used to take advantage of the single instance message store

- # capability of Cyrus. The concurrency limit can be used to control

- # how many simultaneous LMTP sessions will be permitted to the Cyrus

- # message store. 

- #

- # To use the old cyrus deliver program you have to set:

- #mailbox_transport = cyrus


- # The fallback_transport specifies the optional transport in master.cf

- # to use for recipients that are not found in the UNIX passwd database.

- # This parameter has precedence over the luser_relay parameter.

- #

- # Specify a string of the form transport:nexthop, where transport is

- # the name of a mail delivery transport defined in master.cf.  The

- # :nexthop part is optional. For more details see the sample transport

- # configuration file.

- #

- # NOTE: if you use this feature for accounts not in the UNIX password

- # file, then you must update the "local_recipient_maps" setting in

- # the main.cf file, otherwise the SMTP server will reject mail for    

- # non-UNIX accounts with "User unknown in local recipient table".

- #

- #fallback_transport = lmtp:unix:/var/lib/imap/socket/lmtp

- #fallback_transport =


- #transport_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/transport

- # The luser_relay parameter specifies an optional destination address

- # for unknown recipients.  By default, mail for unknown@$mydestination,

- # unknown@[$inet_interfaces] or unknown@[$proxy_interfaces] is returned

- # as undeliverable.

- #

- # The following expansions are done on luser_relay: $user (recipient

- # username), $shell (recipient shell), $home (recipient home directory),

- # $recipient (full recipient address), $extension (recipient address

- # extension), $domain (recipient domain), $local (entire recipient

- # localpart), $recipient_delimiter. Specify ${name?value} or

- # ${name:value} to expand value only when $name does (does not) exist.

- #

- # luser_relay works only for the default Postfix local delivery agent.

- #

- # NOTE: if you use this feature for accounts not in the UNIX password

- # file, then you must specify "local_recipient_maps =" (i.e. empty) in

- # the main.cf file, otherwise the SMTP server will reject mail for    

- # non-UNIX accounts with "User unknown in local recipient table".

- #

- #luser_relay = $user@other.host

- #luser_relay = $local@other.host

- #luser_relay = admin+$local



- # 

- # The controls listed here are only a very small subset. The file

- # SMTPD_ACCESS_README provides an overview.


- # The header_checks parameter specifies an optional table with patterns

- # that each logical message header is matched against, including

- # headers that span multiple physical lines.

- #

- # By default, these patterns also apply to MIME headers and to the

- # headers of attached messages. With older Postfix versions, MIME and

- # attached message headers were treated as body text.

- #

- # For details, see "man header_checks".

- #

- header_checks = regexp:/etc/postfix/header_checks



- #

- # Postfix maintains per-destination logfiles with information about

- # deferred mail, so that mail can be flushed quickly with the SMTP

- # "ETRN domain.tld" command, or by executing "sendmail -qRdomain.tld".

- # See the ETRN_README document for a detailed description.

- # 

- # The fast_flush_domains parameter controls what destinations are

- # eligible for this service. By default, they are all domains that

- # this server is willing to relay mail to.

- # 

- #fast_flush_domains = $relay_domains



- #

- # The smtpd_banner parameter specifies the text that follows the 220

- # code in the SMTP server's greeting banner. Some people like to see

- # the mail version advertised. By default, Postfix shows no version.

- #

- # You MUST specify $myhostname at the start of the text. That is an

- # RFC requirement. Postfix itself does not care.

- #

- #smtpd_banner = $myhostname ESMTP $mail_name

- #smtpd_banner = $myhostname ESMTP $mail_name ($mail_version)



- #

- # How many parallel deliveries to the same user or domain? With local

- # delivery, it does not make sense to do massively parallel delivery

- # to the same user, because mailbox updates must happen sequentially,

- # and expensive pipelines in .forward files can cause disasters when

- # too many are run at the same time. With SMTP deliveries, 10

- # simultaneous connections to the same domain could be sufficient to

- # raise eyebrows.

- # 

- # Each message delivery transport has its XXX_destination_concurrency_limit

- # parameter.  The default is $default_destination_concurrency_limit for

- # most delivery transports. For the local delivery agent the default is 2.


- #local_destination_concurrency_limit = 2

- #default_destination_concurrency_limit = 20



- #

- # The debug_peer_level parameter specifies the increment in verbose

- # logging level when an SMTP client or server host name or address

- # matches a pattern in the debug_peer_list parameter.

- #

- debug_peer_level = 2


- # The debug_peer_list parameter specifies an optional list of domain

- # or network patterns, /file/name patterns or type:name tables. When

- # an SMTP client or server host name or address matches a pattern,

- # increase the verbose logging level by the amount specified in the

- # debug_peer_level parameter.

- #

- #debug_peer_list =

- #debug_peer_list = some.domain


- # The debugger_command specifies the external command that is executed

- # when a Postfix daemon program is run with the -D option.

- #

- # Use "command .. & sleep 5" so that the debugger can attach before

- # the process marches on. If you use an X-based debugger, be sure to

- # set up your XAUTHORITY environment variable before starting Postfix.

- #

- debugger_command =

- 	 PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin

- 	 xxgdb $daemon_directory/$process_name $process_id & sleep 5


- # If you can't use X, use this to capture the call stack when a

- # daemon crashes. The result is in a file in the configuration

- # directory, and is named after the process name and the process ID.

- #

- # debugger_command =

- #	PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin; export PATH; (echo cont;

- #	echo where) | gdb $daemon_directory/$process_name $process_id 2>&1

- #	>$config_directory/$process_name.$process_id.log & sleep 5

- #

- # Another possibility is to run gdb under a detached screen session.

- # To attach to the screen sesssion, su root and run "screen -r

- # <id_string>" where <id_string> uniquely matches one of the detached

- # sessions (from "screen -list").

- #

- # debugger_command =

- #	PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin; export PATH; screen

- #	-dmS $process_name gdb $daemon_directory/$process_name

- #	$process_id & sleep 1



- #

- # The following parameters are used when installing a new Postfix version.

- # 

- # sendmail_path: The full pathname of the Postfix sendmail command.

- # This is the Sendmail-compatible mail posting interface.

- # 

- sendmail_path = /usr/sbin/sendmail.postfix


- # newaliases_path: The full pathname of the Postfix newaliases command.

- # This is the Sendmail-compatible command to build alias databases.

- #

- newaliases_path = /usr/bin/newaliases.postfix


- # mailq_path: The full pathname of the Postfix mailq command.  This

- # is the Sendmail-compatible mail queue listing command.

- # 

- mailq_path = /usr/bin/mailq.postfix


- # setgid_group: The group for mail submission and queue management

- # commands.  This must be a group name with a numerical group ID that

- # is not shared with other accounts, not even with the Postfix account.

- #

- setgid_group = postdrop


- # html_directory: The location of the Postfix HTML documentation.

- #

- html_directory = no


- # manpage_directory: The location of the Postfix on-line manual pages.

- #

- manpage_directory = /usr/share/man


- # sample_directory: The location of the Postfix sample configuration files.

- # This parameter is obsolete as of Postfix 2.1.

- #

- sample_directory = /usr/share/doc/postfix-2.4.5/samples


- # readme_directory: The location of the Postfix README files.

- #

- readme_directory = /usr/share/doc/postfix-2.4.5/README_FILES


- # add this to new postfix to get it to add proper message-id and other 

- # headers to outgoing emails via the gateway. 



- message_size_limit = 20971520

- #inet_protocols = ipv4



- # Mailman, see MTA.rst

- owner_request_special = no

- transport_maps = hash:/var/lib/mailman3/data/postfix_lmtp

- local_recipient_maps = hash:/var/lib/mailman3/data/postfix_lmtp

- relay_domains = hash:/var/lib/mailman3/data/postfix_domains

@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@ 

- #

- # Postfix master process configuration file.  For details on the format

- # of the file, see the master(5) manual page (command: "man 5 master").

- #

- # ==========================================================================

- # service type  private unpriv  chroot  wakeup  maxproc command + args

- #               (yes)   (yes)   (yes)   (never) (100)

- # ==========================================================================

- smtp      inet  n       -       n       -       -       smtpd -o content_filter=spamassassin

- #submission inet n       -       n       -       -       smtpd

- #  -o smtpd_enforce_tls=yes

- #  -o smtpd_sasl_auth_enable=yes

- #  -o smtpd_client_restrictions=permit_sasl_authenticated,reject

- #628      inet  n       -       n       -       -       qmqpd

- pickup    fifo  n       -       n       60      1       pickup

- cleanup   unix  n       -       n       -       0       cleanup

- qmgr      fifo  n       -       n       300     1       qmgr

- #qmgr     fifo  n       -       n       300     1       oqmgr

- tlsmgr    unix  -       -       n       1000?   1       tlsmgr

- rewrite   unix  -       -       n       -       -       trivial-rewrite

- bounce    unix  -       -       n       -       0       bounce

- defer     unix  -       -       n       -       0       bounce

- trace     unix  -       -       n       -       0       bounce

- verify    unix  -       -       n       -       1       verify

- flush     unix  n       -       n       1000?   0       flush

- proxymap  unix  -       -       n       -       -       proxymap

- smtp      unix  -       -       n       -       -       smtp

- # When relaying mail as backup MX, disable fallback_relay to avoid MX loops

- relay     unix  -       -       n       -       -       smtp

- 	-o fallback_relay=

- #       -o smtp_helo_timeout=5 -o smtp_connect_timeout=5

- showq     unix  n       -       n       -       -       showq

- error     unix  -       -       n       -       -       error

- retry     unix  -       -       n       -       -       error

- discard   unix  -       -       n       -       -       discard

- local     unix  -       n       n       -       -       local

- virtual   unix  -       n       n       -       -       virtual

- lmtp      unix  -       -       n       -       -       lmtp

- anvil     unix  -       -       n       -       1       anvil

- scache	  unix	-	-	n	-	1	scache

- #

- # ====================================================================

- # Interfaces to non-Postfix software. Be sure to examine the manual

- # pages of the non-Postfix software to find out what options it wants.

- #

- # Many of the following services use the Postfix pipe(8) delivery

- # agent.  See the pipe(8) man page for information about ${recipient}

- # and other message envelope options.

- # ====================================================================

- #

- # maildrop. See the Postfix MAILDROP_README file for details.

- # Also specify in main.cf: maildrop_destination_recipient_limit=1

- #

- #maildrop  unix  -       n       n       -       -       pipe

- #  flags=DRhu user=vmail argv=/usr/local/bin/maildrop -d ${recipient}

- #

- # ====================================================================

- #

- # The Cyrus deliver program has changed incompatibly, multiple times.

- #

- #old-cyrus unix  -       n       n       -       -       pipe

- #  flags=R user=cyrus argv=/usr/lib/cyrus-imapd/deliver -e -m ${extension} ${user}

- #

- # ====================================================================

- #

- # Cyrus 2.1.5 (Amos Gouaux)

- # Also specify in main.cf: cyrus_destination_recipient_limit=1

- #

- #cyrus     unix  -       n       n       -       -       pipe

- #  user=cyrus argv=/usr/lib/cyrus-imapd/deliver -e -r ${sender} -m ${extension} ${user}

- #

- # ====================================================================

- #

- # See the Postfix UUCP_README file for configuration details.

- #

- #uucp      unix  -       n       n       -       -       pipe

- #  flags=Fqhu user=uucp argv=uux -r -n -z -a$sender - $nexthop!rmail ($recipient)

- #

- # ====================================================================

- #

- # Other external delivery methods.

- #

- #ifmail    unix  -       n       n       -       -       pipe

- #  flags=F user=ftn argv=/usr/lib/ifmail/ifmail -r $nexthop ($recipient)

- #

- #bsmtp     unix  -       n       n       -       -       pipe

- #  flags=Fq. user=bsmtp argv=/usr/local/sbin/bsmtp -f $sender $nexthop $recipient

- #

- #scalemail-backend unix -       n       n       -       2       pipe

- #  flags=R user=scalemail argv=/usr/lib/scalemail/bin/scalemail-store

- #  ${nexthop} ${user} ${extension}

- #

- #mailman   unix  -       n       n       -       -       pipe

- #  flags=FR user=list argv=/usr/lib/mailman/bin/postfix-to-mailman.py

- #  ${nexthop} ${user}


- spamassassin unix  -       n       n       -       -       pipe user=spammy argv=/usr/bin/spamc -e /usr/sbin/sendmail.postfix -oi -f ${sender} ${recipient}

@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@ 

- [hyperkitty]

- name=HyperKitty archiver and its dependencies

- baseurl=https://repos.fedorapeople.org/repos/abompard/hyperkitty/stable/el-$releasever/$basearch/

- enabled=1

- skip_if_unavailable=1

- gpgcheck=1

- gpgkey=https://repos.fedorapeople.org/repos/abompard/abompard.asc


- [hyperkitty-source]

- name=HyperKitty archiver and its dependencies - Source

- baseurl=https://repos.fedorapeople.org/repos/abompard/hyperkitty/stable/el-$releasever/SRPMS

- enabled=0

- skip_if_unavailable=1

- gpgcheck=1

- gpgkey=https://repos.fedorapeople.org/repos/abompard/abompard.asc


- [hyperkitty-devel]

- name=HyperKitty archiver and its dependencies (devel versions)

- baseurl=https://repos.fedorapeople.org/repos/abompard/hyperkitty/devel/el-$releasever/$basearch/

- enabled=1

- skip_if_unavailable=1

- gpgcheck=1

- gpgkey=https://repos.fedorapeople.org/repos/abompard/abompard.asc


- [hyperkitty-devel-source]

- name=HyperKitty archiver and its dependencies (devel versions) - Source

- baseurl=https://repos.fedorapeople.org/repos/abompard/hyperkitty/devel/el-$releasever/SRPMS

- enabled=0

- skip_if_unavailable=1

- gpgcheck=1

- gpgkey=https://repos.fedorapeople.org/repos/abompard/abompard.asc

file modified
+2 -4
@@ -145,7 +145,6 @@ 

    notify: restart mailman3


  - name: install packages when not using source extracts

-   when: ansible_hostname != "lists-dev.cloud.fedoraproject.org"

    package: name={{ item }} state=present


    - mailman3
@@ -514,7 +513,6 @@ 



  # Only run this on mailman01 for now.

- # TODO: run it on lists-dev too



  # The post-update scripts needs memcached to be up (django-compressor will
@@ -560,14 +558,14 @@ 

    - postfix

    - webui-qcluster

    tags: mailman

-   when: inventory_hostname.startswith('mailman01.phx2') or inventory_hostname.startswith('lists-dev')

+   when: inventory_hostname.startswith('mailman01.phx2')


  - name: enable one-shot services

    service: enabled=yes name={{ item }}


    - webui-warm-up-cache

    tags: mailman

-   when: inventory_hostname.startswith('mailman01.phx2') or inventory_hostname.startswith('lists-dev')

+   when: inventory_hostname.startswith('mailman01.phx2')


  - name: Create /etc/pki/fedora-messaging


@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@ 

- # This is the absolute bare minimum base configuration file.  User supplied

- # configurations are pushed onto this.


- [mailman]

- # This address is the "site owner" address.  Certain messages which must be

- # delivered to a human, but which can't be delivered to a list owner (e.g. a

- # bounce from a list owner), will be sent to this address.  It should point to

- # a human.

- site_owner: root@localhost


- # Set the paths to be Fedora-compliant

- #layout: fhs

- # Mailman 3 is installed from source

- layout: dev


- [paths.dev]

- var_dir = {{ mailman_webui_basedir }}/var


- [paths.fhs]

- bin_dir: /usr/libexec/mailman3

- var_dir: /var/lib/mailman3

- queue_dir: /var/spool/mailman3

- log_dir: /var/log/mailman3

- lock_dir: /run/lock/mailman3

- ext_dir: /etc/mailman3.d

- pid_file: /run/mailman3/master.pid


- #[database]

- #class: mailman.database.postgresql.PostgreSQLDatabase

- #url: postgresql://mailmanadmin:{{ mailman_mailman_db_pass }}@{{ mailman_db_server }}/mailman


- [archiver.hyperkitty]

- class: mailman_hyperkitty.Archiver

- enable: yes

- configuration: /etc/mailman3.d/hyperkitty.cfg


- #[archiver.fedmsg]

- #class: mailman3_fedmsg_plugin.Archiver

- #enable: yes


- [archiver.prototype]

- enable: yes



- [antispam]

- # This section defines basic antispam detection settings.


- # This value contains lines which specify RFC 822 headers in the email to

- # check for spamminess.  Each line contains a `key: value` pair, where the key

- # is the header to check and the value is a Python regular expression to match

- # against the header's value.  E.g.:

- #

- # X-Spam: (yes|maybe)

- #

- # The header value and regular expression are always matched

- # case-insensitively.

- header_checks:

-     X-Spam: yes

-     X-Spam-Flag: Yes

-     X-Spam-Status: ^Yes,


- # The chain to jump to if any of the header patterns matches.  This must be

- # the name of an existing chain such as 'discard', 'reject', 'hold', or

- # 'accept', otherwise 'hold' will be used.

- jump_chain: hold



- [language.en]

- # Change the english language to be UTF-8 (it defaults to ascii).

- description: English (USA)

- charset: utf-8

- enabled: yes



- # http://www.lingoes.net/en/translator/langcode.htm


- [language.pt]

- description: Protuguese

- charset: iso-8859-15

- enabled: yes


- [language.cs]

- description: Czech

- charset: utf-8

- enabled: yes


- [language.ca]

- description: Catalan

- charset: utf-8

- enabled: yes


- [language.ja]

- description: Japanese

- charset: utf-8

- enabled: yes


- [language.ar]

- description: Arabic

- charset: utf-8

- enabled: yes


- [language.nl]

- description: Dutch

- charset: utf-8

- enabled: yes


- [language.pl]

- description: Polish

- charset: utf-8

- enabled: yes


- [language.es]

- description: Spanish

- charset: utf-8

- enabled: yes


- [language.pt_BR]

- description: Protuguese (Brazil)

- charset: iso-8859-15

- enabled: yes


- [language.zh_CN]

- description: Chinese (S)

- charset: utf-8

- enabled: yes


- [language.zh_TW]

- description: Chinese (T)

- charset: utf-8

- enabled: yes


- [language.ru]

- description: Russian

- charset: utf-8

- enabled: yes


- [language.vi]

- description: Vietnamese

- charset: utf-8

- enabled: yes


- [language.it]

- description: Italian

- charset: utf-8

- enabled: yes


- [language.fr]

- description: French

- charset: utf-8

- enabled: yes


- [language.ro]

- description: Romanian

- charset: utf-8

- enabled: yes


- [language.de]

- description: German

- charset: utf-8

- enabled: yes


- [language.hu]

- description: Hungarian

- charset: utf-8

- enabled: yes


- [language.ko]

- description: Korean

- charset: utf-8

- enabled: yes


- [language.uk]

- description: Ukrainian

- charset: utf-8

- enabled: yes

@@ -1,1 +0,0 @@ 

- ifconfig-push

  • Removes remnants of lists-dev and lists01
  • Removes unused hotfix file

rebased onto 04afe8249f895e6e07e2ebb25c286166e40dcbad

3 years ago

rebased onto c326c2d

3 years ago

rebased onto 9e440d08fd9835a33093a5dc9d008e6211907c29

3 years ago

rebased onto 7769e064378d504ea98f1bba6e03c9ffc235be37

3 years ago

1 new commit added

  • Remove unused hotfix file
3 years ago

rebased onto b6b47efb30169d9175ee77fe4900d118b6e5fef3

3 years ago

rebased onto d6ca7e48a8f8dd2a4ed3ec2bcc354769159e2628

3 years ago

rebased onto 02c8c74a9a914d0cfc26e817646e80830072c602

3 years ago

rebased onto ff05b3378a8bc28a860f8c2b022135bbeb68b356

3 years ago

rebased onto ff05b3378a8bc28a860f8c2b022135bbeb68b356

3 years ago

rebased onto 5de52167e64dc679bba8283f06b58d2f8de8068c

3 years ago

rebased onto 5958059

3 years ago

rebased onto 5958059

3 years ago

Looks good to me. Thanks for the PR!

Pull-Request has been merged by kevin

3 years ago