#310 mirrorlist: clean up unused definitions
Merged 3 years ago by adrian. Opened 3 years ago by adrian.
fedora-infra/ adrian/ansible 2020-11-16  into  master

@@ -58,9 +58,6 @@ 

      timeout connect 30s

      server  mirrorlist-local1 check inter 1s rise 2 fall 3 weight 100

      server  mirrorlist-local2 check inter 1s rise 2 fall 3 weight 100

- {% if datacenter == 'iad2' %}

-     server  mirrorlist-local3 check inter 1s rise 2 fall 3 weight 100

- {% endif %}

      option  httpchk GET /metalink?repo=epel-7&arch=x86_64

      option  allbackups


@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ 




- CONTAINER3="/var/log/mirrormanager/mirrorlist3.service.log"


  if [ "$1" == "yesterday" ]; then

  	STATISTICS="/usr/bin/mirrorlist_statistics -o 1"
@@ -24,11 +23,9 @@ 

  for s in ${MIRRORLIST_PROXIES}; do

  	ssh $s "( cat $CONTAINER1 | grep -v | gzip -4 )" >> ${OUTPUT}/mirrorlist.log.gz

  	ssh $s "( cat $CONTAINER2 | grep -v | gzip -4 )" >> ${OUTPUT}/mirrorlist.log.gz

- 	ssh $s "( cat $CONTAINER3 | grep -v | gzip -4 )" >> ${OUTPUT}/mirrorlist.log.gz 2>/dev/null

  	if [ "$1" == "yesterday" ]; then

  		ssh $s "( xzcat $CONTAINER1-${DATE}.xz | grep -v | gzip -4 )" >> ${OUTPUT}/mirrorlist.log.gz

  		ssh $s "( xzcat $CONTAINER2-${DATE}.xz | grep -v | gzip -4 )" >> ${OUTPUT}/mirrorlist.log.gz

- 		ssh $s "( xzcat $CONTAINER3-${DATE}.xz | grep -v | gzip -4 )" >> ${OUTPUT}/mirrorlist.log.gz 2>/dev/null




@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ 

- mirrorlist_container_image: "quay.io/adrianreber/mirrorlist-server:2.0.0"

- mirrorlist_container_image_stg: "quay.io/adrianreber/mirrorlist-server:2.0.0"

roles/mirrormanager/mirrorlist_proxy/files/restart-mirrorlist-processes roles/mirrormanager/mirrorlist_proxy/templates/restart-mirrorlist-containers.j2
file renamed
+2 -61
@@ -1,18 +1,12 @@ 




- # This job handles hourly restarting mirrorlist container(s) and making sure all is well.

- #

- # Starting with Fedora 31 this no longer uses containers.

+ # This job handles restarting the mirrorlist process and making sure all is well.



- ##

- ## Docker ports for mirrors

+ ## ports for mirrorlist processes



- {% if datacenter == 'iad2' %}

- mirrorlist3="http://localhost:18083/metalink?repo=rawhide&arch=x86_64"

- {% endif %}



@@ -27,15 +21,6 @@ 

  	cp /srv/mirrorlist/data/mirrorlist1/* /srv/mirrorlist/data/mirrorlist2/



- {% if datacenter == 'iad2' %}

- # We have more mirror containers here

- if [ ! -f /srv/mirrorlist/data/mirrorlist3/global_netblocks.txt ];

- then

- 	cp /srv/mirrorlist/data/mirrorlist1/* /srv/mirrorlist/data/mirrorlist3/

- fi

- {% endif %}



  ## Check that protbuf cache is newer than old protobuf cache

  if [ /srv/mirrorlist/data/mirrorlist1/mirrorlist_cache.proto -nt /srv/mirrorlist/data/mirrorlist2/mirrorlist_cache.proto ]; then

  	# new proto
@@ -58,16 +43,6 @@ 

  	exit 1



- {% if datacenter == 'iad2' %}

- # check mirrorlist3 (old protbuf cache and see that it's processing ok)

- curl -q -H mirrors.fedoraproject.org ${mirrorlist3} -s -f --retry 50 --retry-delay 10 --retry-connrefused --retry-max-time 180 | grep "sha512" >/dev/null

- if [ $? != 0 ]; then

- 	echo "ERROR: mirrorlist3 not processing correctly"

- 	exit 1

- fi

- {% endif %}



  # Drain mirrorlist1. This is safe since we assured that local2 is serving

  echo "enable server mirror-lists-backend/mirrorlist-local2" | nc -U /var/run/haproxy-admin >& /dev/null

  echo "set server mirror-lists-backend/mirrorlist-local1 state drain" | nc -U /var/run/haproxy-admin >& /dev/null
@@ -80,11 +55,6 @@ 

  sleep 1

  systemctl start mirrorlist1

  if [[ ${?} -ne 0 ]]; then

- {% if ansible_distribution_major_version|int < 31  %}

-     # We have seen this to fail because podman was not able to completely

-     # remove the container for some reason. First try this:

-     sudo -u mirrormanager /usr/bin/podman rm mirrorlist1.service --storage --force

- {% endif %}

      systemctl start mirrorlist1

      if [[ ${?} -ne 0 ]]; then

          echo "Unable to start mirrorlist1"
@@ -130,32 +100,3 @@ 



  echo "enable server mirror-lists-backend/mirrorlist-local2" | nc -U /var/run/haproxy-admin >& /dev/null


- {% if datacenter == 'iad2' %}

- # copy new protbuf cache to mirrorlist3

- cp -a /srv/mirrorlist/data/mirrorlist1/* /srv/mirrorlist/data/mirrorlist3/


- # Drain mirrorlist3

- echo "set server mirror-lists-backend/mirrorlist-local3 state drain" | nc -U /var/run/haproxy-admin >& /dev/null

- sleep ${TIME_DRAIN}

- echo "disable server mirror-lists-backend/mirrorlist-local3" | nc -U /var/run/haproxy-admin >& /dev/null

- sleep ${TIME_DISABLE}


- # restart mirrorlist3

- systemctl stop mirrorlist3

- sleep 1

- systemctl start mirrorlist3

- if [[ ${?} -ne 0 ]]; then

-     echo "Unable to start mirrorlist3"

-     exit 1

- fi


- sleep ${TIME_RESTART}

- curl -q -H mirrors.fedoraproject.org ${mirrorlist3} -o/dev/null -s -f --retry 50 --retry-delay 10 --retry-connrefused --retry-max-time 180

- if [ $? != 0 ]; then

- 	echo "ERROR: mirrorlist3 did not restart correctly"

- 	exit 1

- fi


- echo "enable server mirror-lists-backend/mirrorlist-local3" | nc -U /var/run/haproxy-admin >& /dev/null

- {% endif %}

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ 


- # tasklist for setting up the mirrorlist app as a container on proxies

+ # tasklist for setting up the mirrorlist app on the proxies



  - name: add mirrormanager user - uid {{ mirrormanager_uid }}
@@ -7,30 +7,6 @@ 


    - mirrorlist_proxy


- - name: add mirrormanager subdirectories

-   file: dest="{{item}}" mode=0755 state=directory owner=mirrormanager group=mirrormanager

-   with_items:

-     - /home/mirrormanager/rundir

-     - /home/mirrormanager/rundir/libpod

-   tags:

-   - mirrorlist_proxy


- - name: mirrormanager subgid

-   lineinfile:

-     dest: /etc/subgid

-     regexp: "^mirrormanager:"

-     line: "mirrormanager:{{ mirrormanager_subgid }}"

-   tags:

-   - mirrorlist_proxy


- - name: mirrormanager subuid

-   lineinfile:

-     dest: /etc/subuid

-     regexp: "^mirrormanager:"

-     line: "mirrormanager:{{ mirrormanager_subuid }}"

-   tags:

-   - mirrorlist_proxy


  # mirrormanager user ssh key(s)

  - name: add authorized_keys for mirrormanager

    authorized_key: key="{{ item }}" user=mirrormanager state=present
@@ -46,7 +22,6 @@ 

    - /srv/mirrorlist/data

    - /srv/mirrorlist/data/mirrorlist1

    - /srv/mirrorlist/data/mirrorlist2

-   - /srv/mirrorlist/data/mirrorlist3

    - /var/log/mirrormanager


    - mirrorlist_proxy
@@ -57,7 +32,6 @@ 

    - /srv/mirrorlist/data

    - /srv/mirrorlist/data/mirrorlist1

    - /srv/mirrorlist/data/mirrorlist2

-   - /srv/mirrorlist/data/mirrorlist3


    - mirrorlist_proxy

@@ -84,23 +58,6 @@ 


    - mirrorlist_proxy


- - name: Ensure log file for content exists

-   file: dest="{{item}}" owner=mirrormanager group=mirrormanager mode=0755 state=touch

-   with_items:

-   - /var/log/mirrormanager/mirrorlist3.service.log

-   when: datacenter == 'iad2'

-   tags:

-   - mirrorlist_proxy


- - name: for the rust based mirrorlist server chown log files

-   file: dest="{{item}}" owner=mirrormanager group=mirrormanager

-   with_items:

-   - /var/log/mirrormanager/mirrorlist3.service.log

-   when: datacenter == 'iad2'

-   tags:

-   - mirrorlist_proxy



  - name: set logrotate_read_inside_containers so logrotate works

    seboolean: name=logrotate_read_inside_containers state=yes persistent=yes

@@ -111,27 +68,13 @@ 


    - mirrorlist_proxy


- - name: Install podman

-   package: name={{item}} state=present

-   with_items:

-   - podman

-   tags:

-   - mirrorlist_proxy


- - name: Pull mirrorlist image

-   command: podman pull -q  "{{ mirrorlist_container_image }}"

-   tags:

-   - mirrorlist_proxy

-   check_mode: yes


  - name: install mirrorlist-server package

-   package: name={{ item }} state=present enablerepo=epel-testing

+   package: name={{ item }} state=present


    - mirrorlist-server


    - packages

    - mirrorlist_proxy

-   when: ansible_distribution_major_version|int >= 31


  # We deploy two service files. Both listen on a different port, so that we can switch

  # them out as part of the protobuf cache deployment without having any local downtime.
@@ -145,18 +88,6 @@ 


    - reload systemd


- # We deploy two service files. Both listen on a different port, so that we can switch

- # them out as part of the protobuf cache deployment without having any local downtime.

- - name: Deploy service files for m3

-   template: src=mirrorlist.service.j2 dest=/etc/systemd/system/mirrorlist{{ item }}.service

-   with_items:

-   - 3

-   tags:

-   - mirrorlist_proxy

-   notify:

-   - reload systemd

-   when: datacenter == 'iad2'


  # enable both of them to run on boot

  - name: Enable mirrorlist1

    service: name=mirrorlist1 enabled=yes
@@ -168,30 +99,24 @@ 


    - mirrorlist_proxy


- - name: Enable mirrorlist3

-   service: name=mirrorlist3 enabled=yes

-   tags:

-   - mirrorlist_proxy

-   when: datacenter == 'iad2'


  # install our cron script to handle hourly new protbuf cache changes.

- - name: install script to restart mirrorlist containers on protobuf cache changes

-   template: src=restart-mirrorlist-containers.j2 dest=/usr/local/bin/restart-mirrorlist-containers mode=0755

+ - name: install script to restart mirrorlist processes on protobuf cache changes

+   copy: src=restart-mirrorlist-processes dest=/usr/local/bin/restart-mirrorlist-processes mode=0755


    - mirrorlist_proxy


  - name: Setup hourly cron at for mirrorlist restarts

-   cron: name="restart-mirrorlist-containers" minute="20" user="root"

-         job="/usr/local/bin/restart-mirrorlist-containers"

-         cron_file=restart-mirrorlist-containers

+   cron: name="restart-mirrorlist-processes" minute="20" user="root"

+         job="/usr/local/bin/restart-mirrorlist-processes"

+         cron_file=restart-mirrorlist-processes


    - mirrorlist_proxy


- - name: Set cron MAILTO for restart-mirrorlist-containers

+ - name: Set cron MAILTO for restart-mirrorlist-processes


      name: MAILTO

      value: "root@fedoraproject.org,adrian@lisas.de"

-     cron_file: restart-mirrorlist-containers

+     cron_file: restart-mirrorlist-processes


    - mirrorlist_proxy


@@ -3,27 +3,6 @@ 




- {% if ansible_distribution_major_version|int < 31  %}

- ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/podman stop -t 1 %n

- ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/podman rm %n --force

- ExecStart=/usr/bin/podman run \

-             --rm=true \

-             --net=host --userns=keep-id \

-             --rm=true --name %n \

-             -v /usr/share/GeoIP:/usr/share/GeoIP \

-             -v /srv/mirrorlist/data/mirrorlist{{ item }}:/var/lib/mirrormanager \

-             -v /var/log/mirrormanager:/var/log/mirrormanager \

- {% if env == "staging" %}

-             {{ mirrorlist_container_image_stg }} \

- {% else %}

-             {{ mirrorlist_container_image }} \

- {% endif %}

-                  --port 1808{{ item }} \

-                  --listen \

-                  -l /var/log/mirrormanager/%n.log

- ExecStop=/usr/bin/podman stop -t 1 %n

- KillMode=none

- {% else %}

  ExecStart=/usr/bin/mirrorlist-server \

             --port 1808{{ item }} \

             --listen \
@@ -32,7 +11,6 @@ 

             --internet2_netblocks /srv/mirrorlist/data/mirrorlist{{ item }}/i2_netblocks.txt \

             --global_netblocks /srv/mirrorlist/data/mirrorlist{{ item }}/global_netblocks.txt \

             --cccsv /srv/mirrorlist/data/mirrorlist{{ item }}/country_continent.csv

- {% endif %}




@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@ 

  mirrormanager_uid: 441

  mirrormanager_gid: 441

- mirrormanager_subuid: "100000:65536"

- mirrormanager_subgid: "100000:65536"

  mirrors_gid: 263

  mirrors2_gid: 529

Remove everything which is related to running the mirrorlist server process as a container. This has not been used for the last few months.

Also remove the 3 mirrorlist process setup for IAD2 as it is no longer necessary and removing it also simplifies the configuration.

CC: @smooge as discussed previously

+1. Can you rebase and merge?

Happy to help with rollout if you want me to.

rebased onto cb4bb12

3 years ago

rebased onto cb4bb12

3 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by adrian

3 years ago

Rebased and merged.

@kevin: Needs a run of the proxy playbook to go live.