#249 pagure: Drop the hotfix to the notify.py module for 389-ds-base
Merged 3 years ago by pingou. Opened 3 years ago by pingou.
fedora-infra/ pingou/ansible undo_hotfix  into  master

@@ -1,1180 +0,0 @@ 

- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-


- """

-  (c) 2014-2018 - Copyright Red Hat Inc


-  Authors:

-    Pierre-Yves Chibon <pingou@pingoured.fr>


- pagure notifications.

- """

- from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals, absolute_import



- # pylint: disable=too-many-branches

- # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments



- import datetime

- import hashlib

- import json

- import logging

- import os

- import re

- import smtplib

- import time

- import six

- import ssl

- from email.header import Header

- from email.mime.text import MIMEText

- from six.moves.urllib_parse import urljoin


- import blinker

- import flask

- import pagure.lib.query

- import pagure.lib.tasks_services

- from pagure.config import config as pagure_config

- from pagure.pfmarkdown import MENTION_RE



- _log = logging.getLogger(__name__)



- REPLY_MSG = "To reply, visit the link below"

- if pagure_config["EVENTSOURCE_SOURCE"]:

-     REPLY_MSG += " or just reply to this email"



- def fedmsg_publish(*args, **kwargs):  # pragma: no cover

-     """ Try to publish a message on the fedmsg bus. """

-     if not pagure_config.get("FEDMSG_NOTIFICATIONS", True):

-         return


-     _log.warning(

-         "fedmsg support is being deprecated in favor of fedora-messaging "

-         "you likely want to stop relying on it as it will disapear in the "

-         "future, most likely in the 6.0 release"

-     )


-     # We catch Exception if we want :-p

-     # pylint: disable=broad-except

-     # Ignore message about fedmsg import

-     # pylint: disable=import-error

-     kwargs["modname"] = "pagure"

-     kwargs["cert_prefix"] = "pagure"

-     kwargs["active"] = True

-     try:

-         import fedmsg


-         fedmsg.publish(*args, **kwargs)

-     except Exception:

-         _log.exception("Error sending fedmsg")



- def fedora_messaging_publish(topic, message):  # pragma: no cover

-     """ Try to publish a message on AMQP using fedora-messaging. """

-     if not pagure_config.get("FEDORA_MESSAGING_NOTIFICATIONS", False):

-         return


-     try:

-         import fedora_messaging.api

-         import fedora_messaging.exceptions


-         msg = fedora_messaging.api.Message(

-             topic="pagure.{}".format(topic), body=message

-         )

-         fedora_messaging.api.publish(msg)

-     except ImportError:

-         _log.warning("Fedora messaging does not appear to be available")

-     except fedora_messaging.exceptions.PublishReturned as e:

-         _log.warning(

-             "Fedora Messaging broker rejected message %s: %s", msg.id, e

-         )

-     except fedora_messaging.exceptions.ConnectionException as e:

-         _log.warning("Error sending message %s: %s", msg.id, e)

-     except Exception:

-         _log.exception("Error sending fedora-messaging message")



- stomp_conn = None



- def stomp_publish(topic, message):

-     """ Try to publish a message on a Stomp-compliant message bus. """

-     if not pagure_config.get("STOMP_NOTIFICATIONS", False):

-         return

-     # We catch Exception if we want :-p

-     # pylint: disable=broad-except

-     # Ignore message about stomp import

-     # pylint: disable=import-error

-     try:

-         import stomp


-         global stomp_conn

-         if not stomp_conn or not stomp_conn.is_connected():

-             stomp_conn = stomp.Connection12(pagure_config["STOMP_BROKERS"])

-             if pagure_config.get("STOMP_SSL"):

-                 stomp_conn.set_ssl(

-                     pagure_config["STOMP_BROKERS"],

-                     key_file=pagure_config.get("STOMP_KEY_FILE"),

-                     cert_file=pagure_config.get("STOMP_CERT_FILE"),

-                     password=pagure_config.get("STOMP_CREDS_PASSWORD"),

-                 )

-             from stomp import PrintingListener


-             stomp_conn.set_listener("", PrintingListener())

-             stomp_conn.start()

-             stomp_conn.connect(wait=True)

-         hierarchy = pagure_config["STOMP_HIERARCHY"]

-         stomp_conn.send(

-             destination=hierarchy + topic, body=json.dumps(message)

-         )

-     except Exception:

-         _log.exception("Error sending stomp message")



- def blinker_publish(topic, message):

-     _log.info("Sending blinker signal to: pagure - topic: %s", topic)

-     ready = blinker.signal("pagure")

-     ready.send("pagure", topic=topic, message=message)



- def mqtt_publish(topic, message):

-     """ Try to publish a message on a MQTT message bus. """

-     if not pagure_config.get("MQTT_NOTIFICATIONS", False):

-         return


-     mqtt_host = pagure_config.get("MQTT_HOST")

-     mqtt_port = pagure_config.get("MQTT_PORT")


-     mqtt_username = pagure_config.get("MQTT_USERNAME")

-     mqtt_pass = pagure_config.get("MQTT_PASSWORD")


-     mqtt_ca_certs = pagure_config.get("MQTT_CA_CERTS")

-     mqtt_certfile = pagure_config.get("MQTT_CERTFILE")

-     mqtt_keyfile = pagure_config.get("MQTT_KEYFILE")

-     mqtt_cert_reqs = pagure_config.get("MQTT_CERT_REQS", ssl.CERT_REQUIRED)

-     mqtt_tls_version = pagure_config.get(

-         "MQTT_TLS_VERSION", ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2

-     )

-     mqtt_ciphers = pagure_config.get("MQTT_CIPHERS")


-     mqtt_topic_prefix = pagure_config.get("MQTT_TOPIC_PREFIX") or None

-     if mqtt_topic_prefix:

-         topic = "/".join([mqtt_topic_prefix.rstrip("/"), topic])


-     # We catch Exception if we want :-p

-     # pylint: disable=broad-except

-     # Ignore message about mqtt import

-     # pylint: disable=import-error

-     try:

-         import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt


-         client = mqtt.Client(os.uname()[1])

-         client.tls_set(

-             ca_certs=mqtt_ca_certs,

-             certfile=mqtt_certfile,

-             keyfile=mqtt_keyfile,

-             cert_reqs=mqtt_cert_reqs,

-             tls_version=mqtt_tls_version,

-             ciphers=mqtt_ciphers,

-         )

-         if mqtt_username and mqtt_pass:

-             client.username_pw_set(mqtt_username, mqtt_pass)


-         client.connect(mqtt_host, mqtt_port)

-         client.publish(topic, json.dumps(message))

-         client.disconnect()


-     except Exception:

-         _log.exception("Error sending mqtt message")



- def log(project, topic, msg, webhook=True):

-     """ This is the place where we send notifications to user about actions

-     occuring in pagure.

-     """


-     # Send fedmsg notification (if fedmsg is there and set-up)

-     if not project or (

-         project.settings.get("fedmsg_notifications", True)

-         and not project.private

-     ):

-         fedmsg_publish(topic, msg)

-         fedora_messaging_publish(topic, msg)


-     # Send stomp notification (if stomp is there and set-up)

-     if not project or (

-         project.settings.get("stomp_notifications", True)

-         and not project.private

-     ):

-         stomp_publish(topic, msg)


-     # Send mqtt notification (if mqtt is there and set-up)

-     if not project or (

-         project.settings.get("mqtt_notifications", True)

-         and not project.private

-     ):

-         mqtt_publish(topic, msg)


-     # Send blink notification to any 3rd party plugins, if there are any

-     blinker_publish(topic, msg)


-     if webhook and project and not project.private:

-         pagure.lib.tasks_services.webhook_notification.delay(

-             topic=topic,

-             msg=msg,

-             namespace=project.namespace,

-             name=project.name,

-             user=project.user.username if project.is_fork else None,

-         )



- def _add_mentioned_users(emails, comment):

-     """ Check the comment to see if an user is mentioned in it and if

-     so add this user to the list of people to notify.

-     """

-     for username in re.findall(MENTION_RE, comment):

-         user = pagure.lib.query.search_user(flask.g.session, username=username)

-         if user:

-             emails.add(user.default_email)

-     return emails



- def _clean_emails(emails, user):

-     """ Remove the email of the user doing the action if it is in the list.


-     This avoids receiving emails about action you do.

-     """

-     # Remove the user doing the action from the list of person to email

-     # unless they actively asked for it

-     if (

-         user

-         and user.emails

-         and not user.settings.get("cc_me_to_my_actions", False)

-     ):

-         for email in user.emails:

-             if email.email in emails:

-                 emails.remove(email.email)

-     return emails



- def _get_emails_for_obj(obj):

-     """ Return the list of emails to send notification to when notifying

-     about the specified issue or pull-request.

-     """

-     emails = set()

-     # Add project creator/owner

-     if obj.project.user.default_email:

-         emails.add(obj.project.user.default_email)


-     # Add committers is object is private, otherwise all contributors

-     if obj.isa in ["issue", "pull-request"] and obj.private:

-         for user in obj.project.committers:

-             if user.default_email:

-                 emails.add(user.default_email)

-     else:

-         for user in obj.project.users:

-             if user.default_email:

-                 emails.add(user.default_email)


-     # Add people in groups with any access to the project:

-     for group in obj.project.groups:

-         if group.creator.default_email:

-             emails.add(group.creator.default_email)

-         for user in group.users:

-             if user.default_email:

-                 emails.add(user.default_email)


-     # Add people that commented on the issue/PR

-     if obj.isa in ["issue", "pull-request"]:

-         for comment in obj.comments:

-             if comment.user.default_email:

-                 emails.add(comment.user.default_email)


-     # Add public notifications to lists/users set project-wide

-     if obj.isa == "issue" and not obj.private:

-         for notifs in obj.project.notifications.get("issues", []):

-             emails.add(notifs)

-     elif obj.isa == "pull-request":

-         for notifs in obj.project.notifications.get("requests", []):

-             emails.add(notifs)


-     # Add the person watching this project, if it's a public issue or a

-     # pull-request

-     if (obj.isa == "issue" and not obj.private) or obj.isa == "pull-request":

-         for watcher in obj.project.watchers:

-             if watcher.watch_issues:

-                 emails.add(watcher.user.default_email)

-             else:

-                 # If there is a watch entry and it is false, it means the user

-                 # explicitly requested to not watch the issue

-                 if watcher.user.default_email in emails:

-                     emails.remove(watcher.user.default_email)


-     # Add/Remove people who explicitly asked to be added/removed

-     if obj.isa in ["issue", "pull-request"]:

-         for watcher in obj.watchers:

-             if not watcher.watch and watcher.user.default_email in emails:

-                 emails.remove(watcher.user.default_email)

-             elif watcher.watch:

-                 emails.add(watcher.user.default_email)


-     # Drop the email used by pagure when sending

-     emails = _clean_emails(

-         emails,

-         pagure_config.get(

-             pagure_config.get("FROM_EMAIL", "pagure@fedoraproject.org")

-         ),

-     )


-     # Add the person that opened the issue/PR

-     if obj.user.default_email:

-         emails.add(obj.user.default_email)


-     # Add the person assigned to the issue/PR

-     if obj.isa in ["issue", "pull-request"]:

-         if obj.assignee and obj.assignee.default_email:

-             emails.add(obj.assignee.default_email)


-     return emails



- def _get_emails_for_commit_notification(project):

-     emails = set()

-     for watcher in project.watchers:

-         if watcher.watch_commits:

-             emails.add(watcher.user.default_email)


-     # Drop the email used by pagure when sending

-     emails = _clean_emails(

-         emails,

-         pagure_config.get(

-             pagure_config.get("FROM_EMAIL", "pagure@fedoraproject.org")

-         ),

-     )


-     return emails



- def _build_url(*args):

-     """ Build a URL from a given list of arguments. """

-     items = []

-     for idx, arg in enumerate(args):

-         arg = "%s" % arg

-         if arg.startswith("/"):

-             arg = arg[1:]

-         if arg.endswith("/") and not idx + 1 == len(args):

-             arg = arg[:-1]

-         items.append(arg)


-     return "/".join(items)



- def _fullname_to_url(fullname):

-     """ For forked projects, fullname is 'forks/user/...' but URL is

-     'fork/user/...'. This is why we can't have nice things.

-     """

-     if fullname.startswith("forks/"):

-         fullname = fullname.replace("forks", "fork", 1)

-     return fullname



- def send_email(

-     text,

-     subject,

-     to_mail,

-     mail_id=None,

-     in_reply_to=None,

-     project_name=None,

-     user_from=None,

-     reporter=None,

-     assignee=None,

- ):  # pragma: no cover

-     """ Send an email with the specified information.


-     :arg text: the content of the email to send

-     :type text: unicode

-     :arg subject: the subject of the email

-     :arg to_mail: a string representing a list of recipient separated by a

-         comma

-     :kwarg mail_id: if defined, the header `mail-id` is set with this value

-     :kwarg in_reply_to: if defined, the header `In-Reply-To` is set with

-         this value

-     :kwarg project_name: if defined, the name of the project


-     """

-     if not to_mail:

-         return


-     from_email = pagure_config.get("FROM_EMAIL", "pagure@fedoraproject.org")

-     if isinstance(from_email, bytes):

-         from_email = from_email.decode("utf-8")

-     if user_from:

-         header = Header(user_from, "utf-8")

-         from_email = "%s <%s>" % (header.encode(), from_email)


-     if project_name is not None:

-         subject_tag = project_name

-     else:

-         subject_tag = "Pagure"

-     if mail_id:

-         mail_id = mail_id + "@%s" % pagure_config["DOMAIN_EMAIL_NOTIFICATIONS"]

-     if in_reply_to:

-         in_reply_to = (

-             in_reply_to + "@%s" % pagure_config["DOMAIN_EMAIL_NOTIFICATIONS"]

-         )


-     smtp = None

-     for mailto in to_mail.split(","):

-         try:

-             pagure.lib.query.allowed_emailaddress(mailto)

-         except pagure.exceptions.PagureException:

-             continue

-         msg = MIMEText(text.encode("utf-8"), "plain", "utf-8")

-         msg["Subject"] = Header("[%s] %s" % (subject_tag, subject), "utf-8")

-         msg["From"] = from_email


-         if mail_id:

-             msg["mail-id"] = mail_id

-             msg["Message-Id"] = "<%s>" % mail_id


-         if in_reply_to:

-             msg["In-Reply-To"] = "<%s>" % in_reply_to


-         msg["X-Auto-Response-Suppress"] = "All"

-         msg["X-pagure"] = pagure_config["APP_URL"]

-         if project_name is not None:

-             msg["X-pagure-project"] = project_name

-             msg["List-ID"] = project_name

-             msg["List-Archive"] = _build_url(

-                 pagure_config["APP_URL"], _fullname_to_url(project_name)

-             )

-             if project_name == "389-ds-base":

-                 _log.info("Do not notify about 389-ds-base")

-                 return


-         if reporter is not None:

-             msg["X-pagure-reporter"] = reporter

-         if assignee is not None:

-             msg["X-pagure-assignee"] = assignee


-         # Send the message via our own SMTP server, but don't include the

-         # envelope header.

-         msg["To"] = mailto

-         salt = pagure_config.get("SALT_EMAIL")

-         if salt and not isinstance(salt, bytes):

-             salt = salt.encode("utf-8")


-         if mail_id and pagure_config["EVENTSOURCE_SOURCE"]:


-             key = (

-                 b"<"

-                 + mail_id.encode("utf-8")

-                 + b">"

-                 + salt

-                 + mailto.encode("utf-8")

-             )

-             if isinstance(key, six.text_type):

-                 key = key.encode("utf-8")

-             mhash = hashlib.sha512(key)


-             msg["Reply-To"] = "reply+%s@%s" % (

-                 mhash.hexdigest(),

-                 pagure_config["DOMAIN_EMAIL_NOTIFICATIONS"],

-             )

-             msg["Mail-Followup-To"] = msg["Reply-To"]

-         if not pagure_config.get("EMAIL_SEND", True):

-             _log.debug("******EMAIL******")

-             _log.debug("From: %s", from_email)

-             _log.debug("To: %s", to_mail)

-             _log.debug("Subject: %s", subject)

-             _log.debug("in_reply_to: %s", in_reply_to)

-             _log.debug("mail_id: %s", mail_id)

-             _log.debug("Contents:")

-             _log.debug("%s" % text)

-             _log.debug("*****************")

-             _log.debug(msg.as_string())

-             _log.debug("*****/EMAIL******")

-             continue

-         try:

-             if smtp is None:

-                 if pagure_config["SMTP_SSL"]:

-                     smtp = smtplib.SMTP_SSL(

-                         pagure_config["SMTP_SERVER"],

-                         pagure_config["SMTP_PORT"],

-                     )

-                 else:

-                     smtp = smtplib.SMTP(

-                         pagure_config["SMTP_SERVER"],

-                         pagure_config["SMTP_PORT"],

-                     )


-             if pagure_config.get("SMTP_STARTTLS"):

-                 context = ssl.create_default_context()

-                 keyfile = pagure_config.get("SMTP_KEYFILE") or None

-                 certfile = pagure_config.get("SMTP_CERTFILE") or None

-                 respcode, _ = smtp.starttls(

-                     keyfile=keyfile, certfile=certfile, context=context,

-                 )

-                 if respcode != 220:

-                     _log.warning(

-                         "The starttls command did not return the 220 "

-                         "response code expected."

-                     )


-             if (

-                 pagure_config["SMTP_USERNAME"]

-                 and pagure_config["SMTP_PASSWORD"]

-             ):

-                 smtp.login(

-                     pagure_config["SMTP_USERNAME"],

-                     pagure_config["SMTP_PASSWORD"],

-                 )


-             smtp.sendmail(from_email, [mailto], msg.as_string())

-         except smtplib.SMTPException as err:

-             _log.exception(err)

-     if smtp:

-         smtp.quit()

-     return msg



- def notify_new_comment(comment, user=None):

-     """ Notify the people following an issue that a new comment was added

-     to the issue.

-     """


-     text = """

- %s added a new comment to an issue you are following:

- ``

- %s

- ``


- %s

- %s

- """ % (

-         comment.user.user,

-         comment.comment,

-         REPLY_MSG,

-         _build_url(

-             pagure_config["APP_URL"],

-             _fullname_to_url(comment.issue.project.fullname),

-             "issue",

-             comment.issue.id,

-         ),

-     )

-     mail_to = _get_emails_for_obj(comment.issue)

-     if comment.user and comment.user.default_email:

-         mail_to.add(comment.user.default_email)


-     mail_to = _add_mentioned_users(mail_to, comment.comment)

-     mail_to = _clean_emails(mail_to, user)


-     assignee = comment.issue.assignee.user if comment.issue.assignee else None


-     send_email(

-         text,

-         "Issue #%s: %s" % (comment.issue.id, comment.issue.title),

-         ",".join(mail_to),

-         mail_id=comment.mail_id,

-         in_reply_to=comment.issue.mail_id,

-         project_name=comment.issue.project.fullname,

-         user_from=comment.user.fullname or comment.user.user,

-         reporter=comment.issue.user.user,

-         assignee=assignee,

-     )



- def notify_new_issue(issue, user=None):

-     """ Notify the people following a project that a new issue was added

-     to it.

-     """

-     text = """

- %s reported a new issue against the project: `%s` that you are following:

- ``

- %s

- ``


- %s

- %s

- """ % (

-         issue.user.user,

-         issue.project.name,

-         issue.content,

-         REPLY_MSG,

-         _build_url(

-             pagure_config["APP_URL"],

-             _fullname_to_url(issue.project.fullname),

-             "issue",

-             issue.id,

-         ),

-     )

-     mail_to = _get_emails_for_obj(issue)

-     mail_to = _add_mentioned_users(mail_to, issue.content)

-     mail_to = _clean_emails(mail_to, user)


-     assignee = issue.assignee.user if issue.assignee else None


-     send_email(

-         text,

-         "Issue #%s: %s" % (issue.id, issue.title),

-         ",".join(mail_to),

-         mail_id=issue.mail_id,

-         project_name=issue.project.fullname,

-         user_from=issue.user.fullname or issue.user.user,

-         reporter=issue.user.user,

-         assignee=assignee,

-     )



- def notify_assigned_issue(issue, new_assignee, user):

-     """ Notify the people following an issue that the assignee changed.

-     """

-     action = "reset"

-     if new_assignee:

-         action = "assigned to `%s`" % new_assignee.user

-     text = """

- The issue: `%s` of project: `%s` has been %s by %s.


- %s

- """ % (

-         issue.title,

-         issue.project.name,

-         action,

-         user.username,

-         _build_url(

-             pagure_config["APP_URL"],

-             _fullname_to_url(issue.project.fullname),

-             "issue",

-             issue.id,

-         ),

-     )

-     mail_to = _get_emails_for_obj(issue)

-     if new_assignee and new_assignee.default_email:

-         mail_to.add(new_assignee.default_email)


-     mail_to = _clean_emails(mail_to, user)


-     uid = time.mktime(datetime.datetime.now().timetuple())


-     assignee = issue.assignee.user if issue.assignee else None


-     send_email(

-         text,

-         "Issue #%s: %s" % (issue.id, issue.title),

-         ",".join(mail_to),

-         mail_id="%s/assigned/%s" % (issue.mail_id, uid),

-         in_reply_to=issue.mail_id,

-         project_name=issue.project.fullname,

-         user_from=user.fullname or user.user,

-         reporter=issue.user.user,

-         assignee=assignee,

-     )



- def notify_status_change_issue(issue, user):

-     """ Notify the people following a project that an issue changed status.

-     """

-     status = issue.status

-     if status.lower() != "open" and issue.close_status:

-         status = "%s as %s" % (status, issue.close_status)

-     text = """

- The status of the issue: `%s` of project: `%s` has been updated to: %s by %s.


- %s

- """ % (

-         issue.title,

-         issue.project.fullname,

-         status,

-         user.username,

-         _build_url(

-             pagure_config["APP_URL"],

-             _fullname_to_url(issue.project.fullname),

-             "issue",

-             issue.id,

-         ),

-     )

-     mail_to = _get_emails_for_obj(issue)


-     uid = time.mktime(datetime.datetime.now().timetuple())


-     assignee = issue.assignee.user if issue.assignee else None


-     send_email(

-         text,

-         "Issue #%s: %s" % (issue.id, issue.title),

-         ",".join(mail_to),

-         mail_id="%s/close/%s" % (issue.mail_id, uid),

-         in_reply_to=issue.mail_id,

-         project_name=issue.project.fullname,

-         user_from=user.fullname or user.user,

-         reporter=issue.user.user,

-         assignee=assignee,

-     )



- def notify_meta_change_issue(issue, user, msg):

-     """ Notify that a custom field changed

-     """

-     text = """

- `%s` updated issue.


- %s


- %s

- """ % (

-         user.username,

-         msg,

-         _build_url(

-             pagure_config["APP_URL"],

-             _fullname_to_url(issue.project.fullname),

-             "issue",

-             issue.id,

-         ),

-     )

-     mail_to = _get_emails_for_obj(issue)

-     uid = time.mktime(datetime.datetime.now().timetuple())


-     assignee = issue.assignee.user if issue.assignee else None


-     send_email(

-         text,

-         "Issue #%s: %s" % (issue.id, issue.title),

-         ",".join(mail_to),

-         mail_id="%s/close/%s" % (issue.mail_id, uid),

-         in_reply_to=issue.mail_id,

-         project_name=issue.project.fullname,

-         user_from=user.fullname or user.user,

-         reporter=issue.user.user,

-         assignee=assignee,

-     )



- def notify_assigned_request(request, new_assignee, user):

-     """ Notify the people following a pull-request that the assignee changed.

-     """

-     action = "reset"

-     if new_assignee:

-         action = "assigned to `%s`" % new_assignee.user

-     text = """

- The pull-request: `%s` of project: `%s` has been %s by %s.


- %s

- """ % (

-         request.title,

-         request.project.name,

-         action,

-         user.username,

-         _build_url(

-             pagure_config["APP_URL"],

-             _fullname_to_url(request.project.fullname),

-             "pull-request",

-             request.id,

-         ),

-     )

-     mail_to = _get_emails_for_obj(request)

-     if new_assignee and new_assignee.default_email:

-         mail_to.add(new_assignee.default_email)


-     mail_to = _clean_emails(mail_to, user)


-     uid = time.mktime(datetime.datetime.now().timetuple())


-     assignee = request.assignee.user if request.assignee else None


-     send_email(

-         text,

-         "PR #%s: %s" % (request.id, request.title),

-         ",".join(mail_to),

-         mail_id="%s/assigned/%s" % (request.mail_id, uid),

-         in_reply_to=request.mail_id,

-         project_name=request.project.fullname,

-         user_from=user.fullname or user.user,

-         reporter=request.user.user,

-         assignee=assignee,

-     )



- def notify_new_pull_request(request):

-     """ Notify the people following a project that a new pull-request was

-     added to it.

-     """

-     text = """

- %s opened a new pull-request against the project: `%s` that you are following:

- ``

- %s

- ``


- %s

- %s

- """ % (

-         request.user.user,

-         request.project.name,

-         request.title,

-         REPLY_MSG,

-         _build_url(

-             pagure_config["APP_URL"],

-             _fullname_to_url(request.project.fullname),

-             "pull-request",

-             request.id,

-         ),

-     )

-     mail_to = _get_emails_for_obj(request)


-     assignee = request.assignee.user if request.assignee else None


-     send_email(

-         text,

-         "PR #%s: %s" % (request.id, request.title),

-         ",".join(mail_to),

-         mail_id=request.mail_id,

-         project_name=request.project.fullname,

-         user_from=request.user.fullname or request.user.user,

-         reporter=request.user.user,

-         assignee=assignee,

-     )



- def notify_merge_pull_request(request, user):

-     """ Notify the people following a project that a pull-request was merged

-     in it.

-     """

-     text = """

- %s merged a pull-request against the project: `%s` that you are following.


- Merged pull-request:


- ``

- %s

- ``


- %s

- """ % (

-         user.username,

-         request.project.name,

-         request.title,

-         _build_url(

-             pagure_config["APP_URL"],

-             _fullname_to_url(request.project.fullname),

-             "pull-request",

-             request.id,

-         ),

-     )

-     mail_to = _get_emails_for_obj(request)


-     uid = time.mktime(datetime.datetime.now().timetuple())


-     assignee = request.assignee.user if request.assignee else None


-     send_email(

-         text,

-         "PR #%s: %s" % (request.id, request.title),

-         ",".join(mail_to),

-         mail_id="%s/close/%s" % (request.mail_id, uid),

-         in_reply_to=request.mail_id,

-         project_name=request.project.fullname,

-         user_from=user.fullname or user.user,

-         reporter=request.user.user,

-         assignee=assignee,

-     )



- def notify_reopen_pull_request(request, user):

-     """ Notify the people following a project that a closed pull-request

-     has been reopened.

-     """

-     text = """

- %s reopened a pull-request against the project: `%s` that you are following.


- Reopened pull-request:


- ``

- %s

- ``


- %s

- """ % (

-         user.username,

-         request.project.name,

-         request.title,

-         _build_url(

-             pagure_config["APP_URL"],

-             _fullname_to_url(request.project.fullname),

-             "pull-request",

-             request.id,

-         ),

-     )

-     mail_to = _get_emails_for_obj(request)


-     uid = time.mktime(datetime.datetime.now().timetuple())


-     assignee = request.assignee.user if request.assignee else None


-     send_email(

-         text,

-         "PR #%s: %s" % (request.id, request.title),

-         ",".join(mail_to),

-         mail_id="%s/close/%s" % (request.mail_id, uid),

-         in_reply_to=request.mail_id,

-         project_name=request.project.fullname,

-         user_from=user.fullname or user.user,

-         reporter=request.user.user,

-         assignee=assignee,

-     )



- def notify_closed_pull_request(request, user):

-     """ Notify the people following a project that a pull-request was

-     closed in it.

-     """

-     text = """

- %s closed without merging a pull-request against the project: `%s` that you

- are following.


- Closed pull-request:


- ``

- %s

- ``


- %s

- """ % (

-         user.username,

-         request.project.name,

-         request.title,

-         _build_url(

-             pagure_config["APP_URL"],

-             _fullname_to_url(request.project.fullname),

-             "pull-request",

-             request.id,

-         ),

-     )

-     mail_to = _get_emails_for_obj(request)


-     uid = time.mktime(datetime.datetime.now().timetuple())


-     assignee = request.assignee.user if request.assignee else None


-     send_email(

-         text,

-         "PR #%s: %s" % (request.id, request.title),

-         ",".join(mail_to),

-         mail_id="%s/close/%s" % (request.mail_id, uid),

-         in_reply_to=request.mail_id,

-         project_name=request.project.fullname,

-         user_from=user.fullname or user.user,

-         reporter=request.user.user,

-         assignee=assignee,

-     )



- def notify_pull_request_comment(comment, user):

-     """ Notify the people following a pull-request that a new comment was

-     added to it.

-     """

-     text = """

- %s commented on the pull-request: `%s` that you are following:

- ``

- %s

- ``


- %s

- %s

- """ % (

-         comment.user.user,

-         comment.pull_request.title,

-         comment.comment,

-         REPLY_MSG,

-         _build_url(

-             pagure_config["APP_URL"],

-             _fullname_to_url(comment.pull_request.project.fullname),

-             "pull-request",

-             comment.pull_request.id,

-         ),

-     )

-     mail_to = _get_emails_for_obj(comment.pull_request)

-     mail_to = _add_mentioned_users(mail_to, comment.comment)

-     mail_to = _clean_emails(mail_to, user)


-     assignee = (

-         comment.pull_request.assignee.user

-         if comment.pull_request.assignee

-         else None

-     )


-     send_email(

-         text,

-         "PR #%s: %s" % (comment.pull_request.id, comment.pull_request.title),

-         ",".join(mail_to),

-         mail_id=comment.mail_id,

-         in_reply_to=comment.pull_request.mail_id,

-         project_name=comment.pull_request.project.fullname,

-         user_from=comment.user.fullname or comment.user.user,

-         reporter=comment.pull_request.user.user,

-         assignee=assignee,

-     )



- def notify_pull_request_flag(flag, user):

-     """ Notify the people following a pull-request that a new flag was

-     added to it.

-     """

-     text = """

- %s flagged the pull-request `%s` as %s: %s


- %s

- """ % (

-         flag.username,

-         flag.pull_request.title,

-         flag.status,

-         flag.comment,

-         _build_url(

-             pagure_config["APP_URL"],

-             _fullname_to_url(flag.pull_request.project.fullname),

-             "pull-request",

-             flag.pull_request.id,

-         ),

-     )

-     mail_to = _get_emails_for_obj(flag.pull_request)


-     assignee = (

-         flag.pull_request.assignee.user if flag.pull_request.assignee else None

-     )


-     send_email(

-         text,

-         "PR #%s - %s: %s" % (flag.pull_request.id, flag.username, flag.status),

-         ",".join(mail_to),

-         mail_id=flag.mail_id,

-         in_reply_to=flag.pull_request.mail_id,

-         project_name=flag.pull_request.project.fullname,

-         user_from=flag.username,

-         reporter=flag.pull_request.user.user,

-         assignee=assignee,

-     )



- def notify_new_email(email, user):

-     """ Ask the user to confirm to the email belong to them.

-     """


-     root_url = pagure_config.get("APP_URL", flask.request.url_root)


-     url = urljoin(

-         root_url or flask.request.url_root,

-         flask.url_for("ui_ns.confirm_email", token=email.token),

-     )


-     text = """Dear %(username)s,


- You have registered a new email on pagure at %(root_url)s.


- To finish your validate this registration, please click on the following

- link or copy/paste it in your browser, this link will remain valid only 2 days:

-   %(url)s


- The email will not be activated until you finish this step.


- Sincerely,

- Your pagure admin.

- """ % (

-         {"username": user.username, "url": url, "root_url": root_url}

-     )


-     send_email(

-         text,

-         "Confirm new email",

-         email.email,

-         user_from=user.fullname or user.user,

-     )



- def notify_new_commits(abspath, project, branch, commits):

-     """ Notify the people following a project's commits that new commits have

-     been added.

-     """

-     # string note: abspath, project and branch can only contain ASCII

-     # by policy (pagure and/or gitolite)

-     commits_info = []

-     for commit in commits:

-         commits_info.append(

-             {

-                 "commit": commit,

-                 "author": pagure.lib.git.get_author(commit, abspath),

-                 "subject": pagure.lib.git.get_commit_subject(commit, abspath),

-             }

-         )


-     # make sure this is unicode

-     commits_string = "\n".join(

-         "{0}    {1}    {2}".format(

-             commit_info["commit"],

-             commit_info["author"],

-             commit_info["subject"],

-         )

-         for commit_info in commits_info

-     )

-     commit_url = _build_url(

-         pagure_config["APP_URL"],

-         _fullname_to_url(project.fullname),

-         "commits",

-         branch,

-     )


-     email_body = """

- The following commits were pushed to the repo %s on branch

- %s, which you are following:

- %s




- To view more about the commits, visit:

- %s

- """ % (

-         project.fullname,

-         branch,

-         commits_string,

-         commit_url,

-     )

-     mail_to = _get_emails_for_commit_notification(project)


-     send_email(

-         email_body,

-         'New Commits To "{0}" ({1})'.format(project.fullname, branch),

-         ",".join(mail_to),

-         project_name=project.fullname,

-     )



- def notify_commit_flag(flag, user):

-     """ Notify the people following a project that a new flag was added

-     to one of its commit.

-     """

-     text = """

- %s flagged the commit `%s` as %s: %s


- %s

- """ % (

-         flag.username,

-         flag.commit_hash,

-         flag.status,

-         flag.comment,

-         _build_url(

-             pagure_config["APP_URL"],

-             _fullname_to_url(flag.project.fullname),

-             "c",

-             flag.commit_hash,

-         ),

-     )

-     mail_to = _get_emails_for_obj(flag)


-     send_email(

-         text,

-         "Commit #%s - %s: %s" % (flag.commit_hash, flag.username, flag.status),

-         ",".join(mail_to),

-         mail_id=flag.mail_id,

-         in_reply_to=flag.project.mail_id,

-         project_name=flag.project.fullname,

-         user_from=flag.username,

-     )

@@ -508,19 +508,6 @@ 

    - pagure



- # Install hotfix for the notify.py file for

- # https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/9309


- - name: Install the hotfixed notify.py

-   copy: src=notify.py

-         dest=/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pagure/lib/notify.py

-       owner=root group=root mode=0644

-   when: env != "pagure-staging"

-   notify: restart apache

-   tags:

-   - hotfix

-   - pagure


  # Ensure all the services are up and running


  - name: Start and enable httpd, postfix, pagure_milter

This reverts commit 388be33
This reverts commit ffe3cf2.
This reverts commit 043d2c7.

Fixes https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/9318

Signed-off-by: Pierre-Yves Chibon pingou@pingoured.fr

In addition, server side we'll either need to yum reinstall pagure or remove the hotfix manually.

Metadata Update from @pingou:
- Pull-request tagged with: freeze-break-request

3 years ago

rebased onto 3c37aae

3 years ago

rebased onto 3c37aae

3 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by pingou

3 years ago