#239 Update roles/rabbitmq_cluster/tasks/apps.yml
Merged 3 years ago by pingou. Opened 3 years ago by svashisht.
fedora-infra/ svashisht/ansible master  into  master

@@ -80,3 +80,20 @@ 

      name: rabbit/user


       username: faf{{ env_suffix }}


+ - name: CentOS Stream

+   run_once: true

+   include_role:

+     name: rabbit/queue

+   vars:

+     username: alt-src{{ env_suffix }}

+     queue_name: alt-src{{ env_suffix }}

+     # TTL: 10 days (in miliseconds)

+     message_ttl: 864000000

+     routing_keys:

+       # This routing key is for testing purposes only

+       - "org.centos.stream.#"

+     thresholds:

+       warning:  1000

+       critical: 10000


Add alt-src user and queue for sync2git service for CentOS Streams

If you could use the correct routing key from the start it would be helpful. IIRC, changing the routing key here in the future won't unsubscribe the old one, which then needs to be cleaned up manually. Cleaning it up manually is not a big deal, but it's something to keep in mind as otherwise we end up wondering why the queue is growing unexpectedly.

Also, you can add monitoring to the queue size, so it alerts when the queue reaches certain thresholds.

@james Are you happy with this routing key name or shall we change it ?

rebased onto 55c95c6daee1c54e5f8990c0f27ae1b2dddf0d4a

3 years ago

I discussed this pull request with @james last week and he was fine with it.

Also, you can add monitoring to the queue size, so it alerts when the queue reaches certain thresholds.

I see these values in for thresholds in default configs:

   warning:  10000
   critical: 100000

I am fine with these values (unless you want them to be tweaked).

10K messages in the queue before triggering a monitoring warning seems a little high, don't you think?

rebased onto 02ef289f621955268ebb7da17fc8507e53bf7563

3 years ago

10K messages in the queue before triggering a monitoring warning seems a little high, don't you think?

I tried to fix it with last commit. Does it look ok ?

rebased onto 0ca2b8899cc1259262bf66e50bda3b00b3c256e3

3 years ago

Looks good to me. Shall I merge and run the playbook?

rebased onto 5118b68

3 years ago

Looks good to me. Shall I merge and run the playbook?

Yes, please! Let us know when these changes are applied to servers.

Pull-Request has been merged by pingou

3 years ago