#2202 Branch Fedora 40 from Rawhide
Merged 2 months ago by jnsamyak. Opened 2 months ago by jnsamyak.
fedora-infra/ jnsamyak/ansible f41_massbranching  into  main

@@ -26,7 +26,49 @@ 

  EPELDEST = '/pub/epel/'

  OSTREESOURCE = '/mnt/koji/compose/ostree/repo/'

  OSTREEDEST = '/mnt/koji/ostree/repo/'

- RELEASES = {'f40': {'topic': 'fedora',

+ RELEASES = {'f41': {'topic': 'fedora',

+                     'version': '41',

+                     'modules': ['fedora', 'fedora-secondary'],

+                     'repos': {'updates': {

+                         'from': 'f41-updates',

+                         'ostrees': [{'ref': 'fedora/41/%(arch)s/updates/silverblue',

+                                      'dest': OSTREEDEST,

+                                      'arches': ['x86_64', 'ppc64le', 'aarch64']},

+                                     {'ref': 'fedora/41/%(arch)s/updates/kinoite',

+                                      'dest': OSTREEDEST,

+                                      'arches': ['x86_64', 'ppc64le', 'aarch64']},

+                                     {'ref': 'fedora/41/%(arch)s/updates/sericea',

+                                      'dest': OSTREEDEST,

+                                      'arches': ['x86_64', 'ppc64le', 'aarch64']},

+                                     {'ref': 'fedora/41/%(arch)s/updates/onyx',

+                                      'dest': OSTREEDEST,

+                                      'arches': ['x86_64', 'ppc64le', 'aarch64']}],

+                         'to': [{'arches': ['x86_64', 'aarch64', 'source'],

+                                 'dest': os.path.join(FEDORADEST, '41', 'Everything')},

+                                {'arches': ['ppc64le', 's390x'],

+                                 'dest': os.path.join(FEDORAALTDEST, '41', 'Everything')}

+                               ]},

+                               'updates-testing': {

+                         'from': 'f41-updates-testing',

+                         'ostrees': [{'ref': 'fedora/41/%(arch)s/testing/silverblue',

+                                      'dest': OSTREEDEST,

+                                      'arches': ['x86_64', 'ppc64le', 'aarch64']},

+                                     {'ref': 'fedora/41/%(arch)s/testing/kinoite',

+                                      'dest': OSTREEDEST,

+                                      'arches': ['x86_64', 'ppc64le', 'aarch64']},

+                                     {'ref': 'fedora/41/%(arch)s/testing/sericea',

+                                      'dest': OSTREEDEST,

+                                      'arches': ['x86_64', 'ppc64le', 'aarch64']},

+                                     {'ref': 'fedora/41/%(arch)s/testing/onyx',

+                                      'dest': OSTREEDEST,

+                                      'arches': ['x86_64', 'ppc64le', 'aarch64']}],

+                         'to': [{'arches': ['x86_64', 'aarch64', 'source'],

+                                 'dest': os.path.join(FEDORADEST, 'testing', '41', 'Everything')},

+                                {'arches': ['ppc64le', 's390x'],

+                                 'dest': os.path.join(FEDORAALTDEST, 'testing', '41', 'Everything')}

+                               ]}}

+                    },

+             'f40': {'topic': 'fedora',

                      'version': '40',

                      'modules': ['fedora', 'fedora-secondary'],

                      'repos': {'updates': {

@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ 

    # bodhi2/backend/files/koji_sync_listener.py

    # This cronjob runs only once a day.  The listener script runs reactively.

    cron: name="owner-sync" minute="15" hour="4" user="root"

-       job="/usr/local/bin/lock-wrapper owner-sync '/usr/local/bin/owner-sync-pagure f41 f40 f39 f39-flatpak epel10.0 epel9 epel9-next epel8'"

+       job="/usr/local/bin/lock-wrapper owner-sync '/usr/local/bin/owner-sync-pagure f42 f41 f40 f39 f39-flatpak epel10.0 epel9 epel9-next epel8'"



    when: env == "production"

@@ -36,6 +36,9 @@ 

  # XXX If you modify this taglist.  Please also modify the other copy in

  # bodhi2/backend/tasks/main.yml

  taglist = [

+     "f42",

+     "f42-container",

+     "f42-flatpak",




@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ 


  [% elif release.version_int == 41 %]


+ [% elif release.version_int == 42 %]

+     '105ef944',

  [% elif release.version_int == 6 %]


  [% elif release.version_int == 7 %]

@@ -195,6 +195,7 @@ 

      all :: deny


  sidetag =

+     tag f42-build :: allow

      tag f41-build :: allow

      tag f40-build :: allow

      tag f39-build :: allow

@@ -126,6 +126,7 @@ 

  id: "kojibuild_bodhipush_remoterule"


    - fedora-rawhide

+   - fedora-42

    - fedora-41

    - fedora-40

    - fedora-39

@@ -319,6 +319,10 @@ 

  security_fixes = '2024-05-31'

  bug_fixes = '2024-05-31'


+ [consumer_config.scm_request_processor.branch_slas.f41]

+ bug_fixes = '2025-11-11'

+ security_fixes = '2025-11-11'



  bug_fixes = '2025-05-13'

  security_fixes = '2025-05-13'

@@ -1,6 +1,10 @@ 

  # Global list of koji tags we care about

- tags = ({'name': 'Rawhide', 'tag': 'f41'},

+ tags = ({'name': 'Rawhide', 'tag': 'f42'},


+         {'name': 'Fedora 41', 'tag': 'f41-updates'},

+         {'name': 'Fedora 41', 'tag': 'f41'},

+         {'name': 'Fedora 41 Testing', 'tag': 'f41-updates-testing'},


          {'name': 'Fedora 40', 'tag': 'f40-updates'},

          {'name': 'Fedora 40', 'tag': 'f40'},

          {'name': 'Fedora 40 Testing', 'tag': 'f40-updates-testing'},

@@ -4,9 +4,20 @@ 

        "allow_retire": true,

        "branchname": "master",

        "date_created": "2014-05-14 12:36:15",

+       "date_updated": "2024-08-13 14:07:23",

+       "dist_tag": ".fc42",

+       "koji_name": "rawhide",

+       "name": "Fedora Linux",

+       "status": "Under Development",

+       "version": "devel"

+     },

+     {

+       "allow_retire": true,

+       "branchname": "master",

+       "date_created": "2014-05-14 12:36:15",

        "date_updated": "2024-02-13 13:07:23",

        "dist_tag": ".fc41",

-       "koji_name": "rawhide",

+       "koji_name": "f41",

        "name": "Fedora Linux",

        "status": "Under Development",

        "version": "devel"

file modified
+2 -2
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ 

  # branched compose

- # MAILTO=releng-cron@lists.fedoraproject.org

- # 15 7 * * * root touch /tmp/fedora-compose-branched && TMPDIR=`mktemp -d /tmp/branched.XXXXXX` && chmod 755 $TMPDIR && cd $TMPDIR && git clone https://pagure.io/pungi-fedora.git && cd pungi-fedora && git checkout f40 && /usr/local/bin/lock-wrapper branched-compose "LANG=en_US.UTF-8 ./nightly.sh" && sudo -u ftpsync /usr/local/bin/update-fullfiletimelist -l /pub/fedora-secondary/update-fullfiletimelist.lock -t /pub fedora fedora-secondary && rm /tmp/fedora-compose-branched

+ MAILTO=releng-cron@lists.fedoraproject.org

+ 15 7 * * * root touch /tmp/fedora-compose-branched && TMPDIR=`mktemp -d /tmp/branched.XXXXXX` && chmod 755 $TMPDIR && cd $TMPDIR && git clone https://pagure.io/pungi-fedora.git && cd pungi-fedora && git checkout f40 && /usr/local/bin/lock-wrapper branched-compose "LANG=en_US.UTF-8 ./nightly.sh" && sudo -u ftpsync /usr/local/bin/update-fullfiletimelist -l /pub/fedora-secondary/update-fullfiletimelist.lock -t /pub fedora fedora-secondary && rm /tmp/fedora-compose-branched

@@ -133,6 +133,13 @@ 

              keyid = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('47dd8ef9', 'd300e724') }}"

              file_signing_key = "fedora-41-ima"


+             [[consumer_config.koji_instances.primary.tags]]

+             from = "f42-infra-candidate"

+             to = "f42-infra-stg"

+             key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-infra', 'testkey') }}"

+             keyid = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('47dd8ef9', 'd300e724') }}"

+             file_signing_key = "fedora-42-ima"


              # Gated coreos-pool tag


@@ -156,9 +163,39 @@ 

              keyid = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('e99d6ad1', 'd300e724') }}"

              file_signing_key = "fedora-41-ima"


+             [[consumer_config.koji_instances.primary.tags]]

+             from = "f42-coreos-signing-pending"

+             to = "coreos-pool"

+             key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-42', 'testkey') }}"

+             keyid = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('105ef944', 'd300e724') }}"

+             file_signing_key = "fedora-42-ima"


              # Gated rawhide



+             from = "f42-signing-pending"

+             to = "f42-updates-testing-pending"

+             key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-42', 'testkey') }}"

+             keyid = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('105ef944', 'd300e724') }}"

+             file_signing_key = "fedora-42-ima"


+             [consumer_config.koji_instances.primary.tags.sidetags]

+             pattern = 'f42-build-side-<seq_id>'

+             from = '<sidetag>-signing-pending'

+             to = '<sidetag>-testing-pending'

+             trusted_taggers = ['bodhi']

+             file_signing_key = "fedora-42-ima"


+             [[consumer_config.koji_instances.primary.tags]]

+             from = "f42-pending"

+             to = "f42"

+             key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-42', 'testkey') }}"

+             keyid = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('105ef944', 'd300e724') }}"

+             file_signing_key = "fedora-42-ima"


+             # Branched


+             [[consumer_config.koji_instances.primary.tags]]

              from = "f41-signing-pending"

              to = "f41-updates-testing-pending"

              key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-41', 'testkey') }}"
@@ -172,21 +209,7 @@ 

              trusted_taggers = ['bodhi']

              file_signing_key = "fedora-41-ima"


-             [[consumer_config.koji_instances.primary.tags]]

-             from = "f41-pending"

-             to = "f41"

-             key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-41', 'testkey') }}"

-             keyid = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('e99d6ad1', 'd300e724') }}"

-             file_signing_key = "fedora-41-ima"


-             [[consumer_config.koji_instances.primary.tags]]

-             from = "f41"

-             to = "f41"

-             key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-42', 'testkey') }}"

-             keyid = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('105ef944', 'd300e724') }}"

-             file_signing_key = "fedora-42-ima"


-             # Branched

+             # stable releases



              from = "f40-signing-pending"
@@ -209,8 +232,6 @@ 

              keyid = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('a15B79cc', 'd300e724') }}"

              file_signing_key = "fedora-40-ima"


-             # stable releases



              from = "f39-signing-pending"

              to = "f39-updates-testing-pending"
@@ -327,6 +348,13 @@ 

              # openh264 signing



+             from = "f42-openh264"

+             to = "f42-openh264"

+             key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-42', 'testkey') }}"

+             keyid = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('105ef944', 'd300e724') }}"

+             file_signing_key = "fedora-42-ima"


+             [[consumer_config.koji_instances.primary.tags]]

              from = "f41-openh264"

              to = "f41-openh264"

              key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-41', 'testkey') }}"
@@ -400,17 +428,17 @@ 



          directory = "/mnt/fedora_koji/koji/compose/iot/repo/"

-         key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-41', 'testkey') }}"

+         key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-42', 'testkey') }}"


          directory = "/mnt/fedora_koji/koji/compose/iot/repo/"

-         key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-41', 'testkey') }}"

+         key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-42', 'testkey') }}"



          directory = "/mnt/fedora_koji/koji/compose/iot/repo/"

-         key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-40', 'testkey') }}"

+         key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-41', 'testkey') }}"


          directory = "/mnt/fedora_koji/koji/compose/iot/repo/"

-         key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-40', 'testkey') }}"

+         key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-41', 'testkey') }}"



          directory = "/mnt/fedora_koji/koji/compose/iot/repo/"
@@ -495,19 +523,57 @@ 

          directory = "/mnt/fedora_koji/koji/compose/ostree/repo/"

          key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-40', 'testkey') }}"


+         # f41 silveblue ostree refs


+         [consumer_config.ostree_refs."fedora/41/x86_64/silverblue"]

+         directory = "/mnt/fedora_koji/koji/compose/ostree/repo/"

+         key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-41', 'testkey') }}"


+         [consumer_config.ostree_refs."fedora/41/aarch64/silverblue"]

+         directory = "/mnt/fedora_koji/koji/compose/ostree/repo/"

+         key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-41', 'testkey') }}"


+         [consumer_config.ostree_refs."fedora/41/ppc64le/silverblue"]

+         directory = "/mnt/fedora_koji/koji/compose/ostree/repo/"

+         key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-41', 'testkey') }}"


+         [consumer_config.ostree_refs."fedora/41/x86_64/updates/silverblue"]

+         directory = "/mnt/fedora_koji/koji/compose/ostree/repo/"

+         key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-41', 'testkey') }}"


+         [consumer_config.ostree_refs."fedora/41/x86_64/testing/silverblue"]

+         directory = "/mnt/fedora_koji/koji/compose/ostree/repo/"

+         key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-41', 'testkey') }}"


+         [consumer_config.ostree_refs."fedora/41/aarch64/updates/silverblue"]

+         directory = "/mnt/fedora_koji/koji/compose/ostree/repo/"

+         key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-41', 'testkey') }}"


+         [consumer_config.ostree_refs."fedora/41/aarch64/testing/silverblue"]

+         directory = "/mnt/fedora_koji/koji/compose/ostree/repo/"

+         key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-41', 'testkey') }}"


+         [consumer_config.ostree_refs."fedora/41/ppc64le/updates/silverblue"]

+         directory = "/mnt/fedora_koji/koji/compose/ostree/repo/"

+         key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-41', 'testkey') }}"


+         [consumer_config.ostree_refs."fedora/41/ppc64le/testing/silverblue"]

+         directory = "/mnt/fedora_koji/koji/compose/ostree/repo/"

+         key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-41', 'testkey') }}"


          # rawhide silveblue ostree refs



          directory = "/mnt/fedora_koji/koji/compose/ostree/repo/"

-         key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-41', 'testkey') }}"

+         key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-42', 'testkey') }}"



          directory = "/mnt/fedora_koji/koji/compose/ostree/repo/"

-         key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-41', 'testkey') }}"

+         key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-42', 'testkey') }}"



          directory = "/mnt/fedora_koji/koji/compose/ostree/repo/"

-         key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-41', 'testkey') }}"

+         key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-42', 'testkey') }}"


          # f39 kinoite ostree refs

@@ -585,19 +651,58 @@ 

          directory = "/mnt/fedora_koji/koji/compose/ostree/repo/"

          key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-40', 'testkey') }}"


+         # f41 kinoite ostree refs


+         [consumer_config.ostree_refs."fedora/41/x86_64/kinoite"]

+         directory = "/mnt/fedora_koji/koji/compose/ostree/repo/"

+         key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-41', 'testkey') }}"


+         [consumer_config.ostree_refs."fedora/41/aarch64/kinoite"]

+         directory = "/mnt/fedora_koji/koji/compose/ostree/repo/"

+         key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-41', 'testkey') }}"


+         [consumer_config.ostree_refs."fedora/41/ppc64le/kinoite"]

+         directory = "/mnt/fedora_koji/koji/compose/ostree/repo/"

+         key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-41', 'testkey') }}"


+         [consumer_config.ostree_refs."fedora/41/x86_64/updates/kinoite"]

+         directory = "/mnt/fedora_koji/koji/compose/ostree/repo/"

+         key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-41', 'testkey') }}"


+         [consumer_config.ostree_refs."fedora/41/x86_64/testing/kinoite"]

+         directory = "/mnt/fedora_koji/koji/compose/ostree/repo/"

+         key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-41', 'testkey') }}"


+         [consumer_config.ostree_refs."fedora/41/aarch64/updates/kinoite"]

+         directory = "/mnt/fedora_koji/koji/compose/ostree/repo/"

+         key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-41', 'testkey') }}"


+         [consumer_config.ostree_refs."fedora/41/aarch64/testing/kinoite"]

+         directory = "/mnt/fedora_koji/koji/compose/ostree/repo/"

+         key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-41', 'testkey') }}"


+         [consumer_config.ostree_refs."fedora/41/ppc64le/updates/kinoite"]

+         directory = "/mnt/fedora_koji/koji/compose/ostree/repo/"

+         key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-41', 'testkey') }}"


+         [consumer_config.ostree_refs."fedora/41/ppc64le/testing/kinoite"]

+         directory = "/mnt/fedora_koji/koji/compose/ostree/repo/"

+         key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-41', 'testkey') }}"



          # rawhide kinoite ostree refs



          directory = "/mnt/fedora_koji/koji/compose/ostree/repo/"

-         key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-41', 'testkey') }}"

+         key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-42', 'testkey') }}"



          directory = "/mnt/fedora_koji/koji/compose/ostree/repo/"

-         key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-41', 'testkey') }}"

+         key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-42', 'testkey') }}"



          directory = "/mnt/fedora_koji/koji/compose/ostree/repo/"

-         key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-41', 'testkey') }}"

+         key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-42', 'testkey') }}"


          # f39 sericea ostree refs

@@ -675,19 +780,57 @@ 

          directory = "/mnt/fedora_koji/koji/compose/ostree/repo/"

          key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-40', 'testkey') }}"


+         # f41 sericea ostree refs


+         [consumer_config.ostree_refs."fedora/41/x86_64/sericea"]

+         directory = "/mnt/fedora_koji/koji/compose/ostree/repo/"

+         key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-41', 'testkey') }}"


+         [consumer_config.ostree_refs."fedora/41/aarch64/sericea"]

+         directory = "/mnt/fedora_koji/koji/compose/ostree/repo/"

+         key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-41', 'testkey') }}"


+         [consumer_config.ostree_refs."fedora/41/ppc64le/sericea"]

+         directory = "/mnt/fedora_koji/koji/compose/ostree/repo/"

+         key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-41', 'testkey') }}"


+         [consumer_config.ostree_refs."fedora/41/x86_64/updates/sericea"]

+         directory = "/mnt/fedora_koji/koji/compose/ostree/repo/"

+         key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-41', 'testkey') }}"


+         [consumer_config.ostree_refs."fedora/41/x86_64/testing/sericea"]

+         directory = "/mnt/fedora_koji/koji/compose/ostree/repo/"

+         key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-41', 'testkey') }}"


+         [consumer_config.ostree_refs."fedora/41/aarch64/updates/sericea"]

+         directory = "/mnt/fedora_koji/koji/compose/ostree/repo/"

+         key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-41', 'testkey') }}"


+         [consumer_config.ostree_refs."fedora/41/aarch64/testing/sericea"]

+         directory = "/mnt/fedora_koji/koji/compose/ostree/repo/"

+         key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-41', 'testkey') }}"


+         [consumer_config.ostree_refs."fedora/41/ppc64le/updates/sericea"]

+         directory = "/mnt/fedora_koji/koji/compose/ostree/repo/"

+         key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-41', 'testkey') }}"


+         [consumer_config.ostree_refs."fedora/41/ppc64le/testing/sericea"]

+         directory = "/mnt/fedora_koji/koji/compose/ostree/repo/"

+         key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-41', 'testkey') }}"


          # rawhide sericea ostree refs



          directory = "/mnt/fedora_koji/koji/compose/ostree/repo/"

-         key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-41', 'testkey') }}"

+         key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-42', 'testkey') }}"



          directory = "/mnt/fedora_koji/koji/compose/ostree/repo/"

-         key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-41', 'testkey') }}"

+         key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-42', 'testkey') }}"



          directory = "/mnt/fedora_koji/koji/compose/ostree/repo/"

-         key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-41', 'testkey') }}"

+         key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-42', 'testkey') }}"


          # f39 onyx ostree refs

@@ -765,19 +908,57 @@ 

          directory = "/mnt/fedora_koji/koji/compose/ostree/repo/"

          key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-40', 'testkey') }}"


+         # f41 onyx ostree refs


+         [consumer_config.ostree_refs."fedora/41/x86_64/onyx"]

+         directory = "/mnt/fedora_koji/koji/compose/ostree/repo/"

+         key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-41', 'testkey') }}"


+         [consumer_config.ostree_refs."fedora/41/aarch64/onyx"]

+         directory = "/mnt/fedora_koji/koji/compose/ostree/repo/"

+         key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-41', 'testkey') }}"


+         [consumer_config.ostree_refs."fedora/41/ppc64le/onyx"]

+         directory = "/mnt/fedora_koji/koji/compose/ostree/repo/"

+         key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-41', 'testkey') }}"


+         [consumer_config.ostree_refs."fedora/41/x86_64/updates/onyx"]

+         directory = "/mnt/fedora_koji/koji/compose/ostree/repo/"

+         key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-41', 'testkey') }}"


+         [consumer_config.ostree_refs."fedora/41/x86_64/testing/onyx"]

+         directory = "/mnt/fedora_koji/koji/compose/ostree/repo/"

+         key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-41', 'testkey') }}"


+         [consumer_config.ostree_refs."fedora/41/aarch64/updates/onyx"]

+         directory = "/mnt/fedora_koji/koji/compose/ostree/repo/"

+         key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-41', 'testkey') }}"


+         [consumer_config.ostree_refs."fedora/41/aarch64/testing/onyx"]

+         directory = "/mnt/fedora_koji/koji/compose/ostree/repo/"

+         key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-41', 'testkey') }}"


+         [consumer_config.ostree_refs."fedora/41/ppc64le/updates/onyx"]

+         directory = "/mnt/fedora_koji/koji/compose/ostree/repo/"

+         key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-41', 'testkey') }}"


+         [consumer_config.ostree_refs."fedora/41/ppc64le/testing/onyx"]

+         directory = "/mnt/fedora_koji/koji/compose/ostree/repo/"

+         key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-41', 'testkey') }}"


          # rawhide onyx ostree refs



          directory = "/mnt/fedora_koji/koji/compose/ostree/repo/"

-         key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-41', 'testkey') }}"

+         key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-42', 'testkey') }}"



          directory = "/mnt/fedora_koji/koji/compose/ostree/repo/"

-         key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-41', 'testkey') }}"

+         key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-42', 'testkey') }}"



          directory = "/mnt/fedora_koji/koji/compose/ostree/repo/"

-         key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-41', 'testkey') }}"

+         key = "{{ (env == 'production')|ternary('fedora-42', 'testkey') }}"



      bucket = "fcos-builds"

file modified
+1 -1
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ 

- FedoraBranched: False

+ FedoraBranched: True

@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@ 

  # prebeta: After bodhi enablement/beta freeze and before beta release

  # postbeta: After beta release and before final release

  # current: After final release

- FedoraBranchedBodhi: current

+ FedoraBranchedBodhi: preenable

Hello folks this is regarding the mass branching;

Things that are taken off:

  • Remove resigning of f41 with f42 keys
  • updated artifacts to f41 and rawhide to f42;
  • updated infra-candidate/openh264 for new f42
  • f41 signing pending, buildsidetags, etc
  • updated toddler config for f41
  • set fedora branched vars to true and preenable state
  • added f41 to new-updates-sync

Some key things to look at in the review:

Q. anything obvious that is missing
Q: are we missing any artifacts?
Q: please make sure to check the bug_fixes, and security_fixes that need to be added to the toddler coming

and reviews!!

Signed-off-by: Samyak Jain samyak.jn11@gmail.com

Before the new-updates-sync lands, we need to make sure we have setup empty updates/updates-testing repos for it to sync. Otherwise the script will fail. There's copys of empty repos in /mnt/koji/compose/updates/ we can copy (although they might have some old stuff we should remove like armv7 or the like).

"branchname": "master", for the new f41 branch in the pkgdb file isn't right. That should be 'f41' right?

Otherwise looks good.

"branchname": "master", for the new f41 branch in the pkgdb file isn't right. That should be 'f41' right?

So I don't think so, because we usually keep the branchname to master but update the disttag and koji name

cf: https://pagure.io/fedora-infra/ansible/blob/main/f/roles/pkgdb-proxy/files/pkgdb-gnome-software-collections.json#_49

That seems wrong to me, but I guess gnome-software doesn't ever look or care about that, so... shrug I guess.

3 new commits added

  • make robosignatory changes for f41 branching
  • Branch Fedora 41 from Rawhide
  • Add f41 config for toddlers
2 months ago

rebased onto 19df3b0

2 months ago

Pull-Request has been merged by jnsamyak

2 months ago