#2060 cloud-image-uploader: Email error logs and expand regions
Merged 13 days ago by zlopez. Opened 14 days ago by jcline.
fedora-infra/ jcline/ansible image-uploader-updates  into  main

@@ -44,19 +44,31 @@ 

          - "brazilsouth"

          - "canadacentral"

          - "centralindia"

+         - "centralus"

          - "eastasia"

          - "eastus"

          - "eastus2"

          - "francecentral"

+         - "germanywestcentral"

+         - "israelcentral"

+         - "italynorth"

          - "japaneast"

          - "koreacentral"

+         - "mexicocentral"

          - "northeurope"

          - "norwayeast"

+         - "polandcentral"

          - "qatarcentral"

          - "southafricanorth"

+         - "southcentralus"

+         - "southeastasia"

+         - "spaincentral"

+         - "swedencentral"

          - "switzerlandnorth"

+         - "uaenorth"

          - "uksouth"

          - "westeurope"

+         - "westus2"

          - "westus3"


    - role: openshift/secret-file

@@ -79,15 +79,24 @@ 

  formatter = "simple"

  stream = "ext://sys.stdout"


+ [log_config.handlers.email]

+ class = "logging.handlers.SMTPHandler"

+ formatter = "simple"

+ level = "ERROR"

+ mailhost = "bastion"

+ fromaddr = "fedora-image-uploader@fedoraproject.org"

+ toaddrs = ["jeremy@jcline.org"]

+ subject = "An error occurred in fedora-image-uploader"



  level = "INFO"

  propagate = false

- handlers = ["console"]

+ handlers = ["console", "email"]



  level = "INFO"

  propagate = false

- handlers = ["console"]

+ handlers = ["console", "email"]



  level = "INFO"
@@ -101,4 +110,4 @@ 



  level = "ERROR"

- handlers = ["console"]

+ handlers = ["console", "email"]

  • Update the log configuration for the service to email me error-level logs.
  • Include all recommended Azure regions to the replication list for images.

rebased onto 70850f1

13 days ago

rebased onto 70850f1

13 days ago

Pull-Request has been merged by zlopez

13 days ago