#2026 bodhi: fix createrepo_c config for EPEL-NEXT
Merged 17 days ago by kevin. Opened 17 days ago by mattia.
fedora-infra/ mattia/ansible fix-epel-next  into  main

@@ -35,6 +35,16 @@ 

  zchunk = False

  sqlite_enabled = True



+ compatibility = True

+ updateinfo-compress-type = BZ2

+ drpms_enabled = True

+ general-compress = False

+ # The following should be superflous as they are overridden by compatibility flag

+ repodata-compress-type = gz

+ zchunk = False

+ sqlite_enabled = True



  updateinfo-compress-type = BZ2

  repodata-compress-type = xz
@@ -43,6 +53,14 @@ 

  drpms_enabled = True

  sqlite_enabled = True


+ [release.EPEL-8N]

+ updateinfo-compress-type = BZ2

+ repodata-compress-type = xz

+ general-compress = True

+ zchunk = False

+ drpms_enabled = True

+ sqlite_enabled = True



  compatibility = True

  updateinfo-compress-type = XZ