#2020 [mediawiki] Remove existing folder before creating symlink
Closed 9 months ago by zlopez. Opened 9 months ago by zlopez.
fedora-infra/ zlopez/ansible mediawiki  into  main

@@ -222,6 +222,16 @@ 


    - mediawiki


+   # Apache creates a FedoraMessaging folder in extensions

+   # which causes the symlink to fail

+   # The folder is empty anyway, so we can simply delete it

+ - name: remove extensions folder created by apache

+   ansible.builtin.file:

+     state: absent

+     path: /srv/web/{{wikiname}}-wiki/extensions

+   tags:

+   - mediawiki


  - name: linking extensions

    file: dest=/srv/web/{{wikiname}}-wiki/extensions src=/usr/share/{{ wikiver }}/extensions state=link


It seems that something is creating the /srv/web/fp-wiki/extensions folder now
and this is causing the task to create the same symlink to fail.
As the folder is empty, we can simply remove it before creating the symlink.

Signed-off-by: Michal Konecny mkonecny@redhat.com

@ryanlerch Feel free to close this one if not needed.

Closing this PR as it's no longer needed.

Pull-Request has been closed by zlopez

9 months ago