#1935 Fix torrent-generator to be compatible with 3.9 and rhel changes
Merged 10 months ago by kevin. Opened 10 months ago by jnsamyak.
fedora-infra/ jnsamyak/ansible fix_torrent  into  main

@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ 

- #!/usr/bin/python -tt

+ #!/usr/bin/env python3

  # generate html and rss output files based on ini of torrents.

  # (c) 2007 Seth Vidal - skvidal @ fedoraproject.org

@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ 

  # map=http://url/to/map.png

  # group is optional. if not listed group == description


- import ConfigParser

+ import configparser

  import sys

  import glob

  import time
@@ -39,10 +39,8 @@ 


  def do_html_output(config, groups):

      myout = open(config.htmlout, 'w')

-     head =  open('%s' % config.htmlheader).read()

-     foot =  open('%s' % config.htmlfooter).read()


-     myout.write(head)

+     with open(config.htmlheader) as head:

+         myout.write(head.read())


      for group in groups:

          msg = """
@@ -64,16 +62,15 @@ 

              """ % (config.torrent_url, torrent.torrent, torrent.torrent, torrent.description, torrent.size, torrent.map, outputtime(torrent.releasedate))



-     myout.write(foot)

+     with open(config.htmlfooter) as foot:

+         myout.write(foot.read())



  def do_rss_output(config, groups):


      myout = open(config.rssout, 'w')

-     head =  open('%s' % config.rssheader).read()

-     foot =  open('%s' % config.rssfooter).read()


-     myout.write(head)

+     with open(config.rssheader) as head:

+         myout.write(head.read())


      for group in groups:

          for torrent in sorted(group.torrents, key=operator.attrgetter('releasedate', 'torrent')):
@@ -83,26 +80,22 @@ 


             </item>"""  % (torrent.description, config.torrent_url, torrent.torrent, rsstime(torrent.releasedate))


-     myout.write(foot)

+     with open(config.rssfooter) as foot:

+         myout.write(foot.read())




- class Group(object):

+ class Group:

      def __init__(self, name, date):

          self.name = name

          self.releasedate = date

          self.torrents = []


-     def __cmp__(self, other):

-         if other.releasedate > self.releasedate:

-             return -1

-         if self.releasedate > other.releasedate:

-             return 1


-         return 0

+     def __lt__(self, other):

+         return self.releasedate < other.releasedate



- class Torrent(object):

+ class Torrent:

      def __init__(self):

          self.torrent = None

          self.group = None
@@ -112,10 +105,10 @@ 

          self.map = None



- class Config(object):

+ class Config:

      def __init__(self, cpobj):

          if not cpobj.has_section('main'):

-             print >> sys.stderr, "no main section in config, exiting"

+             print("no main section in config, exiting", file=sys.stderr)



              self.inidir = cpobj.get('main', 'inidir')
@@ -126,23 +119,23 @@ 

              self.rssfooter = cpobj.get('main', 'rssfooter')

              self.htmlout =  cpobj.get('main', 'htmlout')

              self.rssout = cpobj.get('main', 'rssout')

-         except ConfigParser.NoOptionError, e:

-             print >> sys.stderr, "Config file missing required option: %s" % e

+         except configparser.NoOptionError as e:

+             print("Config file missing required option:", e, file=sys.stderr)



  def main():


-     conf = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()

+     conf = configparser.ConfigParser()


      config = Config(conf)


      fs = glob.glob(config.inidir + '/*.ini')

      for fn in fs:

-         c = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()

+         c = configparser.ConfigParser()


          for s in c.sections():

              if 'releasedate' not in c.options(s) or 'description' not in c.options(s):

-                 print >> sys.stderr,  "bad torrent config for %s" % s

+                 print("bad torrent config for", s, file=sys.stderr)


              if c.has_option(s,'group'):

                  g = c.get(s, 'group')
@@ -150,7 +143,7 @@ 

                  g = c.get(s, 'description')


              thisdate = time.mktime(time.strptime(c.get(s, 'releasedate'), timeformat))

-             if groups.has_key(g):

+             if g in groups:

                  thisgroup = groups[g]

                  if thisgroup.releasedate < thisdate:

                      thisgroup.releasedate = thisdate
@@ -177,9 +170,7 @@ 




-     sortgroups = groups.values()

-     sortgroups.sort()

-     sortgroups.reverse()

+     sortgroups = sorted(groups.values())


      do_html_output(config, sortgroups)

      do_rss_output(config, sortgroups)
@@ -187,4 +178,3 @@ 


  if __name__ == "__main__":



This looks good to me. I assume you tested it on some test files?

It needs aother +1 to be a freeze break, but you have mine...

Metadata Update from @humaton:
- Pull-request tagged with: freeze-break-request

10 months ago

rebased onto 926d9c06f475c58347d434636255af61fc926513

10 months ago

rebased onto 926d9c06f475c58347d434636255af61fc926513

10 months ago

rebased onto 5cbb912

10 months ago

rebased onto 5cbb912

10 months ago

Pull-Request has been merged by kevin

10 months ago