#1930 Add a role and playbook for the cloud-image-uploader
Merged 21 days ago by kevin. Opened a month ago by jcline.
fedora-infra/ jcline/ansible cloud-uploader  into  main

@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ 

+ - name: make the app be real

+   hosts: os_control_stg

+   user: root

+   gather_facts: False


+   vars_files:

+     - /srv/web/infra/ansible/vars/global.yml

+     - "/srv/private/ansible/vars.yml"

+     - /srv/web/infra/ansible/vars/{{ ansible_distribution }}.yml


+   roles:

+   - role: rabbit/queue

+     username: "cloud-image-uploader"

+     queue_name: "cloud-image-uploader"

+     routing_keys:

+       - "org.fedoraproject.{{ env }}.buildsys.build.state.change"

+     thresholds:

+       warning: 10

+       critical: 50


+   - role: openshift/project

+     app: cloud-image-uploader

+     description: AMQP consumer that uploads Cloud images to cloud providers

+     appowners:

+     - jcline


+   - role: openshift/object

+     app: cloud-image-uploader

+     file: imagestream.yml

+     objectname: imagestream.yml


+   - role: openshift/object

+     app: cloud-image-uploader

+     template: buildconfig.yml

+     objectname: buildconfig.yml


+   - role: openshift/object

+     app: cloud-image-uploader

+     template: configmap.yml

+     objectname: configmap.yml


+   - role: openshift/secret-file

+     app: cloud-image-uploader

+     secret_name: cloud-image-uploader-fedora-messaging-key

+     key: cloud-image-uploader.key

+     privatefile: "rabbitmq/{{env}}/pki/private/cloud-image-uploader{{env_suffix}}.key"


+   - role: openshift/secret-file

+     app: cloud-image-uploader

+     secret_name: cloud-image-uploader-fedora-messaging-crt

+     key: cloud-image-uploader.crt

+     privatefile: "rabbitmq/{{env}}/pki/issued/cloud-image-uploader{{env_suffix}}.crt"


+   - role: openshift/secret-file

+     app: cloud-image-uploader

+     secret_name: cloud-image-uploader-fedora-messaging-ca

+     key: cloud-image-uploader.ca

+     privatefile: "rabbitmq/{{env}}/pki/ca.crt"


+   - role: openshift/object

+     app: cloud-image-uploader

+     template: secret.yml

+     objectname: secret.yml


+   - role: openshift/start-build

+     app: cloud-image-uploader

+     buildname: cloud-image-uploader-build

+     objectname: cloud-image-uploader-build


+   - role: openshift/object

+     app: cloud-image-uploader

+     file: deployment.yml

+     objectname: deployment.yml


+   - role: openshift/rollout

+     app: cloud-image-uploader

+     dcname: cloud-image-uploader

@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ 

+ ---

+ apiVersion: image.openshift.io/v1

+ items:

+   - apiVersion: image.openshift.io/v1

+     kind: ImageStream

+     metadata:

+       name: cloud-image-uploader

+       labels:

+         build: cloud-image-uploader

+ kind: List

+ metadata: {}

@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ 

+ apiVersion: build.openshift.io/v1

+ items:

+ - apiVersion: build.openshift.io/v1

+   kind: BuildConfig

+   metadata:

+     labels:

+       build: cloud-image-uploader-build

+     name: cloud-image-uploader-build

+   spec:

+     runPolicy: Serial

+     source:

+       type: git

+       git:

+         uri: https://pagure.io/cloud-image-uploader.git

+ {% if env == 'staging' %}

+         ref: main

+ {% else %}

+         ref: prod

+ {% endif %}

+     strategy:

+       type: Docker

+       dockerStrategy:

+         dockerfilePath: Containerfile

+     triggers:

+     - type: ImageChange

+     output:

+       to:

+         kind: ImageStreamTag

+         name: cloud-image-uploader:latest

+ kind: List

+ metadata: {}

@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@ 

+ # This file is in the TOML format.

+ # For complete details on all configuration options, see the documentation

+ # https://fedora-messaging.readthedocs.io/en/latest/configuration.html.


+ amqp_url = "amqps://cloud-image-uploader:@rabbitmq{{ env_suffix }}.fedoraproject.org/%2Fpubsub"

+ callback = "fedora_cloud_image_uploader:Uploader"

+ passive_declares = true


+ [tls]

+ ca_cert = "/etc/pki/rabbitmq/ca/fedora-messaging-cloud-image-uploader-ca.crt"

+ keyfile = "/etc/pki/rabbitmq/key/fedora-messaging-cloud-image-uploader.key"

+ certfile = "/etc/pki/rabbitmq/cert/fedora-messaging-cloud-image-uploader.crt"


+ [client_properties]

+ app = "Fedora Cloud Image Uploader"

+ app_url = "https://pagure.io/cloud-image-uploader"

+ app_contacts_email = "cloud@lists.fedoraproject.org"


+ [[bindings]]

+ queue = "fedora-image-uploader"

+ exchange = "amq.topic"

+ routing_keys = ["org.fedoraproject.{{ env }}.buildsys.build.state.change"]


+ [queues.fedora-image-uploader]

+ durable = true

+ auto_delete = false

+ exclusive = false

+ arguments = {}


+ [consumer_config.azure]

+ location = "eastus"

+ {% if env == "staging" %}

+ resource_group_name = "fedora-cloud-staging"

+ storage_account_name = "fedoraimagesstaging"

+ {% else %}

+ resource_group_name = "fedora-cloud"

+ storage_account_name = "fedoraimages"

+ {% endif %}

+ gallery_name = "Fedora"

+ gallery_description = "The Fedora compute gallery."

+ storage_container_name = "vhds"


+ # A list of regions and replication settings for uploaded images.	

+ #

+ # Images need to be replicated to the region to be usable.

+ {% if env == "staging" %}


+ [[consumer_config.azure.target_regions]]

+ name = "eastus"

+ regional_replica_count = 1

+ storage_account_type = "Standard_LRS"


+ {% else %}


+ [[consumer_config.azure.target_regions]]

+ name = "eastus"

+ regional_replica_count = 3

+ storage_account_type = "Standard_ZRS"


+ {% endif %}



+ [qos]

+ prefetch_size = 0

+ prefetch_count = 25


+ [log_config]

+ version = 1

+ disable_existing_loggers = true


+ [log_config.formatters.simple]

+ format = "[%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)s] %(message)s"


+ [log_config.handlers.console]

+ class = "logging.StreamHandler"

+ formatter = "simple"

+ stream = "ext://sys.stdout"


+ [log_config.loggers.fedora_messaging]

+ level = "INFO"

+ propagate = false

+ handlers = ["console"]


+ [log_config.loggers.fedora_cloud_image_uploader]

+ level = "INFO"

+ propagate = false

+ handlers = ["console"]


+ [log_config.loggers.twisted]

+ level = "INFO"

+ propagate = false

+ handlers = ["console"]


+ [log_config.loggers.pika]

+ level = "WARNING"

+ propagate = false

+ handlers = ["console"]


+ [log_config.root]

+ level = "ERROR"

+ handlers = ["console"]

@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ 

+ {%- macro load_file(filename) %}{% include filename %}{%- endmacro -%}

+ ---

+ apiVersion: v1

+ kind: List

+ metadata: {}

+ items:

+ - apiVersion: v1

+   kind: ConfigMap

+   metadata:

+     name: cloud-image-uploader-configmap

+     labels:

+       app: cloud-image-uploader

+   data:

+     config.toml: |-

+       {{ lookup('template', 'config.toml') | indent(6) }}

@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ 

+ apiVersion: apps/v1

+ kind: Deployment

+ metadata:

+   name: cloud-image-uploader

+   annotations:

+     image.openshift.io/triggers: >-

+       [

+         {

+           "from": {

+             "kind":"ImageStreamTag",

+             "namespace":"cloud-image-uploader"

+             "name":"cloud-image-uploader:latest",

+           },

+           "fieldPath":"spec.template.spec.containers[?(@.name==\"cloud-image-uploader\")].image",

+           "pause":"false"

+         }

+       ]

+ spec:

+   replicas: 1

+   selector:

+     app: cloud-image-uploader

+   strategy:

+     type: Recreate

+   template:

+     metadata:

+       labels:

+         app: cloud-image-uploader

+     spec:

+       volumes:

+         - name: config-volume

+           configMap:

+             name: cloud-image-uploader-configmap

+         - name: fedora-messaging-ca-volume

+           secret:

+             secretName: cloud-image-uploader-fedora-messaging-ca

+         - name: fedora-messaging-key-volume

+           secret:

+             secretName: cloud-image-uploader-fedora-messaging-key

+         - name: fedora-messaging-cert-volume

+           secret:

+             secretName: cloud-image-uploader-fedora-messaging-crt

+       containers:

+         - name: cloud-image-uploader

+           image: cloud-image-uploader/cloud-image-uploader:latest

+           imagePullPolicy: Always

+           env:

+             - name: AZURE_SECRET

+               valueFrom:

+                 secretKeyRef:

+                   name: azure-credentials

+                   key: secret

+             - name: AZURE_CLIENT_ID

+               valueFrom:

+                 secretKeyRef:

+                   name: azure-credentials

+                   key: client_id

+             - name: AZURE_TENANT

+               valueFrom:

+                 secretKeyRef:

+                   name: azure-credentials

+                   key: tenant_id

+             - name: AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID

+               valueFrom:

+                 secretKeyRef:

+                   name: azure-credentials

+                   key: subscription_id

+           volumeMounts:

+             - name: config-volume

+               mountPath: /etc/fedora-messaging

+               readOnly: true

+             - name: fedora-messaging-ca-volume

+               mountPath: /etc/pki/rabbitmq/ca

+               readOnly: true

+             - name: fedora-messaging-key-volume

+               mountPath: /etc/pki/rabbitmq/key

+               readOnly: true

+             - name: fedora-messaging-cert-volume

+               mountPath: /etc/pki/rabbitmq/cert

+               readOnly: true

@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ 

+ apiVersion: v1

+ kind: Secret

+ metadata:

+   name: "azure-credentials"

+   labels:

+     app: "cloud-image-uploader"

+ data:

+ {% if env == 'staging' %}

+   secret: "{{stg_azure_secret}}"

+   client_id: "{{stg_azure_client_id}}"

+   tenant_id: "{{stg_azure_tenant_id}}"

+ {% else %}

+   secret: "{{prod_azure_secret}}"

+   client_id: "{{prod_azure_client_id}}"

+   tenant_id: "{{prod_azure_tenant_id}}"

+ {% endif %}

+   subscription_id: "{{azure_subscription_id}}"

This app is an AQMP client that uploads VM images to public clouds. It
currently supports Azure images.

Ref: https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/11860

This assumes that a client cert has been set up for the fedora-messaging consumer, as well as the presence of the following ansible secrets:


I need to do a little research to figure out the minimal permission set required before I can generate the Azure secrets, but I figured I'd go ahead and open this up.

Looks pretty good. It's like you've seen this entire setup before? :)

I'd suggest setting 'hosts: os_control_stg' for now and we can then add prod when everything is working in stg.

Also, deploymentconfig is actually going away (we need to convert all our existing apps, @darknao was gonna look at doing that). Not a stopper, but if you want to convert to deployment now, it won't need converting...

Looks pretty good. It's like you've seen this entire setup before? :)

Heh, perhaps, but I definitely did a lot of copy/pasting.

I'd suggest setting 'hosts: os_control_stg' for now and we can then add prod when everything is working in stg.

Will do.

Also, deploymentconfig is actually going away (we need to convert all our existing apps, @darknao was gonna look at doing that). Not a stopper, but if you want to convert to deployment now, it won't need converting...

Sure, I'm happy to move to whatever replaces deploymentconfig, any pointers to what to do instead?

Yeah, deploymentconfig was a openshift add on, they are dropping it now and wanting everyone to move to the k8s 'deployment' object instead.

There's a few apps already moved, you can look for 'deployment.yml' in the ansible repo. It's pretty similar at this point...

rebased onto 315389afd434a56b11de2ff9af3cfaae8225827b

a month ago

rebased onto da8a95d

a month ago

Yeah, deploymentconfig was a openshift add on, they are dropping it now and wanting everyone to move to the k8s 'deployment' object instead.

There's a few apps already moved, you can look for 'deployment.yml' in the ansible repo. It's pretty similar at this point...

Perfect, I moved it to a vanilla deployment and renamed the file for clarity. I also dropped the os_control from the hosts.

Looks good to me.

Perhaps we can merge and deploy early next week sometime? If you let me know when you are available I can do so and we can work through any problems.

I can also setup things so you can run the playbook, but since we are in freeze, that would need a freeze break. :(

Super. Maybe Tuesday? I'll be available any time except between 11:30-12:30 EDT. How should I get the Azure app credentials to you? It probably makes sense to add you to the Azure group, which @dustymabe did for me, in which case you can just create the secret yourself.

I think we can wait until after freeze to get permissions for me to run it set up since I can run the service locally to manually upload images.

1 new commit added

  • cloud-image-uploader: swap staging and prod blocks in config
22 days ago

I might have access there already, not sure. But if not, you can add me, or just create the credentials and put them in a mode 600 file on batcave01? or gpg them to me, I can send pubkey...

I'm happy with any of those options. I don't think I have access to batcave01 anymore (or, at least, the keys I have in accounts.fedoraproject.org don't work). I forget how that works, probably a FAS group?

rebased onto e564d0c

21 days ago

rebased onto e564d0c

21 days ago

Lets try a deploy...

Pull-Request has been merged by kevin

21 days ago