#1594 toddlers: enable check-commit-rights on stg
Merged 7 months ago by kevin. Opened 9 months ago by mattia.
fedora-infra/ mattia/ansible check-commit-rights  into  main

@@ -264,4 +264,57 @@ 

            - name: fedora-messaging-cert-volume


                secretName: toddlers-fedora-messaging-crt

+ {% else %}

+ ---

+ apiVersion: batch/v1

+ kind: CronJob

+ metadata:

+   name: playtime-check-commit-rights

+ spec:

+   successfulJobsHistoryLimit: 3

+   failedJobsHistoryLimit: 3

+   concurrencyPolicy: Forbid

+   schedule: "0 8 */2 * *"

+   startingDeadlineSeconds: 500

+   jobTemplate:

+     spec:

+       template:

+         metadata:

+           labels:

+             parent: "cron_playtime_toddlers"

+         spec:

+           restartPolicy: Never

+           containers:

+           - name: toddlers

+             image: image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/toddlers/toddlers:latest

+             command: ["/usr/bin/python3", "/code/toddlers/playtime.py", "check-commit-rights"]

+             env:

+               - name: PYTHONPATH

+                 value: "/code"

+             volumeMounts:

+              - name: toddlers-secret-volume

+                mountPath: /etc/fedora-messaging

+                readOnly: true

+              - name: fedora-messaging-ca-volume

+                mountPath: /etc/pki/rabbitmq/ca

+                readOnly: true

+              - name: fedora-messaging-key-volume

+                mountPath: /etc/pki/rabbitmq/key

+                readOnly: true

+              - name: fedora-messaging-cert-volume

+                mountPath: /etc/pki/rabbitmq/cert

+                readOnly: true

+           volumes:

+           - name: toddlers-secret-volume

+             secret:

+               secretName: toddlers-secret

+           - name: fedora-messaging-ca-volume

+             secret:

+               secretName: toddlers-fedora-messaging-ca

+           - name: fedora-messaging-key-volume

+             secret:

+              secretName: toddlers-fedora-messaging-key

+           - name: fedora-messaging-cert-volume

+             secret:

+               secretName: toddlers-fedora-messaging-crt

  {% endif %}

@@ -379,3 +379,17 @@ 


  level = "ERROR"

  handlers = ["console"]


+ # Configuration section for check_commit_rights

+ [consumer_config.check_commit_rights]

+ exclude_users = []

+ {% if env == "staging" %}

+ notify_emails = [

+ #    "nobody@fedoraproject.org",

+     "fedora_stg@sparebit.simplelogin.com",

+ ]

+ {% else %}

+ notify_emails = [

+     "admin@fedoraproject.org",

+ ]

+ {% endif %}

Following https://pagure.io/fedora-infra/toddlers/pull-request/128 this will enable the toddler plugin in stg.
I've copy/pasted the configuration from the other active toddlers, they looks like all the same to me.
Also, is there a test email address where to send the output?

Signed-off-by: Mattia Verga mattia.verga@tiscali.it

Looks good to me

@kevin Do we have some e-mail in staging that could be used for testing?

staging doesn't really have it's own email setup. It should send out to normal emails tho... so, just use whatever email address you want to use to look at it while testing.

Where is this intended to be sent?

staging doesn't really have it's own email setup. It should send out to normal emails tho... so, just use whatever email address you want to use to look at it while testing.

Where is this intended to be sent?

When in prod, hopefully to someone within fedora-infra, as it will output something like:

Dear Admin,

The periodic check on user commit rights on src.fp.o has identified {len(not_packagers_set)}
users which aren't member of the packager group. The list of them is here:


Please check is these rights are correct, they can be a leftover from when the users
were removed, or removed themselves, from the packager group.

Have a wonderful day and see you (maybe?) at the next run!

but maybe I can send it directly to the infra mailing list?

For stg, I suppose I could send to an address of mine, if there's no other choice to share test within infra.

Yeah, I guess in prod just admin@fedoraproject.org? or if it's not sensitive I guess the mailing list would be ok. We do also have the 'releng-cron' list where output from a bunch of things goes.

For stg it might be best to use your address at least for debugging... once it's all set you could change it to 'nobody@fedoraproject.org' for /dev/null? or send to the cron list I guess (as long as it's very clear that it's staging)

rebased onto 8b7e98b4b6947d6b4d925dbac1bcfd40666fa30b

9 months ago

@kevin should we wait with this after the freeze?

Well, if it can be set to only change anything in staging, then we can merge and push to staging anytime.

If it modifies prod we should avoid it until after freeze.

Well, if it can be set to only change anything in staging, then we can merge and push to staging anytime.

If it modifies prod we should avoid it until after freeze.

The {% else %} in cron_playtime.yml will only apply the cron script to staging. The configuration change in fedora-messaging.toml will be applied on both, but it should just be ignored on prod (otherwise I can wrap everythin with a {% if env == "staging" %} if you prefer).

Yeah, then should be just fine to merge anytime.

I can do so monday?

rebased onto eda3e9e

7 months ago

rebased onto eda3e9e

7 months ago

I didn't do so monday. ;)

I am doing so now. ;)

Pull-Request has been merged by kevin

7 months ago