#1501 Remove nuancier-openshift
Merged 10 months ago by kevin. Opened 10 months ago by ryanlerch.
fedora-infra/ ryanlerch/ansible remove-nuancier-openshift  into  main

@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@ 

- - name: make the app be real

-   hosts: os_control_stg[0]

-   user: root

-   gather_facts: False


-   vars_files:

-     - /srv/web/infra/ansible/vars/global.yml

-     - "/srv/private/ansible/vars.yml"

-     - /srv/web/infra/ansible/vars/{{ ansible_distribution }}.yml


-   roles:

-   - role: openshift/project

-     app: nuancier

-     description: Fedora nuancier apps

-     appowners:

-     - kevin


-   - role: openshift/object

-     app: nuancier

-     template: imagestream.yml

-     objectname: imagestream.yml


-   - role: openshift/object

-     app: nuancier

-     template: buildconfig.yml

-     objectname: buildconfig.yml


-   - role: openshift/object

-     app: nuancier

-     template: storage.yml

-     objectname: storage.yml


-   - role: openshift/object

-     app: nuancier

-     template: configmap.yml

-     objectname: configmap.yml


-   - role: openshift/start-build

-     app: nuancier

-     buildname: nuancier-build

-     objectname: nuancier-build


-   - role: openshift/object

-     app: nuancier

-     file: service.yml

-     objectname: service.yml


-   - role: openshift/route

-     app: nuancier

-     routename: nuancier

-     host: "wallpapers{{ env_suffix }}.fedoraproject.org"

-     serviceport: 8080-tcp

-     servicename: nuancier


-   - role: openshift/object

-     app: nuancier

-     file: deploymentconfig.yml

-     objectname: deploymentconfig.yml

@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@ 

- ---

- apiVersion: v1

- kind: DeploymentConfig

- metadata:

-   labels:

-     app: nuancier

-     service: nuancier

-   name: nuancier

- spec:

-   replicas: 1

-   selector:

-     app: nuancier

-     deploymentconfig: nuancier

-   strategy:

-     type: Recreate

-     recreateParams:

- #      mid:

- #        failurePolicy: Abort

- #        execNewPod:

- #          containerName: nuancier

- #          command: ["alembic", "upgrade", "head", "-c", "/opt/app-root/config/alembic.ini"]

- #          env:

- #          - name: PYTHONPATH

- #            value: /opt/app-root/src

- #          volumes:

- #            - config-volume

-   template:

-     metadata:

-       labels:

-         app: nuancier

-         deploymentconfig: nuancier

-     spec:

-       containers:

-       - name: nuancier

-         image: nuancier:latest

-         ports:

-         - containerPort: 8080

-         resources: {}

-         volumeMounts:

-         - name: config-volume

-           mountPath: /opt/app-root/config/

-           readOnly: true

-         - name: data-volume

-           mountPath: /var/cache/nuancier/

-         readinessProbe:

-           timeoutSeconds: 1

-           initialDelaySeconds: 5

-           httpGet:

-             path: /

-             port: 8080

-         livenessProbe:

-           timeoutSeconds: 1

-           initialDelaySeconds: 30

-           httpGet:

-             path: /

-             port: 8080

-       volumes:

-       - name: config-volume

-         configMap:

-           name: nuancier-configmap

-       - name: data-volume

-         persistentVolumeClaim:

-             claimName: nuancier-storage


-   triggers:

-   - type: ConfigChange

-   - type: ImageChange

-     imageChangeParams:

-       automatic: true

-       containerNames:

-       - nuancier

-       from:

-         kind: ImageStreamTag

-         name: nuancier:latest

@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ 

- apiVersion: v1

- kind: Service

- metadata:

-   labels:

-     app: nuancier

-   name: nuancier

- spec:

-   ports:

-   - name: 8080-tcp

-     port: 8080

-     protocol: TCP

-     targetPort: 8080

-   selector:

-     app: nuancier

-     deploymentconfig: nuancier

@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@ 

- # A generic, single database configuration.


- [alembic]

- # path to migration scripts

- script_location = /opt/app-root/src/nuancier/alembic


- # template used to generate migration files

- # file_template = %%(rev)s_%%(slug)s


- # set to 'true' to run the environment during

- # the 'revision' command, regardless of autogenerate

- # revision_environment = false


- {% if env == 'staging' %}

- sqlalchemy.url = postgresql://{{ nuancier_db_admin_user }}:{{ nuancier_db_admin_pass }}@db01.stg.iad2.fedoraproject.org/{{ nuancier_db_name }}

- {% else %}

- sqlalchemy.url = postgresql://{{ nuancier_db_admin_user }}:{{ nuancier_db_admin_pass }}@db01.iad2.fedoraproject.org/{{ nuancier_db_name }}

- {% endif %}



- # Logging configuration

- [loggers]

- keys = root,sqlalchemy,alembic


- [handlers]

- keys = console


- [formatters]

- keys = generic


- [logger_root]

- level = WARN

- handlers = console

- qualname =


- [logger_sqlalchemy]

- level = WARN

- handlers =

- qualname = sqlalchemy.engine


- [logger_alembic]

- level = INFO

- handlers =

- qualname = alembic


- [handler_console]

- class = StreamHandler

- args = (sys.stderr,)

- level = NOTSET

- formatter = generic


- [formatter_generic]

- format = %(levelname)-5.5s [%(name)s] %(message)s

- datefmt = %H:%M:%S

@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ 

- apiVersion: build.openshift.io/v1

- kind: BuildConfig

- metadata:

-   name: nuancier-build

-   labels:

-     environment: "nuancier"

- spec:

-   output:

-     to:

-       kind: ImageStreamTag

-       name: nuancier:latest

-   source:

-     type: Git

-     git:

-       uri: https://pagure.io/nuancier.git

- {% if env == 'staging' %}

-       ref: "staging"

- {% else %}

-       ref: "production"

- {% endif %}

-   strategy:

-     type: Source

-     sourceStrategy:

-       from:

-         kind: ImageStreamTag

-         namespace: openshift

-         name: python:2.7

-   triggers:

-   - type: ConfigChange

-   - type: ImageChange

@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ 

- ---

- apiVersion: v1

- kind: ConfigMap

- metadata:

-   name: nuancier-configmap

-   labels:

-     app: nuancier

- {% macro load_file(filename) %}{% include filename %}{%- endmacro -%}

- data:

-   alembic.ini: |-

-     {{ load_file('alembic.ini') | indent }}

-   nuancier.cfg: |-

-     {{ load_file('nuancier.cfg') | indent }}

@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ 

- ---

- apiVersion: image.openshift.io/v1

- kind: ImageStream

- metadata:

-   name: nuancier

- spec:

-   lookupPolicy:

-     local: false

- status:

-   dockerImageRepository: ""

@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@ 

- # Beware that the quotes around the values are mandatory


- import os


- ### Secret key for the Flask application

- SECRET_KEY='{{ nuancier_secret_key }}'


- ### url to the database server:

- {% if env == 'staging' %}

- DB_URL='postgresql://{{ nuancier_db_user }}:{{ nuancier_db_pass }}@db01.stg.iad2.fedoraproject.org/{{ nuancier_db_name }}'

- {% else %}

- DB_URL='postgresql://{{ nuancier_db_user }}:{{ nuancier_db_pass }}@db01.iad2.fedoraproject.org/{{ nuancier_db_name }}'

- {% endif %}


- ### The FAS groups in which the admin of nuancier are

- ### This can either be a single group or multiple, defined between

- ### parenthesis.

- ADMIN_GROUP=('sysadmin-nuancier', 'sysadmin-main')

- # FAS group for the nuancier reviewers

- REVIEW_GROUP = ('nuancier-mentors')

- # FAS group of users having a higher vote

- WEIGHTED_GROUP = ('sysadmin-nuancier', 'designteam')


- ### Static folder

- ### The folder containing the css, javascript as well as the pictures

- ### candidates and the cache of those pictures.

- ### This directory should be somewhere where apache can access, it's

- ### proposed in '/var/www/nuancier'

- STATIC_FOLDER = '/var/cache/nuancier'


- ### Pictures folder

- ### The folder in which are located the pictures of the different elections.

- ### This folder does not have to be writable by the application but should be

- ### readable.

- ### /!\ It should be the full path to this folder

- PICTURE_FOLDER = os.path.join(STATIC_FOLDER, 'pictures')


- ### Cache folder

- ### The folder in which the application will generate thumbnails of the pictures

- ### selected for an election.

- ### This folder *must* be *writable* by the application.

- ### /!\ It should be the full path to this folder

- CACHE_FOLDER = os.path.join(STATIC_FOLDER, 'cache')


- ### Size of the thumbnails (keeping the ratio)

- ### In order to reduce the loading page of the election page that might contains

- ### more than hundreds pictures, the application generates thumbnails of each

- ### pictures.

- ### The application will keep the ratio intact and just make sure that either

- ### length or width of the picture fit the length and width specified below.

- THUMB_SIZE = (256, 256)


- # This is required to fix login in stg



- # Make browsers send session cookie only via HTTPS




- APPLICATION_ROOT = '/nuancier/'

- SESSION_COOKIE_NAME = 'nuancier'


- # dogpile.cache configuration to work with memcached

- #NUANCIER_CACHE_BACKEND = 'dogpile.cache.memcached'

- #NUANCIER_CACHE_KWARGS = {'arguments' : {

- #        'url': "",

- #    }

- #}



@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ 

- apiVersion: v1

- kind: PersistentVolumeClaim

- metadata:

-   name: nuancier-storage

- spec:

-   accessModes:

-     - ReadWriteMany

-   resources:

-     requests:

- {% if env == 'staging' %}

-       storage: 10Gi

- {% else %}

-       storage: 20Gi

- {% endif %}

-   storageClassName: ""

Work had started on moving nuancier to openshift, but was never
deployed. This removes this. Nuancier is being shut down.

Signed-off-by: Ryan Lerch rlerch@redhat.com

Was this ever deployed in OpenShift?

rebased onto fbc016e

10 months ago

rebased onto fbc016e

10 months ago

It might have been deployed to staging in PHX2/OpenShift 3, but never anywhere else.

Pull-Request has been merged by kevin

10 months ago