#136 Display the generated public key for docs
Merged 3 years ago by misc. Opened 3 years ago by misc.
fedora-infra/ misc/ansible display_ssh  into  master

@@ -20,9 +20,14 @@ 

      name: _update_docs_trans

      generate_ssh_key: yes

      ssh_key_file: .ssh/id_rsa_docs_trans

+   register: user_result


    - fedora-docs-translation


+ - name: Display the public key to add it to pagure

+   debug:

+     var: user_result.ssh_public_key


  - copy:

      src: ssh_config

      dest: ~_update_docs_trans/.ssh/config

Since sundries got reinstalled, there is a new ssh key, and
so we need to change the key on Pagure. Rather than bothering
someone each time that happen, it is better to just display
it so it can be added to Pagure.

rebased onto a15f67b

3 years ago

rebased onto a15f67b

3 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by misc

3 years ago