#1188 F37 beta
Merged 2 years ago by kevin. Opened 2 years ago by humaton.
fedora-infra/ humaton/ansible f37_beta  into  main

F37 beta
Tomas Hrcka • 2 years ago  
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@ 

  # prebeta: After bodhi enablement/beta freeze and before beta release

  # postbeta: After beta release and before final release

  # current: After final release

- FedoraBranchedBodhi: prebeta

+ FedoraBranchedBodhi: postbeta

Build succeeded.

+1 looks good to me. After pushing this we should re-run the bodhi-backend playbook and it should re-enable the automated push crons. ;)

We should now hold off on this until @adamwill says iot is done and ready to go out...

well, I'm just gonna ask @pbrobinson :D Peter, I'm assuming for IoT we'll want to ship an image that matches all the others for Beta? We pushed the extra packages from the Beta compose stable today, so tomorrow's IoT nightly should exactly match the Beta content.

Yep, so Fedora-IoT-37-20220909.0 should match beta, I've made a request to have the artifacts signed.

Yep, so Fedora-IoT-37-20220909.0 matches beta, I've made a request to have the artifacts signed.

09 may have been missing the things we had in f37-compose (ie, were not yet stable).
But 10 should have them... we pushed all those stable yesterday.

Anyhow, will wait for an ack from both of you before pushing the stable flood. ;)

rebased onto 306aff6

2 years ago

rebased onto 306aff6

2 years ago

ok, looks like we are good to go here.

Pull-Request has been merged by kevin

2 years ago

Build succeeded.
