#113 Fix zodbot-announce-commits for python3
Merged 3 years ago by pingou. Opened 3 years ago by abompard.
fedora-infra/ abompard/ansible fix/zodbot-hook  into  master

@@ -1,19 +1,18 @@ 

- #!/usr/bin/env python

+ #!/usr/bin/env python3

  # encoding: utf-8

  # (c) 2012 Red Hat, Inc.

  # Authored by Ricky Elrod

  # But when it breaks, don't yell at him because that's mean.

  # update hook for FI repos -> zodbot.


- import os

  import sys

  import subprocess

  import shlex

  import socket

- import urllib


  ZODBOT_SERVER = "value01"

  ZODBOT_PORT = 5050

+ ZODBOT_ANNOUNCE = ["ansible", "dns"]


  hook = sys.argv[0]

  repodir = sys.argv[1]
@@ -24,7 +23,7 @@ 


  # Split on /, nuke empties from the result, use the last nonempty

  # element. This lets us not care if there's a trailing slash.

- repodir = filter(None, repodir.split('/'))[-1]

+ repodir = [d for d in repodir.split('/') if d][-1]



  def run_command(command):
@@ -32,7 +31,8 @@ 

      escaped = shlex.split(command)

      cmd = subprocess.Popen(escaped,


-                            stderr=subprocess.PIPE)

+                            stderr=subprocess.PIPE,

+                            universal_newlines=True)

      stdout, stderr = cmd.communicate()

      return {"stdout": stdout, "stderr": stderr}

@@ -40,19 +40,14 @@ 

  def construct_url(slug):

      """ Return a space-padded url to the commit.


-     If and only if it is handled by cgit.  Otherwise, return an empty string.

+     If and only if it is handled by pagure.  Otherwise, return an empty string.



      # Our long url template.

-     tmpl = "https://infrastructure.fedoraproject.org/cgit/{repo}/commit/?id={slug}"

+     tmpl = "https://pagure.io/fedora-infra/{repo}/c/{slug}"


-     repo = repodir + ".git"


-     with open('/etc/cgit-projects-batcave', 'r') as f:

-         lines = [line.strip() for line in f.readlines()]


-     if repo in lines and slug:

-         return " " + tmpl.format(repo=repo, slug=slug)

+     if repodir in ZODBOT_ANNOUNCE and slug:

+         return " " + tmpl.format(repo=repodir, slug=slug)


          return ""

@@ -63,7 +58,7 @@ 



      Ricky Elrod - test-repo:a045150 ---- add some more test files...



      A       foobar/asdf/testfile.1

      A       foobar/testfile.2

@@ -75,7 +70,7 @@ 

      Show the first 4 and if more exist, append '...' to the list.

      Lastly, replace the "----" in the original line above with these.




      lines = commit.split("\n")

      message = lines.pop(0)

      files = []
@@ -85,7 +80,7 @@ 


          slug = message.split(' -')[1].strip().split(':')[1]

      except IndexError:

-         print "** Couldn't parse slug from git-rev.", message

+         print("** Couldn't parse slug from git-rev.", message)


      # The remaining lines are files changed.

      for changed_file in filter(None, lines):
@@ -105,34 +100,37 @@ 

      # If no files were changed don't show empty [] because it looks tacky.

      fileslist = ' '.join(files[0:4])

      if len(files):

-       fileslist = '[' + fileslist

+         fileslist = '[' + fileslist


-       if len(files) > 4:

-           fileslist += ' ...'

+         if len(files) > 4:

+             fileslist += ' ...'


-       fileslist += ']'

+         fileslist += ']'


-       fileslist = '-'

+         fileslist = '-'


      padded_url = construct_url(slug)


      # Replace the ---- with the files list...

      return message.replace('----', fileslist, 1) + padded_url



  # Get a list of commits to report.

  if branch == 'master':

-     revs = run_command("git rev-list ^%s %s" % (old, new))["stdout"].split("\n")

-     revs = filter(None, revs)

+     revs = run_command(f"git rev-list ^{old} {new}")["stdout"].split("\n")

+     revs = [r for r in revs if r]



      for commit_hash in revs:

          # Get the commit in a format that we can deal with

          commit = run_command(

-             "git show --name-status " + commit_hash + " --oneline "

-             "--format='%an - " + repodir + ":%h ---- %s'")

+             f"git show --name-status {commit_hash} --oneline "

+             f"--format='%an - {repodir}:%h ---- %s'")

          parsed_commit = parse_commit(commit["stdout"])


          s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

          s.connect((ZODBOT_SERVER, ZODBOT_PORT))

-         s.sendall(channel+ " " + parsed_commit)

+         s.sendall(channel + " " + parsed_commit)

+         msg = f"{channel} {parsed_commit}"

+         s.sendall(msg.encode('utf-8'))


This should fix the python3 syntax but I haven't tested the functionality, there may be other incompatibilities.

rebased onto e49797db958192389be6eaa5c6a2fc3859bb1ff3

3 years ago

One more thing needed here:
s.sendall((channel + " " + parsed_commit).encode('utf-8'))

Otherwise we get: TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str'

rebased onto b9bdd7fd24822a649b5d4803eb53133766a774f0

3 years ago

rebased onto 80e2c87

3 years ago

rebased onto 80e2c87

3 years ago