#109 [koji-iad2] add file for koji db transfer to iad2
Merged 3 years ago by kevin. Opened 3 years ago by mobrien.

@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@

+ -- The following commands tweak a koji db snapshot for use with a new datacentre

+ -- In addition to this script, the following actions may also need to be taken (generally afterward)

+ -- * apply any needed schema upgrades

+ -- * reset the koji fs volume

+ --

+ -- Example commands for db reset:

+ -- % su - postgres

+ -- % dropdb koji

+ -- % createdb -O koji koji

+ -- % pg_restore -c -d koji koji.dmp

+ -- % psql koji koji < koji-stage-reset.sql

+ --

+ -- Alternate example for shorter downtime:

+ -- % su - postgres

+ -- restore to a different db first

+ -- % createdb -O koji koji-new

+ -- % pg_restore -c -d koji-new koji.dmp

+ -- % psql koji-new koji < koji-stage-reset.sql

+ -- [apply db updates if needed]

+ -- [set kojihub ServerOffline setting]

+ -- => alter database koji rename to koji_save_YYYYMMDD;

+ -- => alter database koji-new rename to koji;

+ -- [reset koji-test fs]

+ -- [unset kojihub ServerOffline setting]




+ -- Legacy from staging script possibly not needed

+ -- wipe obsolete table that only causes problems with the sync, could

+ -- even be dropped entirely (together with imageinfo table).

+ select now() as time, 'wiping imageinfo listings' as msg;

+ delete from imageinfo_listing;



+ -- truncate sessions

+ select now() as time, 'truncating sessions' as msg;

+ truncate table sessions;


+ -- cancel any open tasks

+ select now() as time, 'canceling open tasks' as msg;

+ update task set state=3 where state in (0,1,4);


+ -- cancel any builds in progress

+ select now() as time, 'canceling builds in progress' as msg;

+ update build set state=4, completion_time=now() where state=0;



+ -- delete files from incomplete builds to keep DB in sync with filesystem;

+ delete from archive_rpm_components where rpm_id in (select id from rpminfo where build_id in (select id from build where state<>1));

+ delete from image_listing where rpm_id in (select id from rpminfo where build_id in (select id from build where state<>1));

+ delete from rpminfo where build_id in (select id from build where state<>1);


+ -- expire any active buildroots

+ select now() as time, 'expiring active buildroots' as msg;

+ update standard_buildroot set state=3, retire_event=get_event() where state=0;


+ -- disable hosts

+ -- should cover disabling ph2 hosts for move

+ update host_config set enabled=False where active;



+ -- possible alternative to just disable phx2 hosts

+ -- update host_config set enabled=False where host_id in (select id from host where name like '%phx2%')


+ -- fix host_channels

+ truncate host_channels;


+ -- expire all the repos

+ select now() as time, 'expiring repos' as msg;

+ update repo set state = 3 where state in (0, 1, 2);



no initial comment

This is for ticket infra-8960. I'm not 100% familiar with the database so a critical review will be required.

I have taken a copy of the prod to staging phx2 sql file and edited.

I removed the sequence bumping as it is not strictly needed anymore

There is already a step to disable active hosts so this should cover the phx2 hosts. I have added a commented out alternative to this step but I don't think it will be needed.

There was a step to add staging specific admins which has been removed.

The step to add builders was removed as Kevin mentioned in the ticket that this would be done manually.

There was also a step to fix the krb principals for some users which seemed to be staging specific so was removed. This may need to be readded and adjusted for iad2.

rebased onto e9e929e0ac01d0557d9b376fae50ca2ed7b8911c

3 years ago

rebased onto e9e929e0ac01d0557d9b376fae50ca2ed7b8911c

3 years ago


I think this will do the initial cleanup we need and we can work manually past that to bring it up. :)

Thanks for working on this!

rebased onto 5aa22c2

3 years ago

rebased onto 5aa22c2

3 years ago