#1043 openshift-apps/coreos-cincinnati: also deploy to new ocp4 cluster
Merged 2 years ago by lucab. Opened 2 years ago by lucab.
fedora-infra/ lucab/ansible ups/openshift-apps-coreos-cincinnati-ocp4  into  main

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ 

  - name: provision CoreOS Cincinnati backend

-   hosts: os_masters[0]:os_masters_stg[0]

+   hosts: os_masters[0]:os_masters_stg[0]:os_control:os_control_stg

    user: root

    gather_facts: False


This deploys a copy of coreos-cincinnati services to the new ocp4
cluster, in order to start migrating off the current ocp3 cluster.
The new deployment copy is not going to serve requests yet, until
all the routes are in place and the DNS updated.

Signed-off-by: Luca BRUNO luca.bruno@coreos.com

I'm not an ansible expert so maybe what you did is equivalent.. We've been using os_control:os_control_stg for the new hosts so it would be:

hosts: os_masters[0]:os_masters_stg[0]:os_control:os_control_stg

I think the [0] syntax is the right one to use here.
The playbook is only installing objects into OCP, so it should be sufficient (and likely better) to only do that for a single target. As we aren't changing things on the OCP nodes themselves, there is no need to target all the hosts in the group.

There is only one host in both the os_control and os_control_stg groups. :)

So, [0] doesn't hurt anything, but with one host there, it doesn't matter at all. It's always going to be the first host.

+1 - @lucab - so this is fine as-is - but we should update our other projects to use the same syntax:

  • coreos-ci
  • fedora-coreos-pipeline
  • coreos-koji-tagger
  • coreos-ostree-importer
  • fedora-ostree-pruner

rebased onto 256221a96a20a7301c1e5a12971a83ddc4c216aa

2 years ago

Ack, then it's quicker to just update this one to be aligned with the rest; amended.

Can this be merged now or does it need additional scrutiny/delay due to the freeze?

We can merge now if all you are doing is also deploying to ocp4... we would need a freeze break to modify proxies for change in routes tho, so that probibly should be after release.

Yes, this is only preparing the deployment for now. Routes updates can wait till after F36 release.

I'll rebase/merge/deploy this tomorrow, as it got late today and we aren't in hurry.

rebased onto 2adc9dd

2 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by lucab

2 years ago

This needs some conditional adjustments for the difference in the internal registry name, docker-registry.default.svc in OCP3 vs image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc in OCP4. I'll play around a bit with that.
