#103 bodhi/backend: Port the koji-sync script from fedmsg to fedora-messaging
Closed 3 years ago by pingou. Opened 3 years ago by pingou.
fedora-infra/ pingou/ansible master  into  master

@@ -84,20 +84,25 @@ 

      service: bodhi

      host: "bodhi.fedoraproject.org"

      when: env == "production"


    - role: keytab/service

      owner_user: apache

      owner_group: apache

      service: bodhi

      host: "bodhi.stg.fedoraproject.org"

      when: env == "staging"


    - bodhi2/backend


    - role: push-container-registry

      cert_dest_dir: "/etc/docker/certs.d/registry{{ env_suffix }}.fedoraproject.org"

      cert_src: "{{private}}/files/docker-registry/{{env}}/pki/issued/containerstable.crt"

      key_src: "{{private}}/files/docker-registry/{{env}}/pki/private/containerstable.key"

      certs_group: apache


    - role: rabbit/user

      username: "bodhi{{ env_suffix }}"


    - role: rabbit/queue

      username: "bodhi{{ env_suffix }}"

      queue_name: "{{ bodhi_message_queue_name }}"
@@ -106,6 +111,17 @@ 

        warning: 10

        critical: 100


+   - role: rabbit/user

+     username: "koji_sync_listener{{ env_suffix }}"


+   - role: rabbit/queue

+     username: "koji_sync_listener{{ env_suffix }}"

+     queue_name: "koji_sync_listener{{ env_suffix }}"

+     routing_keys:

+       - "io.pagure.*.pagure.issue.edit"

+     thresholds:

+       warning: 10

+       critical: 100



    - name: create secondary volume dir for stg bodhi

@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@ 

- #!/usr/bin/env python

- """ This is a glue script to run /usr/local/bin/owner-sync-pagure on a given

- package anytime a ticket gets closed at

- https://pagure.io/releng/fedora-scm-requests


- Author: Ralph Bean <rbean@redhat.com>

- """


- import json

- import logging.config

- import subprocess as sp

- import sys


- import fedmsg

- import fedmsg.meta



- def handle(content):

-     body = content.strip('`').strip()

-     body = json.loads(body)

-     package = body['repo']

-     print("Operating on {package}".format(package=package))

-     sys.stdout.flush()

-     # XXX If you modify this taglist.  Please also modify the other copy in

-     # bodhi2/backend/tasks/main.yml

-     taglist = 'f33 f33-container f33-modular f33-flatpak f32 f32-container f32-modular f32-flatpak f31 f31-container f31-flatpak f31-modular epel8 epel8-playground epel8-modular epel7 dist-6E-epel module-package-list modular'

-     cmd = [

-         '/usr/local/bin/owner-sync-pagure',

-         '--package', package,

-         '--verbose',

-     ] + taglist.split()

-     print("Running %r" % cmd)

-     proc = sp.Popen(cmd)

-     status = proc.wait()

-     if status:

-         raise RuntimeError("%r gave return code %r" % (cmd, status))



- def main(fullname, fields, content):

-     if fullname != 'releng/fedora-scm-requests':

-         print("Dropping %r.  Not scm request." % fullname)

-         return False

-     if 'close_status' not in fields:

-         print("Dropping %r %r.  Not closed." % (fullname, fields))

-         return False


-     handle(content)



- if __name__ == '__main__':

-     config = fedmsg.config.load_config()

-     logging.config.dictConfig(config['logging'])

-     fedmsg.meta.make_processors(**config)

-     topic = 'io.pagure.prod.pagure.issue.edit'

-     for _, _, topic, msg in fedmsg.tail_messages(topic=topic):

-         # Extract some useful information for debugging

-         title, subtitle, link, idx = [None] * 4

-         try:

-             title = fedmsg.meta.msg2title(msg, **config)

-             subtitle = fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle(msg, **config)

-             link = fedmsg.meta.msg2link(msg, **config)

-             idx = msg.get('msg_id')

-         except Exception as e:

-             print("!! Failed to determine title, subtitle, link")

-         print("Inspecting {title}, {subtitle}, {link}, {idx}".format(

-             title=title, subtitle=subtitle, link=link, idx=idx))


-         # Extract values we need to actually process the message

-         fullname = msg['msg']['project']['fullname']

-         fields = msg['msg']['fields']

-         content = msg['msg']['issue']['content']


-         # Do the work.

-         main(fullname, fields, content)

@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ 

- [Unit]

- Description=Sync the package list to koji tags as new repo tickets close

- After=syslog.target network.target


- [Service]

- ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/koji-sync-listener.py

- User=fedmsg

- Group=fedmsg

- Restart=on-failure


- # Use a different ccname so we don't share tickets with bodhi.

- Environment=KRB5CCNAME=/var/tmp/owner-sync-krbcc


- [Install]

- WantedBy=multi-user.target

@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ 

+ #!/usr/bin/env python

+ """ This is a glue script to run /usr/local/bin/owner-sync-pagure on a given

+ package anytime a ticket gets closed at

+ https://pagure.io/releng/fedora-scm-requests


+ Author: Ralph Bean <rbean@redhat.com>

+         Pierre-Yves Chibon <pingou@pingoured.fr>

+ """


+ import logging

+ import json

+ import subprocess as sp

+ import sys


+ from fedora_messaging import config


+ _log = logging.getLogger("koji_sync_listener")



+ class KojiSyncListener(object):

+     """

+     A fedora-messaging consumer that calls the owner-sync-pagure script

+     upon notifications coming from pagure.


+     A single configuration key is used from fedora-messaging's

+     "consumer_config" key, "path", which is where the consumer will save

+     the messages::


+         [consumer_config]

+         path = "/tmp/fedora-messaging/messages.txt"

+     """

+     def __init__(self):

+         """Perform some one-time initialization for the consumer."""

+         self.taglist = config.conf["consumer_config"]["taglist"]


+     def __call__(self, message):

+         """

+         Invoked when a message is received by the consumer.


+         Args:

+             message (fedora_messaging.api.Message): The message from AMQP.

+         """

+         body = message.body


+         fullname = body.get("project", {}).get("fullname")

+         fields = body.get("fields")

+         content = body.get('issue', {}).get('content')


+         if fullname != 'releng/fedora-scm-requests':

+             _log.info("Dropping %r.  Not scm request." % fullname)

+             return False

+         if 'close_status' not in fields:

+             _log.info("Dropping %r %r.  Not closed." % (fullname, fields))

+             return False


+         try:

+             body = content.strip('`').strip()

+             body = json.loads(body)

+         except Exception:

+             _log.info("Failed to decode JSON in the issue's initial comment")

+             return False


+         package = content['repo']

+         _log.info("Operating on {package}".format(package=package))

+         sys.stdout.flush()


+         cmd = [

+             '/usr/local/bin/owner-sync-pagure',

+             '--package', package,

+             '--verbose',

+         ] + self.taglist


+         _log.info("Running %r" % cmd)

+         proc = sp.Popen(cmd)

+         status = proc.wait()

+         if status:

+             raise RuntimeError("%r gave return code %r" % (cmd, status))


+         _log.info("Done.")

@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ 

        - bodhi-composer

        - python3-pyramid_sawing

        - sigul

+       - fedora-messaging

        # This next one is not strictly needed since bodhi-composer depends on bodhi-server which

        # depends on python3-celery, but since we're depoying a service file calling celery in this

        # role I think it makes sense to require it here instead of assuming a dependency chain.
@@ -83,20 +84,19 @@ 

  - name: put the koji sync listener script in place


        src: koji-sync-listener.py

-       dest: /usr/local/bin/koji-sync-listener.py

-       mode: 0755

+       dest: /usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/koji_sync_listener.py

+       mode: 0644

    when: env == "production"


-   - restart koji-sync-listener

+   - restart fedora-messaging@koji_sync_listener


    - bodhi

    - koji-sync


- - name: put the koji sync listener systemd file in place.

-   copy:

-       src: koji-sync-listener.service

-       dest: /usr/lib/systemd/system/koji-sync-listener.service

-       mode: 0755

+ - name: put the koji sync listener config file in place

+   template:

+       src: koji_sync_listener.toml

+       dest: /etc/fedora-messaging/koji_sync_listener.toml

    when: env == "production"


    - reload systemd
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ 

    - koji-sync


  - name: start the koji sync listener

-   service: name=koji-sync-listener enabled=yes state=started

+   service: name=fedora-messaging@koji_sync_listener enabled=yes state=started

    when: env == "production"


    - bodhi

@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@ 

+ amqp_url = "amqps://koji_sync_listener{{ env_suffix }}:@rabbitmq{{ env_suffix }}.fedoraproject.org/%2Fpubsub"


+ publish_exchange = "amq.topic"

+ passive_declares = true


+ callback = "koji_sync_listener:KojiSyncListener"


+ # Don't use topic_prefix, since outgoing message topics are derived from incoming messages.

+ # topic_prefix = ""


+ [[bindings]]

+ queue = "koji_sync_listener{{ env_suffix }}"


+ exchange = "amq.topic"

+ routing_keys = [

+     "io.pagure.*.pagure.issue.edit",

+ ]


+ [tls]

+ ca_cert = "/etc/pki/fedora-messaging/cacert.pem"

+ keyfile = "/etc/pki/fedora-messaging/bodhi-key.pem"

name of the certs needs to be changed here :)

Since it runs on bodhi-backend, I've made it re-use the bodhi certs in purpose. I don't see the point of using different certs, but I can if you prefer.

+ certfile = "/etc/pki/fedora-messaging/bodhi-cert.pem"

same here


+ [client_properties]

+ app = "koji_sync_listener"

+ app_contacts_email = ["pingou@fedoraproject.org"]


+ [queues."koji_sync_listener{{ env_suffix }}"]

+ durable = true

+ auto_delete = false

+ exclusive = false

+ arguments = {}


+ [consumer_config]


+ # XXX If you modify this taglist.  Please also modify the other copy in

+ # bodhi2/backend/tasks/main.yml

+ taglist = [

+     "f33",

+     "f33-container",

+     "f33-modular",

+     "f33-flatpak",

+     "f32",

+     "f32-container",

+     "f32-modular",

+     "f32-flatpak",

+     "f31",

+     "f31-container",

+     "f31-flatpak",

+     "f31-modular",

+     "epel8",

+     "epel8-playground",

+     "epel8-modular",

+     "epel7",

+     "dist-6E-epel",

+     "module-package-list",

+     "modular",

+ ]


+ [qos]

+ prefetch_size = 0

+ prefetch_count = 25


+ [log_config]

+ version = 1

+ disable_existing_loggers = true


+ [log_config.formatters.simple]

+ format = "[%(levelname)s %(name)s] %(message)s"


+ [log_config.handlers.console]

+ class = "logging.StreamHandler"

+ formatter = "simple"

+ stream = "ext://sys.stdout"


+ [log_config.loggers.fedora_messaging]

+ level = "INFO"

+ propagate = false

+ handlers = ["console"]


+ [log_config.loggers.twisted]

+ level = "INFO"

+ propagate = false

+ handlers = ["console"]


+ [log_config.loggers.pika]

+ level = "WARNING"

+ propagate = false

+ handlers = ["console"]


+ # If your consumer sets up a logger, you must add a configuration for it

+ # here in order for the messages to show up. e.g. if it set up a logger

+ # called 'example_printer', you could do:

+ [log_config.loggers.koji_sync_listener]

+ level = "DEBUG"

+ propagate = false

+ handlers = ["console"]


+ [log_config.root]

+ level = "ERROR"

+ handlers = ["console"]

rebased onto ca531633997777b0c63f7e0fc9ab6beb7512dcf8

3 years ago

rebased onto 14472442d5ddec60da0fb632fdfe2e4d10d030fd

3 years ago

rebased onto 1aa34fe

3 years ago

name of the certs needs to be changed here :)

2 small fixes needed otherwise looks good :thumbsup:

Since it runs on bodhi-backend, I've made it re-use the bodhi certs in purpose. I don't see the point of using different certs, but I can if you prefer.

I ended up pushing this by accident. Happy to change the certs if we prefer, otherwise I think I'll leave it as is.

Pull-Request has been closed by pingou

3 years ago