#373 Avoid some unnecessary reloads in the cached functions
Merged 6 years ago by abompard. Opened 6 years ago by abompard.
abompard/fedora-hubs optimize-widget-caching  into  develop

file modified
@@ -5,23 +5,18 @@ 



  .. automodule:: hubs.utils.views

-    :members:


  Caching utils



  .. automodule:: hubs.utils.cache

-    :members:


  Package database utils



  .. automodule:: hubs.utils.packages

-    :members:


  Datagrepper utils



  .. automodule:: hubs.utils.datagrepper

-    :members:


file modified
+3 -12
@@ -5,40 +5,31 @@ 



  .. automodule:: hubs.widgets

-    :members:

-    :show-inheritance:


  Widgets registry



  .. automodule:: hubs.widgets.registry

-    :members:

-    :show-inheritance:


  Widget class



  .. automodule:: hubs.widgets.base

-    :members:

-    :show-inheritance:

+    :private-members:


  Widget parameter validators



  .. automodule:: hubs.widgets.validators

-    :members:

-    :show-inheritance:


  Widget view



  .. automodule:: hubs.widgets.view

-    :members:

-    :show-inheritance:

+    :private-members:





  .. automodule:: hubs.widgets.caching

-    :members:

-    :show-inheritance:

+    :private-members:

file modified
@@ -119,6 +119,9 @@ 

  # If true, `todo` and `todoList` produce output, else they produce nothing.

  todo_include_todos = True


+ # Default flags for the autodoc extension: show public members (some private members need to be overriiden

+ autodoc_default_flags = ['members', 'show-inheritance']

Neat, I didn't know about this



  # -- Options for HTML output ----------------------------------------------


file modified
+28 -9
@@ -34,16 +34,22 @@ 

      To call the function, instantiate the class and execute it. You may also

      call the :py:meth:`.get_data` method.


-     Args:

+     Attributes:

          instance (hubs.models.Widget): The widget instance.

+         invalidate_on_config_change (bool): ``True`` if the cached result

+             depends on the widget configuration, ``False`` otherwise. Defaults

+             to ``True``. E.g: the function retrieves a lot of raw data from an

+             external service, and config-dependant filtering is done in the

+             view calling the function.



+     invalidate_on_config_change = True


      def __init__(self, instance):

          self.instance = instance


      def execute(self):

-         """

-         The function to cache.

+         """The function to cache.


          This is the main method, it must be implemented.

@@ -53,20 +59,33 @@ 

          raise NotImplementedError


      def get_cache_key(self):

-         return "|".join([

-             str(self.instance.idx),

-             self.__class__.__name__,

-             json.dumps(self.instance.config),

-         ]).encode('utf-8')

+         key_elements = [str(self.instance.idx), self.__class__.__name__]

+         if self.invalidate_on_config_change:

+             key_elements.append(json.dumps(self.instance.config))

+         return "|".join(key_elements).encode('utf-8')


      def get_data(self):

          key = self.get_cache_key()

          log.debug("Accessing cache key %s", key)

          return cache.get_or_create(

-             key, self.execute)

+             key, self.execute, should_cache_fn=self._should_cache)


      __call__ = get_data


+     def _should_cache(self, value):

Is the intention here for this to be overridden by subclasses? If so, would it make more sense to make it part of the public interface by calling it should_cache?

+         """Indicates if the result should be cached.


+         This function which will receive the value returned by

+         :py:meth:`.execute`, and will then return ``True`` or ``False``,

+         indicating if the value should actually be cached or not. If it returns

+         ``False``, the value is still returned, but isn't cached. E.g.::


+                 return (value is not None)


+         Defaults to ``True``.

+         """

+         return True


      def should_invalidate(self, message):


          Tell the cache invalidator if the received message should invalidate

@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ 




+     invalidate_on_config_change = False

      TOPIC = "org.fedoraproject.prod.meetbot.meeting.item.help"


      def execute(self):

Some functions retrieve a large amount of data to filter it later in the view. This is often the case with Datagrepper because the API does not allow complex filtering. As a result, the cache for this data does not need to be invalidated when a filter changes. This branch adds a variable so widgets can declare that.

There's also a commit allowing a cached function to declare what results should not be cached. For example if an HTTP request fails, it does not make sense to cache the empty result. This branch allows cached function to declare which values should not be cached (for example, None)

Neat, I didn't know about this

Is the intention here for this to be overridden by subclasses? If so, would it make more sense to make it part of the public interface by calling it should_cache?

Thanks for the review. About making _should_cache public, this method is indeed intended to be overridden by subclasses, but not called from the outer code. That's why I think that one underscore prefix (a conventional equivalent to "protected") is more appropriate that the public interface.
But I'm very open to discussion :-)


6 years ago


6 years ago


6 years ago


6 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by abompard

6 years ago