#258 Add a Vagrantfile and Ansible role
Merged 7 years ago by sayanchowdhury. Opened 7 years ago by jcline.
jcline/fedora-hubs vagrantfile  into  develop

file modified
@@ -9,3 +9,10 @@ 





+ # Vagrant and Ansible files

+ Vagrantfile

+ .dnf-cache

+ *.retry

+ *.pem

+ config

file added
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ 

+ # -*- mode: ruby -*-

+ # vi: set ft=ruby :




+ Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config|

+  config.vm.box = "fedora/24-cloud-base"


+  # Forward traffic on the host to the development server on the guest

+  config.vm.network "forwarded_port", guest: 5000, host: 5000


+  # Comment out if you don't want Vagrant to add and remove entries from /etc/hosts for each VM.

+  # requires the vagrant-hostmanager plugin to be installed

+  if Vagrant.has_plugin?("vagrant-hostmanager")

+      config.hostmanager.enabled = true

+      config.hostmanager.manage_host = true

+  end


+  # Vagrant can share the source directory using rsync, NFS, or SSHFS (with the vagrant-sshfs

+  # plugin). By default it rsyncs the current working directory to /vagrant. We disable this

+  # in favor of SSHFS.

+  #

+  # If you would prefer to use NFS to share the directory uncomment this and configure NFS

+  #config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant", type: "nfs", nfs_version: 4, nfs_udp: false

+  config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant", disabled: true

+  config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/home/vagrant/devel", type: "sshfs", sshfs_opts_append: "-o nonempty"


+  # To cache update packages (which is helpful if frequently doing `vagrant destroy && vagrant up`)

+  # you can create a local directory and share it to the guest's DNF cache. The directory needs to

+  # exist, so create it before you uncomment the line below.

+  #config.vm.synced_folder ".dnf-cache", "/var/cache/dnf", type: "sshfs", sshfs_opts_append: "-o nonempty"


+  # Comment this line if you would like to disable the automatic update during provisioning

+  config.vm.provision "shell", inline: "sudo dnf upgrade -y"


+  # Install packages required for Ansible and configure everything with ansible

+  config.vm.provision "shell", inline: "sudo dnf -y install python2-dnf libselinux-python"

+  config.vm.provision "ansible" do |ansible|

+      ansible.playbook = "ansible/vagrant-playbook.yml"

+  end



+  # Create the "pagure" box

+  config.vm.define "hubs" do |hubs|

+     hubs.vm.host_name = "hubs-dev.example.com"


+     hubs.vm.provider :libvirt do |domain|

+         # Season to taste

+         domain.cpus = 4

+         domain.graphics_type = "spice"

+         domain.memory = 2048

+         domain.video_type = "qxl"


+         # Uncomment the following line if you would like to enable libvirt's unsafe cache

+         # mode. It is called unsafe for a reason, as it causes the virtual host to ignore all

+         # fsync() calls from the guest. Only do this if you are comfortable with the possibility of

+         # your development guest becoming corrupted (in which case you should only need to do a

+         # vagrant destroy and vagrant up to get a new one).

+         #

+         #domain.volume_cache = "unsafe"

+     end

+  end

+ end

@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ 

+ # .bashrc


+ # Source global definitions

+ if [ -f /etc/bashrc ]; then

+     . /etc/bashrc

+ fi


+ # Uncomment the following line if you don't like systemctl's auto-paging feature:

+ # export SYSTEMD_PAGER=


+ # User specific aliases and functions

+ # If adding new functions to this file, note that you can add help text to the function

+ # by defining a variable with name _<function>_help containing the help text


+ # Set up virtualenvwrapper

+ export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs




+ source /usr/bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh


+ export HUBS_CONFIG=~/devel/config



+ hup() {

+     workon hubs

+     pushd ~/devel/

+     python ./runserver.py --host

+ }


+ hreset() {

+     workon hubs

+     rm /var/tmp/hubs.db

+     rm /var/tmp/fedora-hubs-cache.db

+     pushd ~/devel/

+     python populate.py

+     popd

+     deactivate

+ }

@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ 

+ config = {

+     'datanommer.enabled': True,

+     'datanommer.sqlalchemy.url': 'postgres://datanommer@localhost/datanommer',

+ }

@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ 

+ # Enter any hubs configuratio here


+ # Allow the cookie to be sent of http since we work on localhost


@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ 


+ Welcome to the Fedora Hubs development environment!


+ Here are some tips:


+ * The code for Fedora Hubs is located at ~/devel/


+ * You can type `workon hubs` to enter a configured Python virtualenv


+ * Run `hup` to start gunicorn


+ * Run `hreset` to delete the database and repopulate it


+ Once you run `hup` you can navigate to http://localhost:5000/

+ in your browser.


+ Happy hacking!


@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ 

+ # PostgreSQL Client Authentication Configuration File

+ # ===================================================

+ #

+ # Refer to the "Client Authentication" section in the PostgreSQL

+ # documentation for a complete description of this file.


+ # TYPE  DATABASE        USER            ADDRESS                 METHOD


+ # "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only

+ local   all             all                                     trust

+ # IPv4 local connections:

+ host    all             all               trust

+ # IPv6 local connections:

+ host    all             all             ::1/128                 trust

@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ 

+ - name: restart postgresql

+   service: name=postgresql state=restarted


+ - name: restart fedmsg-hub

+   service: name=fedmsg-hub state=restarted

@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@ 

+ ---

+ - name: Install helpful development packages

+   dnf: name={{ item }} state=present

+   with_items:

+     - git

+     - vim-enhanced


+ - name: Install Fedora Hubs development packages

+   dnf: name={{ item }} state=present

+   with_items:

+     - gcc

+     - gcc-c++

+     - libffi-devel

+     - openssl-devel

+     - postgresql

+     - postgresql-devel

+     - python-sphinx

+     - python-virtualenvwrapper

+     - python2-devel

+     - python3-devel

+     - redhat-rpm-config

+     - sqlite-devel


+ - name: Install the distribution versions of requirements.txt

+   dnf: name={{ item }} state=present

+   with_items:

+     - python-arrow

+     - python-bleach

+     - python-datanommer-models

+     - python-decorator

+     - python-dogpile-cache

+     - python-fedmsg-core

+     - python-fedmsg-meta-fedora-infrastructure

+     - python-flask

+     - python3-flask-oidc

+     - python-fmn-lib

+     - python-fmn-rules

+     - python-gunicorn

+     - python-html5lib

+     - python-munch

+     - python-psycopg2

+     - pytz

+     - python-sqlalchemy

+     - python-markdown

+     - python-pkgwat-api

+     - python-six

+     - python-pygments

+     - python-pygments-markdown-lexer

+     - python-retask


+ - name: Install packages for datanommer

+   dnf: name={{ item }} state=present

+   with_items:

+     - datanommer-commands

+     - fedmsg-hub

+     - npm

+     - postgresql-server

+     - python-datanommer-consumer

+     - python-fedmsg-meta-fedora-infrastructure

+     - python-psycopg2



+ # Add various helpful configuration files

+ - name: Install a custom bashrc

+   copy: src=bashrc dest=/home/{{ ansible_env.SUDO_USER }}/.bashrc


+ - name: Install the message of the day

+   copy: src=motd dest=/etc/motd



+ # Set up Postgres, create the necessary databases, and start up datanommer

+ - name: Set up postgresql database

+   command: postgresql-setup --initdb

+   args:

+       creates: /var/lib/pgsql/data/base


+ - name: Set up postgresql access rules to allow local access

+   copy:

+       src: pg_hba.conf

+       dest: /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf

+       owner: postgres

+       group: postgres

+       mode: 0600

+   notify: restart postgresql


+ - name: Start and enable postgresql

+   service: name=postgresql state=started enabled=yes


+ - name: Set up datanommer DB user

+   postgresql_user:

+       name: datanommer

+       role_attr_flags: SUPERUSER,LOGIN


+ - name: Create datanommer database

+   postgresql_db:

+       name: datanommer

+       owner: datanommer


+ - name: Set up datanommer

+   copy: src=datanommer.py dest=/etc/fedmsg.d/datanommer.py

+   notify: restart fedmsg-hub


+ # TODO unfortunately this always runs as there doesn't appear to be

+ # an easy way to check if it needs to run

+ - name: Create datanommer database tables

+   command: datanommer-create-db


+ - name: Start and enable fedmsg-hub

+   service: name=fedmsg-hub state=started enabled=yes



+ # Set up the Python development environment

+ - name: Install Fedora Hubs requirements.txt into hubs virtualenv

+   become_user: "{{ ansible_env.SUDO_USER }}"

+   pip:

+     requirements: /home/{{ ansible_env.SUDO_USER }}/devel/requirements.txt

+     virtualenv: /home/{{ ansible_env.SUDO_USER }}/.virtualenvs/hubs/


+ - name: Install Fedora Hubs test-requirements.txt into hubs virtualenv

+   become_user: "{{ ansible_env.SUDO_USER }}"

+   pip:

+     requirements: /home/{{ ansible_env.SUDO_USER }}/devel/requirements.txt

+     virtualenv: /home/{{ ansible_env.SUDO_USER }}/.virtualenvs/hubs/


+ - name: Install bleach into hubs virtualenv

+   become_user: "{{ ansible_env.SUDO_USER }}"

+   pip:

+     name: bleach

+     virtualenv: /home/{{ ansible_env.SUDO_USER }}/.virtualenvs/hubs/


+ - name: Install gunicorn into hubs virtualenv

+   become_user: "{{ ansible_env.SUDO_USER }}"

+   pip:

+     name: gunicorn

+     virtualenv: /home/{{ ansible_env.SUDO_USER }}/.virtualenvs/hubs/


+ - name: Update httplib2 trust store

+   copy:

+     src: /etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/pem/tls-ca-bundle.pem

+     dest: /home/{{ ansible_env.SUDO_USER }}/.virtualenvs/hubs/lib/python2.7/site-packages/httplib2/cacerts.txt

+     remote_src: True


+ - name: Add a basic Hubs configuration file

+   copy: src=hubs_config dest=/home/{{ ansible_env.SUDO_USER }}/devel/config

+   become_user: "{{ ansible_env.SUDO_USER }}"


+ - name: Configure application to authenticate with iddev.fedorainfracloud.org

+   shell: >

+       source ~/.bashrc &&

+       workon hubs &&

+       oidc-register https://iddev.fedorainfracloud.org/ http://localhost:5000

+   become_user: "{{ ansible_env.SUDO_USER }}"

+   args:

+     creates: client_secrets.json

+     chdir: "/home/{{ ansible_env.SUDO_USER }}/devel/"


+ - name: Populate the Fedora Hubs database

+   shell: >

+       source ~/.bashrc &&

+       workon hubs &&

+       python populate.py

+   become_user: "{{ ansible_env.SUDO_USER }}"

+   args:

+     creates: /var/tmp/hubs.db

+     chdir: "/home/{{ ansible_env.SUDO_USER }}/devel/"


+ # Set up JavaScript requirements

+ - name: Install npm packages

+   command: npm install

+   become_user: "{{ ansible_env.SUDO_USER }}"

+   args:

+     creates: node_modules

+     chdir: /home/{{ ansible_env.SUDO_USER }}/devel/hubs/static/client


+ - name: Build JavaScript assests

+   command: node_modules/.bin/webpack

+   become_user: "{{ ansible_env.SUDO_USER }}"

+   args:

+     chdir: /home/{{ ansible_env.SUDO_USER }}/devel/hubs/static/client

@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ 

+ ---

+ - hosts: all

+   become: true

+   become_method: sudo

+   vars:

+   roles:

+     - hubs-dev

file added
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ 

+ Developer Setup

+ ===============


+ This guide should get you up and running with a development environment.

+ The simpliest way to stand up a development environment is to use

+ `Vagrant <https://www.vagrantup.com/docs/>`_, but it is also easy to set

+ up a development environment without Vagrant.


+ Vagrant

+ ^^^^^^^


+ A ``Vagrantfile`` called ``Vagrantfile.example`` is provided in the root of the

+ `Fedora Hub repository <https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/>`_. To use it, simply

+ copy ``Vagrantfile.example`` to ``Vagrantfile`` and modify it as you see fit.

+ All settings are documented inline.


+ If you do not have Vagrant set up, follow these steps:


+ #. Install Ansible, Vagrant, and several helpful Vagrant plugins::


+    $ sudo dnf install ansible vagrant-libvirt vagrant-sshfs vagrant-hostmanager


+ #. Create and configure the virtual machine::


+    $ vagrant up --provider=libvirt

+    $ vagrant reload  # Reboot the machine to use the latest kernel, etc.


+ #. You can now use ssh to connect to the machine::


+    $ vagrant ssh


+ #. If you ever want to re-run the provisioning scripts, you can::


+    $ vagrant provision


+ #. If you decide you want a fresh development environment, simply destroy your

+    virtual machine and recreate it::


+    $ vagrant destroy && vagrant up


+ You should now be able to point the browser in your host at http://localhost:5000/

+ and use Fedora Hubs after you start the development server in the virtual machine.


+ Happy hacking!

This is a first pass at a Vagrantfile and Ansible role to automate the
setup of a development environment. Ths Ansible role is not quite
complete and there are a few manual steps required after vagrant up
which are noted in the VMs message of the day. This also adds a basic
dev guide document which, at the moment, only includes Vagrant
instructions. I plan to organize the documentation and update the README
in a separate commit.

closes #254

Signed-off-by: Jeremy Cline jeremy@jcline.org

This currently fails, but I don't know much about npm so I can only say I think dependencies have changed and no longer provide the right things. The error it produces is:

npm WARN package.json fedora-hubs@0.0.0 No repository field.
npm WARN package.json fedora-hubs@0.0.0 No README data
npm WARN package.json Dependency 'babel-preset-es2015' exists in both dependencies and devDependencies, using 'babel-preset-es2015@~6.9.0' from dependencies
npm WARN package.json Dependency 'babel-preset-react' exists in both dependencies and devDependencies, using 'babel-preset-react@~6.5.0' from dependencies
npm ERR! Linux 4.5.5-300.fc24.x86_64
npm ERR! argv "/usr/bin/node" "/usr/bin/npm" "install"
npm ERR! node v4.5.0
npm ERR! npm  v2.15.9

npm ERR! peerinvalid The package react@15.1.0 does not satisfy its siblings' peerDependencies requirements!
npm ERR! peerinvalid Peer react-dom@15.1.0 wants react@^15.1.0
npm ERR! peerinvalid Peer react-timeago@3.1.3 wants react@^15.0.0
npm ERR! peerinvalid Peer react-addons-test-utils@15.3.2 wants react@^15.3.2
npm ERR! peerinvalid Peer react-test-renderer@15.3.2 wants react@^15.3.2

npm ERR! Please include the following file with any support request:
npm ERR!     /home/vagrant/devel/hubs/static/client/npm-debug.log


7 years ago

I figured out the problem: This is being run outside the virtualenv which uses the Python 3 version of flask-oidc, which has this bug: https://github.com/puiterwijk/flask-oidc/issues/12. The workaround is to run it in the virtualenv where pip installs the Python 2 version.

1 new commit added

  • Update the bashrc to use the hostname for oidc-register
7 years ago

1 new commit added

  • Ansible now runs
7 years ago


7 years ago

Is this PR missing hubsup, hubsreset?

If I ssh into the box it gives me the error that the given commands are not found


7 years ago


7 years ago

I updated the PR - I had changed hubsup to hup and hubsreset to hreset, but neglected updating the message of the day.

This seems to be working for me now :thumbsup:


7 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by sayanchowdhury

7 years ago