#250 Plus-plus service backend integration
Merged 7 years ago by skrzepto. Opened 7 years ago by skrzepto.
skrzepto/fedora-hubs plus-plus  into  develop

file modified
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ 

  import munch


  from flask.ext.oidc import OpenIDConnect

+ from requests import request


  import hubs.models

  import hubs.widgets
@@ -732,3 +733,69 @@ 

          return flask.abort(400)


      return flask.redirect(flask.url_for('hub', name=hub.name))



+ @app.route('/plus_plus/<user>/status', methods=['GET'])

+ def plus_plus_status(user):

+     receiver = hubs.models.User.by_username(session, user)


+     if not receiver:

+         return 'User does not exist', 403


+     pp_url = app.config['PLUS_PLUS_URL'] + str(receiver.username)

+     req = None

+     try:

+         req = request('GET', pp_url)

+     except:

+         flask.abort(500)


+     if req.status_code == 200:

+         return flask.jsonify(req.json())

+     else:

+         return req.text, req.status_code



+ def plus_plus_update_bool_helper(val):

+     if isinstance(val, bool):

+         return val

+     elif isinstance(val, (str, unicode)):

+         fmt_str = str(val).replace("'", "").replace('"', '').lower()

+         return fmt_str in ("yes", "true", "t", "1")

+     else:

+         raise ValueError



+ @app.route('/plus_plus/<user>/update', methods=['POST'])

+ @login_required

+ def plus_plus_update(user):

+     receiver = hubs.models.User.by_username(session, user)


+     if not receiver:

+         return 'User does not exist', 403


+     if user == flask.g.auth.nickname:

+         return 'You may not modify your own karma.', 403


+     if 'decrement' not in flask.request.form \

+             and 'increment' not in flask.request.form:

all(e not in flask.request.form for e in ('increment', 'decrement'))?

I think the way it is now compared to the suggestion is simpler and easier to read. So I think I'll stick with how it is.


+         return "You must set 'decrement' or 'increment' " \

+                "with a boolean value in the body", 403


+     update = 'increment' if 'increment' in flask.request.form else 'decrement'


+     update_bool_val = plus_plus_update_bool_helper(flask.request.form[update])

+     pp_url = app.config['PLUS_PLUS_URL'] + str(receiver.username)

+     sender = hubs.models.User.by_username(session, flask.g.auth.nickname)

+     pp_token = app.config['PLUS_PLUS_TOKEN']

+     auth_header = {'Authorization': 'token {}'.format(pp_token)}

+     data = {'sender': sender.username, update: update_bool_val}

+     req = None

+     try:

+         req = request('POST', url=pp_url, headers=auth_header, data=data)

+     except:

+         flask.abort(500)


+     if req.status_code == 200:

+         return flask.jsonify(req.json())

+     else:

+         return req.text, req.status_code

file modified
@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ 

  HUB_OF_THE_MONTH = 'commops'


  SSE_URL = 'http://localhost:8080/user/'

+ PLUS_PLUS_URL = 'http://localhost:5001/user/'

+ PLUS_PLUS_TOKEN = 'thisismytoken'

This must match the plus-plus token


  OIDC_CLIENT_SECRETS = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(

      os.path.abspath(__file__)), '..', 'client_secrets.json')

@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ 

  from flask import json

  from os.path import dirname

  import vcr

+ from mock import mock

  from werkzeug.datastructures import ImmutableMultiDict


  import hubs
@@ -357,6 +358,117 @@ 

              result = self.app.get(url)

              self.assertEqual(result.status_code, 404)


+     def mocked_requests_get(*args, **kwargs):

+         class MockResponse:

+             def __init__(self, json_data, status_code):

+                 self.json_data = json_data

+                 self.status_code = status_code


+             def json(self):

+                 return self.json_data


+         if '/plus_plus/decause/status' in args:

+             data = {

+                 "current": 0,

+                 "decrements": 0,

+                 "increments": 0,

+                 "release": "f24",

+                 "total": 0,

+                 "username": "decause"

+             }

+             return MockResponse(json_data=data, status_code=200)


+         return MockResponse({}, 404)


+     def mocked_requests_post(*args, **kwargs):

+         class MockResponse:

+             def __init__(self, json_data, status_code):

+                 self.json_data = json_data

+                 self.status_code = status_code


+             def json(self):

+                 return self.json_data


+         if '/plus_plus/decause/update' in args:

+             data = {

+                 "current": 1,

+                 "decrements": 0,

+                 "increments": 1,

+                 "release": "f24",

+                 "total": 1,

+                 "username": "decause"

+             }

+             return MockResponse(json_data=data, status_code=200)


+         return MockResponse({}, 404)


+     @mock.patch('requests.get', side_effect=mocked_requests_get)

+     def test_plus_plus_get_valid(self, mock_get):

+         url = '/plus_plus/decause/status'

+         result = self.app.get(url)

+         expected = {

+             "current": 0,

+             "decrements": 0,

+             "increments": 0,

+             "release": "f24",

+             "total": 0,

+             "username": "decause"

+         }

+         self.assertEqual(json.loads(result.data), expected)


+     @mock.patch('requests.post', side_effect=mocked_requests_post)

+     def test_plus_plus_post_increment_valid(self, mock_post):

+         user = tests.FakeAuthorization('ralph')

+         with tests.auth_set(app, user):

+             url = '/plus_plus/decause/update'

+             result = self.app.post(url, data={'increment': True})

+             expected = {

+                 "current": 1,

+                 "decrements": 0,

+                 "increments": 1,

+                 "release": "f24",

+                 "total": 1,

+                 "username": "decause"

+             }

+             self.assertEqual(json.loads(result.data), expected)


+     @mock.patch('requests.post', side_effect=mocked_requests_post)

+     def test_plus_plus_post_increment_myself_error(self, mock_post):

+         user = tests.FakeAuthorization('ralph')

+         with tests.auth_set(app, user):

+             url = '/plus_plus/ralph/update'

+             result = self.app.post(url, data={'increment': True})

+             self.assertEqual(result.status_code, 403)

+             self.assertEqual(result.data, 'You may not modify your own karma.')


+     @mock.patch('requests.post', side_effect=mocked_requests_post)

+     def test_plus_plus_post_increment_user_does_not_exist(self, mock_post):

+         user = tests.FakeAuthorization('ralph')

+         with tests.auth_set(app, user):

+             url = '/plus_plus/doesnotexist/update'

+             result = self.app.post(url, data={'increment': True})

+             self.assertEqual(result.status_code, 403)

+             self.assertEqual(result.data, 'User does not exist')


+     @mock.patch('requests.post', side_effect=mocked_requests_post)

+     def test_plus_plus_post_increment_no_data_error(self, mock_post):

+         user = tests.FakeAuthorization('ralph')

+         with tests.auth_set(app, user):

+             url = '/plus_plus/decause/update'

+             result = self.app.post(url, data={})

+             self.assertEqual(result.status_code, 403)

+             exp_str = "You must set 'decrement' or 'increment' " \

+                       "with a boolean value in the body"

+             self.assertEqual(result.data, exp_str)


+     def test_plus_plus_receiver_does_not_exist(self):

+         url = '/plus_plus/doesnotexist/status'

+         result = self.app.get(url)

+         self.assertEqual(result.status_code, 403)

+         self.assertEqual(result.data, 'User does not exist')





  if __name__ == '__main__':


This will relay a plus-plus action to the plus-plus service.

This must match the plus-plus token

This name is a little ambiguous any suggestions to alter it?

Tests? I'll look into adding some. I'll need to look into mocking requests

3 new commits added

  • cleaning up mock request classes
  • adding case where trying to plus_plus a user who doesnt exist
  • adding plus_plus tests
7 years ago

Might be cleaner to have 2 separate endpoints, one for GET, one for POST

Small note about bool()

>>> bool('False')

Would you recommend for GET to have the end point /plus_plus/<user>/status and for POST `/plus_plus/<user>/update ?

ooh good catch let me think about this one

1 new commit added

  • seperating the status and update routes of plus_plus, adding more tests and made a bool helper function for updating karma
7 years ago

all(e not in flask.request.form for e in ('increment', 'decrement'))?

I think the way it is now compared to the suggestion is simpler and easier to read. So I think I'll stick with how it is.


7 years ago

I just squashed the commits

Pull-Request has been merged by skrzepto

7 years ago

hmm just thought of one edge case right after merging. Should we force the plus_plus update/status to be for user hubs only or can groups use plus_plus as well?