#237 removing fmn context from feed
Merged 7 years ago by skrzepto. Opened 7 years ago by skrzepto.
skrzepto/fedora-hubs clean-feed  into  develop

removing fmn context from feed
skrzepto • 7 years ago  
file modified
+2 -151
@@ -27,56 +27,11 @@ 


  log = logging.getLogger('hubs')


- import fedmsg.config

- config = fedmsg.config.load_config()

- fmn_url = config['fmn.url']


- bazillion = 1000

- paths = fmn.lib.load_rules(root='fmn.rules')


  from hubs.widgets.chrome import panel

  chrome = panel('Live Feed')

  template = templating.environment.get_template('templates/feed.html')

  position = 'left'



- def apply_markup(match):

-     markup = match['subtitle']

-     for username in match['usernames']:

-         args = (username, '<a href="{url}">@{username}</a>'.format(

-             url=flask.url_for('hub', name=username),

-             username=username,

-         ))

-         markup = markup.replace(*args)

-         # TODO -- have to add these to conglomerate first

-         # match['long_form'] = match['long_form'].replace(*args)


-     for package in match['packages']:

-         args = (package, '<a href="{url}">{package}</a>'.format(

-             url='https://apps.fedoraproject.org/packages/' + package,

-             package=package,

-         ))

-         markup = markup.replace(*args)

-         # TODO -- have to add these to conglomerate first

-         # match['long_form'] = match['long_form'].replace(*args)


-     return markup



- class PythonObjectEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):

-     ''' A JSON encoder that handles python data structures in encoding'''

-     def default(self, obj):

-         if isinstance(obj, (list, dict, str, unicode, int, float, bool,

-                             type(None))):

-             return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)

-         if isinstance(obj, set) or isinstance(obj, tuple):

-             return list(obj)

-         if isinstance(obj, object):

-             return obj.__dict__

-         else:

-             raise TypeError





@@ -86,122 +41,18 @@ 


            help="Max number of feed messages to display")

  def data(session, widget, username, message_limit):

-     messages = []

-     matches = []

      # Avoid circular import

      from hubs.app import app

      feed_url = app.config['SSE_URL'] + username

-     preference = get_remote_preference(username, 'sse')

-     if preference:

-         try:

-             preference = rehydrate_preference(preference)

-         except ImportError:

-             pass


-         # The smaller we make this, the faster it is.

-         delta = datetime.timedelta(days=365)

-         end = datetime.datetime.utcnow()


-         # We currently only support getting the first page.

-         # The widget framework as currently written doesn't support

-         # multiple pages yet.

-         page = 1


-         for filter in preference['filters']:

-             rules = filter['rules']

-             fmn_hinting = fmn.lib.hinting.gather_hinting(config, rules, paths)

-             total, pages, rows = datanommer.models.Message.grep(

-                 start=end - delta,

-                 end=end,

-                 rows_per_page=message_limit,

-                 page=page,

-                 order='desc',

-                 **fmn_hinting

-             )

-             messages.extend(rows)


-         for message in messages:

-             original = message.__json__()

-             recipients = fmn.lib.recipients(

-                 [preference], message.__json__(), paths, config)

-             if recipients:

-                 matches.append(original)

-     else:

-         log.warn("You don't have any preferences.")


-     # TODO - sort messages and remove duplicates


-     # Smash multiple messages into single ones

-     matches = fedmsg.meta.conglomerate(matches, lexers=True, **config)


-     # Apply some html markup to the subtitles for extra fanciness.

-     for match in matches:

-         match['markup'] = apply_markup(match)

-         for idx, constituent in match['msg_ids'].items():

-             constituent['markup'] = apply_markup(constituent)

-             if constituent['long_form'] != constituent['subtitle']:

-                 if constituent.get('lexer'):

-                     constituent['long_form'] = pygments.highlight(

-                         constituent['long_form'],

-                         constituent['lexer'],

-                         pygments.formatters.HtmlFormatter(style='monokai'),

-                     )

-                 else:

-                     markup = u"<h5>{long_form}</h5>".format(**constituent)

-                     constituent['long_form'] = markup


-         # And tack on a unique identifier for each top level entry.

-         match['dom_id'] = six.text_type(uuid.uuid4())

-     matches = json.dumps(matches, cls=PythonObjectEncoder)

      return dict(

-         matches=matches,

+         matches=[],







  def should_invalidate(message, session, widget):

-     username = widget.config['username']

-     fmn_context = 'sse'

-     preference = get_remote_preference(username, fmn_context)

-     if not preference:

-         return False

-     preference = rehydrate_preference(preference)

-     recipients = fmn.lib.recipients([preference], message, paths, config)

-     return bool(recipients)



- # TODO -- this cache value needs its own FMN-based invalidator...

- @cache.cache_on_arguments()

- def get_remote_preference(username, fmn_context):

-     openid = '%s.id.fedoraproject.org' % username

-     url = '/'.join([fmn_url, 'api', openid, fmn_context])

-     log.info("Getting FMN preference from %s" % url)

-     response = requests.get(url)

-     if bool(response):

-         return response.json()

-     else:

-         # Some people have no FMN preferences, but when they do get some.. then

-         # we'll receive the fedmsg event about it and bust this cache value.

-         return None



- def rehydrate_preference(preference):

-     for fltr in preference['filters']:

-         fltr['rules'] = [munch.Munch(r) for r in fltr['rules']]

-         for rule in fltr['rules']:

-             code_path = str(rule.code_path)

-             rule.fn = fedmsg.utils.load_class(code_path)

+     pass


-     return preference



- def make_result(msg, d):

-     return {

-         'icon': fedmsg.meta.msg2icon(d, **config),

-         'icon2': fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon(d, **config),

-         'subtitle': fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle(d, **config),

-         'link': fedmsg.meta.msg2link(d, **config),

-         'time': arrow.get(msg.timestamp).humanize(),

-     }

The feed now uses an external SSE source so this can all be removed.

Cool :thumbsup: but will need to be rebased :)


7 years ago

make sure to run

cd hubs/static/client && node_modules/.bin/webpack

so it can work

another note. make sure the username you set exists in the db you are using

Pull-Request has been merged by skrzepto

7 years ago