#206 Fix issue with Feed elements not rendering
Closed 7 years ago by atelic. Opened 7 years ago by atelic.
atelic/fedora-hubs fix/feed  into  develop

@@ -3,8 +3,3 @@ 


  import Feed from './components/Feed.jsx'



- render(

-     <Feed matches={[]} />,

-     document.getElementById('feed')

- );

Don't bind Feed component to DOM twice. Binding is already done here: https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/blob/develop/f/hubs/widgets/templates/feed.html#_12 the code that is removed here was overriding that.

should look like http://i.imgur.com/GlwlCim.png

No error in the console, nothing in the output server-side and blank page on the browser :(

Have you run: rm /var/tmp/hubs.db && rm /var/tmp/fedora-hubs-cache.db && PYTHONPATH=. python populate.py? That is the only think I can think of. This is weird to me.

Pull-Request has been closed by atelic

7 years ago