#389 The user management for a hub is currently not linked to FAS
Closed: Fixed 6 years ago Opened 6 years ago by abompard.

It's all local to Hubs, and only considers users that have already logged in to Hubs.

Do we need it to be connected to FAS before we can deploy to production? I'd say it can wait, but let's track it here and discuss it if necessary.

Metadata Update from @abompard:
- Issue priority set to: Normal
- Issue set to the milestone: Production

6 years ago

Here's the scenario (from the 2017-11-28 meeting):

  • joe goes to the design-team hub and decides to put in a join request
  • mo, the deisgn team hub admin, gets an email / notification that FAS id 'joe' has requested to join the hub. the email has a link to http://admin.fedoraproject.org/accounts/group/invite/$fasgroupname so all mo has to do is click the link, put joe's name in the box, and hit add user
  • then, Hubs must sync the members list from FAS.

There must be a way to disable the members edition tabs we currently have in hubs in favor of a sync from FAS.

The UI should show the user that their membership is pending, so we could have a new Association type called "pending-member". Do we have a mockup for how that bit is displayed?

So I think we need two scripts:

  • create-group-hub-from-fas that will create a group hub given a FAS group name, and associate existing (and only existing) hub users. It will be run on-demand.
  • sync-membership-from-fas that will sync group membership from FAS to existing groups and users in Hubs. It will create no hub or users, only associations. It could be run with a username as an argument to only act on that user. It should be run periodically, and
    • on user hub creation to sync that user's membership
    • when a fedmsg from FAS is received

Metadata Update from @abompard:
- Issue assigned to abompard

6 years ago

Sounds good to me! I think we will also need to come up with a list of the groups in FAS that we want hubs for initially too.

So I tested the invite URL and it works with email addys and not FAS ids. So I think We better instead have the email link to:


The email should say something like:

Subject: New Recruit for your Fedora team ($fasgroupname)!


Fedora user $fasuserid ($fasrealname) would like to join $fasgroupname, a Fedora group that you admin. The request was made via Fedora Hubs.

To accept $fasuserid 's membership request, please visit the following URL and enter their Fedora Account System ID (FAS ID) into the "Add User" box and submit it:


FAS ID: $fasuserid

Thanks for serving as a group administrator in the Fedora community!

The Fedora Hubs Team

Also! The workflow will work like this then:

  • joe goes to the design-team hub and decides to put in a join request
  • mo, the design team hub admin, gets an email / notification that FAS id 'joe' has requested to join the hub. the email has a link to http://admin.fedoraproject.org/accounts/group/invite/$fasgroupname so all mo has to do is click the link, put joe's name in the box, and hit add user
  • after mo ads joe to the group, he is added to the sponsorship queue and mo will get an email alert that joe needs a sponsor. she doesn't have to sponsor him if she doesn't want to, he's still a group member without a sponsor (AIU)
  • then, Hubs must sync the members list from FAS.

Oh OK so joe is considered a Hub group member even if he is not sponsored?

Metadata Update from @ryanlerch:
- Issue marked as blocking: #474

6 years ago

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