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Just a note that if a meetbot action item is assigned to a user, it should be posted to their personal notification field.
It should automatically show up in their feed, yes. but it might get buried under all the other activity if they're a busy-bee.
Perhaps we could add a new stateful widget on the right hand side that lists all of your action items from meetings in the last 2 weeks.
We could do this on the backend by just querying datagrepper for those action topics and scanning through the strings for usernames.
Some concerns here re: implementation - if an action item gets added to a meeting it's a lot of work to get the widget to update with that new item (so the widget might get out of date?) pingou knows more about the issue here.
My concern was about the time it may take to go through all the messages of a certain topic to find if user foo was concerned by this action item. If user foo is often concerned we could get the list of X actions easily, but otherwise, it will take a while to go through all the messages to gather the list.
So we would either have to:
So we can get the action items at: https://apps.fedoraproject.org/datagrepper/raw?topic=org.fedoraproject.prod.meetbot.meeting.item.action
But for example with: https://apps.fedoraproject.org/datagrepper/id?id=2016-98109958-1fba-4659-b3d6-4640445897c6&is_raw=true&size=extra-large text: get a meeting with the council to discuss how far would be assigned to the fas user: get (that exists).
get a meeting with the council to discuss how far
Okay so we had some more discussion on this and there are some problems:
Putting mleonova as assignee; she is looking at doing mockups for this.
Hey mleonova! Any time to work on this one?
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