#1 Adding initial revision of untag-trimmed-builds.py
Merged 3 years ago by sgallagh. Opened 3 years ago by merlinm.
fedora-eln/ merlinm/eln-scripts untag-trimmed-builds  into  main

@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ 

+ # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT


+ import logging

+ import os

+ import requests

+ import sys



+ def get_distro_packages(distro_url, distro_view, arches, logger=None):

+     """

+     Fetches the list of desired sources for 'distro-view' from 'distro-url'

+     for each of the given 'arches'.


+     :param distro_url: top level of the content resolver

+     :type distro_url: str

+     :param distro_view: content resolver view

+     :type distro_view: str

+     :param arches: architectures to include

+     :type arches: iterable

+     :param logger: logger instance for debug output

+     :type logger: logging.Logger

+     :return: list of packages that are desired, merged for all 'arches'

+     :rtype: set


+     """

+     merged_packages = set()


+     for arch in arches:

+         url = (

+             "{distro_url}"

+             "/view-source-package-name-list--view-{distro_view}--{arch}.txt"

+         ).format(distro_url=distro_url, distro_view=distro_view, arch=arch)


+         if logger:

+             logger.debug("downloading {url}".format(url=url))


+         r = requests.get(url, allow_redirects=True)

+         for line in r.text.splitlines():

+             merged_packages.add(line)


+     if logger:

+         logger.debug("Found a total of {} packages".format(len(merged_packages)))


+     return merged_packages



+ if __name__ == "__main__":

+     logging.basicConfig(format="%(asctime)s:%(levelname)s:%(name)s:%(message)s")

+     logger = logging.getLogger(os.path.basename(__file__))

+     logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)

+     logger.debug("Debugging mode enabled")


+     distro_url = "https://tiny.distro.builders"

+     distro_view = "eln-and-buildroot"

+     arches = ["aarch64", "armv7hl", "ppc64le", "s390x", "x86_64"]


+     if len(sys.argv) > 1:

+         distro_url = sys.argv[1]

+     if len(sys.argv) > 2:

+         distro_view = sys.argv[2]

+     if len(sys.argv) > 3:

+         arches = sys.argv[3].split()


+     pkgs = get_distro_packages(distro_url, distro_view, arches, logger)


+     for pkg in sorted(pkgs):

+         print(pkg)

@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@ 

+ #!/usr/bin/python3


+ # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT


+ import click

+ import koji

+ import logging

+ import os

+ import sys


+ from get_distro_packages import get_distro_packages



+ logger = logging.getLogger(os.path.basename(__file__))



+ # to prevent an unfortunate situation, if the ratio of undesired builds to

+ # the current total number of builds in the given tag exceeds FORCE_THRESHOLD,

+ # then the --force option must be supplied to complete the untagging operation




+ def get_undesired_builds(session, koji_tag, desired_pkgs, force):

+     """

+     Fetches the list of undesired builds currently tagged with

+     'koji_tag'.


+     :param session: Koji session

+     :type session: koji.ClientSession

+     :param koji_tag: Koji tag

+     :type koji_tag: str

+     :param desired_pkgs: list of packages to keep

+     :type desired_pkgs: set

+     :return: list of NVRs of builds that should be deleted from tag,

+         or None if an error occurred

+     :rtype: set

+     """

+     print(

+         "Identifying undesirable builds in Koji tag {koji_tag}".format(

+             koji_tag=koji_tag

+         )

+     )


+     tag = session.getTag(koji_tag)

+     if not tag:

+         print("No such tag {}".format(koji_tag))

+         return None


+     undesired_builds = set()


+     # get all builds with tag

+     builds = session.listTagged(koji_tag)

+     num_current_builds = len(builds)


+     # if no current builds, none are undesired so return empty set

+     if num_current_builds == 0:

+         return undesired_builds


+     for binfo in builds:

+         pkg = binfo["package_name"]

+         nvr = binfo["nvr"]


+         logger.debug("Found build of package {} with nvr {}".format(pkg, nvr))


+         if pkg not in desired_pkgs:

+             logger.debug("PACKAGE BUILD {} NEEDS TO BE REMOVED FROM TAG".format(nvr))


+             undesired_builds.add(nvr)


+     num_undesired_builds = len(undesired_builds)

+     undesired_ratio = num_undesired_builds / num_current_builds


+     print(

+         "Koji tag {} currently has {} builds, {} ({:.2%}) of which are undesired".format(

+             koji_tag,

+             num_current_builds,

+             num_undesired_builds,

+             undesired_ratio

+         )

+     )


+     if undesired_ratio > FORCE_THRESHOLD:

+         print(

+             "WARNING: Undesired build ratio is above safety threshold"

+             " ({:.2%})".format(FORCE_THRESHOLD)

+         )

+         if force:

+             print("--force option has been set. Proceeding.")

+         else:

+             print(

+                 "Use --force option if you wish to proceed despite this warning.",

+                 file=sys.stderr

+             )

+             return None


+     return undesired_builds



+ def untag_builds(session, koji_tag, dry_run, builds):

+     """

+     Untag given list of builds from 'koji_tag'.


+     :param session: Koji session

+     :type session: koji.ClientSession

+     :param koji_tag: Koji tag

+     :type koji_tag: str

+     :param builds: list of builds to untag

+     :type desired_pkgs: set

+     """

+     with session.multicall() as m:

+         for nvr in sorted(builds):

+             if dry_run:

+                 print("Would have untagged {}".format(nvr))

+             else:

+                 print("Untagging {}".format(nvr))

+                 m.untagBuild(koji_tag, nvr)



+ @click.command()

+ @click.option("--debug",

+               is_flag=True,

+               help="Output a lot of debugging information",

+               show_default=True,

+               default=False)

+ @click.option("--dry-run",

+               is_flag=True,

+               help="Do a trial run without making any changes",

+               show_default=True,

+               default=False)

+ @click.option("--koji-url",

+               help="The root of the Koji XMLRPC API",

+               show_default=True,

+               default="https://koji.fedoraproject.org/kojihub")

+ @click.option("--koji-tag",

+               help="The Koji tag to trim",

+               show_default=True,

+               default="eln")

+ @click.option("--distro-url",

+               help="The top level of the content resolver",

+               show_default=True,

+               default="https://tiny.distro.builders")

+ @click.option("--distro-view",

+               help="The content resolver view",

+               show_default=True,

+               default="eln-and-buildroot")

+ @click.option("--arches", "--arch",

+               multiple=True,

+               help="The architectures to include",

+               show_default=True,

+               default=["aarch64", "armv7hl", "ppc64le", "s390x", "x86_64"])

+ @click.option("--force",

+               is_flag=True,

+               help=(

+                   "Force untagging even if removal ratio exceeds"

+                   " threshold ({:.2%})").format(FORCE_THRESHOLD),

+               show_default=True,

+               default=False)

+ def cli(dry_run, debug, koji_url, koji_tag, distro_url, distro_view, arches, force):

+     """

+     Automated removal of packages from koji tag that have been trimmed from

+     distribution.

+     """

+     if debug:

+         logging.basicConfig(format="%(asctime)s:%(levelname)s:%(name)s:%(message)s")

+         logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)

+         logger.debug("Debugging mode enabled")

+     else:

+         logging.basicConfig()


+     session = koji.ClientSession(koji_url)

+     try:

+         session.gssapi_login()

+     except:

+         print("ERROR: an authentication error has occurred", file=sys.stderr)

+     if not session.logged_in:

+         print(

+             "Unable to log in to Koji."

+             " Did you forget to run 'kinit fasname@FEDORAPROJECT.ORG'?",

+             file=sys.stderr

+         )

+         return


+     print(

+         "Downloading and merging desired {distro_view} sources"

+         " for arches: {arches}".format(

+             distro_view=distro_view, arches=", ".join(arches)

+         )

+     )

+     desired_pkgs = get_distro_packages(distro_url, distro_view, arches, logger=logger)


+     builds_to_untag = get_undesired_builds(session, koji_tag, desired_pkgs, force)

+     if not builds_to_untag:

+         print("No builds to untag")

+         return


+     logger.debug("Builds to untag: {}".format(builds_to_untag))


+     untag_builds(session, koji_tag, dry_run, builds_to_untag)



+ if __name__ == "__main__":

+     cli()

WARNING: I have not run this without the --dry-run option!

1 new commit added

  • Improvements:
3 years ago

I still haven't run it without the --dry-run option.

Nitpick: Please print this to stderr.

Also should be stderr, but I appreciate the humor in the message!

It's kind of a nitpick, but please use Python's logging facility. For consistency, you can follow the model of https://pagure.io/fedora-eln/eln-scripts/blob/main/f/find_eln_failures.py#_86

1 new commit added

  • Split get_distro_packages() into a separate library/script
3 years ago

3 new commits added

  • Address review feedback and improvement
  • Improvements:
  • Adding initial revision of untag-trimmed-builds.py
3 years ago

@sgallagh Thank you for the feedback. With my latest push, I believe I've addressed your comments in addition to splitting get_distro_packages() into a separate file that can be included as a library or run stand-alone.

Pull-Request has been merged by sgallagh

3 years ago