#6 update README and help messages
Merged 5 years ago by jibecfed. Opened 5 years ago by jibecfed.

file modified
+25 -52
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@ 

- # Docs Translation Prototype

+ # Fedora Docs internatialization


- This is a prototype of a multi-language Fedora Docs build pipeline. Work is tracked in [https://taiga.fedorainfracloud.org/project/asamalik-antora-for-docs/epic/1](https://taiga.fedorainfracloud.org/project/asamalik-antora-for-docs/epic/1).

+ This is a prototype of a multi-language Fedora Docs build pipeline. Work is tracked in [https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Jibecfed/fedoradoc-antora-localization](https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Jibecfed/fedoradoc-antora-localization).


- These scripts work with:

+ The internatialization work with:


- * Fedora Docs sources — sources of the docs in an adoc format.

- * Translation repos — [pagure.io/projects/fedora-l10n/*](https://pagure.io/projects/fedora-l10n/%2A) — repositories holding POT and PO files, acting as a bridge between the Fedora Docs site and translators. This way, translators can choose any workflow with a translation engine of their choice. The only requirement is that they need to work with POT and PO files.

- * Translated sources - [pagure.io/fedora-docs/translated-sources/](https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/translated-sources/) — all translated adoc files used to build the translated site.

+ * Fedora Docs sources — sources of the docs in an adoc format. For full list of these, see [https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/docs-fp-o](site.yml in docs-fp-o).

+ * Translation scripts — [https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/translations-scripts/](https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/translations-scripts/) — scripts to convert from adoc to pot and from pot to adoc. 

+ * Translation repos — [https://pagure.io/projects/fedora-l10n/*](https://pagure.io/projects/fedora-l10n/%2A) — repositories holding POT and PO files, acting as a bridge between the Fedora Docs site and translators. This way, translators can choose any workflow with a translation engine of their choice. The only requirement is that they need to work with POT and PO files.

+ * Translated sources — [https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/translated-sources/](https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/translated-sources/) — all translated adoc files used to build the translated site.


  ## How to run

@@ -18,61 +19,33 @@ 


  ### Submitting sources for translation


- The `all-src-to-pot.sh` holds a list of repositories to be translated.

+ The `buid.py` script will find list of repositories to be translated in the file site.yml from the the docs-fp-o repo.

  It clones all of the specified source repositories, all of the matching translation repos,

  and converts the English sources into POT files. The output of this script are local copies of the translation repos, updated with the newly generated POT files.


- It takes one argument — an absolute path to an empty directory to store the output.

+ It takes the following arguments :

+   --clone_sources {true,false}

+                         Should we clone/update sources or use local content?

+   --commit_l10n {true,false}

+                         Should we commit changes on l10n repos?

+   --commit_tsources {true,false}

+                         Should we commit translated sources?

+   --component COMPONENT

+                         Antora component to convert, all if unset


- First, create an empty directory for the output and run the script:

+ The `buid.py` script will create three folders:


- ```

- $ mkdir translation-repos

- $ ./all-src-to-pot.sh $(pwd)/translation-repos

- ```


- Now you have local copies of the translation repos under `./translation-repos`, with the updated POT files. The next step is to push the changes to each repo. Go to the directory, and list all the repos:


- ```

- $ cd translation-repos

- $ ls

- docs  fedora  fedora-install-guide  fedora-release-notes

- ```


- Then go to each repo, and push the changes. For example:


- ```

- $ cd docs

- $ git add .

- $ git commit -m "refresh POT files"

- $ git push

- $ cd ..

- ```


- Repeat this for each repo. And you're done.


- ### Retrieving the translated sources


- The `$ ./all-po-to-src.sh` holds a list of repositories to be translated and a list of target languages.

- The output is a local copy of the translated sources repo, updated with the newly generated adoc files.


- [See the structure of the translated sources](https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/design-documents/blob/master/f/po-pot-repo-structure.md).


- First, create a directory for the output and run the script:


- ```

- $ mkdir translated-sources

- $ ./all-po-to-src.sh $(pwd)/translated-sources

- ```

+ * $(pwd)/sources — Fedora Docs sources

+ * $(pwd)/l10n — Translation repos

+ * $(pwd)/translated-sources — Translated sources


- Now you have a local copy of the translated sources repo, right in `./translated-sources`. To push the changes:

+ ### Publish translated sources



  $ cd translated-sources

- $ git add .

- $ git commit -m "update translated source"

+ $ git add.

+ $ git commit -m "automatic update of translated content"

  $ git push

- $ cd ..



  ### Rebuilding the translated website
@@ -89,5 +62,5 @@ 

  $ ./preview.sh



- Now you should be able to see, for example, the French site, on [http://localhost:8080/fr-FR/](http://localhost:8080/fr-FR/).

+ Now you should be able to see, for example, the French site, on [http://localhost:8080/fr/](http://localhost:8080/fr/).


file modified
+48 -23
@@ -10,24 +10,24 @@ 


  import yaml


- COMMIT_CHANGES = 'false'



  def main():

      """Handle params"""




      parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(

-         description="Calls `./po-to-src.sh` for all source repos")

+         description="Calls `./src-to-pot.sh` and `./po-to-src.sh` for all source repos")

      parser.add_argument("--clone_sources", choices=['true', 'false'], required=True,

-                         help="Should we clone or update source or use cache?")

+                         help="Should we clone/update sources or use local content?")

      parser.add_argument("--commit_l10n", choices=['true', 'false'], required=True,

-                         help="Should we clone or update source or use cache?")

+                         help="Should we commit changes on l10n repos?")

+     parser.add_argument("--commit_tsources", choices=['true', 'false'], required=True,

+                         help="Should we commit translated sources?")

      parser.add_argument("--component", required=False,

-                         help="Antora component, all if unset")

+                         help="Antora component to convert, all if unset")

      args = parser.parse_args()


-     COMMIT_CHANGES = args.commit_l10n

      SELECTED_COMPONENT = args.component


      source_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + "/sources/"
@@ -44,6 +44,12 @@ 




+     if args.commit_l10n == "true":

+         commit_l10n_repos()


+     if args.commit_tsources == "true":

+         commit_translated_sources()


  def call_src_to_pot(url, branch='master', basedir='/', module="ROOT"):

      """Call src-to-ot.sh to convert english source (adoc) content to pot files"""

      print("call_src_to_pot: "+url +" b:"+ branch +" bd:"+ basedir +" m:"+ module)
@@ -56,10 +62,10 @@ 

      """Call po-to-src.sh to convert po files to translated sources (adoc)"""

      print("call_po_to_src: "+url +" b:"+ branch +" bd:"+ basedir +" m:"+ module)

      output = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + "/translated-sources/"

-     for lang in ['fr', 'cs', 'ja']:

-         subprocess.run(['./po-to-src.sh', "--src-branch", branch,

-                         "--src-basedir", basedir, "--module", module, lang, url,

-                         output], check=True)


+     subprocess.run(['./po-to-src.sh', "--src-branch", branch,

+                     "--src-basedir", basedir, "--module", module, url,

+                     output], check=True)


  def clone_source(doc_url, branch="master"):

      """Clone english sources in sources folder (update content if existing)"""
@@ -73,10 +79,11 @@ 


          subprocess.run(["git", "clone", "-b", branch, doc_url, repo_dir], check=True)


- def clone_l10n(url):

+ def clone_l10n(repo_name):

      """Clone localization repos in l10n folder (update content if existing)"""

-     print("* clone_l10n: " + url)

-     repo_name = url.rsplit('/', 1)[-1].replace('.git', '')

+     print("* clone_l10n: " + repo_name)


+     url = "https://pagure.io/fedora-l10n/" + repo_name

      repo_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + "/l10n/" + repo_name


      if os.path.exists(repo_dir):
@@ -98,16 +105,35 @@ 


          subprocess.run(["git", "clone", url, repo_dir], check=True)


- def commit_l10n(url):

-     """Commit and push changes of a localization repo"""

-     global COMMIT_CHANGES

+ def commit_translated_source():

+     """Commit translated sources"""

+     print("* commit_translated_source")

+     repo_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + "/translated-sources/"


-     if COMMIT_CHANGES != "true":

-         return

+     subprocess.run(['git', 'add', '.'], check=True, cwd=repo_dir)


+     subprocess.run(["git", "commit", "-m", "automatic update of translated content"],

+                    check=True, cwd=repo_dir)


+     subprocess.run(['git', 'push'], check=True, cwd=repo_dir)



+ def commit_l10n_repos():

+     """Commit and push changes of localization repositories"""


+     print("* commit_l10n_repos")

+     repo_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + "/l10n/"


+     # commit each folders of the l10n path

+     [commit_l10n(r) for r in next(os.walk(repo_dir))[1]]



+ def commit_l10n(repo_name):

+     """Commit and push changes of a localization repo"""


-     print("* commit_l10n: " + url)

+     print("* commit_l10n: " + repo_name)


-     repo_name = url.rsplit('/', 1)[-1].replace('.git', '')

+     url = "https://pagure.io/fedora-l10n/" + repo_name

      repo_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + "/l10n/" + repo_name


      subprocess.run(['git', 'add', '.'], check=True, cwd=repo_dir)
@@ -177,9 +203,8 @@ 

              target_repo_name = component


              target_repo_name = component + "-" + module

-         clone_l10n("https://pagure.io/fedora-l10n/"+target_repo_name)

+         clone_l10n(target_repo_name)

          call_src_to_pot(url=comp_dir, basedir=basedir, branch=branch, module=module)

-         commit_l10n("https://pagure.io/fedora-l10n/"+target_repo_name)

          call_po_to_src(url=comp_dir, basedir=basedir, branch=branch, module=module)


  def make_component_lists():

file modified
+76 -76
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ 

      echo "Arguments:"

      echo "  REPO_URL        Source repository URL."

      echo "  OUTPUT_DIR      Path to an output directory."

-     echo "  LOCALE          What language to work with. Such as 'fr-FR'."

      echo ""

      echo "Parametres:"

      echo "  Generic:"
@@ -51,16 +50,6 @@ 




- # Need LOCALE

- if [ "$1" != "" ]; then

-     language=$1

-     shift

- else

-     usage

-     echo "Please specify LOCALE, REPO_URL and TARGET_DIR"

-     exit 1

- fi


  # Need REPO_URL

  if [ "$1" != "" ]; then

@@ -98,6 +87,10 @@ 




+ echo "*****************"

+ echo "* po-to-src"

+ echo "*****************"


  tmp_english_src=$(mktemp -d)


  delete_tmp() {
@@ -204,76 +197,83 @@ 

  # Missing po for .adoc: the .adoc just get s copied


  # TODO: stretch idea: if the translations don't exist, I could just copy

- # the english sources over... this could simplify automation 


- #po_pot_module_dir="$output_dir/$po_pot_repo_name/pot/$version"

- po_pot_module_dir="$tmp_po_pot/po/$language/$version"

- output_module_dir="$output_dir/$language/$component/$version/modules/$module"


- # Make sure the language exists in the PO/POT repo

- # if [ ! -d "$tmp_po_pot/po/$language" ] ; then

- #     echo "Error. Locale $language doesn't exist in the PO/POT repo."

- #     delete_tmp

- #     exit 1

- # fi

+ # the english sources over... this could simplify automation


+ for lang_folder in "$tmp_po_pot/po/"* ; do

+     [[ -d "$lang_folder" ]] || break # if no result


+     language=$(basename $lang_folder)

+     echo "*****************"

+     echo "* LANG: $language"

+     echo "*****************"

+     #po_pot_module_dir="$output_dir/$po_pot_repo_name/pot/$version"

+     po_pot_module_dir="$tmp_po_pot/po/$language/$version"

+     output_module_dir="$output_dir/$language/$component/$version/modules/$module"


+     # Confert all .adoc files to .pot

+     pushd "$tmp_english_src/$src_basedir/modules/$module" > /dev/null || exit


+     for source_adoc_file in $(find . -name '*.adoc'); do

+         po_file="$po_pot_module_dir/$(dirname "$source_adoc_file")/$(basename -s .adoc "$source_adoc_file").po"

+         target_adoc_file="$output_module_dir/$(dirname "$source_adoc_file")/$(basename -s .adoc "$source_adoc_file").adoc"


+         format="asciidoc"

+         # nav.adoc is a bullet point list, it isn't really asciidoc

+         if [ "$(basename -s .adoc "$source_adoc_file")" = "nav" ] ; then

+             format="text"

+         fi


- # Confert all .adoc files to .pot

- pushd "$tmp_english_src/$src_basedir/modules/$module" > /dev/null || exit


- for source_adoc_file in $(find . -name '*.adoc'); do

-     po_file="$po_pot_module_dir/$(dirname "$source_adoc_file")/$(basename -s .adoc "$source_adoc_file").po"

-     target_adoc_file="$output_module_dir/$(dirname "$source_adoc_file")/$(basename -s .adoc "$source_adoc_file").adoc"

-     if [ -f "$po_file" ] ; then

-         # TODO: convert file

-         if ! po4a-translate \

-             --format asciidoc \

-             --master "$source_adoc_file" \

-             --master-charset "UTF-8" \

-             --po "$po_file" \

-             --localized "$target_adoc_file" \

-             --localized-charset "UTF-8" \

-             --keep 0

-         then

-             echo "Error converting a PO file: $po_file"

-             delete_tmp

-             exit 1

+         if [ -f "$po_file" ] ; then

+             # TODO: convert file

+             if ! po4a-translate \

+                 --format "$format" \

+                 --master "$source_adoc_file" \

+                 --master-charset "UTF-8" \

+                 --po "$po_file" \

+                 --localized "$target_adoc_file" \

+                 --localized-charset "UTF-8" \

+                 --keep 0

+             then

+                 echo "Error converting a PO file: $po_file"

+                 delete_tmp

+                 exit 1

+             fi

+         else

+             # "Warning: The following file is in the source, but not in the translations repo:"

+             mkdir -p "$(dirname "$target_adoc_file")"

+             cp "$source_adoc_file" "$target_adoc_file"


-     else

-         # "Warning: The following file is in the source, but not in the translations repo:"

-         mkdir -p "$(dirname "$target_adoc_file")"

-         cp "$source_adoc_file" "$target_adoc_file"

-     fi

- done

+     done


- popd > /dev/null || exit

+     popd > /dev/null || exit



- # Convert the antora.yml to antora.yml.pot

- # if this is the main module

- if [ "$module" = "ROOT" ]; then

-     pushd "$tmp_english_src/$src_basedir" > /dev/null || exit


-     source_antora_yml="$tmp_english_src/$src_basedir/antora.yml"

-     po_antora_yml="$tmp_po_pot/po/$language/$version/antora.yml.po"

-     target_antora_yml="$output_dir/$language/$component/$version/antora.yml"


-     if [ -f "$po_antora_yml" ] ; then

-         po4a-translate \

-             --format yaml \

-             --option keys="title" \

-             --master "$source_antora_yml" \

-             --master-charset "UTF-8" \

-             --po "$po_antora_yml" \

-             --localized "$target_antora_yml" \

-             --localized-charset "UTF-8" \

-             --keep 0

-     else

-         # "Warning: There should be an antora.yml.po, but there isn't."

-         mkdir -p "$(dirname "$target_antora_yml")"

-         cp "$source_antora_yml" "$target_antora_yml"

+     # Convert the antora.yml to antora.yml.pot

+     # if this is the main module

+     if [ "$module" = "ROOT" ]; then

+         pushd "$tmp_english_src/$src_basedir" > /dev/null || exit


+         source_antora_yml="$tmp_english_src/$src_basedir/antora.yml"

+         po_antora_yml="$tmp_po_pot/po/$language/$version/antora.yml.po"

+         target_antora_yml="$output_dir/$language/$component/$version/antora.yml"


+         if [ -f "$po_antora_yml" ] ; then

+             po4a-translate \

+                 --format yaml \

+                 --option keys="title" \

+                 --master "$source_antora_yml" \

+                 --master-charset "UTF-8" \

+                 --po "$po_antora_yml" \

+                 --localized "$target_antora_yml" \

+                 --localized-charset "UTF-8" \

+                 --keep 0

+         else

+             # "Warning: There should be an antora.yml.po, but there isn't."

+             mkdir -p "$(dirname "$target_antora_yml")"

+             cp "$source_antora_yml" "$target_antora_yml"

+         fi

+         popd > /dev/null || exit


-     popd > /dev/null || exit

- fi


+ done



file modified
+13 -2
@@ -214,10 +214,15 @@ 


      pot_file="$module_dir/$(dirname "$adoc_file")/$(basename -s .adoc "$adoc_file").pot"


+     format="asciidoc"

+     # nav.adoc is a bullet point list, it isn't really asciidoc

+     if [ "$(basename -s .adoc "$adoc_file")" = "nav" ] ; then

+         format="text"

+     fi

      # generate new POT files


      if ! po4a-gettextize \

-                 --format asciidoc \

+                 --format "$format" \

                  --master "$adoc_file" \

                  --master-charset "UTF-8" \

                  --localized-charset "UTF-8" \
@@ -262,8 +267,14 @@ 

          # po4a-updatepo would be angry otherwise

          sed -i 's/Content-Type: text\/plain; charset=CHARSET/Content-Type: text\/plain; charset=UTF-8/g' "$po_file"


+         format="asciidoc"

+         # nav.adoc is a bullet point list, it isn't really asciidoc

+         if [ "$(basename -s .adoc "$adoc_file")" = "nav" ] ; then

+             format="text"

+         fi


          if ! po4a-updatepo \

-                     --format asciidoc \

+                     --format "$format" \

                      --master "$adoc_file" \

                      --master-charset "UTF-8" \

                      --po "$po_file" ; then

no initial comment

3 new commits added

  • fix navigation issue
  • make po-to-src language agnostic
  • add translated-sources commit and moved commit_l10n
5 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by jibecfed

5 years ago