#754 Issue #658 Fedora Kinoite
Closed 2 years ago by pbokoc. Opened 2 years ago by couchfox.
fedora-docs/ couchfox/release-notes f35-658-fedora-kinoite  into  f35

@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ 

  *** xref:sysadmin/System_Utilities.adoc[System Utilities]

  *** xref:sysadmin/Printing_Scanning.adoc[Printing and Scanning]

  ** xref:desktop/Desktop_index.adoc[Desktop Users]

+ *** xref:desktop/Desktop.adoc[Desktop]

  ** xref:developers/Developers.adoc[Developers]

  *** xref:developers/Development_Tools.adoc[Development Tools]

  *** xref:developers/Development_Binutils.adoc[Binutils]

@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ 

+ include::{partialsdir}/entities.adoc[]


+ [[sect-desktop]]

+ = Desktop


+ [[fedora-kinoite]]

+ == Fedora Kinoite


+ Fedora Kinoite is an immutable desktop operating system featuring the KDE Plasma desktop. It is based on the same technologies as Fedora Silverblue (rpm-ostree, Flatpak, and podman) and created from official RPM packages from Fedora. Fedora Kinoite is to the Fedora KDE Spin what Fedora Silverblue is to Fedora Workstation.


+ Kinoite’s immutable design is intended to make it an excellent platform for containerized applications as well as container-based software development. Applications and containers are kept separate from the host system, improving stability and reliability.


+ More information, download links and documentation can be found at the link:++https://kinoite.fedoraproject.org/++[Fedora Kinoite website].

@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@ 



  = Notable changes for desktop users


+ This section lists changes in Fedora {PRODVER} relevant to desktop users.

+ Use the navigation tab on the left to view release notes for various fields of interest. 

\ No newline at end of file

PR for Issue #658.
- added desktop/Desktop.adoc
- added intro copy to Desktop_index.adoc
- added Kinoite section to Desktop.adoc
- updated nav.adoc

Thanks! Merged locally.

Pull-Request has been closed by pbokoc

2 years ago