#573 Issue 439 - Binutils 2.34
Closed 3 years ago by pbokoc. Opened 3 years ago by roypen.
fedora-docs/ roypen/release-notes iss439  into  f33

@@ -1,4 +1,28 @@ 




- = GNU Binutils


+ = GNU Binutils 2.34



+ Fedora 33 comes with GNU Binutils based on 2.34 release. This release brings a lot of bug fixes, improvements to the linker and assembler.


+ == New Features:



+ === The disassembler


+ The disassembler (objdump --disassemble) now has an option to generate ascii art thats show the arcs between that start and end points of control flow instructions.



+ === Debuginfod support


+ The binutils tools now have support for debuginfod.  Debuginfod is a HTTP service for distributing ELF/DWARF debugging information as well as source code.  The tools can now connect to debuginfod servers in order to download debug information about the files that they are processing.



+ === ELF format support


+ The assembler and linker now support the generation of ELF format files for the Z80 architecture.



+ See the link:https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/info-gnu/2020-02/msg00000.html[upstream release announcement] for more detailed information about this release.

rebased onto 8e31951

3 years ago

I don't know what exactly happened here but the PR shows up as "empty", as if the commits were already in upstream/f33 - but they aren't. It's not a big deal though, I still found them in your fork, so I'll grab them as a patch and apply them locally.

Pull-Request has been closed by pbokoc

3 years ago