#510 Add instructions on migrating pip packages from Python 3.7 to 3.8
Merged 4 years ago by pbokoc. Opened 4 years ago by pbokoc.
fedora-docs/ pbokoc/release-notes pip-migration  into  f32

@@ -42,3 +42,99 @@ 

  No specific release it yet targeted to remove the `python3-nose` package.


  Users and packagers of dependent packages are encouraged to switch to `python3-pytest` or `python3-nose2`.


+ == Notes on migrating user-installed pip packages


+ When you upgrade from Fedora 30 or 31 to Fedora 32, the main Python interpreter version changes from 3.7 to 3.8.

+ If you have any Python packages installed using `pip`, you must complete the following procedure to migrate them to the new version:


+ . Install the previously main Python version:

+ +

+ [source,bash]

+ ----

+ sudo dnf install python3.7

+ ----


+ . Get `pip` for the previously main Python version:

+ +

+ [source,bash]

+ ----

+ python3.7 -m ensurepip --user

+ ----


+ . Observe the installed packages:

+ +

+ [source,bash]

+ ----

+ python3.7 -m pip list

+ ----


+ . Save the list with specific versions:

+ +

+ [source,bash]

+ ----

+ python3.7 -m pip freeze > installed.txt

+ ----


+ . Install the same packages for the now default version:

+ +

+ [source,bash]

+ ----

+ python3 -m pip install --user -r installed.txt

+ ----


+ . Uninstall user-installed packages for 3.7; this ensures proper removal of files in `~/.local/bin`:

+ +

+ [source,bash]

+ ----

+ python3.7 -m pip uninstall $(python3.7 -m pip list --user | cut -d" " -f1)

+ ----


+ . Optionally, clean up the now empty directory structure:

+ +

+ [source,bash]

+ ----

+ rm -rf ~/.local/lib/python3.7/

+ ----


+ . Optionally, remove the unneeded Python version:

+ +

+ [source,bash]

+ ----

+ sudo dnf remove python3.7

+ ----


+ Additionally, if you have any `pip` packages installed using `sudo`, run the following commands _before running the final step above which removes `python3.7`_, or install it again temporarily:


+ . Get `pip` for the previously main Python version for `root`:

+ +

+ [source,bash]

+ ----

+ sudo python3.7 -m ensurepip

+ ----


+ . Observe the system-installed packages:

+ +

+ [source,bash]

+ ----

+ sudo python3.7 -m pip list

+ ----


+ . Uninstall installed packages for 3.7; this ensures proper removal of files in `/usr/local/bin`:

+ +

+ [source,bash]

+ ----

+ sudo python3.7 -m pip uninstall $(python3.7 -m pip list | cut -d" " -f1)

+ ----


+ . Optionally, clean up now empty directory structure:

+ +

+ [source,bash]

+ ----

+ sudo rm -rf /usr/local/lib*/python3.7/

+ ----



+ ====

+ If you followed the first procedure, the packages are already installed for your user account, which is the preferred option. Avoid using `sudo pip` in the future; these instructions are only intended to recover users who already used `sudo pip` in the past.

+ ====

Pull-Request has been merged by pbokoc

4 years ago