#405 WIP: Various release notes
Closed 5 years ago by pbokoc. Opened 5 years ago by mareksu.
fedora-docs/ mareksu/release-notes f31  into  f31

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  = Desktop


+ == Firefox now uses the Wayland back end in GNOME


+ In the GNOME Wayland session, Firefox now uses the native Wayland display back end by default. The benefits of the native Wayland back end are:


+ * Faster user interface

+ * Better support for HiDPI displays, respecting the desktop scale factor

+ * Smoother font rendering


+ This change affects Firefox only in the GNOME Wayland session. In all other environments, Firefox still uses the X11 or XWayland back end. This includes:


+ * The GNOME X11 session

+ * The KDE Plasma desktop environment, both the Wayland and X11 session

+ * All other Wayland or X11 desktop environments and window managers


+ Note that the Adobe Flash plug-in does not work in the Wayland back end.


+ If you need to use Adobe Flash or Firefox with the X11 back end on GNOME Wayland, install the `firefox-x11` package.



+ == Qt applications now use the Wayland back end on GNOME


+ Applications with a Qt user interface now use the native Wayland display back end in the GNOME Wayland session. Qt applications in other Wayland environments have already used the native Wayland back end since the previous Fedora release.


+ The benefits of the native Wayland back end are:


+ * Faster user interface

+ * Better support for HiDPI displays, respecting the desktop scale factor

+ * Smoother font rendering



+ == Xfce has been updated to 4.14


+ The Xfce desktop environment has been updated to the latest upstream version, 4.14.


+ The changes in this release include:


+ * The desktop environment has been ported to the GTK 3 toolkit. GTK 3 applications are now better integrated in Xfce.


+ * The `xfwm4` window manager now supports HiDPI displays and the VSync feature.


+ * The Xfce settings provide a new dialog for managing color profiles. This enables color-managed printing and scanning and monitor color profiles.


+ * The display settings now support saving and restoring multi-display configurations.


+ * The session manager now supports hybrid sleep.


+ * The notification service can now log notifications, and supports Do Not Disturb mode.


+ * A new screensaver integrated with Xfce has been introduced. The screensaver replaces the XScreenSaver application.


+ For a more complete list of news in this release, see link:https://xfce.org/about/news/?post=1565568000[].



+ == Noto fonts are now variable by default


+ The Noto font family is designed to cover all languages defined in the Unicode standard. It is currently the default font family for the Sinhala language in Fedora.


+ With this release, the Noto fonts switch to using the variable version by default. Variable fonts encode multiple font variations in a single OpenType font (OTF) file. As a result, the variable fonts have the following advantages:


+ * They significantly save disk space.

+ * They enable applications that support OTF to provide font variation options in the user interface.


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  = C


+ == glibc has been updated to 2.30


+ The GNU C Library (`glibc`) has been updated to version 2.30. This version provides:


+ * Unicode 12.1.0 support for character encoding, character type information, and transliteration

+ * New C functions:

+ ** `twalk_r`

+ ** `getdents64`

+ ** `gettid`

+ ** `tgkill`

+ ** `pthread_cond_clockwait`

+ ** `pthread_mutex_clocklock`

+ ** `pthread_rwlock_clockrdlock`

+ ** `pthread_rwlock_clockwrlock`

+ ** `sem_clockwait`

+ * Security fixes

+ * Bug fixes

+ * Improved performance

+ * Improved compliance with the Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) standard

+ * New localizations


+ For the complete list of changes, see the `glibc` release notes: link:https://sourceware.org/git/?p=glibc.git;a=blob;f=NEWS;hb=release/2.30/master[].



+ == MinGW has been updated


+ The MinGW development environment and toolchain has been updated to the latest upstream version:


+ [options="header"]

+ |====

+ | Component | Updated version

+ | `mingw-gcc` | 9.1.0

+ | `mingw-w64-tools` | 6.0.0

+ | `mingw-winpthreads` | 6.0.0

+ | `mingw-crt` | 6.0.0

+ | `mingw-headers` | 6.0.0

+ | `mingw-binutils` | 2.32

+ |====


+ For more information, see the MinGW release notes: link:https://sourceforge.net/p/mingw-w64/mailman/message/36416777/[].


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  = Haskell


+ == The Haskell stack has been updated


+ This release updates the Haskell programming language stack:


+ * The Glasgow Haskell Compiler (GHC) updates from version 8.4 to 8.6.

+ * The Stackage platform updates from version 12 LTS to 13 LTS.


+ Additionally, Haskell documentation and profiling libraries are now provided by separate packages. As a result, you can now install a smaller Haskell development environment.


+ For more information about GHC 8.6, see the release notes: link:https://downloads.haskell.org/~ghc/8.6.5/docs/html/users_guide/8.6.1-notes.html[].


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  = Python


+ == Python 3.8 is now available


+ Version 3.8 of the Python programming language and interpreter is now available in Fedora. You can install it from the `python38` package.


+ Note that the Python stack still uses Python 3.7 by default.


+ Python 3.8 has also been released as an asynchronous update for Fedora 30 and 29.


+ For more information, see:


+ * An article describing how you can install multiple Python versions in Fedora: link:https://developer.fedoraproject.org/tech/languages/python/multiple-pythons.html[]


+ * The Python 3.8 release notes: link:https://docs.python.org/3.8/whatsnew/3.8.html[]


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  = Distribution-wide Changes


+ == Xfce installation image for 64-bit ARM


+ An installation image with the Xfce desktop environment is now available for the 64-bit ARM (AArch64) architecture. The image is useful for systems that do not support hardware graphics acceleration or for other low-performance systems.


+ The image currently supports the following 64-bit ARM devices:


+ * Pine64

+ * Raspberry Pi 3

+ * 96boards HiKey

+ * 96boards Dragonboard 410c


+ Additionally, Fedora continues to provide the following installation images for 64-bit ARM:


+ * Workstation

+ * Minimal

+ * Server


+ For more information, see link:https://arm.fedoraproject.org/[].



+ == You can now install minimal language support


+ This release introduces new packages that provide basic support for a given language. The packages are named `langpacks-core-__language_code__`, where __language_code__ is the short ISO code for the language, such as `es` for Spanish. The basic support includes:


+ * The `glibc` locale

+ * The default font

+ * The default input method if the language requires it


+ The basic localization set does _not_ include:


+ * Translations

+ * Additional fonts

+ * Spell checker dictionaries


+ The basic language support packages are useful for creating custom installations, for Spins, or for installing Fedora from a minimal image. You can add basic internationalization support for specific languages without pulling in additional translations and fonts that might not be required for each added language.


+ Full language support, including translations and additional fonts, continues to be available from the `langpacks-__language_code__` packages.



+ == Many Python 2 packages have been removed


+ The Python upstream will stop supporting Python 2 on 1 January 2020. For that reason, Fedora gradually removes Python 2 packages from the distribution.


+ In this release, Python 2 packages that met the following conditions have been removed:


+ * The packages contained only Python 2 libraries.


+ * No other package depended on these Python 2 packages.


+ Overall, 873 Python 2 packages have been removed.


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  = Security


+ == SSH no longer allows root password login


+ The OpenSSH server no longer allows the `root` user to remotely log into Fedora using a password. This change is consistent with the upstream OpenSSH project, which disabled the remote `root` password login in the 7.0 release. Previously, the remote `root` password login was a common target of attacks.


+ The `root` user can still remotely log in using a public SSH key.


+ The `/etc/ssh/sshd_config` configuration file now disables the `PermitRootLogin` option. If you upgrade to Fedora 31 on a system where you have made changes to the configuration file, the upgrade process preserves your configuration and creates the new configuration in `/etc/ssh/sshd_config.rpmnew`.


+ If you use the remote `root` password login in Kickstart or `cloud-init` scripts, Fedora recommends the following alternatives:


+ * Switch to public key authentication.

+ * Create a different administrative user.


In this PR, I'll be adding all release notes assigned to me.

1 new commit added

  • Added the Xfce release note; issue#354
5 years ago

1 new commit added

  • Added a release note for the Xfce ARM image; issue#370
5 years ago

2 new commits added

  • Fix requested by Parag Nemade
  • Fixes from a peer review by Jacob Valdez
5 years ago

1 new commit added

  • Added variable Noto fonts; Issue#374
5 years ago

1 new commit added

  • Added the Haskell update; Issue#373
5 years ago

Hi, everything seems fine except for one thing: please mark headings with == instead of . (e.g. == Firefox now uses the Wayland back end in GNOME); the latter doesn't seem to be styled at all in our UI bundle, so headings look like paragraph text and the whole page looks like a single giant release note.

1 new commit added

  • Added the Python 3.8 release note; Issue#310
5 years ago

1 new commit added

  • Updated the heading style in my release notes to match the project
5 years ago

1 new commit added

  • Added a release note on the Python 2 removal; Issue#314
5 years ago

1 new commit added

  • Added the release note on the disabled root password login in SSH; Issue#351
5 years ago

1 new commit added

  • Added the release note for the glibc update; Issue#355
5 years ago

1 new commit added

  • Added the MinGW release note; Issue#345
5 years ago

1 new commit added

  • Moved the glibc release note to development and applied the review; Issue#355
5 years ago

1 new commit added

  • Changed the link in the MinGW release notes due to certificate issues; Issue#345
5 years ago

Just so I get links, this fixes #354, #370, #374, #373, #310, #314, #351, #355, #345, #301, #367, #365. Thanks a ton!

Merged manually due to conflicts.

Pull-Request has been closed by pbokoc

5 years ago