#243 195 - CJK Default Fonts To Noto
Merged 5 years ago by pbokoc. Opened 5 years ago by pbokoc.
fedora-docs/ pbokoc/release-notes f29  into  f29

@@ -11,3 +11,10 @@ 

  * The feature of typing Unicode code points is now separated from the feature of typing kbd:[Ctrl+Shift+E] and kbd:[Ctrl+Shift+U] is assigned to type Unicode code poionts and both shortcut keys can be customized with `ibus-setup` utility.

  * This release now shows a pre-edit text when users type compose keys. _E.g. kbd:[Multi_key+apostrophe+E] shows the apostrophe "`'`" on the pre-edit at first and outputs "`é`"._

  * ibus-hangul 1.5.1 starts with Latin mode by default. This setting can be changed in setup dialog, or use toggle keys kbd:[Shift+space] and kbd:[Hangul] to switch the Hangul mode.


+ == Chinese, Japanese and Korean now use Noto font by default


+ In Fedora 29, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean (CJK) languages use the Google Noto font by default.

+ Each language has a sans-serif, serif, and monospace font from the Noto family.


+ Note that in order to suppress the increase in disk space requirements brought about by this change, all CJK fonts have also been unified into a single OpenType Collection format file per weight-variant.

Pull-Request has been merged by pbokoc

5 years ago