#677 Update modules/ROOT/pages/getting-started-guide.adoc -- Root section -- remove para 3
Merged a year ago by pboy. Opened a year ago by peartown.
fedora-docs/ peartown/quick-docs issue676  into  main

@@ -42,11 +42,16 @@ 


  === Root


- By default Linux creates the `root` user account. It is the highest level account on the system and is used for administration. It gives the user full permission to modify files, and start and stop critical programs (called processes) on the system. It is a security feature in Linux that limits normal user privileges only to those required for normal tasks.


- For security reasons, the root account is disabled by default on Fedora Workstation. Instead, the default user will be added to the group 'wheel'. Members of this group are able to acquire root permissions using the 'sudo' command. Whenever this user wants to make a system-wide change, such as stopping a fundamental program like the web server (httpd), the corresponding command is preceded by a sudo, e.g. `sudo systemctl stop httpd`. The sudo then asks for the password of the user, not of root.


- Always when making system-wide changes, such as installing new software or starting/stopping fundamental programs required by the operating system. The user is prompted for the root password 

+ By default Linux creates the `root` user account.

+ It is the highest level account on the system and is used for administration.

+ It gives the user full permission to modify files, and start and stop critical programs (called processes) on the system.

+ It is a security feature in Linux that limits normal user privileges only to those required for normal tasks.


+ For security reasons, the root account is disabled by default on Fedora Workstation.

+ Instead, the default user will be added to the group 'wheel'.

+ Members of this group are able to acquire root permissions using the 'sudo' command.

+ Whenever this user wants to make a system-wide change, such as stopping a fundamental program like the web server (httpd), the corresponding command is preceded by a sudo, e.g. `sudo systemctl stop httpd`.

+ The sudo then asks for the password of the user, not of root.


  === The command line/terminal


Switch of the locations of the 2nd and 3rd paragraph should improve the clarity of the given information.

A rather quick fix of fedora-docs/quick-docs#676.

As already commented in the issue: I propose just to delete the 3rd paragraph (starting with "Always when making ....") in den section Root.

I guess it is just a left over when introducing the switch to disabling root by default. The section no longer makes any sense at all.

1 new commit added

  • Understanding Linux -> Root section - second para removed
a year ago

Pull-Request has been merged by pboy

a year ago