#548 Add updated Installing from Source doc
Merged 2 years ago by pboy. Opened 2 years ago by alanbowman.
fedora-docs/ alanbowman/quick-docs 111-installing-from-source_branch  into  main

@@ -2,31 +2,39 @@ 

  = Booting the system using a configuration file on a different partition.


  If you end up in *GRUB2* boot prompt, it is also possible to boot using a _configfile_ that's located on another

- partition, as is often the case with multi-boot systems containing Ubuntu and Fedora. To boot the system using a configuration files on a different partition:

+ partition, as is often the case with multi-boot systems containing Ubuntu and Fedora. Follow the below procedure

+ if you need to boot from a configuration file on a different partition.




- . Load necessary modules to read the partitions.

+ . Load the necessary modules to read your system's partitions (you will also need to load `part_msdos` or `part_gpt`, depending on your partition table).

+ +

+ * For BTRFS filesystems:

+ +

+ ----

+ grub> insmod btrfs

+ ----

+ +

+ * For LVM filesystems:



- insmod part_msdos

- insmod xfs

- insmod lvm

+ grub> insmod xfs

+ grub> insmod lvm



- . Set the root partition.

+ . Set *GRUB2* root to your `/boot` partition. On UEFI systems, you should set *GRUB2* root to the EFI system partition.



- set root='hd0,msdos1'

+ grub> set root=(hd0,msdos1)



  . Set the path to the configuration file.



- configfile /grub2/grub.cfg

+ grub> configfile /grub2/grub.cfg



  .More information


- * The *hd0,msdos1* line shows the pertinent _boot_ partition, which holds the `grub.cfg` file. The setting may be different on your system. See also xref:using-grub2-prompt[Using the GRUB2 boot prompt] for more information.

+ * The *hd0,msdos1* line shows the pertinent `/boot` partition, which holds the `grub.cfg` file. The setting may be different on your system. See also xref:_using_the_grub2_boot_prompt[Using the GRUB2 boot prompt] for more information.


@@ -2,33 +2,10 @@ 

  = Installing additional desktop environments


  You can list available desktop environments using the default package manager, [code]`dnf`.

- In a terminal use the [code]`dnf grouplist` command to list all available package groups:

+ In a terminal use the [code]`dnf group list` command to list all available desktop environments:



- $ dnf grouplist -v

- Available Environment Groups:

-    Fedora Custom Operating System (custom-environment)

-    Minimal Install (minimal-environment)

-    Fedora Server Edition (server-product-environment)

-    Fedora Workstation (workstation-product-environment)

-    Fedora Cloud Server (cloud-server-environment)

-    KDE Plasma Workspaces (kde-desktop-environment)

-    Xfce Desktop (xfce-desktop-environment)

-    LXDE Desktop (lxde-desktop-environment)

-    LXQt Desktop (lxqt-desktop-environment)

-    Cinnamon Desktop (cinnamon-desktop-environment)

-    MATE Desktop (mate-desktop-environment)

-    Sugar Desktop Environment (sugar-desktop-environment)

-    Deepin Desktop (deepin-desktop-environment)

-    Development and Creative Workstation (developer-workstation-environment)

-    Web Server (web-server-environment)

-    Infrastructure Server (infrastructure-server-environment)

-    Basic Desktop (basic-desktop-environment)

-    i3 desktop (i3-desktop-environment)

- Available Groups:

-    3D Printing (3d-printing)

-    Administration Tools (admin-tools)

-    Audio Production (audio)

+ $ dnf group list --available *desktop




@@ -5,20 +5,126 @@ 


  = Finding and installing Linux applications


- include::{partialsdir}/unreviewed-message.adoc[]

+ The Fedora Linux ships with a graphical software manager to browse, test, install apps and update the installation. This article caters for users who prefer the use of graphical interface to command line interface. The process diverges depending on desktop environment.


- Many powerful software applications are available on the Linux operating system. You can find alternatives to most of the popular applications used on other systems.

+ == GNOME


- You can use the Fedora package management system to install applications. Many applications are available from the repository provided by the Fedora project. You can enable other repositories to get additional applications.

+ In GNOME desktop, Software helps you explore, install and update applications and system extensions.


- include::{partialsdir}/con_package-management-in-fedora.adoc[leveloffset=+1]

+ === How to use Software


- include::{partialsdir}/proc_package-searching-web-apps.adoc[leveloffset=+1]

+ To launch Software, press the Super key (next to left Alt key), type software, and press Enter key.


- include::{partialsdir}/proc_package-browsing-installing-software.adoc[leveloffset=+1]

+ Step through the numbered list and the number annotated on the image of GNOME Software.


- include::{partialsdir}/proc_package-install-command-line.adoc[leveloffset=+1]

+ ==== 1. Explore applications by categories


- include::{partialsdir}/proc_package-enabling-third-party.adoc[leveloffset=+1]

- ifdef::parent-context[:context: {parent-context}]

- ifndef::parent-context[:!context:]

+ All the featured apps will be shown on banner in the middle.


+ image::GNOME1_featured.png[GNOME Software]


+ Browse apps as categorized below and click a category that is of your interest.


+ * Use case: Create, Work, Play, Socialize, Learn, Develop

+ * Editor's choice


+ ==== 2. Search applications by name


+ If you know the name of apps to install, click the magnifying glass on the top left corner and type in the name of apps and press Enter key. GNOME Software will suggest a set of applications that match your search.


+ ==== 3. Check the software metadata


+ Once you click an app icon, Software presents screenshot of apps and overview.


+ Scroll down to examine version history, reviews and license details.


+ image::GNOME_SW3_metadata.png[SoftwareMetadata]


+ If an app has optional add-ons to install together with the app, they will be displayed as *Add-ons* before the software metadata section.


+ ==== 4. Installation


+ If you have checked the software metadata, scroll up to find and click the blue *Install* button on top right corner of software you selected.


+ Source (repository) is labelled as Fedora Linux (RPM) or Fedora Flatpak under the blue 'Install' or 'Open' button.


+ image::GNOME_SW2_Install.png[Installation]


+ ==== 5. Updates


+ To check system and app updates, go to updates tab and load updates.

+ If there are updates available, the blue download button will appear.


+ Click download and wait for the blue Restart & Update button. System updates require restart.


+ If you prefer automatic notification when there are updates available, enable automatic Updates in the hamburger menu on the top right corner.


+ ==== 6. Manage repositories


+ To enable or disable repositories, go to the hamburger menu on the top right corner and select Software Repositories. From there, you can toggle Fedora Flatpaks to explore more apps.


+ image::GNOME_SW6_repo.png[ManageRepository]


+ == KDE


+ In KDE Plasma desktop, Discover helps you explore, install and update applications and system extensions.


+ === How to use Discover


+ Before launching Discover, Kickoff Application Launcher (Kickoff in short) assists you to use the integrated search function.


+ Step through the numbered list and the number annotated on the image of KDE Plasma desktop and Discover.


+ ==== 1. Explore applications with Kickoff


+ To launch Kickoff, in the default configuration, press the Super key (next to left Alt key). Hover your mouse over installed apps as caterogized on the left pane. All the available apps will be shown on the right pane.


+ image::KDE1_KickoffCategory.png[LaunchKickoff]


+ If you look for an application that has not been installed yet, Kickoff will suggest a set of applications that match your search.


+ Get <application name>. Click the app to navigate to Discover, enabling you to installation.


+ image::KDE1_KickoffGetApp.png[LaunchDiscover]


+ ==== 2. Explore applications by categories


+ To launch Discover directly, press the Super key (next to left Alt key), type discover, and press Enter key.


+ Hover your mouse over available apps as caterogized on the left pane. Click a category that is of your interest. All the featured apps will be shown on the right pane.


+ image::KDE2_Discover_category.png[ViewByCategory]


+ ==== 3. Search applications by name


+ If you know the name of apps to install, type in the name of apps in the search window on the top left corner and press Enter key. Discover will suggest a set of applications that match your search.


+ ==== 4. Check the software metadata


+ Once you click an app icon, Discover presents screenshot of apps and overview, software metadata such as software version, reviews and license details.


+ image::KDE2_Discover_metadata.png[CheckMetadata]


+ ==== 5. Installation


+ If you have checked the software metadata, click the *Install* button on top right corner of software you selected.


+ ==== 6. Updates


+ Update notification will appear on status bar when updates become available. Click the notification to open Discover. Press “Update All” button on the top right corner. System updates require restart.


+ image::KDE6_Updates.png[InstallUpdates]


+ ==== 7. Manage repositories


+ To enable repositories, go to Settings in Discover. In case Flathub is required to explore more apps, click the Add Flathub button.


+ == More information


+ For latest improvements on functionality and look of graphical software manager, please check the upstream documentation on the link below.


+ GNOME Software: https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Software


+ KDE Discover: https://userbase.kde.org/Discover


+ To explore and install command-line apps, language libraries, packages, and development toolchain, refer to the DNF Command Reference: https://dnf.readthedocs.io/en/latest/command_ref.html 

\ No newline at end of file

Add a new version of the Installing from Source doc
Remove the old version from this branch

"..for the build" or "during the build" ?

Are we not supposed to keep the revdate and category tags nowadays?

Should this be "is available." ?

Good call out. I'll adjust this one and your other comment about the build.

Are we not supposed to keep the revdate and category tags nowadays?

No clue. I haven't found any direct guidance on this, and I don't see any consistency in the docs I've reviewed.

The original for this was 3 years old, so I wasn't sure what any of the front matter should be.

1 new commit added

  • Update from review
2 years ago

Are we not supposed to keep the revdate and category tags nowadays?

No clue. I haven't found any direct guidance on this, and I don't see any consistency in the docs I've reviewed.

The original for this was 3 years old, so I wasn't sure what any of the front matter should be.

Yes, there aren't many guidelines for Quick Docs. I think pboy is working on it, afaik.

Regarding the revdate, it was mentioned here: discussion

Regarding the review, it's a +1 from me. Nice work!

Are we not supposed to keep the revdate and category tags nowadays?

No clue. I haven't found any direct guidance on this, and I don't see any consistency in the docs I've reviewed.

The original for this was 3 years old, so I wasn't sure what any of the front matter should be.

Yes, there aren't many guidelines for Quick Docs. I think pboy is working on it, afaik.

Regarding the revdate, it was mentioned here: discussion

Regarding the review, it's a +1 from me. Nice work!

I read through the discussion on the revdate, but it doesn't look like anything was decided.

I'll leave the doc as it is for now, and if there is a consensus on the front matter I'll add it.

Thanks for the review and feedback.

rebased onto 275bc3c

2 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by pboy

2 years ago