#427 add new section about remove-retired-packages
Merged 2 years ago by ankursinha. Opened 2 years ago by msuchy.
fedora-docs/ msuchy/quick-docs master  into  master

@@ -117,6 +117,21 @@ 


  If you use `rpmconf` to upgrade the system configuration files supplied with the upgraded packages then some configuration files may change. After the upgrade you should verify `/etc/ssh/sshd_config`, `/etc/nsswitch.conf`, `/etc/ntp.conf` and others are expected. For example, if OpenSSH is upgraded then `sshd_config` reverts to the default package configuration. The default package configuration *does not* enable public key authentication, and allows password authentication.


+ [[sect-clean-up-retired-packages]]

+ === Clean-up retired package


+ Every release Fedora retires a few packages. There are various reasons:

+ the package become obsoleted, dead upstream or maintainer stepped down.

+ Fedora no longer distribute these packages, but they are still present

+ at your systems. You will never receive upgrades. Not even security ones.

+ It is highly recommend to remove these packages.


+ [source,bash]

+ ----

+ sudo dnf install remove-retired-packages

+ remove-retired-packages

just curious: does remove-retired-packages not need to be run using sudo?

+ ----



  === Clean-up old packages


just curious: does remove-retired-packages not need to be run using sudo?

Metadata Update from @ankursinha:
- Request assigned

2 years ago

Metadata Update from @ankursinha:
- Pull-request tagged with: needs committer review

2 years ago

just curious: does remove-retired-packages not need to be run using sudo?

No. The sudo has been called inside the script
And it is called only when there is actually something to be removed.

Ah, I ran it and it asks for super user access. So I guess it doesn't need to be run with sudo initially. Looks good then, merging :thumbsup:

Pull-Request has been merged by ankursinha

2 years ago

Thanks for your contribution, @msuchy . I've also added you to the committers group now, so you can also review PRs etc. and push improvements directly when a PR isn't warranted.