#34 Fix formatting of create-gpg-keys.adoc
Closed 6 years ago by bex. Opened 6 years ago by mayorga.
fedora-docs/ mayorga/quick-docs conversion_fixes  into  master

file modified
+1 -1
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      File: build-custom-kernel

    - Name: Bumblebee

      File: bumblebee

-   - Name: (FIX ME!) Creating GPG Keys

+   - Name: Creating GPG Keys

      File: create-gpg-keys

    - Name: (FIX ME!) How to create a GNU Hello RPM package

      File: create-hello-world-rpm

file modified
+36 -395
@@ -1,425 +1,66 @@ 

- = Creating GPG Keys


- '''



- ======


- This page was automatically converted from https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Creating_GPG_Keys


- It is probably


- * Badly formatted

- * Missing graphics and tables that do not convert well from mediawiki

- * Out-of-date

- * In need of other love


- Pull requests accepted at https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/quick-docs


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- Once the document is live, go to the original wiki page and replace its text

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- ....

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- ....


- ======

+ :experimental:


- '''



- This page explains in detail how to obtain a GPG key using common Fedora

- utilities. It also provides information on managing your key as a Fedora

- contributor.

+ This document explains in detail how to obtain a GPG key using common Fedora utilities.

+ It also provides information on managing your key as a Fedora contributor.



- Creating GPG Keys

- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


- [[creating-gpg-keys-using-the-gnome-desktop]]

- Creating GPG Keys Using the GNOME Desktop

- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


- Install the *Seahorse* utility, which makes GPG key management easier.

- From the main menu, select _Applications > Add/Remove Software_. Select

- the _Search_ tab and enter the name _seahorse_. Select the checkbox next

- to the _seahorse_ package and select _Apply_ to add the software. You

- can also install *Seahorse* using the command line with the command

- `su -c "yum install seahorse"`.


- To create a key, go the the Activities overview and select _Passwords

- and Encryption Keys_, which starts the application *Seahorse*.


- From the _File_ menu select _New..._ then _PGP Key_ then click

- _Continue_. Type your full name, email address, and an optional comment

- describing who you are (e.g.: John C. Smith, jsmith@example.com, The

- Man). Click _Create_. A dialog is displayed asking for a passphrase for

- the key. Choose a passphrase that is strong but also easy to remember.

- Click _OK_ and the key is created.


- To find your GPG key ID click on the _My Personal Keys_ tab and look in

- the _Key ID_ column next to the newly created key. In most cases, if you

- are asked for the key ID, you should prepend "0x" to the key ID, as in

- "0x6789ABCD".


- Now you should link:#BackupGNOME[ make a backup] of your private key.


- [[creating-gpg-keys-using-the-kde-desktop]]

- Creating GPG Keys Using the KDE Desktop

- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


- Start the *KGpg* program from the main menu by selecting _Utilities >

- PIM > KGpg_. If you have never used *KGpg* before, the program walks you

- through the process of creating your own GPG keypair.


- A dialog box appears prompting you to create a new key pair. Enter your

- name, email address, and an optional comment. You can also choose an

- expiration time for your key, as well as the key strength (number of

- bits) and algorithms. The next dialog box prompts you for your

- passphrase. At this point, your key appears in the main *KGpg* window.


- To find your GPG key ID, look in the _Key ID_ column next to the newly

- created key. In most cases, if you are asked for the key ID, you should

- prepend "0x" to the key ID, as in "0x6789ABCD".


- Now you should link:#BackupKDE[ make a backup] of your private key.


- [[creating-gpg-keys-using-the-command-line]]

- Creating GPG Keys Using the Command Line

- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


- Use the following shell command:


- ....

- gpg2 --full-gen-key

- ....


- This command generates a key pair that consists of a public and a

- private key. Other people use your public key to authenticate and/or

- decrypt your communications. Distribute your *public* key as widely as

- possible, especially to people who you know will want to receive

- authentic communications from you, such as a mailing list. The Fedora

- Documentation Project, for example, asks participants to include a GPG

- public key in their link:DocsProject/SelfIntroduction[

- self-introduction] .


- A series of prompts directs you through the process. Press the *Enter*

- key to assign a default value if desired. The first prompt asks you to

- select what kind of key you prefer:


- ....

- Please select what kind of key you want:

-    (1) RSA and RSA (default)

-    (2) DSA and Elgamal

-    (3) DSA (sign only)

-    (4) RSA (sign only)

- Your selection? 

- ....


- In almost all cases, the default is the correct choice. A RSA/RSA key

- allows you not only to sign communications, but also to encrypt files.


- Next, choose the key size:


- ....

- RSA keys may be between 1024 and 4096 bits long.  Larger is  almost  always recommended here, however your use case and  security models may dictate otherwise.

- What keysize do you want? (2048) 

- ....


- Again, the default is sufficient for almost all users, and represents an

- _extremely_ strong level of security.


- Next, choose when the key will expire. It is a good idea to choose an

- expiration date instead of using the default, which is _none._ If, for

- example, the email address on the key becomes invalid, an expiration

- date will remind others to stop using that public key.


- ....

- Please specify how long the key should be valid.

-          0 = key does not expire

-       <n>  = key expires in n days

-       <n>w = key expires in n weeks

-       <n>m = key expires in n months

-       <n>y = key expires in n years

- Key is valid for? (0) 

- ....


- Entering a value of `1y`, for example, makes the key valid for one year.

- (You may change this expiration date after the key is generated, if you

- change your mind.)


- Before the `gpg` program asks for signature information, the following

- prompt appears:


- ....

- Is this correct (y/n)?

- ....


- Enter `y` to finish the process.


- Next, enter your name and email address. _Remember this process is about

- authenticating you as a real individual._ For this reason, include your

- _real name_. Do not use aliases or handles, since these disguise or

- obfuscate your identity.


- Enter your real email address for your GPG key. If you choose a bogus

- email address, it will be more difficult for others to find your public

- key. This makes authenticating your communications difficult. If you are

- using this GPG key for link:DocsProject/SelfIntroduction[

- self-introduction] on a mailing list, for example, enter the email

- address you use on that list.


- Use the comment field to include aliases or other information. (Some

- people use different keys for different purposes and identify each key

- with a comment, such as "Office" or "Open Source Projects.")


- At the confirmation prompt, enter the letter *O* to continue if all

- entries are correct, or use the other options to fix any problems.


- Finally, enter a passphrase for your secret key. The `gpg` program asks

- you to enter your passphrase twice to ensure you made no typing errors.


- Finally, `gpg` generates random data to make your key as unique as

- possible. Move your mouse, type random keys, or perform other tasks on

- the system during this step to speed up the process. Once this step is

- finished, your keys are complete and ready to use:


- ....

- pub  1024D/1B2AFA1C 2005-03-31 John Q. Doe (Fedora Docs Project) <jqdoe@example.com>

- Key fingerprint = 117C FE83 22EA B843 3E86  6486 4320 545E 1B2A FA1C

- sub  1024g/CEA4B22E 2005-03-31 [expires: 2006-03-31] 

- ....


- The key fingerprint is a shorthand "signature" for your key. It allows

- you to confirm to others that they have received your actual public key

- without any tampering. You do not need to write this fingerprint down.

- To display the fingerprint at any time, use this command, substituting

- your email address:

+ = Creating GPG Keys


- ....

- gpg2 --fingerprint jqdoe@example.com

- ....

+ include::en-US/modules/proc_creating-gpg-keys-gnome.adoc[leveloffset=+1]


- Your "GPG key ID" consists of 8 hex digits identifying the public key.

- In the example above, the GPG key ID is 1B2AFA1C. In most cases, if you

- are asked for the key ID, you should prepend "0x" to the key ID, as in

- "0x1B2AFA1C".

+ include::en-US/modules/proc_creating-gpg-keys-kde.adoc[leveloffset=+1]


- Now you should link:#BackupCLI[ make a backup] of your private key.

- Including your revocation keys for all active keys ( this allows your

- revoking keys in the event of lost passphrase of key compromise)

+ include::en-US/modules/proc_creating-gpg-keys-cli.adoc[leveloffset=+1]



- Making a Backup

- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


- [[making-a-key-backup-using-the-gnome-desktop]]

- Making a Key Backup Using the GNOME Desktop

- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


- Right-click your key and select _Properties_. Select the _Details_ tab,

- and _Export_, next to the _Export Complete Key_ label. Select a

- destination filename and click _Save_.


- Store the copy in a secure place, such as a locked container. Now you

- are ready to link:#ExportGNOME[ make your public key available to

- others] .

+ = Making a Backup


- [[making-a-key-backup-using-the-kde-desktop]]

- Making a Key Backup Using the KDE Desktop

- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

+ include::en-US/modules/proc_backup-gpg-keys-gnome.adoc[leveloffset=+1]


- Right-click your key and select _Export Secret Key_. At the confirmation

- dialog, click _Export_ to continue, then select a destination filename

- and click _Save_.

+ include::en-US/modules/proc_backup-gpg-keys-kde.adoc[leveloffset=+1]


- Store the copy in a secure place, such as a locked container. Now you

- are ready to link:#ExportKDE[ make your public key available to others]

- .


- [[making-a-key-backup-using-the-command-line]]

- Making a Key Backup Using the Command Line

- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


- Use the following command to make the backup, which you can then copy to

- a destination of your choice:


- ....

- gpg2 --export-secret-keys --armor jqdoe@example.com > jqdoe-privkey.asc

- ....


- Store the copy in a secure place, such as a locked container. Now you

- are ready to link:#ExportCLI[ make your public key available to others]

- .

+ include::en-US/modules/proc_backup-gpg-keys-cli.adoc[leveloffset=+1]



- Making Your Public Key Available

- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


- When you make your public key available to others, they can verify

- communications you sign, or send you encrypted communications if

- necessary. This procedure is also known as _exporting_.


- You should now export your key using link:#ExportGNOME[ GNOME] ,

- link:#ExportKDE[ KDE] , or the link:#ExportCLI[ command line] . You can

- also link:#ExportFile[ copy your key manually] to a file if you wish to

- email it to individuals or groups.


- [[exporting-a-gpg-key-using-the-gnome-desktop]]

- Exporting a GPG Key Using the GNOME Desktop

- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


- Export the key to a public keyserver where other project members can

- obtain it. Right-click the key and select _Sync and Publish Keys..._ (or

- in the seahorse menu bar click on the _Remote_ menu and select _Sync and

- Publish Keys..._). Click _Key Servers_, select

- _hkp://subkeys.pgp.net:11371_ in the _Publish Keys To_ combobox, click

- _Close_ and then _Sync_.


- You can now link:#Safeguarding[ read more about safeguarding your key]

- or use your browser to go back to a previous page.


- [[exporting-a-gpg-key-using-the-kde-desktop]]

- Exporting a GPG Key Using the KDE Desktop

- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

+ = Making Your Public Key Available


- After your key has been generated, you can export the key to a public

- keyserver by right-clicking on the key in the main window, and selecting

- _Export Public Keys_. From there you can export your public key to the

- clipboard, an ASCII file, to an email, or directly to a key server.

- Export your public key to the default key server.

+ When you make your public key available to others, they can verify communications you sign, or send you encrypted communications if necessary.

+ This procedure is also known as _exporting_.


- You can now link:#Safeguarding[ read more about safeguarding your key]

- or use your browser to go back to a previous page.

+ Now see <<exporting-gpg-keys-gnome>>, <<exporting-gpg-keys-kde>>, or the <<exporting-gpg-keys-cli>>.

+ See <<copying-public-gpg-keys-manually>> to a file if you wish to email it to individuals or groups.


- [[exporting-a-gpg-key-using-the-command-line]]

- Exporting a GPG Key Using the Command Line

- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

+ include::en-US/modules/proc_exporting-gpg-keys-gnome.adoc[leveloffset=+1]


- Use the following command to send your key to a public keyserver:

+ include::en-US/modules/proc_exporting-gpg-keys-kde.adoc[leveloffset=+1]


- ....

- gpg2 --send-key KEYNAME

- ....

+ include::en-US/modules/proc_exporting-gpg-keys-cli.adoc[leveloffset=+1]


- For _KEYNAME_, substitute the key ID or fingerprint of your primary

- keypair.


- This will send your key to the gnupg default key server

- (keys.gnupg.net), if you prefer another one use :


- ....

- gpg2 --keyserver hkp://pgp.mit.edu --send-key KEYNAME

- ....


- Replacing "pgp.mit.edu" with your server of choice.


- You can now link:#Safeguarding[ read more about safeguarding your key]

- or use your browser to go back to a previous page.


- [[copying-a-public-key-manually]]

- Copying a Public Key Manually

- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


- If you want to give or send a file copy of your key to someone, use this

- command to write it to an ASCII text file:


- ....

- gpg2 --export --armor jqdoe@example.com > jqdoe-pubkey.asc

- ....


- You can now link:#Safeguarding[ read more about safeguarding your key]

- or use your browser to go back to a previous page.

+ include::en-US/modules/proc_copying-public-gpg-keys-manually.adoc[leveloffset=+1]



- Safeguarding Your Secret Key

- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

+ = Safeguarding Your Secret Key


- Treat your secret key as you would any very important document or

- physical key. (Some people always keep their secret key on their person,

- either on magnetic or flash media.) If you lose your secret key, you

- will be unable to sign communications, or to open encrypted

- communications that were sent to you.

+ Treat your secret key as you would any very important document or physical key.

+ (Some people always keep their secret key on their person, either on magnetic or flash media.)

+ If you lose your secret key, you will be unable to sign communications, or to open encrypted communications that were sent to you.



- Hardware Token options

- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


- If you followed the above, you have a secret key which is just a regular

- file. A more secure model than keeping the key on disk is to use a

- hardware token.


- There are several options available on the market, for example the

- https://www.yubico.com/products/yubikey-hardware/yubikey4/[YubiKey].

- Look for a token which advertises OpenPGP support. See

- https://blog.josefsson.org/2014/06/23/offline-gnupg-master-key-and-subkeys-on-yubikey-neo-smartcard/[this

- blog entry] for how to create a key with offline backups, and use the

- token for online access.


- [[gpg-key-revocation]]

- GPG Key Revocation

- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


- When you revoke a key, you withdraw it from public use. _You should only

- have to do this if it is compromised or lost, or you forget the

- passphrase._


- [[generating-a-revocation-certificate]]

- Generating a Revocation Certificate

- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


- When you create the key pair you should also create a key revocation

- certificate. If you later issue the revocation certificate, it notifies

- others that the public key is not to be used. Users may still use a

- revoked public key to verify old signatures, but not encrypt messages.

- As long as you still have access to the private key, messages received

- previously may still be decrypted. If you forget the passphrase, you

- will not be able to decrypt messages encrypted to that key.


- ....

- gpg2 --output revoke.asc --gen-revoke KEYNAME

- ....


- If you do not use the `--output` flag, the certificate will print to

- standard output.


- For _KEYNAME_, substitute either the key ID of your primary keypair or

- any part of a user ID that identifies your keypair. Once you create the

- certificate (the `revoke.asc` file), you should protect it. If it is

- published by accident or through the malicious actions of others, the

- public key will become unusable. It is a good idea to write the

- revocation certificate to secure removable media or print out a hard

- copy for secure storage to maintain secrecy.


- [[revoking-a-key]]

- Revoking a key

- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


- ....

- gpg2 --import revoke.asc

- ....


- Once you locally revoke the key, you should send the revoked certificate

- to a keyserver, regardless of whether the key was originally issued in

- this way. Distribution through a server helps other users to quickly

- become aware the key has been compromised.

+ = Hardware Token options


- Export to a keyserver with the following command:

+ If you followed the above, you have a secret key which is just a regular file.

+ A more secure model than keeping the key on disk is to use a hardware token.


- ....

- gpg2 --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --send KEYNAME

- ....

+ There are several options available on the market, for example the https://www.yubico.com/products/yubikey-hardware/yubikey4/[YubiKey].

+ Look for a token which advertises OpenPGP support.

+ See https://blog.josefsson.org/2014/06/23/offline-gnupg-master-key-and-subkeys-on-yubikey-neo-smartcard/[this blog entry] for how to create a key with offline backups, and use the token for online access.


- For _KEYNAME_, substitute either the key ID of your primary keypair or

- any part of a user ID that identifies your keypair.

+ include::en-US/modules/proc_revoking-gpg-keys.adoc[]


- See the Using_GPG page for more ideas on using your new GPG keys.

+ = Additional resources


- Category:Informal_Documentation Category:Encryption

- '''

+ * http://www.gnupg.org/[GPG home page]

+ * http://www.gnupg.org/documentation/[Official GPG documentation]

+ * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public-key_cryptography[Wikipedia - Public Key Cryptography]


- See a typo, something missing or out of date, or anything else which can be

- improved? Edit this document at https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/quick-docs.

+ See a typo, something missing or out of date, or anything else which can be improved? Edit this document at https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/quick-docs[quick-docs's git repository].

@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ 

+ [[backup-gpg-keys-cli]]

+ = Making a Key Backup Using the Command Line


+  Use the following command to make the backup, which you can then copy to a destination of your choice:


+ ----

+ gpg2 --export-secret-keys --armor jqdoe@example.com > jqdoe-privkey.asc

+ ----


+ Store the copy in a secure place, such as a locked container.


+ See now <<exporting-gpg-keys-cli>>.

@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ 

+ [[backup-gpg-keys-gnome]]

+ = Making a Key Backup Using the GNOME Desktop


+ . Right-click your key and select _Properties_.


+ . Select the _Details_ tab, and _Export_, next to the _Export Complete Key_ label.


+ . Select a destination filename and click btn:[Save].


+ . Store the copy in a secure place, such as a locked container.


+ See now <<exporting-gpg-keys-gnome>>.

@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ 

+ [[backup-gpg-keys-kde]]

+ = Making a Key Backup Using the KDE Desktop


+ . Right-click your key and select _Export Secret Key_.


+ . Click btn:[Export] to continue at the confirmation dialog.


+ . Select a destination filename.


+ . Click btn:[Save].


+ Store the copy in a secure place, such as a locked container.

+ See <<exporting-gpg-keys-kde>>.

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ 

+ [[copying-public-gpg-keys-manually]]

+ = Copying a Public Key Manually


+ If you want to give or send a file copy of your key to someone, use this command to write it to an ASCII text file:


+ ----

+ gpg2 --export --armor jqdoe@example.com > jqdoe-pubkey.asc

+ ----


+ See now <<safeguarding-your-secret-key>>.

@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ 

+ [[creating-gpg-keys-cli]]

+ = Creating GPG Keys Using the Command Line


+ . Use the following shell command:

+ +

+ ----

+ gpg2 --full-gen-key

+ ----

+ +

+ This command generates a key pair that consists of a public and a private key.

+ Other people use your public key to authenticate and/or decrypt your communications.

+ Distribute your *public* key as widely as possible, especially to people who you know will want to receive authentic communications from you, such as a mailing list.

+ The Fedora Documentation Project, for example, asks participants to include a GPG public key in their link:DocsProject/SelfIntroduction[self-introduction].


+ . Press the kbd:[Enter] key to assign a default value if desired.

+ The first prompt asks you to select what kind of key you prefer:

+ +

+ ----

+ Please select what kind of key you want:

+    (1) RSA and RSA (default)

+    (2) DSA and Elgamal

+    (3) DSA (sign only)

+    (4) RSA (sign only)

+ Your selection?

+ ----

+ +

+ In almost all cases, the default is the correct choice.

+ A RSA/RSA key allows you not only to sign communications, but also to encrypt files.


+ . Choose the key size:

+ +

+ ----

+ RSA keys may be between 1024 and 4096 bits long.  Larger is  almost  always recommended here, however your use case and  security models may dictate otherwise.

+ What keysize do you want? (2048)

+ ----

+ +

+ Again, the default is sufficient for almost all users, and represents an _extremely_ strong level of security.


+ . Choose when the key will expire.

+ It is a good idea to choose an expiration date instead of using the default, which is _none._

+ If, for example, the email address on the key becomes invalid, an expiration date will remind others to stop using that public key.

+ +

+ ----

+ Please specify how long the key should be valid.

+          0 = key does not expire

+       <n>  = key expires in n days

+       <n>w = key expires in n weeks

+       <n>m = key expires in n months

+       <n>y = key expires in n years

+ Key is valid for? (0) 

+ ----

+ +

+ Entering a value of `1y`, for example, makes the key valid for one year.

+ (You may change this expiration date after the key is generated, if you change your mind.)

+ Before the `gpg2` program asks for signature information, the following prompt appears:

+ +

+ ----

+ Is this correct (y/n)?

+ ----

+ +

+ . Enter `y` to finish the process.


+ . Enter your name and email address.

+ _Remember this process is about authenticating you as a real individual._

+ For this reason, include your _real name_.

+ Do not use aliases or handles, since these disguise or obfuscate your identity.


+ . Enter your real email address for your GPG key.

+ If you choose a bogus email address, it will be more difficult for others to find your public key.

+ This makes authenticating your communications difficult.

+ If you are using this GPG key for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Introduce_yourself_to_the_Docs_Project[self-introduction] on a mailing list, for example, enter the email address you use on that list.


+ . Use the comment field to include aliases or other information.

+ (Some people use different keys for different purposes and identify each key with a comment, such as "Office" or "Open Source Projects.")


+ . Enter the letter `O` at the confirmation prompt to continue if all entries are correct, or use the other options to fix any problems.


+ . Enter a passphrase for your secret key.

+ The `gpg2` program asks you to enter your passphrase twice to ensure you made no typing errors.


+ Finally, `gpg2` generates random data to make your key as unique as possible.

+ Move your mouse, type random keys, or perform other tasks on the system during this step to speed up the process.

+ Once this step is finished, your keys are complete and ready to use:


+ ----

+ pub  1024D/1B2AFA1C 2005-03-31 John Q. Doe (Fedora Docs Project) <jqdoe@example.com>

+ Key fingerprint = 117C FE83 22EA B843 3E86  6486 4320 545E 1B2A FA1C

+ sub  1024g/CEA4B22E 2005-03-31 [expires: 2006-03-31] 

+ ----


+ The key fingerprint is a shorthand signature for your key.

+ It allows you to confirm to others that they have received your actual public key without any tampering.

+ You do not need to write this fingerprint down.

+ To display the fingerprint at any time, use this command, substituting your email address:


+ ----

+ gpg2 --fingerprint jqdoe@example.com

+ ----


+ Your _GPG key ID_ consists of 8 hex digits identifying the public key.

+ In the example above, the GPG key ID is `1B2AFA1C`.

+ In most cases, if you are asked for the key ID, you should prepend "0x" to the key ID, as in `0x1B2AFA1C`.


+ See now <<backup-gpg-keys-cli>>.

+ Make sure to back up your revocation keys for all active keys as this allows to revoke keys in the event of lost passphrase of key compromise.

@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ 

+ [[creating-gpg-keys-gnome]]

+ = Creating GPG Keys Using the GNOME Desktop


+ Install the Seahorse utility, which makes GPG key management easier.


+ . Select menu:Applications[Add/Remove Software].


+ . Select the _Search_ tab and enter the name `seahorse`.


+ . Select the checkbox next to the `seahorse` package and select _Apply_ to add the software.

+ You can also install Seahorse using the command line with the command `su -c "dnf install seahorse"`.


+ To create a key:


+ . Select menu:Activities[Passwords and Encryption Keys], which starts the application Seahorse.


+ . Select menu:File[New... > PGP Key].


+ . Click btn:[Continue].


+ . Type your full name, email address, and an optional comment describing who you are (e.g.: John C. Smith, jsmith@example.com, The Man).

+ . Click btn:[Create].


+ . Choose a passphrase that is strong but also easy to remember in the dialog that is displayed.


+ . Click btn:[OK] and the key is created.


+ See now <<backup-gpg-keys-gnome>>.

@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ 

+ [[creating-gpg-keys-kde]]

+ = Creating GPG Keys Using the KDE Desktop


+ . Start the KGpg program from the main menu by selecting menu:Utilities[PIM > KGpg].

+ If you have never used KGpg before, the program walks you through the process of creating your own GPG keypair.


+ . Enter your name, email address, and an optional comment in the dialog box that appears prompting you to create a new key pair.

+ You can also choose an expiration time for your key, as well as the key strength (number of bits) and algorithms.


+ . Enter your passphrase in the next dialog box.

+ At this point, your key appears in the main KGpg window.


+ To find your GPG key ID, look in the _Key ID_ column next to the newly created key.

+ In most cases, if you are asked for the key ID, you should prepend `0x` to the key ID, as in `0x6789ABCD`.


+ See now <<backup-gpg-keys-kde>>.

@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ 

+ [[exporting-gpg-keys-cli]]

+ = Exporting a GPG Key Using the Command Line


+ Use the following command to send your key to a public keyserver:


+ ----

+ gpg2 --send-key KEYNAME

+ ----


+ For `KEYNAME`, substitute the key ID or fingerprint of your primary keypair.

+ This will send your key to the gnupg default key server (keys.gnupg.net), if you prefer another one use:


+ ----

+ gpg2 --keyserver hkp://pgp.mit.edu --send-key KEYNAME

+ ----


+ Replacing `pgp.mit.edu` with your server of choice.


+ See now <<safeguarding-your-secret-key>>.

@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ 

+ [[exporting-gpg-keys-gnome]]

+ = Exporting a GPG Key Using the GNOME Desktop


+ . Right-click the key and select _Sync and Publish Keys...._


+ . Click _Key Servers_.


+ . Select _hkp://subkeys.pgp.net:11371_ in the _Publish Keys To_ combobox.


+ . Click btn:[Close].


+ . Click btn:[Sync].


+ See now <<safeguarding-your-secret-key>>.

@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ 

+ [[exporting-gpg keys-kde]]

+ = Exporting a GPG Key Using the KDE Desktop


+ After your key has been generated, you can export the key to a public keyserver by right-clicking on the key in the main window, and selecting _Export Public Keys._

+ From there you can export your public key to the clipboard, an ASCII file, to an email, or directly to a key server.

+ Export your public key to the default key server.


+ See now <<safeguarding-your-secret-key>>.

@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ 

+ [[revoking-gpg-keys]]

+ = GPG Key Revocation


+ When you revoke a key, you withdraw it from public use.

+ _You should only have to do this if it is compromised or lost, or you forget the passphrase._


+ [[generating-a-revocation-certificate]]

+ == Generating a Revocation Certificate


+ When you create the key pair you should also create a key revocation certificate.

+ If you later issue the revocation certificate, it notifies others that the public key is not to be used.

+ Users may still use a revoked public key to verify old signatures, but not encrypt messages.

+ As long as you still have access to the private key, messages received previously may still be decrypted.

+ If you forget the passphrase, you will not be able to decrypt messages encrypted to that key.


+ ----

+ gpg2 --output revoke.asc --gen-revoke KEYNAME

+ ----


+ If you do not use the `--output` flag, the certificate will print to standard output.


+ For `KEYNAME`, substitute either the key ID of your primary keypair or any part of a user ID that identifies your keypair.

+ Once you create the certificate (the `revoke.asc` file), you should protect it.

+ If it is published by accident or through the malicious actions of others, the public key will become unusable.

+ It is a good idea to write the revocation certificate to secure removable media or print out a hard copy for secure storage to maintain secrecy.


+ [[revoking-a-key]]

+ == Revoking a key


+ . Revoke the key locally:

+ +

+ ----

+ gpg2 --import revoke.asc

+ ----

+ +

+ Once you locally revoke the key, you must send the revoked certificate to a keyserver, regardless of whether the key was originally issued in this way.

+ Distribution through a server helps other users to quickly become aware the key has been compromised.


+ . Export to a keyserver with the following command:

+ +

+ ----

+ gpg2 --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --send KEYNAME

+ ----

+ +

+ For `KEYNAME`, substitute either the key ID of your primary keypair or any part of a user ID that identifies your keypair.

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