#330 Continuation of PR 311 with a fix
Merged 3 years ago by pbokoc. Opened 3 years ago by pbokoc.
fedora-docs/ pbokoc/quick-docs pr311  into  master

@@ -114,33 +114,33 @@ 

  `f<version>`. For example, to build a Fedora 28 kernel, you would first need

  to check out that branch with:


- 1. Check out the branch for which you would like to build a kernel (`master`

+ . Check out the branch for which you would like to build a kernel (`master`

     corresponds to Rawhide):

+ +

+ [source,bash]

+ ----

+ git checkout origin/f28

+ ----


-     [source,bash]

-     ----

-     git checkout origin/f28

-     ----


- 2. To avoid conflicts with existing kernels, you can set a custom buildid by

+ . To avoid conflicts with existing kernels, you can set a custom buildid by

     changing `# define buildid .local` to `%define buildid .<your_custom_id_here>`

     in `kernel.spec`.


- 3. Make whatever changes or customizations you need.


- 4. Build the RPMs:


-     [source,bash]

-     ----

-     fedpkg local

-     ----

+ . Make whatever changes or customizations you need.


- 5. Install the new kernel:

+ . Build the RPMs:

+ +

+ [source,bash]

+ ----

+ fedpkg local

+ ----


-     [source,bash]

-     ----

-     sudo dnf install --nogpgcheck ./x86_64/kernel-$version.rpm

-     ----

+ . Install the new kernel:

+ +

+ [source,bash]

+ ----

+ sudo dnf install --nogpgcheck ./x86_64/kernel-$version.rpm

+ ----



  === Building a non-debugging kernel

#311 fixed a problem with markup showing up in rendered docs due to wrong indentation, but didn't do it completely. This new PR adds another fix on top so the whole list renders correctly and Antora doesn't spit out warnings.

rebased onto 68c2da8

3 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by pbokoc

3 years ago