#130 Add the setopt argument to dnf system upgrade procedure
Merged 5 years ago by pbokoc. Opened 5 years ago by pbokoc.
fedora-docs/ pbokoc/quick-docs master  into  master

@@ -1,1 +1,3 @@ 


+ :NEXTVER: 30

+ :PREVVER: 28

@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@ 


  = DNF System Upgrade


+ :experimental:

+ include::{partialsdir}/attributes.adoc[]




  link:++https://github.com/rpm-software-management/dnf-plugin-system-upgrade++[`dnf-plugin-system-upgrade`] is a plugin for the xref:dnf.adoc[DNF] package manager and is used to upgrade your system to the current release of Fedora.
@@ -28,11 +31,8 @@ 

  . To update your Fedora release from the command-line do:






  sudo dnf upgrade --refresh




  and reboot your computer.
@@ -40,31 +40,46 @@ 

  . Install the dnf-plugin-system-upgrade package if it is not currently installed:






  sudo dnf install dnf-plugin-system-upgrade




- . Download the updated packages (replace N with the release version):

+ . Download the updated packages:

+ +

+ [source,bash,subs="attributes"]

+ ----

+ sudo dnf system-upgrade download --refresh --releasever={MAJOROSVER} --setopt='module_platform_id=platform:f{MAJOROSVER}'

+ ----

+ +

+ Change the `--releasever=` number if you want to upgrade to a different release.

+ Most people will want to upgrade to the latest stable release, which is `{MAJOROSVER}`, but in some cases, such as when you're currently running Fedora `27`, you may want to upgrade just to Fedora `28`.

+ You can also use `{NEXTVER}` to upgrade to a link:https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/Branched[Branched] release, or `rawhide` to upgrade to link:https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/Rawhide[Rawhide]. Note that neither of these two are stable releases.

+ +

+ The above also applies to the `module_platform_id=` value.

+ +

+ If you are upgrading to Rawhide, you will need to import the RPM GPG key for it.

+ This will be the highest numbered key version in `/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/`.

+ For example, if there is a Branched release that is `30`, then you should look for a `31`, and if there is currently no Branched release, it will be `30`:






- sudo dnf system-upgrade download --refresh --releasever=N


+ sudo rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora-31-primary



+ . If some of your packages have unsatisfied dependencies, the upgrade will refuse to continue until you run it again with an extra `--allowerasing` option.

+ This often happens with packages installed from third-party repositories for which an updated repositories hasn't been yet published.

+ Study the output very carefully and examine which packages are going to be removed.

+ None of them should be essential for system functionality, but some of them might be important for your productivity.

+ +

+ * In case of unsatisfied dependencies, you can sometimes see more details if you add `--best` option to the command line.

+ * If you want to remove/install some packages manually before running `dnf system-upgrade download` again, it is advisable to perform those operations with `--setopt=keepcache=1` dnf command line option.

+ Otherwise the whole package cache will be removed after your operation, and you will need to download all the packages once again.


  . Trigger the upgrade process. This will restart your machine into the upgrade process:






  sudo dnf system-upgrade reboot




  . Once the upgrade process to complete, your system will reboot into the updated release version of Fedora.
@@ -75,11 +90,8 @@ 

  These are some of the tasks you can do after a successful upgrade.






  This section is mainly intended for power users. If you are a general user who doesn't use the terminal daily, you may skip this section.




@@ -90,21 +102,15 @@ 

  You can search for these files, or use the `rpmconf` tool that simplifies this process. To install rpmconf, enter:






  dnf install rpmconf




  Once the install is complete enter:






  sudo rpmconf -a




  For more information you can refer to the man pages (`man rpmconf`).
@@ -115,11 +121,8 @@ 

  You can see a list of packages with broken dependencies by typing:






  sudo dnf repoquery --unsatisfied




  The list should be empty, but if this is not the case consider removing them as they are not likely to work.
@@ -127,11 +130,8 @@ 

  You can see duplicate packages (packages with multiple versions installed) with:






  sudo dnf repoquery --duplicated




  For packages from the official repositories, the latest version should be installed.
@@ -139,62 +139,44 @@ 

  To see a list of these packages do:






  sudo dnf list extras




  If you see a package you do not need, or use, you can remove it with:






  sudo dnf remove $(dnf repoquery --extras --exclude=kernel,kernel-\*)








  Run `sudo dnf update` first, as this list is only valid if you have a fully updated system.

  Otherwise, you will see a list of installed packages that are no longer in the repositories because an update is available.

  This list may also contain packages installed from third-party repositories who may not have updated their repositories.




  You can safely remove packages no longer in use with:






  sudo dnf autoremove








  DNF decides that a package is no longer needed if you haven't explicitly asked to install it and nothing else requires it.

  However, that doesn't mean that the package is not useful or that you don't use it.

  *Only remove what you are sure you don't need*.





  == Resolving Post-Upgrade Issues






  Only follow these steps if you encounter problems with your upgraded system.




@@ -205,11 +187,8 @@ 

  To rebuild the database, run:






  sudo rpm --rebuilddb




@@ -220,22 +199,16 @@ 

  This will attempt to make your installed packages the same version in your currently enabled repositories, even if it must downgrade some packages:






  sudo dnf distro-sync




  You can also use the `--allowerasing` option will remove packages with dependencies that can not be satisfied.

  Always review which packages will be removed before confirming this:






  sudo dnf distro-sync --allowerasing




@@ -246,11 +219,8 @@ 

  To relabel the entire system run:






  sudo touch /.autorelabel




  and reboot.
@@ -313,11 +283,8 @@ 

  When upgrading across multiple releases, you may need to import the GPG key for the release you want to update to. You can do this with:






  gpg --quiet --with-fingerprint /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora-N-primary




  (where N is the Fedora version.)

Adds the --setopt option to dnf system-upgrade in the upgrading procedure, plus some additional information that was in the Wiki but not the quick doc. Also uses attributes to ensure the command still makes sense in subsequent releases without us having to fix it manually.

@adamwill Hi, is this what you meant in #fedora-docs the other day? The command you mentioned is in modules/ROOT/pages/dnf-system-upgrade.adoc on line 39 and the
{attributes} are replaced to what you see in attributes.adoc.

Metadata Update from @ankursinha:
- Pull-request tagged with: improvement, needs committer review

5 years ago

rebased onto 43279ca

5 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by pbokoc

5 years ago

I didn't see this until just now, but for what it's worth, having to specify the setopt is a blocker for the F30 release. It should not be necessary once that fix is fully in place. See BZ 1688462.

Thanks @bcotton! I opened #132 for that. We'll revert this as soon as we know the option isn't needed any more.