#116 Added installing Skype on Fedora.
Merged 5 years ago by jflory7. Opened 5 years ago by alciregi.
Unknown source master  into  master

file modified
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@

  ** xref:configuring-ip-networking-with-nmcli.adoc[Configuring networking with NetworkManager CLI (nmcli)]

  ** xref:using-shared-system-certificates.adoc[Using shared system certificates]

  ** xref:installing-spotify.adoc[Installing Spotify on Fedora]

+ ** xref:installing-skype.adoc[Installing Skype on Fedora]

  ** xref:adding_user_to_sudoers_file.adoc[Adding a user to sudoers]

  ** xref:performing-administration-tasks-using-sudo.adoc[Performing administration tasks using sudo]

  ** xref:understanding-and-administering-systemd.adoc[Understanding and administering systemd]

@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@

+ ifdef::context[:parent-context: {context}]

+ :context: installing-skype


+ = Installing Skype on Fedora


+ include::{partialsdir}/3rdparty-message.adoc[]


+ link:https://www.skype.com/[Skype] is a cross-platform proprietary chat (text and video) application.


+ It also provides voice calls and desktop sharing. It uses a proprietary Internet telephony (VoIP) network called the Skype protocol.


+ == Installation


+ Please note: the latest versions of Skype work only on 64 bit architectures.


+ It is possible to install Skype on Fedora using these package methods.


+ * Using the RPM by Skype

+ * Using a Flatpak hosted by http://flathub.org[Flathub].


+ [installing-skype-from-3rd-party-repositories]

+ === Installing Skype using the Skype RPM repository


+ To install Skype using the Skype RPM repository:


+ . Add the Skype repository

+ +

+ ----

+ $ sudo curl -o /etc/yum.repos.d/skype-stable.repo https://repo.skype.com/rpm/stable/skype-stable.repo

+ ----


+ . Install Skype

+ +

+ ----

+ $ sudo dnf install skypeforlinux

+ ----


+ [install-skype-using-flatpak]

+ === Installing Skype using Flatpak


+ To install Skype using link:https://flatpak.org/index.html[Flatpak]:


+ . Install Flatpak using dnf:

+ +

+ ----

+ $ sudo dnf install -y flatpak

+ ----


+ . Install Skype using Flatpak:

+ +

+ ----

+ $ sudo flatpak install -y --from https://flathub.org/repo/appstream/com.skype.Client.flatpakref

+ ----


+ . To run Skype:

+ +

+ You should find a menu shortcut in your DE.

+ +

+ To run it from the command line:

+ +

+ ----

+ $ flatpak run com.skype.Client

+ ----


+ See a typo, something missing or out of date, or anything else which can be improved? Edit this document at https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/quick-docs.

Added "Installing Skype on Fedora" quick-doc.
I got "Installing Spotify" as a template.

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Pull-request tagged with: improvement
- Request assigned

5 years ago

@alciregi Super, looks great! Thanks for sticking through with this PR. :smile:

Merging! :clapper:

Pull-Request has been merged by jflory7

5 years ago